Chapter 172 Pirate VCD
Led by Alyssa Chia and Xu Jinglei, the three of Chen Qiming embarked on a short three-day tour of the capital.

First went to climb the Great Wall for a day.

The scenery is indeed beautiful, especially standing on the Great Wall and looking around, it can't help but give people a sense of heroism.

Then the next morning, the three went to see the flag-raising ceremony.

The only pity is that Chen Qiming can't go in and visit.

During the period, Chen Qiming also probably discovered Jia Jingwen's thoughts.

She and Xu Jinglei cooperated with each other, revealing from time to time that she likes her own ideas.

It is not the first time Chen Qiming has experienced being liked by others and expressing his love to himself.

In this regard, he is quite experienced.

He neither agreed to his veiled confession there, nor did he show any emotion of hating her.

Well, I understand, but I pretend not to understand.

"You are always too soft-hearted"

"Crying alone till dawn"

"You love that person without complaint or regret"

"I know you're not that strong at all"

On the afternoon of the 28th, Sanlitun, the capital.

The singing echoed in the video store on the street.

This is not a singing tape, but a VCD with video.

Although "The Heart Is Too Soft" has been released for more than half a year, this album is still very popular in the mainland.

The simple and beautiful melody and singing made passers-by stop and look at the video store.

The entrance of the store full of tapes and VCDs is covered with dense posters of celebrities.

There are the four great kings of Hong Kong, Leslie Cheung and Alan Tam, the Little Tigers and Wang Jie, and Qi Qin Tong Ange, while in the mainland there are Yang Yuying, Mao Ning, Na Ying, Liu Huan and others.

Among them, Chen Qiming's poster is the most conspicuous.

The big poster directly occupies the C position, quite a feeling of looking down on the heroes.

Opposite the video store, although Chen Qiming just happened to be here.

After hearing the singing from the video store, Xu Jinglei immediately asked Chen Qiming to give her a signed CD.

After getting Chen Qiming's consent, she immediately rushed into the video store, and after a while, she came out of the video store with three or four VCDs.

Taking the VCD record from her, Chen Qiming smiled and was about to sign it.

However, he reflexively turned the VCD to the back, and then scanned the publication number.

This scan immediately gave him a pause, and he looked at the record carefully.

After looking carefully, Chen Qiming came to a conclusion that the records that Xu Jinglei bought were all pirated copies.

He looked at Xu Jinglei, "Are all the records in the capital like this?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Jinglei was a little puzzled.

"Forget it, I'll go to the video store to see it myself!"

After thinking about it, Chen Qiming felt that Xu Jinglei probably didn't understand some things about records.

So, he simply walked to the video store by himself.

Behind, Xu Jinglei and Jia Jingwen looked at each other suspiciously, not understanding what Chen Qiming was going to do, but they still followed.

【Trend audio and video】

The decoration of the video store is very new, and the name obviously refers to the name of Chen Qiming's first album.

Chen Qiming walked into the store. There was a lot of space inside. Five or six shelves were covered with various audio-visual VCDs and tapes.

At this time, five or six people were picking records.

"If you have any VCDs and tapes you like, you can choose whatever you want. The new store is open, and the price is very cheap!"

At the counter, the video store owner is reading a newspaper.

Sensing someone coming in, he said without raising his head.

Chen Qiming scanned the store and quickly found the area where his records were placed.

That's a separate area.

His posters were posted on the shelf with "Chen Qiming" written on it, and the shelves next to him were almost full of his records.

He walked over and randomly pulled out a VCD from the shelf.

The cover is very cool, he wears sunglasses and has a serious face.

Flipping through the publication number on the back again, Chen Qiming's heart sank slightly.

Then he checked a few VCDs from the shelves, and without exception, he found that these VCDs were all pirated copies.

Watching several customers take VCDs from the shelves and leave the store happily.

Chen Qiming could imagine how much money he had lost.

Before, he had heard Liu Ciwei say that in the past few months since the rise of VCD, the music market in the mainland has been greatly impacted by piracy.

A large number of pirated VCDs began to appear on the market, seriously affecting the sales of records.

He didn't pay much attention at the time.

Now it seems that this may not be as simple as an impact.

In general, I am afraid that the entire mainland record market has been destroyed by VCD piracy.

"Brother Qiming, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

At this time, Alyssa Chia who followed in asked suspiciously.

"These records are all bootlegs, and the publication numbers are wrong!"

Speaking, Chen Qiming pointed to the publication number on the back of the VCD and said, "Products produced by regular audio-visual publishing houses will be marked with Wenxiangjinzi or Wenyinjinzi in the corner of the packaging box, as well as copyright certificate number or Guoquanxiangzi, etc. Approved font size.

Pirated discs generally do not have approved trade names, or the approved trade names are incomplete.

And this one directly did not approve the font size.

In addition, the publishing house above is not correct. The publishing house our company cooperates with is China Audiovisual, but this one is Tianjin Audiovisual. "

Shaking his head, Chen Qiming said: "Forget it, don't worry about it, I will let the company contact China Audiovisual Processing."

The existence of pirated records has seriously damaged the interests of singers, record companies, and even publishing companies.

First of all, of course, is the question of income.

The second is that pirated editions are pirated editions after all, and most of them are crudely produced, and some of them are not even accurate in content.

What's more, some pirated companies even do tricks to sell dog meat.

The cover of the album was labeled as Chen Qiming's album. As a result, after the VCD was played in the VCD player, it contained pornographic movies or some messy content.

And audiences can be easily misled.

He originally planned to buy Chen Qiming's record, but the quality of the record he bought was not good, or there were no songs by Chen Qiming in it.

He must have troubled the boss who sold his records first.

But later, in the case of incomplete information circulation, he may not even know that what he bought is a pirated copy.

I don't even know what is pirated and what is genuine.

He will only attribute his bad experience with this record to singers like Chen Qiming.

One, two, or three or four people encounter this situation.

Their impression of Chen Qiming decreased, which naturally easily affected Chen Qiming's image.

Whether it is a singer or a movie star, they rely on word of mouth and image.

If your image is damaged, or if the audience loses interest in you, then no matter how famous you are, you are basically doomed.

"Let's go first!"

Chen Qiming voluntarily left the shop.

Of course, he didn't buy the record.

The piracy harmed his interests. It would be nice if he didn't bother the boss on the spot. How could he still buy this record.

However, even though I told Alyssa Chia and the others that it was fine.

But that night, Chen Qiming immediately called Fulong Company about the matter in the capital and asked them to think of a way.

It is obviously impossible to ban pirated VCDs.

Since an industry can rise, it naturally means that it has very huge interests.

If there are interests, there will never be a shortage of pursuers.

In addition, there is almost no awareness of copyright in the mainland, and it is almost impossible to cut off piracy.

What they can do now is to avoid precautions as much as possible, and strive to earn enough profits when the piracy of a record is prevalent.

(End of this chapter)

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