Chapter 379 The Return of the King

Jiangshan has talented people on behalf of the people, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years.

There is still some truth to this statement.

In July and August, the popularity of Jay Chou and Ren Xianqi made their popularity almost equal to that of Chen Qiming and others.

The streets and alleys are full of their songs and posters.

It seems that during this period, Jay Chou and Ren Xianqi have become the kings of the Chinese music scene.

However, this situation did not last long.

Time came to September. The Mandarin and English records that Chen Qiming had prepared for himself were finally recorded. They entered the final preparation stage and began a large amount of release promotion.

Who is Chen Qiming?
This is a well-deserved leading figure in the current Chinese music scene.

The scale of his album promotion is naturally unmatched by ordinary people.

First on TV.

Chen Qiming has appeared on seven or eight ace variety shows in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other places.

Then came the print media.

A large number of newspapers put Chen Qiming on their headline covers to build momentum for his new album.

[The Return of the King, Chen Qiming’s new album is scheduled for September [-]th]

[He is still him, Chen Qiming’s new album release date is announced, fans are excited]


In addition to television and print media, on radio.

Starting from September [-], Chen Qiming released a song from the album every four days to hit the charts.

The first song is "Please Say Hello First".

This song, which was not originally planned by Chen Qiming, is worthy of being a hit song in the future.

Even though the music style and lyrics are simple, its catchy melody is still loved by the audience.

As soon as the song hit the charts, it immediately landed in the top ten of the radio charts in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other places.

The second song is "The Prodigal Son Returns".

As soon as this Hokkien song was released in Baodao, it immediately climbed to the third place on the Baodao radio chart and ranked among the top ten in other regions.

The third song "Friends".

This song deserves to be defined by Chen Qiming as the first hit of the album.

As soon as it entered the charts, it immediately topped the charts in various regions and became the most popular song at this time.

The subsequent "Departure" and "Outer Banks No. 18" were both placed on radio stations for charting before the album was released.

With the help of the song's catchy melody and Chen Qiming's super popularity, it has reached the top ten.

Before the album was officially released, the first five songs had already occupied five of the top ten spots on the radio charts.

This made many singers criticize Chen Qiming, but they also had to admit that the current Chinese music scene has really become Chen Qiming's world.

He has had three or four albums in a row that started killing the charts before they were released.

Of course, this time, Chen Qiming is not completely without opponents.

His opponent this time is none other than Faye Wong, who has been crowned the new generation of pop queen after moving to Baodao.

In August, Faye Wong released a new album "Impetuous".

As soon as this album was released, it ushered in a double explosion of word-of-mouth sales.

This album was released at the end of August. After its release, it directly surpassed Ren Xianqi's "And Me" and won the first place on the radio chart and the first place on the golden song chart in the last week of August.

Ren Xianqi's popularity is obvious to all.

Some people call him the most popular newcomer in 1996, comparable to Chen Qiming back then.

Such power was actually overpowered by Faye Wong. This not only shocked the media, but even Chen Qiming himself went out to buy a copy of Faye Wong's "Impetuous" to listen to it.

After listening to the album, he couldn't help but nod.

The songs in Faye Wong's album may not be widely sung, but in terms of music and lyrics, this album is undoubtedly a classic.

For a long time, everyone's definition of pop singers has been nothing more than the so-called market-generated view that "the public creates idols."

It is believed that the birth of the pop emperor is a direct result of adapting to the audience orientation.

But this is not an absolute verdict that covers the entirety of a pop star.

This is more prominently reflected in Faye Wong.As a label figure among female singers in the pop music industry, Faye Wong’s music trajectory is clear and followable.

However, what prompted her to become the "Queen" of pop music was not the result of following the conventional market, but the reason why Reebok was the leader of the trend.

To say the least, she blurs the line between leading her listeners and being led by them.

This makes her music one step ahead, making the audience take the initiative of the singer.

This is of great significance to a pop singer.

Previously, Faye Wong created an alternative trend in the Chinese music scene with "One Hundred Thousand Whys" - "Random Thoughts" - "DI-DAR".

This year's Mandarin album "Impotent" goes a step further and completely completes the combination and transformation of root rock and British rock.The album's subversion of the established model of Chinese pop songs and its insistence on the overall concept of the album make it a significant landmark. As soon as it was released, it was recognized by the industry and received rave reviews.

This original Mandarin album "Impotent" with the international banner is different from the complicated behind-the-scenes creation of previous Faye Wong albums, and the creative and production staff have been streamlined as much as possible.

For the first time, Zhang Yadong successfully supervised the entire collection of Faye Wong's works. The creative model of Dou Wei + Zhang Yadong + Faye Wong + COCTEAUTWINS successfully pushed Faye Wong to the top.

Some music critics even called out the idea that male singer Chen Qiming is the king of the Chinese music scene and female singer Faye Wong is the queen.

This album uses Faye Wong's independent and free state as the main concept of the album. Except for two works written by others, one is a purely musical work, and the rest of the songwriting and lyrics are all written by Faye Wong.

The BANDSOUD style of behind-the-scenes arrangement and production simplifies all cumbersome instrumental arrangements.

The lyrics of Chinese pop music often determine the focus of the work, but "Impotent" deliberately downplays the status of the lyrics in the work, using only the title to describe the situation of the song, and the song singing uses simple repeated syllables to strengthen the mood of the title, thus achieving a success This is a concept album completely dominated by "consciousness" or "subconscious mind".

Although Faye Wong's creative form is infinitely close to her boyfriend Dou Wei's creative style, Faye Wong's control combines the transposition of Beijing-style minor tunes into British rock, Teresa Teng's style, COCTEAUTWINS, Dou Wei... Faye Wong's unrestrained understanding makes her She can combine the souls of these singers who have profoundly affected her.

The two works tailor-made by COCTEAUTWINS do not appear to be out of place in the entire album, but blend in seamlessly with Faye Wong's own creations.

Lin Xi and Huang Weiwen, two master lyricists in the Hong Kong music scene, wrote "Split" and "Disappointment" for Faye Wong. Their perfect combination of literary and image expression adds color to the album.

Faye Wong's own lyrics are poetic works with strong improvisational color.

This year has been a relatively unproductive year for Faye Wong. She only released one album and one EP throughout the year, and this "Impotent" has undoubtedly become her most successful record since her debut.

The album is full of excitement in terms of musical taste and lyrical imagery. In today's industrialized world, records should try to minimize the commercial factors of the record and make a pop music work that reflects themselves, is true, and is full of sincerity, which is worthy of applause. Yes.

Faye Wong, as a commercially successful pop singer, went to the back of the commercial scene with this album and achieved inertial success. This again quotes the old saying - artistic success is ultimately about personal charm. It worked.

Since "One Hundred Thousand Whys", Faye Wong has made progress with each album, and new music styles have emerged one after another.

After the exploratory stages such as "Random Thoughts" and "Pleasing Yourself", the release of "Impotent" can be said to have reached the highest peak of Faye Wong's music career.

After works such as "The Vow" and "The Way Out", Faye Wong has a special liking for BJ rock. Perhaps because of the relationship between the producers Dou Wei and Zhang Yadong, the entire song "Impotent" is based on this style.

(Fall) can be said to be one of the more representative and high-level works among the many works composed by Faye Wong herself.

Disappointed with the real world and obsessed with love, the singer decided to fall with his lover and no longer care about what others think.

In addition to "Falling", Faye Wong also composed "Impermanence", "Impotence" and "Doomsday" with lyrics and music.Among them, "Impetuous" only has 22 simple words, and the whole song is mainly composed of incomprehensible singing. It can be said to be a big breakthrough in the concept of traditional music in Hong Kong's pop music scene.

Others such as "Imagine", (Where) and "Yesanpo" further break the limitations of words, using incomprehensible languages ​​as lyrics, abandoning traditional Chinese, Cantonese and even English and Japanese lyrics, and using natural sounds to express without any barriers The most primitive feeling in the heart.

The adaptation of Cocteau Twins' song "Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy" has become a topic of discussion among many people, and the reception of "Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy" also confirms that Faye Wong's music taste has been supported and recognized by the audience.

Giving up simply adapting the works of Cocteau Twins, when producing "Impetuous", Faye Wong specially invited Cocteau Twins to compose two new songs for her (Split" and "Disappointment", for further musical exchange. "Split" inherited the The psychedelic spirit of "Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy", Faye Wong's light singing voice and the harmonious arrangement really achieve a splitting effect. Although the feeling created by "Disappointment" is different from that of "Split", the artistic conception of the lyrics is very similar. They are all so difficult to break up and compromise.

The album kicks off with "Impermanence".There is no prelude arrangement, and Faye Wong's voice can be heard from the beginning, singing about various natural scenes.

It was a leisurely scene, but Faye Wong saw the impermanence of things in the world after all this beauty and harmony.

Everything was going well in September, but the lack of worries made Faye Wong restless, imagining wildly, emotionally split and restless, and unable to calm down.

Throughout the ten works of the album, the singer is in this uneasy emotional state, and the later works show more unstable emotions.

Without listening or seeing, Faye Wong fell into the confusion of love and life alone.

"Impetuous" is obviously an attempt to show a more spiritual state, capturing the uneasy feelings in life and love. It is another more complete piece of music that goes deep into the spiritual realm after Faye Wong's weird song "Lost". This work is Faye Wong's most unified and complete concept record in the past years.

"Impotent" not only injects BJ rock elements into the music, but also integrates it with the Nordic psychedelic style to complete this experimental concept creation.

Faye Wong personally participated in writing most of the melodies and some lyrics. This is the first work that truly belongs to Faye Wong. It successfully breaks away from all the styles that were accused of plagiarism in the past, breaks through herself, and breaks the traditional framework of the Hong Kong music scene.

Such a perfect album, although it may not be as popular as Chen Qiming.

But in terms of reputation, Chen Qiming is a bit shaken.

In the September [-]th issue of Baodao Music Magazine.

The editor-in-chief directly suggested that the sales volume of Chen Qiming's new album may exceed that of Faye Wong, but the artistic attainments of the songs will not be as good as Faye Wong's.

Chen Qiming was naturally dissatisfied with this statement.

But he himself has to admit that the reputation of alternative songs like Faye Wong is difficult for him to beat.

Therefore, he simply ignored the fact that his reputation might not be as good as that of Faye Wong, and started focusing on record sales.

No one is perfect, Faye Wong in the Chinese music world is like the Wong Kar Wai of the film industry.

If you take out a piece of shit, some people will say it smells good.

If you care too much, you will hurt yourself.

Therefore, he simply ignored these and focused on sales.

Anyway, Chen Qiming himself is a singer who has achieved his current status through sales.

Sales are his base.

If you want to pursue reputation.

He can produce songs from not just one, but ten albums.

Anyway, music critics are obsessed with the idea that any song that is offbeat is a good song.

If he comes out with some extremely offbeat songs, I'm sure these music critics will praise him crazily.

Now, he continues to play with sales.

In his mind, sales are king.

No matter how good the reputation is, will the sales be as high as mine?
No matter how much music critics praise it, will the sales be as high as mine?
(End of this chapter)

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