Chapter 335 The best-selling new album

Time has come to mid-December, six weeks after "Anaconda" was released, the North American box office has reached 8000 million, and the global box office has exceeded 5000 million.

By this time, the film's life on the market was running out.

However, Chen Qiming asked Warner to communicate with the theaters. Although "Anaconda" has begun to be released on fewer screens, it will not be released immediately.

We will wait until January, when VCD discs and video tapes are released, before they will be released completely.

After handling these matters, Chen Qiming handed over the follow-up matters of "Anaconda" to Qiming Film and Television.

And he began to fully prepare for the promotion and release of the new album "Nocturne".

This year, Chen Qiming's career has definitely reached its peak.

Whether in Asia, Europe or the United States, or in the music industry or the film industry, he has made great achievements.

However, for Chinese fans, the biggest regret is that Chen Qiming has not released a Mandarin album for more than a year.

Although there have been rumors since July and August that Chen Qiming's new Mandarin album is in production.

But three or four months have passed and there is still no news about this record, which makes Chen Qiming's fans very unhappy.

On the day Chen Qiming returned to Taiwan from the United States, at Taipei Airport, thousands of fans present came to force him to have sex.

He directly held up banners and various brands to ask Chen Qiming to release the Mandarin album as soon as possible.

To be honest, this must be an unprecedented time for fans to force idols to release records quickly.

The original Tan Zhang, and even the current Four Heavenly Kings, may have fans expecting them to release records, but they have never seen thousands of fans holding signs and shouting asking where the new record is.

The fans are so enthusiastic.

At that time, Chen Qiming was directly blocked at the airport and could not leave at all.

There was no other way, Chen Qiming could only change the opportunity and advance the album planned to be released in January to the date of No. 19.

According to the original plan, Chen Qiming planned to release the album in January, so next year he could be lazy for a while and not release any more Mandarin albums.

But he had no choice but to make changes due to the enthusiasm of his fans.

The announcement of the release date of Chen Qiming's new album immediately made the fans who had been looking forward to it excited.

"Grandma, after waiting for a year, Chen Qiming is finally releasing a Mandarin album. This time I want to buy ten!"

"I started saving money last year just to buy Chen Qiming's records, and now this huge sum of money is finally put to use!"

"Without further ado, when the video store opens, I want to reserve twenty copies!"

In addition to fans excitedly going to video stores to pre-order records.

Major media in Hong Kong and Taiwan are also paying great attention to Chen Qiming's new album.

Not to mention that Chen Qiming is currently the most popular Asian actor.

Just because "Anaconda" was recently released in the Asian market and topped the box office list in Hong Kong and Taiwan this year, the media will not let go of Chen Qiming.

[Chen Qiming’s new album will be officially released on December [-]th, and the downturn in the record market may come to an end]

[The sales king Chen Qiming releases another record, and singers from major record companies are gearing up and preparing to follow suit, wanting to take a sip of soup]

[PolyGram President Zheng Donghan said that if even Chen Qiming’s record sales cannot stimulate the record market, then the Chinese record market may really be hopeless]

[Chan Qiming succeeds and loses. Chen Qiming has topped the annual sales list for three consecutive years, and his record sales rank the highest in the Chinese music industry. This has indeed driven the development of the Chinese record market.

But at the same time, because of Chen Qiming’s popularity, fans are dismissive of other people’s records]

A large number of media are reporting on Chen Qiming's new album.

The most mentioned thing is about the downturn in the record market.

It was also at this time that Chen Qiming discovered something that made him laugh or cry.This is because the records he has released in recent years are so explosive.

Almost every album is of all-gold quality, which directly raises the taste of fans.

And, because many fans save their money to buy his records.

The result of this is that this year's record market has entered an underestimation compared with last year and the year before.

Of course, Chen Qiming felt that he could not completely bear the blame.

The Chinese record market has fallen into a downturn this year. In addition to the fact that he has not released a record, leaving many fans to save money and wait, another major factor is the impact of piracy.

The impact of piracy on the record market is really huge.

If you don’t look at genuine sales and only look at the market’s popularity, this year’s record market is definitely the hottest in history.

Discs are sold in almost every corner in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even the Mainland.

Walking on the street, there are songs everywhere, and almost every household has VCD discs.

Unfortunately, these are almost all pirated copies.

Genuine records have been greatly affected by its impact.

Basically, the more popular the record, the greater the impact.

Regarding piracy, to be honest, Chen Qiming himself has nothing to do.

All he can do is make his records pirated as slowly as possible.

To this end, he asked the company to print more than 500 million records at once, just to flood the market with his records as soon as possible and avoid piracy opportunities due to his late supply.

Of course, the cost of printing so many records at one time is absolutely huge, tens of millions of yuan.

With so much money, if you can't sell so many records, then basically all these records will be lost in your own hands.

However, this is about other people.

According to Chen Qiming himself, the chance of this is low.

He has not released a Mandarin album for a year, and now fans are looking forward to his record.

The sales volume of this album may not reach that of "Star Storm", or even "Heart Is Too Soft".

But with its huge popularity, the sales of this album will definitely not be too low.

time flies.

While Chen Qiming was preparing for the release of the record, he was also paying attention to the drama "The God of Death".

After Ha Wei signed a contract with Chen Qiming and obtained the master tapes of the film, he quickly began to promote the film.

For this reason, Liming, Zhou Huimin and others all went to Europe and the United States to start publicity.

At the same time, Hong Kong and Taiwan are also promoting the film.

Because the film will be released three days later than the one in the United States, the main promotional slogan here is the blockbuster film that is about to land in Hollywood.

And it was promoted in the name of Chen Qiming as the producer.

The publicity effect is also very good.

The success of "Anaconda" made Qiming Film and Television's name very famous.

Now, many people are looking forward to the release of this movie.

Some people in Hong Kong and Taiwan even shouted the slogan of surpassing "Anaconda" at the box office.

(End of this chapter)

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