Treasure Island 1992, starting from the Four Little Heavenly Kings

Chapter 189 I hope not to lose too much Andy Lau

Chapter 189 I hope not to lose too much Andy Lau

A large number of fans who were unhappy watching Chen Qiming, or who wanted to pull Chen Qiming off the altar, began to rank Andy Lau's "Forgetting Love Water" on a large scale.

This scene is absolutely unimaginable.

For so many years in the Chinese music scene, this is the first time that a person is too popular, causing fans of other singers to unite.

Therefore, this immediately attracted the attention of the media.

Everyone turned their attention to "Forget Love Water", wanting to see if this song can end Chen Qiming's reign over the champion.

At the same time, the media are also looking forward to the duel between Chen Qiming and Andy Lau.

Although this year's April and May can be regarded as full of powerful people, among them, the media generally believe that only Andy Lau can pose a threat to Chen Qiming.

As the only one of the four heavenly kings who has a good influence in film and television and music, Andy Lau's popularity in the Mandarin market has always been at the top.

This can be seen from last year's top ten idol votes, only he and Chen Qiming's votes exceeded [-].

Even, to a certain extent, in the current Chinese music scene, regardless of achievements or others, in terms of popularity, Chen Qiming and Andy Lau are definitely the most popular.

Among them, Chen Qiming may be more popular because of his continuous output for two consecutive years, but overall, he is not much higher than Andy Lau.

It is also similar in popularity.

Therefore, when the news that the two people's albums will collide in April was announced, it immediately attracted a lot of media attention.

Although most people think that Andy Lau should not be able to defeat Chen Qiming, but he is indeed the most likely existence to defeat Chen Qiming.

Therefore, when the two people's songs began to collide and attracted a large number of fans to stand in line, the media in Hong Kong and Taiwan collectively boiled over.

Various prediction topics about the two people's record sales and achievements kept popping up.

Both Chen Qiming and Andy Lau ignored the various topics in the newspaper, but focused on their respective record promotions.

Chen Qiming's side is normal.

His album NO.17 was released, these two days are at a critical juncture and we cannot relax.

And Andy Lau was under too much pressure.

Although when Andy Lau released this album, his idea was to compete with Chen Qiming and use the popularity to improve himself.

At the same time, the media also have great expectations for him, hoping that he can break the practice that Chen Qiming will always occupy the championship position if he releases an album in the past two years.

Even his fans have great expectations for him, thinking that he has a good chance of defeating Chen Qiming's undefeated myth with this album.


All of the above are a bunch of guys who can't see the momentum.

As an existence who debuted for many years, Andy Lau definitely understands Chen Qiming's horror better than anyone else.

Before the album was released, there were five first songs that firmly occupied the top positions on the major charts for several weeks.

This kind of achievement, the entire Chinese music world can't find a second one.

Moreover, Andy Lau is not a fake singer who doesn't understand music.

In the past two years, he has begun to try to write songs by himself.

It is precisely because he can create that he understands the horror of the five songs that Chen Qiming has released.

These are five highly sung songs, not the kind of casual bad songs.

Many people will never have so many golden songs like Chen Qiming's on the list now.

But now, so many songs that can be called classics have all been put into one album by this idiot Chen Qiming.

This made Andy Lau feel like crying when he was under tremendous pressure.

Although his album "Forgetting Love" is very good.

There are a few really good songs in there too.

But look at my own album songs, and then look at Chen Qiming's album.

Andy Lau suddenly became very angry.

He really didn't understand why Chen Qiming, a thief, wanted to put so many golden songs in one album.

Could it be that he knew in advance that he had already planned to touch him last year, and then deliberately prepared to kill himself in seconds?
No matter how hard he was, under the pressure of the media and fans, Andy Lau had no choice but to face the difficulties bravely and continue to compete with Chen Qiming.

In order not to let himself lose too badly, Andy Lau also began to actively participate in various variety shows, major radio stations, and began to promote his new album.

Um!It is defeat!
The production team including Warner Records and Andy Lau's record are very clear that 90.00% of Andy Lau can't beat Chen Qiming.

This point is very clear to anyone with a little sense.

There are many sensible media in Hong Kong and Taiwan listed the reasons for Andy Lau's defeat.

The first is naturally the popularity of the song.

There is no doubt about the classic degree of "Wang Qing Shui", no one will say that this song is not good.

But so what.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Chen Qiming's album is full of golden songs.

One can't beat you, how about two?What about three?What about four?
With the support of many golden songs, Chen Qiming and Andy Lau have unreleased albums. There is no doubt that Chen Qiming's album is more expected by fans and audiences.

The second is heat.

Although Andy Lau has been in contact with Chen Qiming during this period of time, his album has become extremely popular before it is released.

But compared with Chen Qiming, it was far worse.

You know, Chen Qiming's album now has five songs that occupy the top five positions on the major charts for several days.

In addition, "Dark Fragrance" also made a sensational impact and landed at the top of the charts in ten countries and regions.

This kind of record-breaking deed, the heat brought by it is definitely not what Andy Lau can achieve by touching porcelain.

In addition, Chen Qiming's album has another point that fans are looking forward to.

That is, his album cost millions, and ten first-line actresses from Hong Kong and Taiwan were invited to help shoot the MV.

Now, I'm afraid there are quite a few guys who are drooling and looking forward to the album's release soon. They like the MVs of these actresses!
Then, recently, Chen Qiming's movie "Tornado Boy" is also being released.

This movie isn't phenomenal though.

But it managed to get out of the circle.

In Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Now, just randomly pull someone on the street and ask him if he has any good movie recommendations.

80.00%, that passer-by can say "Tornado Kid".

With the blessing of various factors, Chen Qiming's album is now almost invincible.

Now Andy Lau has no extravagant hope of surpassing the sales volume of this record.

He just hoped not to lose too badly.

Last year, Jacky Cheung lost more than 200 million pieces of data.

This year, his goal is not to exceed this data.

Otherwise, he would definitely be laughed at.

Media: "Jacky Cheung only lost Chen Qiming's 200 million records, but Andy Lau lost... From this, it can be seen that Andy Lau is not as good as Jacky Cheung."

(End of this chapter)

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