Treasure Island 1992, starting from the Four Little Heavenly Kings

Chapter 439 Participating in "I Have a Date with a Zombie"

Hong Kong, ATV Television.

After Chen Qiming acquired ATV TV station at the beginning of the year, with the help of Chen Qiming's reputation, ATV began to gradually turn losses into profits this year.

However, after all, ATV has been suppressed by TVB for many years.

It is obviously impossible to turn defeat into victory in a short period of time.

Therefore, although ATV has a vibrant atmosphere this year, it is still far from becoming the number one TV station in Hong Kong.

In late April, after Chen Qiming ended the promotion of "Swapping Identities", he returned to Asia.

First, he attended the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.

Chen Qiming continued to do nothing at the Hong Kong Film Awards. He did not have any films released last year. He attended as a judge and award guest.

And the Golden Melody Award.

This has something to do with Chen Qiming.

Originally, according to the organizers of the Golden Melody Awards, Chen Qiming would not participate in the Golden Melody Awards this year.

But no way.

Chen Qiming is so popular.

The album "Chinese Style" has been sold for more than two months, and its total sales have reached 12 million copies.

This data not only became the fastest album to exceed 10 million in the Chinese music industry, but also broke many records created by Chen Qiming himself.

The songs on this album are also very popular among the fan base.

Fans who like these songs directly regard this album as the best album in recent years, better than Chen Qiming's other albums.

A large fanbase loved the album, sending it skyrocketing.

With the momentum of countless viewers, the organizers of the Golden Melody Awards simply did not dare not to shortlist Chen Qiming.

I dare not not award the award to Chen Qiming.

If they dare not award it, I am afraid that within two days, the reputation of the Golden Melody Awards as unprofessional will spread throughout Asia.

In order not to be questioned for the Golden Melody Award.

It is also to consolidate the Golden Melody Award’s current status as the number one award in the Chinese music industry.

Even if the organizers of the Golden Melody Awards did not want to award the award to Chen Qiming, they could only hold their noses and award several important awards to Chen Qiming such as Best Album, Best Male Singer and Best Composer.

After winning the Golden Melody Award for Best Singer again, Chen Qiming once again achieved a miracle.

He became the first person to win the Golden Melody Award for Best Singer five times in a row.

Let’s put it this way!

In terms of music awards.

Currently, Chen Qiming has become the most award-winning singer in the Chinese music industry.

And the awards he has won are not minor ones.

Chen Qiming has won the Golden Melody Award, the Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards, the Top Ten Best Songs, even the Japanese Gold Record, and even the Grammy, which is currently recognized as the world's number one music award.

After participating in the Academy Awards and Golden Melody Awards, Chen Qiming came to Hong Kong and began to make arrangements for ATV's work this year.

The first is the audition for "Era Idol".

This draft organized by ATV is huge.

The scope covers the whole of Asia.

Moreover, the timing of the draft was not as hasty as the previous Ming girls.

After all, this time it is a large-scale talent show led by a TV station and united with large agencies from several countries. There are too many things to consider and worry about.

For example, the personnel of major companies currently deciding to participate in this draft will ultimately decide how many people will be selected into the final team.

Another example is the training of all personnel and how to operate the group after it is formed. All aspects need to be prepared in advance.

Chen Qiming needs to personally participate in and lead these matters.

Except for the "Era Idol" audition.

ATV's TV drama production this year also requires Chen Qiming to participate.

Although after acquiring ATV, Chen Qiming has decided to cooperate with other TV drama production companies, with ATV investing and other companies producing.

But in addition to investment, ATV itself still needs to produce TV series.

After all, ATV itself has a very large production team.

It also has the largest actor talent pool in Hong Kong, second only to TVB.

Under such circumstances, it would be a waste if ATV did not produce TV series.

Therefore, ATV will still produce TV series this year.

Moreover, Chen Qiming has decided that this project must be focused on and strive to make this project an instant hit for ATV after it is released on ATV.

At the very least, people cannot think that Chen Qiming has done nothing since he took control of ATV.

As the first TV series that Chen Qiming participated in and focused on after taking charge of ATV, Chen Qiming thought about it and finally decided to shoot "Date with a Zombie", a TV series that allowed ATV to successfully surpass TVB and briefly occupy the number one TV station in Hong Kong. .

Moreover, in order to make this TV series more successful, Chen Qiming has decided that he will personally serve as the protagonist of this TV series.

With him as the male lead, this drama will naturally gain greater attention.

When the time comes, you may achieve better results than in your dreams.

In May, ATV announced that Chen Qiming would serve as the male lead of "A Date with a Zombie".

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted collective attention both inside and outside the circle.

Who is Chen Qiming?

The first person in the Chinese music scene.

International superstar.

Although he has only acted in one TV series "The Legend of White Snake" since his debut, it was only a supporting role.

But he has acted in many movies in recent years.

And almost all of these movies were huge successes.

As one of the most high-profile entities in the Chinese entertainment industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Chen Qiming sneezes, he can report it to the police.

Not to mention his unprecedented participation in a TV series as a movie giant.

After ATV released the news about Chen Qi's participation in the TV series, Chen Qiming immediately became the focus of the media and people in the industry.

Reporters squatted at the door of ATV every day and surrounded him as soon as they saw him, asking all kinds of questions one after another.

"Ming Tsai, you are currently one of the highest-paid actors in Hong Kong and Taiwan. After the movie "Swapping Identities" achieved great success in the global market, your salary has reached an astonishing eight million US dollars.

With such a high salary, most movies in Hong Kong and Taiwan cannot invite you to star in movies.

And the TV series is obviously not to mention.

What was the reason that made you lower yourself to act in a TV series? "

"Mingzai, what kind of movie is "My Date with a Zombie"?

Is it a reference to "Zombie Taoist Priest" starring Lin Zhengying?

Is ATV trying to replicate the success of "Zombie Taoist"? "


All kinds of noisy questions mixed together, turning the entrance of ATV into a vegetable market at this moment.

Chen Qiming stopped and answered two of the more interesting questions.

“My salary is indeed very high, and investment in ordinary TV dramas may not even be enough for my salary.

But "My Date with a Zombie" is not among them.

ATV plans to invest HK$70 million in this project, which will become the largest investment TV series in Hong Kong’s history.

As for talking about lowering your status to act on TV.

I don't think those who act in movies are superior to those who act in television. We are all actors, it’s just that we serve different people. "

What Chen Qiming said was true.

He does not think that movie actors are superior to TV drama actors.

To be honest, the acting skills of many movie actors may not be as good as those of TV drama actors!

The reason why it seems that movie fans are on a higher level than TV fans.

This is caused by the market and the actors themselves.


To be honest, it’s money.

In the past few years, TV dramas were generally produced by major television stations, such as TVB.

In order to maximize profits, TV stations are usually unwilling to pay TV drama actors too high salaries when they have a complete talent pool of actors.

The typical one is TVB.

In order to save money on opening, TVB specially opened actor training classes.

Then they arrange for these actors to film at ridiculously low salaries.

This model not only makes TVB a lot of money, but also allows other TV stations to imitate it.

All the major TV stations have a tacit agreement to pay low salaries. Gradually, the salaries of TV actors can only stay at the same level and cannot rise.

Acting in a movie is different. The salary for acting in a movie is evaluated based on your box office appeal and various aspects of your acting skills.

But regardless of whether you have box office appeal or not, as long as you are successful in the film industry.

The pay is definitely higher than acting in TV series.

People love money.

Movie actors earn high salaries, while TV drama actors earn low salaries.

Comparing the two, naturally, movie fans will be higher than TV drama fans.

But this is really only for actors.

In fact, for investors and audiences, movies and TV series are actually the same.

For investors, they may like investing in TV series more than investing in movies: definitely.

First of all, movies and TV series are both investments, and the rate of return is extremely high. For investors who pursue returns, there is no difference between them.

Moreover, the investment in TV series is generally less than that of movies, and the return rate is not inferior. Naturally, investors prefer TV series.

In addition, China's TV industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and many families have TV sets.

More people watch TV, which will naturally greatly help increase the potential of this industry.

This can be seen from the increasingly better development of the television industry in the past two years.

As far as Chen Qiming knows, many investors who originally invested in movies in Hong Kong turned around and invested in TV series after discovering that movies were not profitable.

In short, for Chen Qiming, TV series and movies are actually the same.

As long as he can make money, he's good.

""Zombie Taoist" is a very classic work, and I have watched it myself.

Mr. Lam Ching-ying is worthy of being the master of zombie films in Hong Kong. He is a legend.

However, "A Date with a Zombie" is different from traditional zombie movies.

Our film has added many more novel settings.

In short, everyone can pay attention to this TV series, I believe it will not disappoint everyone. "

When it comes to zombie movies, Lin Zhengying is definitely a topic that cannot be avoided.

Since the hit "Mr. Zombie" starring Lin Ching-ying in 1986, this movie genre has become a pivotal genre in Hong Kong movies.

Unfortunately, Hong Kong has seriously followed suit.

In the late 1980s, zombie movies were completely destroyed. The emergence of countless zombie movies made this movie genre successfully die. Even Lin Zhengying, a recognized zombie priest, could not save it.

In the 1990s, Lin Zhengying also acted in several zombie movies, but basically they did not achieve much success.

So, in 1995, the somewhat outdated Lin Zhengying accepted ATV's invitation and signed several film contracts.

Afterwards, ATV invested and filmed a total of two "Zombie Taoist" films starring Lin Zhengying.

Although zombie movies are no longer popular in the movie market.

But it’s different in the field of TV dramas.

As soon as "Zombie Taoist" was aired on ATV, its ratings exploded and it became a classic TV series.

Subsequently, ATV collaborated with Lin Zhengying on "Zombie Taoist 2".

The quality of this drama is also extraordinary, allowing ATV to defeat TVB in the same period and become the number one in ratings during the same period.

At that time, ATV even decided to sign a contract with Lin Zhengying for the third part.

Unfortunately, last year, Lin Zhengying, a generation of zombie Taoist priest, died of liver cancer, and this plan was eventually shelved.

But even if Lin Zhengying passes away, his influence will still be there.

Especially in the field of zombie movies.

Now, Chen Qiming suddenly wants to film "A Date with a Zombie", so it is inevitable that he will be compared with it.

There are even many people who are still speculating whether this drama is the "Zombie Dao Chang 3" that was originally shelved by ATV.

All right! In fact, "I Have a Date with a Zombie" is, in a large sense, "Zombie Taoist Master 3".

The script was originally written by Liang Liren last year. Later, Liang Liren went to TVB to promote the story, but was rejected by TVB.

Later, Liang Liren brought the story to ATV, and Chen Shisan became the screenwriter of the show.

Due to the popularity of the "Zombie Taoist" series, this drama was originally planned to star Lin Zhengying, but Lin Zhengying was seriously ill at the time and passed away soon after.

After Chen Qiming became the chairman of ATV, he saw this drama in the script library and immediately asked Chen Shisan to revise the script. In addition to changing the protagonist according to Chen Qiming, he also boldly created a character wearing a short skirt, long boots, A money-hungry female exorcist.

Therefore, the outside world thinks this drama is "Zombie Taoist Master 3", which is actually not impossible.

"Mr. Chen, since so much money was invested in "My Date with a Zombie", how much remuneration did you receive? Can you disclose it?"

A reporter was very concerned about Chen Qiming's salary for TV shows and asked again.

"I reduced my salary and acted with a salary of 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and I will share the income from participating in the TV series."

Chen Qiming looked at the man and replied.

"Doesn't that mean there is still an investment of HK$60 million in this drama? Does this mean that ATV is also preparing to recruit other big-name actors to participate?"

This reporter is a smart man, and he immediately asked the key to the question.

“That’s not necessarily true, we haven’t decided who to invite yet.

Our plan is to open it to actors from all over Hong Kong, even Taiwan and Mainland China, to audition for roles.

However, the casting budget should not exceed half.

We plan to include a lot of special effects in the TV series.

In short, please stay tuned, this drama will not disappoint you. "

Since it is going to be filmed, it must be a big scene.

Chen Qiming's plays never lack special effects.

This time it will be the same even if it is a TV series.

By then, with the addition of special effects, he feels that the TV series may become even more exciting.

After all, there are very few special effects movies these days, let alone special effects TV series.

(End of this chapter)

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