Chapter 307

【Asians who made history】

[Crazy, seven songs from one album hit the Billboard at the same time]

[A world-class superstar has been born, and he comes from China]

[Last week’s global record sales rankings, “Eternity” led everyone with 390 million copies]

Many North American front-line media outlets published news related to Chen Qiming after his appearance on the bulletin board.

Of course, where there is praise, there must also be criticism.

The American media is notorious throughout the world.

They advocate freedom and there is no lower limit.

Even though Chen Qiming's record sales are the best in the world, he just didn't reach the number one spot in North America. He still had an unprecedented seven songs on Billboard, making him a rare superstar in history.

But in the eyes of some newspapers, they still can't stand Chen Qiming.

Among them, the New York Times, known as one of the three major newspapers in North America, has made a career out of criticizing Chen Qiming.

[A record that is useless, I didn’t even last 3 minutes. I want to ask, can a record like this be on the Billboard?You can also make history!Have the selection standards for bulletin boards been lowered? 】

A piece of news that trashed "Eternity" quickly spread in Europe and the United States. While it was recognized by many black people, it also caused dissatisfaction among Chen Qiming's fans.

In order to refute and confront Heizi, Warner Records directly filmed a street interview video.

“The New York Times is always so unrestrained and unscrupulous!”

"They're just a bunch of idiots who don't understand music!"

“I don’t know what others think, but I really like Jamie Chen’s new record!”

"I know Engels who wrote this article. He is a fool. Every time a singer sings a song, he comes out and sprays shit!"

Warner Records knows marketing.

In their view, some bad reviews are better than all good reviews.

Only when there is conflict can there be popularity. The same is true for news.

When it comes to world-class stars, who is not full of black spots?

To put it bluntly, sometimes, the more people criticize you, the more popular you will be.

Look at the two Michaels in America.

One sings and one plays basketball.

Both men are well-known across the United States.

But those who blackmail them...

Michael Jackson is in the United States, and people who hate him can line up from New York to Los Angeles.

Across the United States, all black people regard him as a traitor, and calling him names has become a trend.

As for Michael Jordan, the same is true. This year he led the Bulls to an unprecedented record of 72 wins and 10 losses.

However, Michael Jordan was also scolded.

There are various reasons for scolding, and they always appear in different ways.

Therefore, Warner Records not only did not stop those reports that were negative about Chen Qiming, but allowed them to develop. They only guided them to prevent such negative reports from going to extremes.

A large number of positive news and negative news appeared in opposition, and the results were very satisfying.

In the following week, Chen Qiming's "Eternity" not only saw a surge in sales, but also climbed up the Billboard rankings.


1995 6 Month 5 Day.

The media in Hong Kong and Taiwan were all attracted by the news of Teresa Teng’s death.

At this time, after two weeks of release, the sales and Billboard rankings of "Eternity" once again experienced a major explosion.

In the second week of its release, "Eternal" surpassed Canadian female singer Alanis Morissette's most successful album "Jagged Little Pill" and the new album of British black singer Seal with a terrifying figure of 270 million copies in North America, becoming the first to win the title. topped the North American sales list this week.

On the Billboard, "As Long As You Love Me" and "My Heart Will Go On" continued to work hard and directly entered the top ten of the Billboard.

Among them, "As Long As You Love Me" is the most terrifying, reaching third place and heading straight to the championship.

Obviously, this classic song from the Backstreet Boys has exploded with the power it deserves and has begun to attack the championship.

Chen Qiming is not surprised at all by the power of the song "As Long As You Love Me".

According to his memory, the song itself was not simple in the dream, it was the title track of the Backstreet Boys' Diamond album.

What is a Diamond Album?

In North America, there is only one criterion for a record to be called a diamond album.

That means the sales volume exceeds 1000 million. Only when the sales volume exceeds 1000 million, can it be called a diamond album.

For any record that can become a diamond album, most of its title songs are popular all over the world.

And Chen Qiming's "As Long As You Love Me" is not fighting alone, there are six Billboard songs behind it.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if it could not challenge for the championship.

Of course, it is not 100% possible to win the championship.

After all, Chen Qiming's current opponents should not be underestimated at all.

Currently, Chen Qiming's biggest rivals during the same period are Canadian female singer Alanis Morissette and British black seal.

According to Chen Qiming's memory in his dream, these two people are not easy to bully.

Alanis Morissette, who is relatively new to the United States.

But her song "Jagged Little Pill" this year was terrifying.

In the dream, this album achieved a terrifying sales volume of more than 300 million, becoming the number one in the global sales chart in 1995.

The same goes for seal.

In his dream, he won this year's Grammy Awards for Best Song and Best Vocalist.

Both of these guys had records released a week or two before Chen Qiming.

Currently, they are the top two on the Billboard.

If Chen Qiming wants to win the championship, he has to kill them again.

And the reason why we need to use "Zai".

It's because Chen Qiming has already beaten them once on last week's sales list.

In order to hit the Billboard championship, Chen Qiming's promotion progress in North America has once again accelerated.

Before, he basically held autograph sessions every two days.But now, it has been changed directly to once a day.


The sky is rarely cloudless, and the morning sun sets, waking up the city.

The square was buzzing with people, and at first glance, there were crowds of people.

Marshall held his own tape and slowly moved along with the team.

He glanced at the others in the team.

Everyone has either vinyl or CDs.

This made him hold onto his tape tightly.

Taking a deep breath, he threw away the inferiority complex in his heart and moved forward with the team.

He likes Chen Qiming's album very much.

I also like Chen Qiming very much.

He grew up rapping in a black community and was ostracized by black people. This made him very aware that it is very difficult to gain recognition in areas where others are good at.

He himself once thought that he should not continue rapping.

But the appearance of Chen Qiming made him more determined to pursue the road of rap.

Chen Qiming, a Chinese, can break out in Europe and the United States with English records, which fully proves that music does not distinguish between races.

Moreover, the rap song between Chen Qiming and Madonna is still popular among black people in Europe and America.

Although many black people are scolding, they feel that Chen Qiming is not rapping.

But it couldn't stop that song from becoming popular.

Marshall is a proud person, especially when it comes to rap. Since Chen Qiming can make rap songs enter the Billboard, he believes that as long as he is given a chance, he can also succeed.

Today, Chen Qiming came to Detroit and held a book signing here.

After Marshall heard the news, he came here last night and slept on the side of the road all night, just to meet this idol and hope to get his encouragement.

The team moved forward very quickly, and before long, there were not many people in front of Marshall.

At this time, he finally saw Chen Qiming.

Very young, about the same age as myself.

He is dressed very fashionably and has a short haircut similar to his own. When he is not smiling, he gives people a warm feeling, but when he smiles, he has a ruffian feeling.

"Hello there!"

Chen Qiming raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him who was about the same age as himself.

For some reason, he always felt that this guy's face looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for the moment.

However, Chen Qiming would not think too much about it. He has met many such people over the years, and most of them will become celebrities in the future.

After seeing it more often, he wouldn't be surprised.

"Jamie, my name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. I am an underground rapper. I like you very much. Can you write me a word of encouragement?"

Marshall took a deep breath and said.


Chen Qiming was a little surprised that a white man was rapping.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and a figure appeared, overlapping with the figure in front of him.


Chinese fans call him Mu Ye.

The king of American hip-hop, owner of 2.3 million record sales, king of rap...

As for the different names, Chen Qiming was not surprised.

Almost every singer will choose a suitable stage name for themselves when they debut.

For example, Jackie Chan's original name is Chen Gangsheng, and Andy Lau's original name is Liu Furong.

Even for himself, when he first signed with Fulong Company, Liu Ciwei asked him if he needed to change his stage name.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Chen Qiming's eyes moved quickly. No wonder he always felt like he was rapping when he listened to this guy talking.

Turns out to be the King of Rap.

There was a Chinese sentence written on the tape that Marshall handed over, "I wish Marshall a bright music career!"

If Chen Qiming writes a congratulatory message when signing a book for someone, he will mostly write it in Chinese. This is a little trick of his.

"thanks, thanks!"

Marshall took a look at the tape. Although he couldn't understand the words on it, he thought it looked cool. After taking the tape, he immediately thanked him.

“I have established a record production company in Los Angeles, and if you are confident in your abilities, you can come for an interview.

If the interview passes, I'll try to make a record for you! "

When Marshall was about to leave, Chen Qiming suddenly spoke and handed him a business card.

Looking at the business card in his hand, Marshall was stunned.


The legendary opportunity just appeared in front of him.

However, he was a little confused, "I don't understand, why do you think I can do it? Just because I am your fan?"

Marshall is no fool.

If Chen Qiming didn't tell him why, he would definitely not go.

He is afraid of not being recognized for his talent, but he is even more afraid of being cheated.

Don’t big stars lie to people?

No!It is easier for big stars to deceive people.

"Brother, I also play hip-hop. Your accent sounds like you're rapping. I think, as long as you're not too bad, you should be very talented in this area."

Chen Qiming explained with a smile.

What he said was not a lie, but the truth.

Marshall's hip-hop accent when he speaks is very thick, which makes people feel his hip-hop talent immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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