Chapter 182 Pulling Investments

Hong Kong, Qiming Film and Television Office.

Chen Qiming sat at his desk, holding in his hand a preliminary investment budget calculated by the accountant of Qiming Film and Television.

Seeing the number with seven zeros on the report made Chen Qiming's head hurt.

2000 million.

According to calculations, the investment of the movie "Fengyun" will probably be around 2000 million.

And that's just the minimum standard.

If the filming consumes a little bit more, or the actors get paid more, the investment will go up.

Touching his chin, Chen Qiming fell into deep thought.

The movie "New Love" has earned a total of 800 million box office in Hong Kong.

The theater chain and the producer were divided equally, and Er Dongsheng's production company and Chen Qiming's Qiming Film and Television left 900 million yuan.

The money was divided between the two parties on a 140-[-] basis, and Qiming Film and Television made six, and Qiming Film and Television received a profit of [-] million in the end.

Then, copyright sales in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and other places, plus videotapes, VCDs, etc. are divided.

The final income of Qiming Film and Television in the movie "New Love" is around 2000 million.

Now, the budget of the new movie has reached this amount as soon as it starts, which makes Chen Qiming very worried.

Why did Andy Lau become the desperate Saburo he is now.

Isn't it just because the film and television company played too much before, resulting in too much loss.

Now, Chen Qiming feels as if he is following his old path.

If this kind of one-shot deal is successful, it goes without saying that the film and television company can make a lot of money.

but failed...

As long as it fails, Qiming will obviously go bankrupt.

Even if it affects the whole body, it may also affect Chen Qiming's own assets.

and so……

After scanning the budget carefully, Chen Qiming picked up the phone.

He felt that he still couldn't eat alone.

It is also possible to share this opportunity to make money with others.

It's not that he's afraid that he won't be able to resist after failure, it's that he doesn't want to eat alone at all, um, that's it.

Picking up the phone, Chen Qiming found Wu Dun's phone number and called the boss of Changhong Film and Television.

"Amin, why did you remember to call me? Have you returned to Taipei?"

Wu Dun on the other end of the phone was surprised by Chen Qiming's call and couldn't help asking.

Standing up, Chen Qiming pondered for a while, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Wu, didn't you say that you have a chance to make money last time, so you must be attracted!

I have a new project here, I think it can make money, I would like to ask if you are interested? "

"Is it "Fengyun"?"

Wu Dun asked.

There has never been any secrets in the entertainment industry.

After Chen Qiming came to Hong Kong, he immediately met with Liu Weiqiang and others, and Qiming Film and Television also started quickly, as if he was about to do a big job.

Naturally, this kind of battle cannot be hidden from Wu Dun.

"Yes! Mr. Wu should have heard that I will personally play the leading role in this drama. In addition, I also invited Li Ming.

I think, with the two of us here, the box office of this movie is guaranteed. I wonder if you are interested? "

Chen Qiming said.

He didn't say anything about the script being awesome.

These days, no matter how good the script is, there is no reality for the top lineup.

Just say Jet Li and Jackie Chan or Stephen Chow.

For their movies, investors don't even need to read the script, and don't need other guarantees. As long as actors like them are present, the investors will pay without hesitation.

Although Chen Qiming didn't reach that level.

But relying on his appeal in the music world, and the success of "New Love" last year, many investors still value him very much.

There are many people who invest money for his face.

What's more, Chen Qiming also pulled Liming.

Perhaps Liming's appeal in the film industry is not as good as Monday's, even Andy Lau and Leslie Cheung.

But he still has some charisma.

At present, there are several echelons of actors in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The first echelon is undoubtedly Zhou Yicheng and Jet Li.

Then the second echelon is Chen Qiming, Leslie Cheung and Andy Lau.

The third echelon below is the other three of the Four Heavenly Kings, as well as Tony Leung, Tony Leung Ka Fai and others.

Don't think that you can't do it in the third team.

On the contrary, most film producers in Hong Kong and Taiwan find it difficult to invite these existences to make films.

Especially Dawn.

This guy is rich in his own family, and then made a lot of money in the music industry, so he rarely takes movies.

This also makes his appeal quite good.

Therefore, Chen Qiming believes that Wu Dun will never refuse after knowing that he and Liming are the leading actors.

And the fact is the same. After hearing what Chen Qiming said, Wu Dun immediately showed interest.

"How much to invest?" he asked.

"This is a manga movie that requires a lot of special effects, so the investment budget..."

Chen Qiming originally only planned to invest 500 million yuan.

But it suddenly occurred to me that since Du La invested, why not minimize the risk and let Wu Dunlai share more risk.

So, he said directly: "The total investment is 2000 million, and I already have 1000 million here. If Mr. Wu is interested, the remaining 1000 million can be given to you."

"1000 million? Hong Kong dollars or Taiwan dollars?"

Hearing this number, Wu Dun immediately asked.

"Hong Kong dollars!" Chen Qiming confirmed.

Hearing this, Wu Dun hesitated on the phone, "Amin, you're playing too big! This is no small money!"

2000 million Hong Kong dollars.

This is definitely considered a big production in the Hong Kong film investment in the past few years.

At present, the whole of Hong Kong is only as big as the two Monday Cheng and Jet Li movies dare to play.

"No way, this is a manga movie, which requires a lot of special effects."

Chen Qiming explained.

He will not say something like, "You invest! You will make money".

Film and television investment is like gambling, it is risky.

Even if the box office is as big as Monday, they can't guarantee that the movie will make money.

Although Chen Qiming has information about the future, he knows that the final box office of this movie will be very high.

But he did not dare to make any guarantees.

After all, for a movie, different actors, different directors and even editing will produce different pictures.

He is also afraid of failure.

That's why he chose to ask Wu Dun for a layer of insurance.

"I need to think about it. You know, although Changhong invests in a lot of movies every year, there are really few movies that invest tens of millions."

Wu Dun did not respond to Chen Qiming immediately, but said so.

Hearing this, Chen Qiming immediately expressed his understanding.

Don't look at Changhong who seems to have made a lot of movies in recent years.

But U Don is smart.

The films he shoots are often small productions, and the film with the largest investment was last year's "New Meteor Butterfly Sword", which was only more than 700 million at that time.

Most of the funds are still used in the remuneration of actors.

As for the "Tornado Boy" that Chen Qiming just shot for Changhong.

There is not much investment in this play.

The big investment in this movie is Chen Qiming's salary.

Moreover, because of the relationship between Wu Dun and Fulong Company, Chen Qiming's salary for this film is self-decreasing.

He only got 400 million paychecks.

And for this movie, apart from Chen Qiming's salary, the total salary of other people is only 300 million.

Including various other expenses, the investment in this drama did not exceed tens of millions.

Therefore, now facing Chen Qiming's 1000 million investment, it is normal for Wu Dun to hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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