You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 332 No, that’s not it, are you providing forged evidence?

Chapter 332 No, that’s not it, are you providing forged evidence?

After Su Bai finished his statement and related lawsuit application, the atmosphere in the courtroom was very dull.

Why does it seem so bland?

Mainly lies in the defendants on all sides at the defendant's seat.

I actually don’t take this lawsuit too seriously.

If one or two departments are involved, in their view, the court may rule against them.

But this involves four relevant departments, one of which is an administrative department!

Even if the court wants them to lose the case, it must also consider the impact, right?


Even after losing the case, they can blame each other and not implement or advance the case.

Can the court still enforce it?

How can such a thing be enforced?

Let alone other things, it involves the administrative jurisdiction, if enforcement is carried out.

Even if the president of the court goes to enforce the law himself, he won't make this request, right?

Based on these considerations.

Therefore, the defendants participating in the trial this time are not too worried.


On the judgment seat.

Peng Guangliang briefly organized Su Bai's appeal application.

But seeing the attitude of the defendant, I couldn't help but frown.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly and said in my heart: "This case is difficult to handle!"

Then, after clarifying his thoughts, he looked at the plaintiff's seat and began to make relevant conclusions.

"The plaintiff's lawsuit application has been heard by the collegial bench."

"There are two points in the plaintiff's opinion."

"First: Apply to the defendant Dafa Supermarket for compensation and a public apology."

"Second: Apply to health, food inspection and other defendants to accuse them of inaction..."

"Does the plaintiff have any objection to the collegial panel's conclusion?"

Su Bai said: "The plaintiff has no objection."

"The plaintiff has no objection, based on the fact that this incident was caused by the sale of expired food in Dafa Supermarket, which caused food poisoning in many children."

"Does the defendant Dafa Supermarket have anything to say about the plaintiff's accusation?"

The presiding judge turned to look at the defendant's seat at Dafa Supermarket.

In this court hearing, as the general manager of Dahua Supermarket, Wang Hai specially participated in this trial in person.

And I found a top lawyer who handles litigation on this type of thing.

Wang Hai turned his attention to the lawyer he hired, Li Shulin.

Li Shulin is the sole agent for this case.

Generally speaking, lawyers have greater rights in civil cases than in criminal cases.

The voice that can be stated is also greater.

Facing the question from the presiding judge, Li Shulin looked at the materials and spoke slowly:

"Presiding Judge... We are willing to accept the compensation proposed by the plaintiff."

"The original incident in this case was indeed caused by Dafa Supermarket's lax supervision of expired food."

"This is our fault. We are willing to bear the medical compensation proposed by the plaintiff and provide a certain amount of compensation for mental losses."

Regarding this point, Li Shulin discussed this with Wang Hai after learning about the case.

The other party has full evidence, and Dafa Supermarket here will refuse to admit it.

Then it will not have any impact on the judgment of the case.

What the trial looks at is the evidence and relevant facts.

Not just talking or protesting can influence the final decision.

Protests also need to have relevant factual and legal basis.

So after Li Shulin and Wang Hai stated the relevant interests.

Wang Hai also accepted the fact that he was willing to compensate.

But he firmly disagrees with the public apology and other demands made.

In this regard, Li Shulin decided how to litigate this case after in-depth discussions with Wang Hai.

That is, medical compensation is allowed, but other aspects are not.

Li Shulin continued: "However... we are willing to compensate, but for the plaintiff's request for a public apology."

"We don't agree."

"Because a public apology affects our goodwill, the plaintiff cannot ask us to publicly apologize for this matter because our products have minor flaws."


"A public apology usually involves an infringement, such as damage to reputation or goodwill."

"The alleged food expiration and safety issues do not meet the standards of a public apology."

"So we applied to reject the plaintiff's proposal and we want to make a public apology for this matter."

Su Bai raised his hand, and after getting the consent of the presiding judge, he retorted:

"The public apology we emphasize refers to this case."

"Our client originally complained to Dafa Supermarket that the food had expired, causing food poisoning in children."

"And we promoted it to customers outside the Dafa Supermarket."

"Dahfa Supermarket accused our client Xiao Pingjun of telling rumors and made a public apology for this matter."

"Judging from the facts, what Xiao Pingjun said is not a rumor."

"But Dafa Supermarket accused our client, and what was infringed was our client's right to reputation."

"Legally, our client has the right to reputation. If he is violated, he has the right to demand a public apology from the offender."

"Instead of making a public apology for this matter as stated by the defendant Dafa Supermarket."

"On this point, I think the lawyer appointed by the defendant misunderstood what we meant."

Regarding the issue of reputation rights and public apology, Su Bai has already considered this.

A public apology only requires an apology to Xiao Pingjun.

Because apologizing for the Suppressor's statement has the same effect as apologizing for this incident.

Moreover, what the lawyer appointed by the defendant is indeed right.

If you simply follow the instructions of Dafa Supermarket and sell expired food, children will be poisoned.

From a legal perspective, the other party cannot be forced to apologize.

Facing Su Bai's statement and rebuttal, Li Shulin frowned slightly.

Judging from Su Bai's statement, this public apology also has some basis...

to be honest.…

Whether it's civil or criminal.

Generally speaking, certain certain facts are not easy to refute.

But Li Shulin was still fighting for relevant interests for Wang Hai.

"Dahfa Supermarket's refutation of the facts stated by Xiao Pingjun is to safeguard its goodwill."

"Subjectively, there is no malicious intention to harm Xiao Pingjun."

"And there was no intentional or spreading of rumours."

"In this regard, we are willing to provide a certain amount of compensation. Based on the issue of infringing on the reputation of others, the case should be judged based on the seriousness of the case."

"We are willing to apologize to Mr. Xiao Pingjun in private."

"But on the issue of public apology...our application was rejected."

After Su Bai listened to the speech of the lawyer appointed by the defendant, what should he say...

The difficulty of this case is not the accusation against Dafa Supermarket.

Because no matter what aspect of this case, there are facts and relevant evidence that Dafa Supermarket has infringed on the rights of others.

Application rejected.

That also requires the consent of the court, right?

Su Bai did not continue to refute, because he had already stated it clearly just now.

Next, we need to look at the judgment of the presiding judge.

On the bench, Peng Guangliang had already made relevant conclusions about the judgment against Dafa Supermarket.

Dafa Supermarket is mainly unwilling to make a public apology.

However, according to relevant laws and regulations, Dafa Supermarket is involved in relevant issues.


In this aspect, Peng Guangliang is inclined to the plaintiff's side, which is Su Bai's side.

Regarding the above defense, Peng Guangliang said:

"Does the lawyer appointed by Dafa Supermarket, the defendant, admit that Dafa Supermarket refuted the true situation described by Xiao Pingjun proposed by the plaintiff?"

"And spread to others the fact that the true situation described by Xiao Pingjun is a rumor?"

Li Shulin: "We admit that this is the case."

"Based on the above, let's now decide whether the defendant makes a public apology."

"The collegial panel believes that the defendant's behavior has had a considerable impact on the personal credibility of Xiao Pingjun, the plaintiff."

"The verdict is now that Dafa Supermarket needs to publicly apologize for the loss of credibility caused by Xiao Pingjun."

"Does the defendant have any objections to this point?" Li Shulin wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Su Bai:

"If the defendant has any objections, please use factual evidence and relevant legal basis to make a statement."

"If we look at other aspects, such as Dafa Supermarket's business reputation and related losses, this does not have any conflict with our party."

"Dafa Supermarket is responsible for food safety inspections, and the supermarket itself should be responsible for any adverse effects caused."

Li Shulin looked at Su Bai and frowned slightly. Wasn't this a deliberate message to the presiding judge?

"President, the plaintiff hired a lawyer to interrupt our statement in court!"

"It has seriously affected our defense thinking."

"Our application can allow the plaintiff's attorney to remain quiet and not to continue to interrupt our relevant statements."

In response to Li Shulin's request, Peng Guangliang sat on the bench and struck the hammer.

"Now I would like to remind the plaintiff's attorney not to interrupt the trial process."

Then, Peng Guangliang turned to Li Shulin and asked:

"According to the statement made by the lawyer appointed by the plaintiff just now, situations that have nothing to do with the legal and factual basis are not allowed to be brought up."

"Does the defendant Dafa Supermarket have anything else to make a statement?"

Li Shulin:….

Just now, he originally wanted to make a statement based on the operating conditions and actual situation of Dafa Supermarket.


Now the presiding judge used Su Bai's reminder to question him, and asked him if he had any objections...

From the facts and evidence, there is definitely no objection!

What other objections could there be?

Li Shulin said: "We have no other objections."

"Since the defendant Dafa Supermarket has no other objections, the current judgment is established."

"Let's move on to the next question."

While the presiding judge was speaking, Wang Hai had a hint of displeasure on his expression.

Li Shulin on the side saw this and said in a low voice: "Mr. Wang..."

"This kind of public apology will be judged by the court."

"However, in terms of implementation, we have many ways to evade it."

"In fact, it will not have any negative public opinion impact on Dafa Supermarket."

"Besides, I have already stated the relevant situation to Mr. Wang before."

"This is what we have agreed on before. Regarding the subsequent public apology, I will circumvent relevant laws and reduce the losses caused by Dafa Supermarket due to the public apology."

After hearing Li Shulin's words, Wang Hai's expression softened and he nodded slightly.

And the other side.

The trial is still continuing.

It’s just that the subsequent court hearing is relatively difficult.

The presiding judge Peng Guangliang also found it somewhat difficult.

how to say.…

Regarding the relevant judgment of Dafa Supermarket, because the plaintiff has conclusive factual evidence, there is no problem in the judgment.

But the remaining defendants...if they are found to have slacked off and failed to act.

The problems caused are very huge.

As the presiding judge, he must consider the relevant factors and other circumstances.

After pondering for nearly a minute, Peng Guangliang slowly spoke:

“Now please invite the defendant’s health, food supervision, industry and commerce and southern district administrative departments.”

"For the plaintiff, the appeal requested makes relevant statements."

After Peng Guangliang finished his statement, he asked the Food Supervision and Industrial and Commercial Administration to make relevant statements first.

These two defendants are the direct management departments of Dafa Supermarket.

to be honest.…

In a state of complete indifference, but as an executive branch.

A relevant attitude must also be adopted at court hearings.

This time, the four administrative departments also invited relevant lawyers.

The lawyer from the industrial and commercial department first made a relevant speech.

"presiding judge."

"We do not agree with this view raised by the plaintiff."

"First of all, when the plaintiff made a complaint, we responded accordingly."

"Relevant responses will be provided within five working days."

"And we also gave relevant replies and conducted relevant interviews with the manager of Dashang Supermarket."

"That's how we're going to deal with it temporarily."

"The plaintiff accuses us of inaction, but what is the reality?"

"Are you actually slacking off?"

“Isn’t making an appointment a relevant act and act?”

"From this point of view, the plaintiff's claim against us is entirely an act of omission in its subjective view."

"Rather than the actual reality."

“Based on the above, we believe that the plaintiff’s claim should be dismissed.”

After the lawyer appointed by the defendant made his statement, the presiding judge looked at Su Bai:

"Does the plaintiff have anything to say?"

"There is a presiding judge."

Su Bai raised his hand and said, "Presiding judge, we do not agree with the defendant's point of view."

"The defendant believes that interviewing the manager and person in charge of the supermarket is already an act."

"Then why has there been no resolution or progress on the actual situation?"

"In accordance with the Industrial and Commercial Administration Law, the Food Supervision Law and the Sanitation-Related Management Law."

"After receiving a complaint, a progress investigation on the relevant matters should be carried out within a certain period of time."

"And relevant penalties will be imposed."

"But in this case, there was such a big accident, and food poisoning is not a small matter."

"And it's young children involved."

“Shouldn’t it be more concerned and taken seriously?”

"I just interviewed the relevant person in charge and ordered them to make corrections. Does this comply with the relevant management laws?"

“Let’s start from the aspect of industrial and commercial administration and follow the Industrial and Commercial Administration Law.”

"If expired food is sold, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or seller that is more than ten times the price."

"After Xiao Pingjun submitted the relevant complaint, why was there no relevant handling of this matter?"

“Is it true that expired food is being sold?”

“Is it a reasonable request for consumers to demand compensation?”


"But if we only make an appointment with the person in charge, why can't we compensate according to the relevant legal provisions?"

“Isn’t this a case of slacking off?”

"Or do the relevant personnel think that it is wrong for Xiao Pingjun to file a complaint in accordance with the law and pursue his own legal rights?"

"Or, do you not take this matter seriously at all?"

"The right not to deal with it lies with the relevant personnel, but there is always the right to protect one's own rights as a consumer, right?"

"Why is the defendant unwilling to handle it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations? Can you give an explanation?"


"I would like to ask you about the most critical point. The defendant just entrusted a lawyer to state that he has interviewed the manager and relevant persons in charge of Dafa Supermarket."


"Is there any relevant evidence to substantiate the interview?"

"At what time did the interview take place?"

"Can the lawyer entrusted by the defendant produce relevant evidence?"

To be honest, Su Bai didn't really believe in the interview.

If an interview is actually conducted, it is very simple to punish him in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

There is no punishment, just an interview. What is the situation?

It is very likely that it is just a matter of words!

At this time, his entrusted lawyer actually produced relevant evidence from the trial.


Su Bai was stunned for a moment after seeing the evidence.


After reviewing the evidence repeatedly, it was confirmed.

Is this fake evidence? !

No, this trial won’t happen, right? .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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