Chapter 284 Best Newcomer

After the country category awards were given out, two more categories were awarded.

During the period between the end of the two categories, Chen Qiming took the stage to perform "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark".

This song is the theme song of "Red Fan District", which has been very popular in North America recently.

The popularity of the movie not only caused Jackie Chan to create a wave of Kung Fu craze in Europe and America, but also made the song "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" a hit song in North America during this period.

This song is at the top of the radio charts in all continents in North America, and even ranks first on some charts.

Therefore, after inviting Chen Qiming to be the guest performer, the Grammy organizer made it convenient for Chen Qiming to sing this song.

"It's a great song, it makes people's blood boil! Now, let's start the awarding of the song awards in the next category..."

The host was paving the way for the next award on stage, while Chen Qiming returned to his seat.

After awarding two more categories of awards, finally, the blues category awards for which Chen Qiming was shortlisted began.

However, to Chen Qiming's regret, he still regretted missing out on this award.

"How could it be! Amin's songs are obviously better..."

"There will be no shady scenes at the Grammys!"

"Damn it, what a broken award, Chen Qiming didn't win!"

The so-called fellow villagers see fellow villagers with tears in their eyes, although the reporters from Hong Kong and Taiwan very much hoped that there would be big news similar to Chen Qiming's expectation and disappointment.

But as compatriots, they naturally still very much hope that Chen Qiming will win the award.

Therefore, Chen Qiming was not included in two consecutive awards, which made reporters from Hong Kong and Taiwan complain on Chen Qiming's behalf.

However, compared to the reporters who started complaining, Chen Qiming was actually a little happy.

As one of the singers recommended by this year's Grammy, Chen Qiming will definitely win an award. This is the gossip from the organizer.

But now, neither of the previous two awards has won, so the winner must be the best newcomer in the comprehensive category.

Chen Qiming originally hoped to win this award.

So, he was relieved that he didn't win in the blues category at this time.

However, although he had a hunch that he would win the award, Chen Qiming did not dare to guarantee that he would really win the award.

No way, the 1994 Grammy Best Newcomer competition is definitely the most intense year in recent years.

There are so many singers who have emerged in the United States this year, and their achievements are too high.

His competitors are:
Ace Of Base, the Chinese translation is Ace Of Base combination.

This combination comes from Sweden and is a brother and sister combination. They also started to develop in the United States last year. They released the album "Happy Nation" in January 1994. This album was also a great success in the United States, with a total global annual sales of 570 million copies. .

Among them, the song "All That She Wants" in the album also won the No. [-] billboard. Although it is often short, it is enough to illustrate the popularity of the band.

According to Chen Qiming’s memory in his dream, this group will become a legendary Swedish group in the future, the most legendary group in Europe in the 90s.

Sheryl Crow, referred to as Xueer Jianluo in Chinese.

Xue Er Jian Luo is definitely a representative singer who is a late bloomer in the European and American music circles in recent years.

She worked as a teacher and worked in a recording shop.

Her first 30 years can almost only be described as obscurity.

She once auditioned and became a backup singer for Michael Jackson's "Bad" world tour, which was at the peak of his career. Here she not only had the opportunity to show off during the stage warm-up Singing voice.

More importantly, her appearance has attracted a lot of attention. Some tabloid gossips believe that she is Michael Jackson's secret lover.

Afterwards, he served as the back-up singer for big-name singers' concerts for a long time.

It wasn't until 1993 that she released her first album.

The album was titled "Tuesday Night Music Club" and released.

At this time, Sheryl Crow was already 31 years old, which was a very late bloomer for a female singer.

The album's initial performance could only be described as passable, and it didn't particularly attract people's attention, but the single "All I Wanna Do" soon followed became one of the best singles of the summer of 1994.

During the time when Chen Qiming became popular in Europe and America, this song also made a rare effort and became a popular song in Europe and America.

Driven by this super single, the sales volume of Sheryl Crow's first album has unexpectedly reached six times platinum, which is 600 million copies, which is similar to Chen Qiming's data.

In addition to the above-mentioned strong competitors, the remaining two should not be underestimated.

Counting Crows rock group.

Unlike Chen Qiming and others, this rock group is either a popular singer in other regions, or it has been in the industry for many years but has not released an album, so it has a certain popularity base.

The Counting Crows rock group became famous almost overnight.

It is said that they used to be singers in underground night scenes in Europe and America.

Until 1993, they turned out and released their first English album "August & Everything After".

After the release of this album, as of now, the total sales volume has reached 500 million copies.

In addition, there is another band that will be very popular in the future and is also Chen Qiming's opponent.

(Green Day), Chinese people like to call them Green Day.

This American punk band, which is well-known to Chinese people in the dream, also made their debut very early. They have been in the American music scene as early as 1990.

Last year, the sales of their "Dookie" album exploded, with annual sales reaching a terrifying 700 million copies, which set off a punk wave in the United States.

Four hot newcomers, plus Chen Qiming.

The five can be called the most popular English song newcomers in 1994.

To be honest, in terms of sales and US Billboard rankings, the five of them can almost be described as being on par.

Judging from the accounts, almost no one has the ability to overpower others.

It is also because of this that this year's Grammy Best Newcomer competition is extremely fierce.

The awards came to an end, and the most watched comprehensive awards began to be awarded.

The first award is Best Newcomer.

Five representative songs by the most popular newcomers in 1994 began to appear on the big screen in the form of MVs.

The organizer's photographer appeared in front of the five of Chen Qiming, and the camera was on them.

On the stage, Donnie Braston, who was the best newcomer award presenter, began to take the stage.

Donnie Braxton was last year's Rookie of the Year winner.

"The competition this year is very fierce! Who do you think will win?"

"I think it's Jane Rowe, she's so hot in the summer!"

"No, I think it's Green Day, their album sales have even won the second place in the album sales chart!"

"The Counting Crows are promising too! They're the complete rookies."

"Aisi base is also very likely, this combination is very popular all over the world!"

"Everyone, don't forget that Asian. In terms of global influence, he is number one. Last year, he won the global annual sales list. This honor is not something that everyone can win.

And, I hear the Grammys are boosting their presence in Asia.

In this case, he is the one most likely to win the prize. "

"Indeed, that Asian guy should not be underestimated. Several of his songs have been a hit in North America, and his popularity is very high. Although he has not won the number one billboard, he is not inferior to others in terms of popularity."

The awards were about to be presented, and the guests and the media began to discuss in low voices.

"The winner of No. 30 Seventh Best Newcomer in the Overall Category is——"

On the stage, Tang Ni held the award envelope and scanned the finalists with a smile on her face.

The organizer was also very knowledgeable. Seeing Tangni pause, he immediately put the images of five people in the audience on the big screen.

Several people, including Chen Qiming, looked at the camera with smiles on their faces.

At this moment, all the finalists were nervous.

Including Chen Qiming too.

But everyone is smart and knows to be a gentleman in front of the camera, so no one showed nervousness.

Tang Ni on the stage raised her eyebrows and smiled, "'That Girl', congratulations to Jamie Chen!"

clap clap clap...

As the winners were revealed, there was a burst of applause from the audience.

Some people may question why Chen Qiming won the award, but at this moment, Chen Qiming is undoubtedly the protagonist.

He smiled and stood up, hugged Mariah Carey next to him, and shook hands with Michael Jackson who got up to congratulate him, and then walked quickly towards the stage.

"Boy, congratulations!"

Tang Ni joked, hugged Chen Qiming, and handed him the trophy in her hand.

"Thank you!"

Chen Qiming took the trophy and came to the microphone stand to look at the audience.

From his position, he could clearly see the rows of seats near the stage.

At this time, the people sitting in these seats were all singers with considerable influence from Europe and the United States, and even around the world.

"Thank you very much to the organizers, thank you to the organizers for presenting this award to me.

Then, thank you Warner Records, this trophy is half of your contribution, thank you...

To be honest, even though I was the winner, it doesn't mean I'm better than the other four finalists.

I've listened to these guys' songs, and they're really great.

Before receiving this award, I thought I might not win this award.


Although he won the award, Chen Qi was obviously very humble.

After thanking the company and the production team of this ep, he slightly praised his competitors.

The somewhat depressed faces of the several finalists in the audience couldn't help but smile.

Just like before winning the award, Chen Qiming thought his competitors were very strong.

Several of his competitors thought so too.

No way, from last year, the gap between the five is really not too big.

Therefore, almost all of the five shortlisted singers and bands have a chance to win the award.

In this case, perhaps before winning the award, everyone had a strong sense of expectation for the award, but after the real winner appeared, they may have regrets, but they were still somewhat convinced that Chen Qiming won the award.

Especially creative talent.

Three hit songs, plus the passionate theme song from the recent "Red Zone".

This directly pushed Chen Qiming's creative ability to a climax.

Currently, many media and fans are looking forward to Chen Qiming's next album.

I want to see if his terrifying creative ability can continue.

"Quick, call the newspaper!"

"Notify the company quickly!"


When Chen Qiming won the award, reporters from Hong Kong and Taiwan were extremely excited in the audience. They began to call their newspapers to inform them about the situation at the Grammys.

"Hahaha! Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Today's news, we eat it!"

In Hong Kong, Huang Jingwen, editor-in-chief of New Times Daily, couldn't help laughing out loud after receiving a call from the Grammys.

Compared with other newspapers that wait for the Grammy news to come out before starting to prepare articles, Huang Jingwen is very smart.

Before that, he had written four manuscripts directly in advance.

The four manuscripts respectively won Chen Qiming one of the blues, country, and comprehensive categories, but he did not win a single award.

Now, after word came from the Grammys that Chen Qiming won the best new artist, Huang Jingwen immediately took out the manuscript he had prepared in advance and asked the newspaper to start printing in large quantities, and then immediately distributed the goods to the whole Hong Kong.

In contrast, other newspaper offices are much slower and need to rewrite the manuscript before distributing the goods.

Then, by the time they got the goods, New Times had already sold a lot of newspapers.

Thanks to the high-speed promotion of New Times Daily, before two o'clock in the afternoon, the Grammy Music Awards in the United States had not even ended, and Hong Kong was already full of news about Chen Qiming winning the Grammy for Best New Artist.

【China's first Grammy trophy winner】

【Going International, Recognized by Heavyweight Awards】

【1994 The Strongest Newcomer in Europe and America went to Chen Qiming】

I have to say that Grammy strongly recommended Chen Qiming and gave him the award, which was definitely a very correct choice.

After the news of Chen Qiming's award spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan, driven by Chen Qiming's fame, the Grammy Awards began to be officially known to fans in Asia.

Many people know that there is a very powerful music award in the United States called the Grammy, and Chen Qiming won the best new artist in this award.


"I said you can!"

"Do it well, let those Yankees know that Chinese singers can't sing English songs!"

In the afternoon, the Grammy Awards ceremony ended amidst heated discussions.

As soon as the awards were over, Chen Qiming received congratulatory calls from many friends from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Chen Qiming expressed his thanks one by one.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon after the Grammy Awards ended, the list of winners of this Grammy Awards ceremony was reported by the American media for the first time.

Among them, the four major awards in the comprehensive category are definitely the most mentioned.

The comprehensive category is not a single field, but represents the most outstanding people in all fields of the entire music scene.

The winners of each session receive much attention.

If it is said that Chen Qiming became famous in the North American World War I before.

Well, as he won the Grammy for Best New Artist.

He has been completely promoted to the first-line ranks.

Countless North American fans who follow the Grammys will know his name, Chen Qiming.

Among them, what best represents the step-by-step growth of Chen Qiming's fame is that in less than two hours after the Grammys, several large group companies contacted Chen Qiming and asked him to sign endorsement deals.

Among them, there is KFC, one of the most famous junk food companies in the United States.

However, Chen Qiming did not agree to the endorsement right away.

Now he has to go back and get busy with the record company. He has no time to delay in North America, so he can only temporarily refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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