Chapter 236 Cooperation
Biographical movie!

Most of this type of film is a literary film.

Chen Qiming doesn't think he can break into Hollywood with literary films.

If it was really that simple, people like Gong Li and Maggie Cheung would have successfully entered Hollywood long ago.

In addition, Chen Qiming does not think that Americans will be interested in his biography of an Asian.

It's not that I'm not interested.

Rather, he has not reached the level of attracting others' attention at all.

Therefore, Chen Qiming is not interested in this kind of movie.

"What movie do you think you want to make?"

Steven did not show dissatisfaction with Chen Qiming's answer, but asked humbly.

Chen Qiming could tell that he was very interested in him.

So, after pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and said:
"I run a film production company in Hong Kong.

I think we may have a lot of cooperation in this regard. "

Hearing Chen Qiming's words, Steven was taken aback.

After a while, he asked, "You mean to let Warner invest in your film company?"

"No, it's not investing in a film company. If Warner is really interested in me, we can cooperate to make a film."

Chen Qiming shook his head and said.

"Invest in your company's movies?"

Now, Steven finally understood.

"Yes! If Warner is interested, I think we can cooperate."

Chen Qiming nodded.

Rawana Investments.

This is a good opportunity for Chen Qiming.

As long as it gets online with Warner, the films of Qiming Film and Television will no longer be limited to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

If he could, he might be able to release movies in Europe and the United States as frequently as Jackie Chan, and it might not be possible for him to break into Hollywood a few more times.

According to the information in the dream, Jackie Chan has entered Hollywood.

Based on the analysis of the information and the comparison with reality, Chen Qiming came to a conclusion.

The reason why Jackie Chan broke into Hollywood did not depend on overnight.

In the 70s, Golden Harvest successfully promoted Bruce Lee internationally. In 1973, "Enter the Dragon" was a major international production jointly produced by Golden Harvest and Warner Pictures, and it was released globally.

Therefore, Jackie Chan, who was trained as Bruce Lee's successor, Golden Harvest also has the ambition to promote him internationally.

In order to create the next Bruce Lee, Golden Harvest invited several Hollywood movie stars to join in and produced "The Killer".

This movie is Jackie Chan's first break into Hollywood.

It's a pity that the young Jackie Chan doesn't have any international reputation yet. In order to be able to film the whole process in the United States, Golden Harvest also gave up a lot of autonomy.

Therefore, Jackie Chan and Jiahe were very passive during the filming of "Killer's Trenches". Not only the director and editing rights were controlled by American directors, but even Jackie Chan's martial arts guidance had to be in accordance with the requirements of foreigners.

In the end, the resulting action effects are at least 10 years behind Jackie Chan's "Junior and Brother".

The outcome of the movie is unquestionably a failure.

However, this is not the only film that Jackie Chan has ventured into Hollywood this time.

In 1979, after Golden Harvest decided to re-promote Jackie Chan, the boss Zou Wenhuai aggressively announced at the Hollywood premiere: Golden Harvest will invest 6000 million US dollars to shoot 6 big productions with international superstars, and "Killer's Trenches" is just the beginning.

After "Killer's Trenches", Jackie Chan immediately starred in another Hollywood film "Cannonball Run", and also starred in Golden Harvest's comedy leader Xu Guanwen.

It’s just that Jackie Chan and Xu Guanwen only acted as a racing driver in “Cannonball Run” compared to “Killer’s Trenches”, and they are just one of the many protagonists. out of their embarrassment.

Moreover, the highlight of "Cannonball Run" is all kinds of racing shots, which can't show Jackie Chan's skills at all. He can only laugh with Xu Guanwen.

The final ending was naturally even worse, and it didn't cause any waves in Hollywood at all.

After filming "Cannonball Run", Jackie Chan returned to Hong Kong and ended his first trip to Hollywood.

After returning to Hong Kong, Jackie Chan directed and acted in "Master Dragon", which was the runner-up in Hong Kong's box office in 1982.

"Project A" in 1983 was the runner-up at the Hong Kong box office in 1983.

Together with Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao's "Five Lucky Stars", "Fast Food Truck" and other films, successively achieved good box office results, and was also nominated for the Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards and won the Best Action Director Award. Consolidated its status in the Hong Kong film industry.

Taking advantage of the power at this time, Jackie Chan embarked on his journey to Hollywood for the second time, participating in "Cannonball Run 2".

As a result, the experience was even worse.

"Cannonball Speed ​​2" not only cannot guarantee Jackie Chan's role, but also has worse box office and word-of-mouth. It also won two nominations for the Golden Raspberry Award, which is a mess.

Therefore, Jackie Chan's second trip to Hollywood came with good luck and returned with disappointment.

In 1985, with even greater ambitions, Jackie Chan and Golden Harvest started their third Hollywood test, filming a police and gangster film "Wey Dragon Detective".

"Wey Dragon Detective" not only has Jackie Chan, but also Hong Kong actors such as Li Saifeng, Qiao Hong, and Ye Qianwen, as well as Jackie Chan's queen screenwriter Deng Jingsheng participated in the screenwriting, and Jackie Chan also has certain editing rights.

As a result, "Wild Dragons" was an immediate disaster.

The American director, who was obviously biased, almost completely abandoned Jackie Chan's action expertise, and only arranged a few action scenes, but asked Jackie Chan to be a dull detective with his poor English.

Moreover, the director was very strong, completely ignoring Jackie Chan's opinion, completely overthrowing Jackie Chan's action design, and Jackie Chan was so angry that he directly called the boss of Jiahe to change the director.

In the end, the director couldn't be changed, so Jackie Chan had to go back to Hong Kong and reshoot part of the scenes himself. Ye Qianwen's scenes were reshoots later.

Jackie Chan's third trip to Hollywood was also a failure, but Jackie Chan was not without gains. His harvest was to shoot police-themed movies. "Police Story" is the inspiration Jackie Chan found after the failure of "The Dragon".

After that, the "Police Story" series became Jackie Chan's most successful masterpiece.

It is also the highest-grossing series of movies in Asia at present, making Jackie Chan's appeal in Asia even stronger.

Jackie Chan's several trips to Hollywood not only brought Jackie Chan experience.

It also made Chen Qiming have a different idea.

Obviously, it is not so easy for Asians to succeed in Hollywood, even with the support of film companies.

Therefore, Chen Qiming did not expect to be successful in Hollywood with just one film.

If I had a few more chances and my own popularity in the music world, this might make my trip to Hollywood easier.

"Cooperation is fine, but I hope our record cooperation will not end so soon, what do you think?"

Hearing Chen Qiming's request, Steven's eyes lit up.

It seemed that he had caught Chen Qiming's weakness.

"Our cooperation has always been very pleasant. As long as your quotation is not low, I don't think we will give up our cooperation with Warner!"

Hearing this, Chen Qiming couldn't help laughing.

Although the cooperation with Warner Records has some minor frictions, overall it is quite pleasant.

If Warner can help Qiming Film and Television in film, Chen Qiming doesn't mind cooperating with Warner all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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