Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 260 257 Yinghe Cultural Festival and Ending Screening and Restraint Appearance

Chapter 260 257. Yinghe Cultural Festival and Ending Screening and Restraint Appearance

What is it like to stand at the door of a movie theater and sell tickets? Asama already knew.

What does it feel like for a movie hero to stand at the door of a cinema selling tickets? Asama already knew this.

The young couple broke up, and the male protagonist who was waiting at the entrance of the cinema to sell tickets was provoked by the man. Asama just knew it at this moment.

The theoretical minimum favorability improvement value of this movie is 35, and 35 points of favorability is a cold level in any game.

Obviously, either the other girlfriend's favorability level increased by watching the movie, or the relationship between them is already fragile.

When the man's fist filled with resentment was lightly caught by Asama, the puncher instantly felt inexplicable fear.

This fear was not caused by the white-haired man in front of him catching his fist, but because he was surprised to find that most of the people around him were looking at him like a dead person.

Could it be that this ordinary guy who can make movies with those beautiful girls is really something extraordinary?

"My dad is a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly. If you know what I mean, please let me go! Don't think that you are a big shot just because you can read Eikawa. In my opinion, people who are still studying in Japan are losers, and Eikawa is nothing special." of."

Who is my dad?

"Will insulting Yinghe make the great teacher so angry that he kills someone? The great teacher has such a strong sense of honor."

The girl hid her face and left the scene crying.



[Linghe Yamcha] screamed and woke up from pretending to sleep. Just when he was about to say something, his face was locked by a big hand.

"Brother, you said you are a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly? Isn't that something you can do by just paying a little money?"

"Look, this is the consequence of snatching a woman from Teacher Da!"

The congressman's son still closed his eyes tightly and did not respond.

Has the favorability level been suddenly increased to over 200?

Asama resisted the urge to throw this guy away and looked at the son of a congressman who was wearing a logo and having acne on his face.

"You can pinch people."

Asama was naturally too lazy to pay attention to these discussions. He looked at the floor carefully and clearly saw the eyelids of the congressman's son moving slightly.

"There's no need to apologize, there's no need to say thank you, just go away."

The third-year students picked up [Reiwa Yamcha] from the ground like a chicken, patted his face with closed eyes, and said with a smile,

"Since you are pretending to be faint, you shouldn't go to the health room. Come to our club to have fun~"

"Senior, can you help me take this [Lingwa Yamcha] who is pretending to be fainted to the health room?"

Asama made a request to the third-year students across from him.

"Asama, even though you look like a coward in the movie, you are still quite manly in reality. By the way, your abdominal muscles are very nice. If you are interested, come to our Yinghe Bodybuilding Club to have some fun!"

Asama understood the reason why she broke up and struck up a conversation with him.

"You're wrong. Yinghe has never been a place where people get gold. Besides, I think Yinghe is amazing enough to allow people like you to enter the campus.

The ex-girlfriend quickly waved her hand and said that she was not familiar with the [Yamucha] on the floor.

The surrounding air became solemn, and even the voices of discussion became quieter.

"Master, it's not illegal to kill someone."

Asama asked for advice from the ex-girlfriend of the congressman's son who had just squeezed into the crowd of spectators.

"Do you have any objections here?"

Are you pretending to be faint because you are afraid of your death?

"Haha! No problem!"

Asama's cold expression made the girl feel as if she had fallen into an ice hole, and her red face suddenly turned pale.

The strong men carried the councilor's son who had started to cry and left. The heroine of the farce spoke to Asama with a blushing face.

In everyone's opinion, it is perfectly normal for a senior teacher with a face value of around 60-70 to reject a girl with a face value of over 80.

Asama originally wanted to push him into the team of Hidewa, a third-year student with an unfavorable expression on the opposite side. But the moment he pushed it away, the son of a congressman skidded on the spot, turned 720 degrees, and fell into a "Yamucha Death" posture.

After saying that, Asama twisted the boy's wrist and pushed him forward.

What is the iodine content? It can cure the big neck disease in Tokyo.

".Not interested. Please spend some time with this congressman, lest anyone say that we, Yinghe, neglect successful people."

Does even the ending of overestimating one's own abilities have to be so classic?

"Come on, come on, please come to our Silk Club to play, do as the Romans do, and experience the life of losers!"

I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds in Yinghe. I don’t know if other people will be angry after your alma mater and alumni are insulted by your map bomb. "

Asama reminded kindly,

"Look, this is the consequence of offending Lord Asama."

"Oh! - As expected of Lord Asama."

"No, I'm not interested in you at all."

"Actually, I watched your movie Asama-kun this morning. Can I exchange contact information with you?"

The muscular men not only surrounded the congressman's son very cooperatively, but the leading third-year student also gave Asama a wink.

However, this kind of plot did not happen in Infinite Society. This proves that it's not all the fault of favorability.

If favorability is just a desire that is isolated from reason, it means that love certified by the system is just a product of desire.

Asama doesn't believe that if the favorability level is high, you will definitely fall in love, just like a person who has full affection for several people at the same time cannot achieve bigamy.

Environment, customs, rationality, or the key favorability plot in Galgame, there are still many obstacles and constraints between favorability and love, so that this world will not be overly indulgent.

So only those who restrain their desires can transcend desires and find love?

Asama wasn't sure.

He believes that love is love mixed with desire. Without desire, it is just love; without love, the so-called love is nothing in his eyes.

Before the second movie screening, Asama was still the [Eiwa Miracle] that everyone threw coins to worship.

Kazami Shizuku from the Information Department stepped out of the shadows and came upon the news.

"Asama-kun, there are rumors in school that you are planning to organize religious activities. Will your role in the future be a leader or a god?"

"Just in time, senior Feng Jian, you can clarify this for me. I will not get any blessings from paying homage. People have to rely on themselves in the end."

"Is this a disclaimer for not doing anything after receiving money?"

"It turns out that Kazami-senpai wanted to create rumors about the student union making money. After all, all the income from the Love Counseling Club's movie was directly given to the Student Union Cultural Festival Executive Committee, and all income is detailed.

Senior Feng Jian, the market won by using conspiracy theories will not be too big. You can deceive some people all the time, and you can deceive all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time.

I advise you to be more guiding in persuading people to do good while retaining freedom of the press. "

Kazami Shizuku nodded and recorded in her notebook, while reading what she had written.

"Asama denied that he was founding a religion and vaguely suggested that it was connected with the student union. At the same time, Asama also told reporters that this new sect has the doctrine of persuading people to do good."

Before Shizuku Kazumi finished reading, she suddenly paused and said to Asama with an embarrassed expression,

"Sorry, sorry, it's an occupational disease. I will polish this press release "Yinghe Surprises Modern Religion, the Leader is Really..." when I get back."

Asama covered his head, threw a few coins into the change box, and said to Kazami, "Forget it, I'd better ask you to watch a movie before commenting on it, or add a movie review. It's always impossible. News Department The Daitengu can’t even write a movie review press release, right?”

"How... how is that possible! You want me to be brainwashed first and then write you an article praising your virtues!"

"Can't you even have the confidence that you won't be brainwashed? If I really have the ability to brainwash, why do you still doubt me now?"

"I understand you. You treat me as your toy!"

Asama looked at the unscrupulous reporter who turned pale and sighed.

"Watch it carefully for me twice and then come out. If there are really brainwashing clips, you can record them and let a student group that you think is fair can judge. If it is true, I will delete the movie according to what you recorded. If there are more than After 5 minutes of this kind of content, I will destroy the movie."

After Asama said that, he directly pushed Kazami Shizuku into the multimedia classroom in full view of everyone.

"Tsk, you are indeed a great teacher."

"Why can the Daitengu chat with Lord Asama for so long?"

"Of course Mr. Asama doesn't know how to run a religion. What kind of god would do such a thing personally?"

And Yana, who was watching all this from a distance, saw Ayano hitting her head - it turns out that this way can have physical contact with the great teacher!

You can use [Troublesome Teacher] to create sweet and sour memories together!

Yana thought again and decided to let it go. She was afraid that she would die of a heart attack due to the cold eyes of the great teacher before she could hold on to the moment of physical contact.

The girl was not wearing a school uniform, but was wearing denim suspenders and a bucket hat. She pressed down on the brim of the hat and imitated the girl in front of her who bowed to insert coins. She didn't want the opening of the change box to be blocked by a slender and beautiful hand.

"Hanami, I told you in the morning that you have already watched it. There is no need to watch this movie again, especially when you are alone."

The deep voice of the great teacher made Yanachi's heartbeat suddenly accelerate as he realized that his identity had been revealed.

"Well. I just (want to relax myself)"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the great teacher.

"Have you not finished your homework on making friends? Have you finished the few books I asked you to read? Have you found your own hobbies recently?"

I heard that the girl who just broke up with the big teacher but was ruthlessly rejected, is she facing the same kind of pressure?

Before Yanaijian could give herself time to think, her body had already taken the initiative to bow 90 degrees.

"Sorry, Teacher, I will reply to you as soon as possible!"

Before the teacher could ask for the specific time, Bana had already run away.

"What was that just now? A reply? Lord Asama was rejected?"

When Bana saw that the words he yelled with all his strength fell on the ears of the others, things suddenly changed.

"No, the girl just now seems to know Teacher Da. She should be a client of love counseling, right?"

"Eh? Sure enough, are there really female clients? All the ones posted on the forum are boys. I thought that if I wasn't a member of the love counseling department, I wouldn't be able to get close to Asama-sama!"

"If you tell Asama-sama that your love partner is your lover in front of Asama-sama, I'm afraid that when you walk out of the love counseling department, your mind will have been modified and set by Asama-sama to [I am a sow]. "

Among all the clients in the love counseling department, the one that troubles me the most is Nanami. Asama couldn't figure out whether she wanted a warm-hearted boyfriend or a group of similar friends.

Maybe it was all rhetoric, after all, she was introduced by Komaba, and Komaba just wanted to have fun.

Let's wait until Komaba delivers the database of all students in the school at the end of the month before making plans.

In short, even if this girl has been deliberately trying to attract his attention, there are too many things attracting his attention, and all that Nanami has done can only be in vain.

At the end of the second movie, luckily there were no more breakup couples. Kazami Shizuku blushed and held up a notebook full of two pages of notes and said fiercely to Asama,

"I've already taken the notes! I will definitely write down the movie reviews and other things! I will also disclose the brainwashing content and tips for the movie, so just wait!"

After Shizuku Kazumi finished speaking, the wind blew under her feet and she disappeared from the corridor in a flash.

He didn't force her to watch the movie a second time because Asama was afraid that this troublesome woman would become too fond of him.

The third screening of the film didn't make much of a splash.

Teachers Sasaki and Matsudaira brought a few friends to watch a movie. Before leaving, they vaguely asked Asama to choose one of the two, and Asama chose to give them a free ticket;

A group of faithful men and women wearing masks and clothes with their own faces on them bowed and knelt down in front of Asama, and then left with joy after being scolded by him;

The science girl who held a test tube and shouted "The greater your ability, the more descendants you will have" tried to take advantage of him but was captured by members of Asama's cheering group;

A strange guy dressed like a man in a suit on a hot day told him in a sullen voice that this satire was acceptable for the time being;

The third-year senior pasted her phone number and QR code on the back of the experience ticket, gasping for breath, and said she hoped he could reply to her with a love letter;

The famous male high school model pulled Asama and cried bitterly, saying that the reason why he still couldn't find true love after being King of the Sea for 10 years was because he actually liked men.

None of this could make Asama, who had strengthened the wall of his heart at noon, waver even a little bit.

Of course, if the shame level is the same as the uric acid level, and if it is too high, it may cause people to suffer unbearable pain. When he saw a group of people wearing pain clothes derived from the butler's head drawn by the Immortal River, he was already painful to death.

It would be nice if there was some abstract symbol that could represent myself.

What about quadrilateral levodopa lines?

Wait! Isn't chuunibyou even more shameful?

I gave up the urge to design symbols for myself. Being influenced by external objects all day long, I still read less philosophy books.

He clicked on Heidegger on his phone, stacked two large change boxes together, and Asama slowly walked towards the student union.

The sun was shining slantingly, and the shadows of people were denser than the shadows of trees.

The end of the cultural festival was much more lively than the beginning. Because they heard about the evening festival, many people treated this cultural festival as a summer festival temple fair.

Most of the first-year students I met along the way greeted me, and some even brought their parents to greet Asama.

Looking at their extraordinary children, looking at a star-struck student with white hair, an average appearance, and an ordinary temperament, they all asked similar questions in unison,

"Does this Asama-san have any special skills?"

The answers he got were all kinds of things, including beating the national champion in judo, breaking the world record in passing, holding the same ranking 4 times in a row because he likes a number, the big shots in the Wu She family are all his students, any wish can come true, he can Controlling a person's mental state, etc.

The parents at the front would nod, but behind them they could only smile, thinking it was a joke on the part of the children.

Who didn’t have all kinds of confusions when they were young? It's just that Yinghe's atmosphere is too liberal. Fortunately, Yinghe is not a place where ordinary people can come, so they shouldn't be too bad at it, right?

However, the white-haired Asama Shizui that the child just introduced seems to have appeared several times on the largest screen of Eiwa Academy. Maybe this Asama is the heir of a big shot.

After Asama paid the money, he came to the love counseling department relaxed and met the girls.

Boqi, who was having a great time, said that she would not go on stage to perform, and she would just make calls from the audience.

Seeing that Shinomiya and the others were with Pochi, Asama had nothing to complain about Pochi running away from the battlefield. To be honest, Fusukawa's proposal to let Pochi participate in the performance was even more outrageous.

Wearing the headscarf of "Here's Fuji" and a black cultural shirt that was temporarily customized by Immortal River and said "Restraint Band".

Immortal River smiled at the door and said,

"Should we dance together with our instruments and take a photo?"

Pochi immediately took out his cell phone, knelt down on one knee and responded,

"Just dance~ I will take pictures of everyone looking cool~"

"I don't have an instrument."

Lead singer Majima spread her hands.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter~ The key point is that the beautiful girls jump together~"

Everyone looked at Asama in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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