Three Kingdoms: At the beginning, Lu Bu was mistaken for his father-in-law

Chapter 336 Chapter 335 Unilateral massacre, Jiangdong’s sons will be wiped out

Chapter 336 Chapter 335 Unilateral massacre, Jiangdong’s sons will be wiped out
The defense in Lu Junying's camp was frighteningly lax.

On the way in, except for a few sergeants guarding the camp gate, there were scattered stragglers running for their lives all the way in.

The flying bonfire ignited the tent, but no one ran out from inside. Sun Ce didn't take it seriously and continued to dig deeper and fiercely. After all, in his opinion, this was a normal situation.

Lu Jun's camp was built for a garrison of 4 people, but Lin Mo only left a few thousand wounded soldiers, and with the cavalry, it was only over [-].

Usually the stables are placed behind the central military tent, and the cavalry will not be able to organize at all for a while.

Furthermore, the letter of surrender he sent should have made Yan Liangwen ugly. He must have drunk a lot of wine tonight. It is normal to have no one around.

Even Zhou Yu didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, Yan Liang and Wen Chou were just ordinary people, and a letter of false surrender would make them crazy.

Although it was a three-pronged attack, the time could not be completely synchronized after all. The first one to rush to the Chinese army's tent was Sun Ce's team.

Looking from a distance, the center of the army was completely dark. Sun Ce did not doubt that he was there. When he rushed forward and was about to cut off the banner, a shower of arrows suddenly poured down.

Sun Ce's keen insight gained from his near-death experience on the battlefield made Sun Ce immediately give up the idea of ​​capturing the flag. The Overlord Spear danced into a disk, sparks flickered, and all the arrows fell to the ground.

But the Jiangdong Army following him was not so good at martial arts, and a hundred and ten people fell immediately.

At this point, not only Sun Ce, but everyone else as well, didn't realize that they had one foot in the coffin, and just regarded them as flag guards deployed in the Chinese army tent.

When he was about to find the trace and kill him, he suddenly heard the muffled sound of horse hooves.

clack, clack.
In the darkness, a man holding a long gun walked out.

His head was lowered, and the weak firelight could not reflect his appearance. Sun Ce raised his spear and stared at the visitor warily.

When the distance was only a few feet away, the other party suddenly raised his head, and a resolute and handsome face came into view. This face was enough to make Jiang Dongjun, including Sun Ce, take a breath.

"Marquis Wu, please dismount and be bound. It may save your life."

"Zhao Yun!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other. In addition, the other party's words were not very harmful but extremely insulting. Sun Ce immediately thought of Tai Shi Ci. He didn't even bother to find out how this person who was supposed to be in Pengcheng appeared here. He rushed towards him with a gun. Go up.

As soon as the lord came up, everyone behind him rushed forward.

Probably, only Zhou Yu was stunned on horseback.

He stared at Zhao Yun blankly, his heart already cold for most of his life, and he opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

You fell into the trap, you fell into the trap.
Zhao Yun is here, Zhao Yun is here, which proves that I have been tricked, and I have been tricked by Lin Mo.

Why, why is this happening? It’s impossible!

Zhou Yu's heart was in a state of collapse. He couldn't figure out which link went wrong, but one thing was certain: he was being manipulated by Lin Mo.

What kind of counter-intuitive tactics or tricks were probably just a joke in front of Lin Mo.

Behind Zhao Yun, the sound of horse hooves was like thunder. The most courageous cavalry in Lu Ying, Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, came, passing through both sides of the battle circle between Sun Ce and Zhao Yun, like a rolling iron current sweeping across, Jiangdong Army blocked him from dying in their arms. Under the spear, he was also knocked away by the war horse and spit out blood.

"Lord, you've fallen into a trap, retreat quickly!!!" Zhou Yu's eyes were moist and he was shouting hoarsely.

The cavalry rushed through, and countless Lu troops rushed out of the camps in all directions. Everyone was shouting: "The marquis will reward you. Anyone who captures Sun Ce will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and he will be made a school captain!"

Zhou Yu's voice was instantly swallowed up by the sound. In desperation, he could only call Lu Meng, who was closest to him, to rush around Sun Ce and swarm him, hoping to quickly defeat Zhao Yun.

The three men surrounded Zhao Yun, using spears, halberds and swords, and they circled Zhao Yun like a revolving lantern.

Zhao Yun was able to wield a spear with ease, but Sun Ce and Lu Meng were lucky. With the length of their weapons, they could still fight back and forth even if they couldn't win quickly. Every time Zhou Yu's long sword collided with the bright silver spear, he was hit by the reaction from the hilt. His arm was sore from the shock, and he couldn't bear it after a few rounds.

"Lord! If you don't leave, you will be surrounded. Get out, get out!"

Zhou Yu shouted several times, but Sun Ce turned a deaf ear and thought of joining forces to take down Zhao Yun.

In fact, he was secretly complaining in his heart. In the past, he felt that he couldn't defeat Lu Bu, so he couldn't defeat you, Zhao Yun.

After fighting against General Shu Cheng, after seeing his incredible marksmanship, he had to admit that he was not as good as him, but he never expected that after joining forces with Lu Meng and Zhou Yu, they still couldn't defeat him.

"Lord, look behind you!" Zhou Yu roared hysterically, finally causing Sun Ce to glance back after swinging the bright silver gun away.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it. When you look at it, your eyes widen and your heart sinks.

Visible to the naked eye, Jiangdong's soldiers fell in pieces with the tacit cooperation of Lu Jun's infantry and cavalry.

This is actually not surprising at all. Half of the troops Sun Ce brought were navy, not to mention that they were facing the most elite Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry.

But Jiangdong's sergeants were so weak that no one escaped in disgrace. They were fighting to the death.

Lu Bu and Lin Mo were the generals of the Northern Army, Cao Cao was the general of the Central Plains Army, and Jiangdong naturally believed in Sun Ce.

Even, in their hearts, their worship of Sun Ce is comparable to that of the former two personal guards.

Sun Ce's usual violence was mostly towards the noble family, but he was really able to treat his soldiers as brothers, which was why they were willing to risk their lives for Sun Ce.

But in the current situation, everyone knows that if they continue to fight, the result will be annihilation of the entire army.

Han Dang and Cheng Pu, who should have appeared a long time ago, have not yet arrived. They are afraid that they were ambushed like this one.

Therefore, they are also shouting: "Lord, retreat quickly!"

A Jiangdong Army Marquis, looking for an opportunity, stepped on the corpse and flew towards a Bingzhou Wolf Rider. Even if his body was pierced by his spear, he would drag him off his horse and hug him tightly. He looked at Sun Ce unwillingly, With his mouth full of blood and gritted teeth, he growled: "Lord, retreat quickly!"


Sun Ce roared almost with a choked voice, and after teaming up with Lu Meng to drive away Zhao Yun, he immediately turned his horse's head and galloped away.

Zhao Yun pierced the bright silver spear into the ground, held the iron bow under the saddle with his left hand, raised his right leg to hold the arrow, aimed at Sun Ce and fired the arrow quickly.

Of course the best shooter at that time was Lu Fengxian, who shot the halberd at Yuanmen. Even Huang Zhong had to recognize this.

But it is not an exaggeration to say that Zhao Yun's shooting skills can defeat the enemy with a hundred steps.

If history has not changed, on the eve of the Battle of Chibi, which burned the ships, Zhuge Liang borrowed the east wind from Nanping Mountain. When Zhao Yun protected him and retreated, Xu Sheng sailed to pursue him. Zhao Yun shot off the rope of his warship with an arrow, scaring off Jiangdong. Chasing troops.

You must know that Zhao Yun's archery conditions were extremely bad at that time. Firstly, his vision was poor at night. Secondly, the river wind was strong and the warship was swaying. Under such extreme circumstances, he was able to hit the rope that fixed the canvas. This was not a magic shot. what is it then.


Zhou Yu flew forward and blocked Sun Ce.

The power of this arrow was so great that it was able to carry Zhou Yu flying in the air, causing Zhou Yu to roll several times after landing.



Lu Meng immediately reined in his horse and turned around to glare at Zhao Yun. He didn't care whether he was the number one under Lu Bu. He raised his halberd and killed him back. "The thief will not fire his cold arrows. Brothers, stop the thief army for me!"

Sun Ce didn't care about anything else and immediately jumped off his horse to help him. Only then did he realize that blood was pouring out of his chest and he had been penetrated by an arrow.

Seeing the blood on his palms, Sun Ce froze in place as if he had lost his soul. He only shook his head slightly and said, "Gong Jin, Gong Jin doesn't want it. Let's go. I will take you back to Jiangdong. Let's go back to Jiangdong."


Zhou Yu endured the severe pain in his body and held Sun Ce's hand tightly, "Bo Fu, I can't go back, please leave quickly."

"No, no, it won't happen. Let's go, let's go home." Sun Ce felt his nose was sore, and Zhou Yu in front of him became hazy.

Zhou Yu raised his hand with difficulty and pointed at Zhao Yun, who was massacring Jiangdong's army in the battle circle, "Do you want all of us to die with our eyes open?"

"Let's go!!" Zhou Yu used his last bit of strength to push Sun Ce, rolled his eyes, and didn't react at all.At the last moment of his life, Zhou Yu never thought about the question of why he was born in Yu.

Perhaps, at this moment, none of this matters.

He was defeated, and he was convinced of his defeat.

I just hope that Sun Ce can go back safely.

The Overlord of Chu did not want to return to Jiangdong. Although Sun Ce was known as the Little Overlord, in Zhou Yu's heart, Xiang Yu was not a good role model.

On the contrary, Liu Bang lost all the battles, but a single victory forced Xiang Yu into a desperate situation.

Now, this world is not in Lu Lin's pocket yet. As long as he goes back, there is always a chance.

Bo Fu, I hope that the day you make a comeback will also be the time for your brothers to avenge their shame.
"Lord, leave quickly!"

"Lord! Avenge us!"

Jiangdong Erlang is not afraid of death. Facing the scornful Zhao Zilong and the boundless Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, he almost blocks the road with his life.

What a good brother, what a good robe, what a good soldier.
Sun Ce's heart was broken inch by inch, and he burst into tears. He wanted to fight, but the worst he could do was die.

But sometimes, it is easy to die but difficult to live.

The most important people in this group of people are sacrificing their lives to escape, and Zhou Yu's words echo in his mind: Do you want everyone to die in peace?
Die hard
He mounted his horse again and ran as fast as he could with the people who broke out of the encirclement.

Faster, faster, faster!

He was not afraid of death, but the sound of farewell was more terrifying than death. He did not dare to listen to it anymore, only hoping that the howling wind could cover it all.

The only belief that supports them is Zhou Yu's parting words and the soldiers' last hope, to avenge them.
Han Dang and Cheng Pu, who did not arrive successfully, were stopped as they expected, only halfway through.

Wen Chou and Yu Jin led a thousand cavalry and six thousand infantry to surround Cheng Pu, Ding Feng and Dong and attack them. Yan Liang and Xu Sheng also led a thousand cavalry and six thousand infantry to ambush Xizhai and fight with Han Dang. together.

"Langya Xu Wenxiang is here, who dares to fight with me!" Xu Shengke was so awesome, holding the iron rope in his hand, and the sword was far and near, and the Jiangdong army he killed was in disarray.

"You thief, give my father your life!" When Ling Tong heard that Xu Sheng announced his identity, Ling Tong went crazy and waved his spear to kill him, unable to stop him.

Xu Sheng didn't care who Ling Tong's father was. After killing so many people in Jiangdong in Guangling, who could remember whose son would come to take revenge.

"Get out of business quickly!" Han Dang was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother when the teenage boy didn't obey the command when he arrived on the battlefield.

But as a veteran general who had experienced hundreds of battles, and one of the four generals who followed Sun Jian to conquer the world, Han Dang was still very experienced. He commanded the army to escape quickly, while asking them to throw all the caltrops they were carrying on the ground.

Not to mention, the effect of this thing is quite good. It stabbed many Lu Jun over in the narrow passage, and many cavalry fell on it.

However, Yan Liang quickly adjusted the direction of the cavalry and detoured on the flanks. Anyway, he would not suffer any loss in terms of speed.

As for Ling Tong, he didn't care much and couldn't put all his soldiers in danger for a stupid young man.

In fact, Ling Tong was aggressive at the beginning, but when he saw everyone leaving, he also wanted to leave. However, in front of Xu Sheng, it was impossible to leave without someone to respond.

Among Jiang Biao's twelve tiger ministers, these two people should be regarded as equals in terms of martial arts.

The problem is that Xu Sheng has been with Lin Mo since the first year of Jian'an, and has been fighting on the battlefield for more than eight years. As for Ling Tong, although he entered the army at the age of 15 and rose to the top with his toughness, he was just a baby compared to Xu Sheng.

The iron chain sword was as flexible as an arm and fingers in Xu Sheng's hand. It was difficult for Ling Tong to parry, let alone fight back.

Except for charging forward aggressively at the beginning and beating evenly matched opponents for a few rounds, he was purely suppressed and beaten later.

Ling Tong's horse, which was retreating steadily, suddenly screamed and leaped high with its front hooves as the swords slashed the waves and charged forward, throwing him off the horse.

It turned out that the pikeman behind shot the horse in the butt.

Before Ling Tong could raise his head, the serial knife was placed on his neck, "Tong Ming!"

Ling Tong was happy and undaunted, looked at Xu Sheng coldly and stood up, "Wu Jun Ling Gongji!"

"Ling Gongji?"

Xu Sheng scratched his head and said, "I don't know him. I haven't heard of it."

After a while, he looked suddenly stunned and let out a long sigh, "I remember, the deputy general Ling Cao who was following Sun Quan at the foot of Guangling City, right? That man is your father?"

Ling Tong glared at Xu Sheng fiercely and wanted to make a move but was stopped by the sergeant on the side.

Xu Sheng sneered coldly, "Looking at you like this, you won't be able to forgive your hatred even if you eat me. It's all personal grudges. As a general, you are very unprofessional."

After saying that, he raised the knife and dropped it, Ling Tong's head was thrown away, and the blood from the broken neck splattered like a gush.

Then he grabbed the horse's belly and chased forward, but the mission was not completed yet.

"Judging from the deserters, the damage along the Nanzhai Road was the most serious. Nearly 3000 people from the East Village and Xizhai escaped." Chen Gong murmured, standing on the slope and watching.

He didn't know who was leading these troops, but he estimated that the one who could fight through Nanzhai was Sun Ce.

"Shucheng and the others can't go back. Where can they go? Wankou is more than 100 miles away from here. The cavalry can eat them up along the way. The only way they want to avoid the cavalry is to hide in Anyang Mountain. .

I haven't seen Xingba for many days. It's as I expected. After leaving Changfeng, you can let him take a detour to Anyang Mountain. "Liu Ye is in a good mood. After this battle, the war in Huainan has come to an end.

In the following days, he can clean up the mess.

Every step is slow, and every step is slow. Among the entire territory of the Lulin Group, wars are most frequent in Huainan, which makes it difficult for local officials to do anything.

The scholars are all looking forward to making some political achievements to challenge the scholars in Beiguo and Xuzhou.

Lin Mo sat on the bluestone floor with a straw in his mouth. At this time, he could safely light up a bonfire to keep warm. The heat was transmitted into the body through the palms of his hands to drive away the chill. The whole person felt much more comfortable, "Anyang The mountain is so big that it is not very wise to set up an ambush. However, after escaping from this village, the only option is to go to the west of Shu City. The chances of setting up an ambush there will be much greater.

I hope Xingba can keep Sun Ce. "

At the end, Lin Mo chuckled again, "It doesn't matter even if he can't stay. By then, there won't be many people killed around Sun Ce. I still have a third pit waiting for him to jump, but when he reaches the third pit, Whether he is dead or alive seems to be a very interesting thing."

Hearing this, Chen Gong and Liu Ye looked at each other, is there a third level?
Originally, he thought it was Lin Mo who had deployed troops on other roads, but then he thought about it and thought it was unlikely.

The soldiers and horses in the camp were only missing 3000 people from the rear army. Gan Ning took these people and left so early in the hope of setting up more traps, rolling stones and wood.

But it is impossible for people to build a third barrier.

What's more, what Lin Mo said was that whether Sun Ce lived or died would be a very interesting thing, which made the two of them completely confused.

But for the arrangement that made Lin Mo smile so happily, Sun Ce was probably going to suffer a lot.

The situation was as expected by Chen Gong and Liu Ye. Sun Ce did not dare to return to Shucheng at all. He just asked people to go back and tell the news to the wounded soldiers, hoping that they would not resist and surrender directly. No one would blame them, and he also hoped that they would not blame themselves. Can't take them home.

But this is not the end of the bad news.

Because they had no horses, the only cavalry they had was the five or six hundred cavalry that had been captured from Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and more than half of them died when they rushed to the stronghold. Now there were only about two hundred cavalry left who could follow Sun Ce. .

If they run at this pace, these people will not be able to reach Wankou before they are all killed by the chasing cavalry.

Therefore, in order to allow more people to escape from danger, they could only run towards Yang'an Mountain.

As soon as they enter the mountains, the cavalry loses its effectiveness.

Of course, there is no way back to Jiangdong in the mountains. The only way is to cross Yang'an Mountain, enter Liu Bei's territory, and use the road back to Jiangdong.

But they don't have any food and grass on them, and there is a risk of getting lost. How far they can go back depends entirely on luck.

(End of this chapter)

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