Chapter 332 The big trick on Harvey

The quality of "Anaconda" was very good at the beginning, but the promotion was not satisfactory.

Because Warner doesn't pay too much attention to this movie.

This resulted in very poor publicity for the film.

It wasn't until Chen Qiming personally had a conflict with Barry, the director of "Get Shorty" and they quarreled in the media, that the film's attention increased to a certain level.

However, this level of attention itself also comes with certain uncertainties.

Once the freshness of the feud between Chen Qiming and Barry wears off, this level of attention will naturally decline.

After all, for movies to continue to explode at the box office, they still rely on the quality and watchability of the movies.

Therefore, relying on the mutual popularity between Chen Qiming and Barry to drive the box office is obviously not sustainable for a long time.

However, what Chen Qiming was worried about immediately became trivial matters after the box office and reputation of "Anaconda" exploded for several days in a row.

Warner Bros. is not a fool who wants to make money without making money.

If the reputation and box office of "Anaconda" are not satisfactory, Warner may still ignore it.

But now "Anaconda" has exploded into very impressive box office trends.

At this time, if Warner still does not pay attention to this movie, then Warner will not be one of the giants of Hollywood.

To become a giant company, Warner obviously won't be that kind of fool.

Therefore, when the box office reputation of "Anaconda" reached a very impressive level.

Warner took action.

The first is the screen on which it is released.

On NO.11, the number of screening screens of "Anaconda" in North America increased again, reaching more than 2000.

Moreover, Warner's investment in publicity has also increased several times.

Warner has invested a lot of resources in all promotional channels such as newspapers, TV, offline posters and so on.

Warner can become one of the giants of Hollywood.

To be the existence that Jiahe always wants to connect with represents something that ordinary people cannot imagine.

When Warner makes up its mind to promote a certain film, let alone a very watchable commercial masterpiece like "Anaconda", even if it is a complete bad film, they will make it for you. The terrifying first week box office is out.

Let’s just say “Batman Undefeated,” which was produced and released by Warner Bros. in May.

This movie can be said to be a complete bad movie.

But just because it is the "Batman" series, and Warner has increased its investment in publicity.

This directly made this bad movie a god movie at the time.

It took in an astonishing box office of more than 5000 million US dollars in its first week of release.

Although "Anaconda" does not have as much appeal as Batman.

But with Warner's large-scale promotion, the box office continued to explode in the following days.

In the last three days of its first week in theaters, the film grossed 520 million, 510 million, and 530 million respectively.

US$300 million in the first week.

With an overwhelming advantage, "Anaconda" directly topped the box office chart that week.

The figure of US$300 million in the first week directly shattered the faces of those Hollywood colleagues who had promoted it in the media on the grounds that movies with Asian protagonists could not be successful at the box office.

Especially Barry.

This guy's face was literally slapped.

Back then, "Anaconda" was still being promoted.

This guy has repeatedly stated on media and television that "Anaconda" is a bad movie and not worth watching. This also triggered a scolding war between him and Chen Qiming.

As a result, in just one week, he was slapped in the face.

Not to mention word of mouth.

In terms of box office alone, the terrifying box office of "Anaconda" in the first week of 300 million was almost half more than the 300 million of "Get Shorty".

The audience's eyes are discerning.

The difference in box office is huge, but the reviews from critics are similar.

In this case, who would think this movie is bad?

In view of this, many film critics spoke directly.

The Los Angeles Film News put it this way:
"Barry is such a clown that I can only imagine why he would comment on this movie without having seen Anaconda.

Is it just because his director's "The King of Chaos" did well at the box office that he can be so dismissive of other people's movies? "

In addition to the Los Angeles Film News, many other newspapers criticized Barry's behavior.

However, what surprised Chen Qiming was that Barry ignored it at all.

Even the people were gone.

Logically speaking, Chen Qiming felt that this guy should not settle down because of this, but he just didn't make any move, which is really strange.

It wasn't until Chen Qiming chatted with Warner's new head of publicity during a promotional tour that he knew about it.

It turns out that this guy didn't change his temper.

But Warner took action.

As for how he took action, Chen Qiming didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

All he knew was that Barry had been severely punished and would probably not dare to speak nonsense again.


"Chen, congratulations!"

On the [-]th, Warner Bros. held a celebration party for "Anaconda".

Many Hollywood stars and directors with ties to Warner were present.

As one of the protagonists of the movie, Chen Qiming undoubtedly became the center of this banquet.

Many Hollywood stars whom I didn't know before came over to say hello to him.

Just like this one in front of me.

Tom Hanks.

There are two Toms in Hollywood.

One is Tom Cruise, and the other is Tom Hanks.

Both of them are one of the hottest movie stars in Hollywood right now.

Especially Tom Hanks, he has been very prosperous in recent years.

"Forrest Gump" grossed a terrifying $6.7 million at the global box office. In the film, he played the imbecile Forrest Gump with an IQ of only 75. For this film, he won the 52nd U.S. Golden Globe Award for Best Film - Drama. Best Actor, Best Actor at the 67th Academy Awards.

And became the second actor ever to win two consecutive Academy Awards for Best Actor.

The reason why "Forrest Gump" can achieve such a high box office is not only the quality of the movie itself, but also the blessing of Tom Hanks.

In recent years, Tom Hanks should be one of the most box-office actors in Hollywood.

In June, "Apollo NO. 13" starring him grossed more than 7000 million in the United States and 500 million worldwide.

It can be said that almost all the movies he stars in will get very good box office results.

Well, he is just like one of Hong Kong and Taiwan’s bi-weekly movies, and his box office appeal is terrifying.

It is also because of his strong box office appeal that his current film remuneration in Hollywood has reached tens of millions of dollars.

Chen Qiming also didn't expect that he would come over and greet him proactively.

He doesn't think he's so awesome that the other party can fawn over him.

However, although he was curious about what happened to the other party, he still said very enthusiastically:
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hanks!"

""Anaconda" is good, I like it very much!"

Tom Hanks raised his glass.

Today's occasion is huge, but Tom Hanks has to be the brightest among them.

Plus Chen Qiming, the protagonist of this celebration.

The two stood together and immediately attracted the attention of most people.

The two of them didn't pay attention to those glances and just talked to themselves.

At first, Chen Qiming thought Tom Hanks had some purpose in finding him.

After chatting for a while, he realized that he had thought too much.

The other party really had no intention, he just wanted to get to know him.

After all, it is not uncommon for Chinese people to become famous in Hollywood.

After chatting with Tom Hanks for a while, the two left separately.

Chen Qiming got rid of many people who came to chat with him and came to the corner.

Here, Jackie Chan and Liming are chatting with several foreigners.

"Chen, we were talking about you just now!" Seeing Chen Qiming, the foreigner who was chatting with Jackie Chan and Li Ming's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Harvey!"

Chen Qiming nodded towards him.

This man's name is Harvey Weinstein, one of the founders of Disney's Miramax Films.

Ever since "Anaconda" became a hit at the box office, this guy has frequently contacted Chen Qiming with the intention of reaching a film cooperation with Chen Qiming.

After arriving at the banquet today, I took aim at Jackie Chan again.

The success of "Red Zone" catapulted Jackie Chan into Hollywood.

At present, although the focus of his career is still in Hong Kong, he is also paying close attention to Europe and the United States.

After hearing that Chen Qiming's "Anaconda" sold $300 million in its first week, he rushed over from Hong Kong and attended the celebration.

Perhaps the first-week box office of "Red Zone" is far different from that of "Anaconda".

But this does not mean that Jackie Chan is doing poorly in Hollywood.

There is a saying called "Thick accumulation makes little difference".

This word describes Jackie Chan.

The success of "Red Zone" has given Jackie Chan's unique acrobatic action films a very good market in Europe and the United States.

The films he starred in before became very popular in the video rental market in Europe and the United States in a short period of time.

Jack Chen, this has almost become synonymous with Kung Fu.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the venue, many people from the film company approached him.

Among them was Harvey Weinster.

This guy's Miramax Pictures is very similar to New Line Cinema. In addition to its own production capabilities, it also acts as a donor, discovering and purchasing movies from Europe and Asia for distribution in the United States.

Obviously, Ha Wei just wants to take advantage of Jackie Chan.

Not just those who want to pick up Jackie Chan.

This guy also wants to take advantage of him.

Somewhere he heard that Chen Qiming had a film called "Death Is Coming" that he had invited a Hollywood team to produce.

And I know that Chen Qiming has not yet negotiated the distribution of this film with Warner Bros.

He, who has a very good nose as a dog, came to the door after learning about it.

"Oh? What did you say about me?"

"It's like this. I'm planning a Chinese-Western co-production with a huge investment of 1.5 million U.S. dollars. I want to invite Chen and Jack to play important roles.

By the way, I will also invite Stallone and Brad Pitt to this film.

I am very confident in this film..."

After hearing Chen Qiming's inquiry, Harvey immediately started talking.

To be honest, if I hadn't known what kind of person Harvey was from my dream.

Chen Qiming is definitely looking forward to Harvey's film as much as Jackie Chan and Lai Lai.

According to Ha Wei, if this film can really be made, it will definitely be very attractive.

Not to mention the investment of 1.5 million, just the lineup he mentioned is enough to move people.

Stallone, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise...

Okay, this guy is really good at blowing stuff.

Chen Qiming knew that if he really believed him and signed a contract with him, he would immediately lose 1.5 million to 1.5 million.

In addition, Harvey also said that Chen Qiming and Jackie Chan are welcome to invest.

In this regard, Chen Qiming can only say, invest in an egg.

This guy really treated him like a newbie who just came to Hollywood.

Chen Qiming is not unaware of the twists and turns of these Hollywood production and distributors.

If he and Jackie Chan really invest, they will 100% lose money.

With Harvey's moral integrity, for ten dollars, he might spend a thousand dollars and come out quickly.

“Very nice project!”

Chen Qiming didn't expose him, but looked very interested.

However, before Harvey, who looked happy, could continue to talk about his big project, Chen Qiming said regretfully:

"Unfortunately, I have an agreement with Warner to start "Anaconda 2" as soon as possible. I may not have the chance to cooperate with you, Mr. Harvey!"

"Chen, this project of mine is really good. I am confident that we can make a lot of money for both of us!"

Hearing Chen Qiming's words, Harvey's face darkened and he whispered: "Chen, I know that you are cooperating with Warner on several projects, but haven't you noticed? Warner is not that easy to get along with.

Apart from anything else, "Anaconda" has already exploded at the box office, with experts predicting the box office will be around 6000 million.

But how much money do you think you can get?

I'm telling you, Warner Bros. will definitely eat half of your money.

In the end, you may only end up with a few million dollars. "

What Ha Wei said is not wrong if it is a regular mode.

In fact, in terms of box office, Qiming Films really can't make much money from "Anaconda" produced by Chen Qiming, Warner Bros. and Golden Harvest.

Most of the film's eventual revenue ended up with Warners.

As the distributor and investor, Warner takes half of the box office, and then takes [-]% of the remaining half.

In fact, there may not be much left.

However, Ha Wei didn’t know that because Warner had taken so much in advance, Warner was now having a headache.

Because the box office share and distribution share were obtained too easily, the video distribution rights of "Anaconda" did not entirely belong to Warner.

But it has to be calculated again.

In other words, if Warner wants to win the video distribution rights for this movie in Europe and the United States, Warner will have to spend additional money.

Rather than just taking the master tape and releasing it in their own region, like when Hong Kong and Taiwan collaborated on a movie.

And if "Anaconda" grosses more than $5000 million at the box office.

If Warner wants to win the European and American video distribution rights, it will have to spend at least US$5000 million to companies such as Qiming Film and Golden Harvest.

Warner is definitely making the most money.

But compared to buying the rights to release the film in Asia, the profit is much less.

"Forget your cooperation on this project, I can't handle such a big project.

On the other hand, "Death Is Coming", if you are interested, we can find a chance to chat! "

Chen Qiming said with a smile.

Afterwards, Chen Qiming nuzzled at Jackie Chan and Liming, motioning for them to follow him.

Being a stranger in a foreign land, Chen Qiming had a certain competitive relationship with Jackie Chan and Lai Ming when he was in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

But in Europe and America.

The relationship disappeared.

Because there are so few Chinese people developing in Hollywood, Chen Qiming and others formed an alliance with a very tacit understanding.

Now, Chen Qiming is so powerful that he is becoming the number one Chinese star in Hollywood.

In this case, he naturally has to take on the responsibility of helping other Chinese people who will develop later.

Such as dawn.

Although "Death Is Coming" hasn't been released yet.

But the film has already been screened internally at Warner Bros.

Warner internally attaches great importance to this film and is negotiating with Chen Qiming to introduce it.

And this movie itself has the characteristics of continuing to break into Hollywood.

Affected by this, Li Ming has already made the decision to try his luck in Hollywood.

In this way, Chen Qiming naturally wanted to introduce him to some people in Hollywood.

As for Jackie Chan.

At present, he does not need Chen Qiming's help.

As long as he comes here, someone will be interested in him.

After all, he is very popular in the American video tape market right now.

It is reported that from the first half of the year to now, his videos have sold nearly $[-] million in video tapes and CDs in the United States.

With this terrifying data, even if Chen Qiming's current "Anaconda" is very powerful, it can't compare to him.

The main reason why Chen Qiming has an advantage over him in Hollywood is that he has the advantage of recording.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, may all your wishes come true
(End of this chapter)

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