Chapter 185 Chen Derong

Chen Qiming chatted with Chen Derong for a few words, Chen Derong started to change clothes, and Chen Qiming came to the MV director to chat with him about the upcoming shooting.

As the king of heaven, Chen Qiming naturally has privileges.

For now, he has the final say on many things about his own records.

Even the MV, if Chen Qiming finds it unreasonable, he can also modify it.

Not to mention, the MV story of the song "Meteor Shower" was provided by Chen Qiming.

Therefore, when filming, Chen Qiming has great privileges.

He can even ask the director how to shoot.

And why did Chen Qiming invite Chen Derong to be the heroine of the MV?

It's not that he is very interested in Chen Derong.

Therefore, when Chen Qiming set up the plot, he specially set up a passionate kiss scene for the two of them.

After chatting with the MV director for a while, Chen Derong came out.

She was wearing a floral short skirt, and her hair was tied with a simple headband, giving people a fresh and refined feeling.

"Is this dress okay? The costumer has prepared two sets, and I think this one is more suitable."

Coming in front of Chen Qiming, Chen Derong turned around lightly and asked.

"It's so beautiful, it's just tailor-made for you!"

Seeing Chen Derong in this dress, Chen Qiming couldn't help but brighten his eyes and nodded with a smile.

"That's good!"

With Chen Qiming's approval, Chen Derong couldn't help but smile.

Women's minds are very clear.

Don't think that Chen Derong doesn't understand what Chen Qiming is thinking.

If Chen Qiming had no other thoughts, how could he often call her after work in the middle of the night.

He even greeted her with care from time to time.

Now that he understood Chen Qiming's intentions, he took the initiative to invite her to shoot the MV.

There was even a passionate kissing scene revealed in the small script given to her.

If she was not interested in Chen Qiming, she would never accept this invitation.

Also because of interest.

Therefore, she seemed to care more about Chen Qiming's thoughts.

"OK! Let's start shooting! Let's try to get off work early!"

The MV director next to him clapped his hands and looked at Chen Qiming.

Chen Qiming nodded, indicating that it was time to shoot.

So, this small MV filming crew immediately started to act.

Chen Qiming and Chen Derong also stood in front of the camera.

The MV story of "Meteor Shower" is very simple.

It tells the story of simple boys and girls dating together and watching meteor showers together.

During the period, the two needed hugs and some passionate kiss scenes.

Well, it's that simple.

But MVs are actually like this.

A simple story, accompanied by music, is considered a MV.

Moreover, "Meteor Shower" is only one of the ten MVs, so Chen Qiming didn't need to put too much thought into it.

This time, if it wasn't because of other thoughts, if it was another actress, Chen Qiming might not even go to the scene to shoot, and just let the director shoot the actress's screen, and then he would just show a little bit.

The MV director is obviously a sensible person.

After the MV shooting started, there would be a clicking sound from time to time, especially during the kiss scene between Chen Qiming and Chen Derong.

This guy yelled five times in a row!

In the end, Chen Qiming's mouth was a little sore and his tongue was a little numb. He took the initiative to watch the shooting effect, and then used his privileges to end the shooting of this scene.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the MV of "Meteor Shower" was officially announced to be completed.

After the filming ended, Chen Qiming asked Li Xiaowen to take the filming crew to eat.

And he was driving the car, taking Chen Derong out for a drive.

Five or six kissing shots in a row are not without effect.

The contact from the depths of the soul made the relationship between Chen Qiming and Chen Derong much closer.

After getting in the car, the conversation between the two became much closer.

[When the petals leave the flower, the dark fragrance remains]

[Incense disappeared after the wind and rain, no one came to smell it]

【If love tells me to go on】

【I will fight until the end of love】

In the car, Chen Qiming turned on the radio, originally wanting to listen to Ye Qianwen's "Women's Weakness", so as to find out about the enemy's situation.

Unexpectedly, two or three channels were changed in a row, and his "Dark Fragrance" was broadcast on it.

"It sounds great! Why do you want to change it!"

On the co-pilot, Chen Derong couldn't help but wondered when he saw Chen Qiming kept changing channels.

"My own song, listening to it by myself, always feels weird!"

Chen Qiming laughed.

"You don't know your blessings when you are in the blessing. If my song is played on the radio every day, I will be so happy!"

Chen Derong pouted, she felt that Chen Qiming was in Versailles.

Hearing this, Chen Qiming smiled and did not speak.

Chen Derong's thinking is just a manifestation of wanting to be popular.

He was before red.

He also often stands in front of the radio station, and every time his song is played on the radio station, he will feel very excited.

The feeling of being heard by someone when my own song comes from the radio is really cool.

But after he became popular, this feeling gradually disappeared.

Even, sometimes he feels a little distressed.

Because, every time he wanted to listen to songs to relieve his stress, he would turn on the radio, only to find that no matter which radio station, it was all his own songs.

That feeling is really annoying...

"By the way, where did you get the inspiration for creating songs? Do love songs like "Dark Fragrance" come from your personal experience?"

Chen Derong asked casually.

It looked casual on the surface, but in fact, her gaze fell slightly on Chen Qiming's face.

Through the rearview mirror, Chen Qiming noticed her actions and couldn't help smiling.

This is not asking about his song inspiration, but mainly about his relationship!

"See a movie!"

Most of my creative inspiration comes from movies.

Of course, sometimes the creation is based on the experience of others.

"Have you never been in love?"

Chen Derong blinked his eyes with curiosity.

"I've talked about it! Of course I've talked about it. I'm an adult, not a child!

It's just that I haven't met the right one, and I have been in love before, and they all separated due to various reasons. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qiming couldn't help but recall the few women he had relationships with.

There are quite a few women who have had sex with him.

But the person who really falls in love should only be Athena Chu.

It's just that the work of the two is really not compatible.

Athena Chu's work has always been in Hong Kong, while Chen Qiming is flying everywhere. In a year, he can't even stay in Baodao for long.

After not seeing each other for a long time, the relationship gradually faded.

They never said they broke up.

But by now, the two have basically broken up.

After chatting here, the two of them tacitly did not continue to discuss this topic in depth.

They are all entertainers, some things should not be discussed too deeply, otherwise they will become a target if they are not careful.

Chen Qiming parked the car at the intersection.

Then they pretended a little, and the two of them went straight to the cinema with a cup of milk tea in their arms.

"Your "Tornado Boy" is about to be released!"

When he came to the entrance of the theater, Chen Derong glanced at the poster at the entrance and said with a smile.

Chen Qiming glanced at it, and it was indeed the poster of "The Whirlwind Boy".

Showtimes are marked above.

April [-]th.

He has been busy with the album recently, and he didn't notice that this movie is about to be released.

I just don't know if this film can give his album a little boost.

(End of this chapter)

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