Ultraman in the world of grams

Chapter 191 Special Bullets

That night, Captain Linden briefly reached a cooperation with an unknown existence, planning to find the mastermind behind the scenes together.

He didn't know what the purpose of the guy who called himself South was.

He also doesn't have much hope that the real Professor Wilson can come back. When encountering such a strange situation, very few can survive. Don't believe the words of those unknown existences.

This is the lesson of blood and tears of generations of investigators.

His every move, even small movements, are extremely human-like, and it is impossible to detect his weirdness at all.

After this guy revealed himself, Captain Linden recalled his every move carefully, only to realize in horror that the other party was hiding very well, almost indistinguishable from humans.

Only after knowing the conclusion and repeatedly looking for the answer with the result, can he find that sometimes he has a fleeting sense of alienation, as well as those strange tones in his tone that are not easy to detect.

Even an experienced investigator like him seemed completely oblivious to these small anomalies, completely treating South as a human being.

Why on earth is He hidden in human society, and even replaced the identity of Professor Wilson?

Of course, Captain Linden also tentatively questioned the other party.

"I'm still curious, why did you help us? Why did you come here?"

"Probably...in order to become light and save the world."

Soth replied seriously.


Captain Linden was silent.

He directly ignored Soth's words.

This is too ridiculous, isn't it?

Saving the world is indeed an unimaginable thing for tiny human beings like them who can only struggle to survive in the cracks.

In this era, the concept of superheroes has not yet appeared. Americans care more about their own wallets. There are very few organizations like Miskatonic University that are willing to explore for the future of mankind.

It should be the meaning of the adult behind this Mr. South.

That must be a very powerful Outer God.

Captain Linden noticed that when South mentioned the adult's tone, he became extraordinarily solemn, and he couldn't even mention the name.

He also acquiesced that all of this had something to do with that adult.

"The person behind the scenes is always by our side." Sous continued to analyze, "He is watching us all the time, hanging over our heads like a haze."

"The seaside town, even the changes in the cabin, the ship hitting the land, and even being trapped in the dark continent, all have his handwriting."

Listening to South's horrific encounters listed one by one, Captain Linden couldn't help clenching his fists, and his brows furrowed even deeper.

If everything South said was true, what did the people behind the scenes think of them?

Toys to play with?

Or ignorant ants?
Or just indifferent props?

It is undeniable that South has replaced Professor Wilson.But at least he has shown a communicable attitude, with wisdom that cannot be underestimated.

At least superficially friendly...

And the person behind the scenes... If it is true what the other party said, it is simply playing with them between applause.

"We are now in Innsmouth, a small town that believes in Dagon and intermarries with deep divers. I suspect that he will still need to do something about it in the future."

South and Captain Linden are discussing the next plan.

"There is a barrier here, which can block the sight of people behind the scenes. But then, if the plan is to be implemented smoothly, it must be kept secret."

South said seriously, "Even if it is a letter sent to the University of Michigan, it is best not to record what we said tonight."

"On the one hand, I hope you can help me conceal my identity, and on the other hand, it is to hide the truth from the person behind the scenes."

Captain Linden was contemplating, and didn't say yes, but he didn't deny it either.

To some extent, this can be regarded as showing a certain attitude.

Soth smiled helplessly.

He was also aware of the captain's attitude, and he could understand it, so he didn't continue to say anything more about these.

Instead, he suddenly stretched out his hand and handed Captain Linden three small metal products that exuded a faint glow, which looked like bullet heads.

The runes on it looked very familiar.

Captain Linden frowned. It seemed to be a bullet from his gun.

"I used your bullets to make some special ammunition, maybe it will have an effect on the person behind the scenes."


The radiant bullets streaked across the night sky, and concentrated on the shoulders of the dark man under the reflection of the moonlight.

This time, the dark man was no longer as calm as before, and his original kind smile instantly retracted.

The dark eyes, as deep and terrifying as an abyss, stared straight at Captain Linden, and there was no trace of light that could escape from them.

The bullet that hit His body was like a piece of red iron that quickly penetrated into the icy water, causing a violent crackling sound.

Captain Linden could even see faint black smoke rising from his shoulders.

The dark man's expression was slightly distorted, as if he had been played hard.

A burst of unspeakable horror and fear instantly pierced Captain Linden's heart, and the intense panic and fear broke down the dam of his willpower like a flood.

His inspiration was clamoring desperately.

The dark man no longer pretended to be friendly, but glared at Captain Linden with incomparable arrogance.

In His eyes, Captain Linden was like that insignificant insect.

Pleasing Him is his only worth.

Even if he just broadened his mind, he didn't care.

It was just the ants jumping up and down to resist. He showed a friendly look and didn't attack the ants, all for the sake of seeing more interesting scenes.

Isn't it an interesting scene that Guang wants to protect human beings, but is questioned by human beings?
But he didn't expect that this stupid ant actually tried to bite him, and even actually caused some damage!

This is simply unbearable for the proud Him!

"Since this is the case, then you should watch with your own eyes the last wailing of the people you want to protect."

The expression of the dark man at this time will feel horrifying and weird from the bottom of his heart no matter who he is.

That extremely terrifying and disgusting expression is completely beyond what humans can do.

A card appeared again in his hand.

"I originally wanted to arrange it for the next time. It will be Hydera's turn after Dagon's script is finished, but this time, let's make despair more beautiful."

Captain Lyndon did not recognize that card.

It was an unknown luminous body.


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(End of this chapter)

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