Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 254 251 Yinghe Cultural Festival, the disappearing dog and the appointment

Arima and Ryuzaki, who were receiving lunches, stood together and watched the sour comedy of love on the stage.

The teacher couldn't see it, but Futami Tsukiumi and Majima Mai's good intentions were already very obvious.

Immortal River is the most harem-like existence in the Love Harem Club. Her expression at the moment is hard to tell, but she looks quite happy.

In their minds, is the male protagonist a natural choice?

Immortal River created a class group without Asama Shisui, and Konoe advocated in it that Asama Shisui, who has been contributing to the class and winning honors during this period, have more opportunities to show himself in this stage play.

In other words, let Asama change from [supporting character Wang-chan] to [protagonist Wang-chan].

Although Asama has always said that he wants to be a quiet support tool, and that everyone is the protagonist of his own life movie, the title of the movie he acted in is "Supporting Role".

But Yoshihiko Arima never sees Asama as a supporting role.

In fact, Arima never underestimates anyone, but Asama has repeatedly taught himself lessons through actions - [Arima Yoshihiko still underestimates Asama Shisui].

With strength, responsibility, and a heart-warming bearing, those who are familiar with Asama Shizui will naturally fall in love with [Asama Shizui].

Frankly speaking, Asama couldn't gain such a favorable impression based on his face.

And he himself has been self-deprecating, as if the glorious and perfect image is a kind of poison to him.

No one knows what Asama did silently for Yinghe.

He could sense that the reasons for everyone to pursue Konoe were completely different from the reasons for pursuing Asama.

So why did these people in the audience become so fanatical?

Arima hopes that these people see confidence or strength in the great teacher, rather than the so-called shortcut.

Arima Yoshihiko heard the girls' rude barking and was suppressed, and turned to ask Ryuzaki Hayato.

"Ryuuzaki-kun, what do you think?"

"He should not be a person who will be overwhelmed by stupidity and fanaticism. But vanity breeds ambition, and I will keep an eye on him."

Arima didn't know how to respond to Ryuzaki's tone. I wonder if the great teacher will still listen to you?

Ryuzaki suddenly sneered and said,

"By the way, Arima, are you jealous of Asama? On the surface, your academic ability, sports, and appearance are so much better than his. Why can he make Yinghe's idiots go into a frenzy, but you can't? ?”

Arima shook his head,

"I'm not interested in this kind of thing. Comparing the pros and cons between people is a waste of self-awareness. I'm more concerned about what I can do now and what I can do in the future."

Ryuzaki nodded in agreement,

"Yes, who you really are is not important. What is important is what you do. The actions you choose make you who you become in the end. But the idiots in Yinghe always think that whatever they like and admire will be Let them be whatever they are.”

Arima frowned slightly behind his glasses.

"Although I have never understood why in a school like Yinghe, these young masters and young ladies still regard personality worship and supremacy of strength as the new theology. From the past student union president, to the queen of a famous family, to a wizard like the great teacher , they will always find someone to worship, and abstract this person into an idol worthy of worship. But in essence, they are simple and humble, and they are not stupid. I suggest Ryuzaki-san change the way you say others are stupid. problems.

In addition, if I had the ability of a great teacher, I would not try to instill or incite anything. If you want to make others better, you certainly don't pour water into a bucket, but light your own torch. "

Ryuzaki seemed to understand better why Asama Shisui favored Arima Yoshihiko.

Ying and Batman were silent for a few seconds and asked,

"Light the torch? So, the next step for the student union is to play fire-passing?"

Arima laughed dumbly,

"My personal wishes have nothing to do with the student union's policies. Even if I want to be a person who can inspire others, the student union will not be arrogant enough to guide them to become who they want to be. This is not something that the student union can do unilaterally. The purpose of the student union is always to serve. , we can become signal base stations, vehicles, and inquiry guides, but we will never become teachers, supervisors, or supervisors."

"Asama is very happy as a teacher. Don't you also call him Oteacher?"

“Although he said he hated being called that, I always thought he was a good teacher and could do his job well.

At least when I communicate with him, I rarely feel that he is in a superior position, nor does he have high ambitions and low intentions. "

Ryuzaki did not respond to Arima, but glanced at the upright white dog on the stage.


Love mentor?

Asama’s [declaration of love for dogs] failed to affect the three actresses on stage.

Immortal Rise, wearing a witch costume, showed a compassionate smile like a church nun.

"That's not right, Robert Wang-chan. How could you like dogs? I remember you once confessed to me that you were allergic to dog hair~~~"


Why are actors and characters related together?

What's the difference between you and those guys who confuse character and voice actor? !

Qianjian raised his head and sighed,

"Akasha is indeed a witch who has lived for more than 200 years. Is her mind as confused as that of a human old woman?

I am a dog, how could I be allergic to dog hair? "

Boqi, who not only abandoned his original name, but also completely forgot his race, nodded seriously off the stage.

That's it!

How could Ah Shui be allergic to dogs!

"Wang Jiang, are you too self-aware? Of course, a dog's favorite thing is its owner. If you are thinking of something treasonous, come to me quickly."

[Demon King] Mai Shimajima looked at Asama with dissatisfaction, waved her hand, and found [Little Red Riding Hood] Futami holding Asama's fur arm.

"[Wang Jiang], don't be afraid. I know that what you like is definitely not dogs, but people.

Because you are a human being!

Because the dog skin on your body has the label [dog bag 006-made in laomowang]!

According to my reasoning, there is only one truth - [Wang Jiang] you turned into a dog after being cursed by [Old Demon King], right? "

Asama numbly increased the volume

"No, my dog ​​doesn't have this memory in his mind!"

See you again! In a normal plot, shouldn't you and Jiandao have a duel?

[Death Witch] Fusukawa grabbed Asama's tail, looked at [Little Red Riding Hood] Futami, and said with a smile,

"It's not easy, [Little Red Riding Hood] Cha Cha, I didn't expect you to have such a secret. Indeed, I refined the potion that made [Wang Jiang] lose his human memory. And the way to restore his human body and memory is .”

[Demon King] Majima grabbed Asama’s other hairy arm and frowned,

"Don't talk to them about these incomprehensible things anymore."

Hello! [Incomprehensible] Didn't you start the whole thing from the beginning?

At this moment, Asama's arms were held by Futami and Majima, and his tail was held by Fusugawa. The spotlight was shining on him, and the eyes of more than 2000 people in the audience were looking at him.

Forget it if I act in a movie. Why should I experience this kind of death penalty if I act in a stage play?

Asama looked at the instigator - [Demon King] Mai Majima.


After understanding Asama's cry for help, Mashima's desire is like the waves breaking on the shore.

"I have no patience anymore, [Wang Jiang], go back with me, or I will make you and the little mushroom hat into a mushroom and dog meat hot pot."

Asama's eyes lit up, Majima was trying to round out the plot, so he followed up,

"Hmph, Demon King, put your arrogance away, maybe we can spare your life."

"You have let me down so much. Since you are stubborn and unrepentant, I can only destroy you. There is no need for this world to continue to exist."

[Demon King] Majima finished speaking in a deep voice, pushed Asama away, stood 2 meters away from Asama and gave the audience a back view.

She clicked her fingers, and the stage darkened instantly.

I saw her holding up a shining mini carrot knife in her hand. With the BGM, her whole person exuded a world-destroying aura.

As long as Little Red Riding Hood takes off her hat, covers the devil's face, and grabs the carrot knife, this absurdly abstract stage play will be over.

But things went against expectations. Seeing the plot of Madoka Shimajima, [Death Witch] Fusukawa showed a surprised expression and said,

"Oops, it's the Demon King's world-destroying magic. There is only one way to save the world now. That is to let Wang Jiang kiss the Demon King as a human and activate the ultimate forbidden spell - [Miracle of Love]!

However, if he wants to turn Wang Jiang back into a human being, he can only break the old devil's curse by letting the person he loves kiss him first.


After hearing that the kissing scene was added, Futami and Shimajima lost the motivation to continue acting according to the original script.

[Demon King] began to wait for redemption by being kissed by [Humanoid Wang-chan].

"Damn it. Is the magic out of control? Someone come and save me!!!"

As the devil's figure began to twitch, the spotlight on the stage hit [Little Red Riding Hood]'s face again.

[Little Red Riding Hood] Futami hid her joy in time, the momentum on her face changed, and the BGM on the stage was also changed to "Hero's Wish アルゴイゥBU~".

The next kiss will end this stage play.

She can imagine what happens next

"Didn't I get killed by the Demon King?"

[Wang Jiang], who returned to human form, shed his dog skin and no longer looked like a human, revealing a cruelly handsome face.

And he leaned in Asama's arms and whispered,

"Wang Jiang, I give you all my power. Go and end the Demon King's magic."

Asama, who suddenly remembered everything, looked at her affectionately,

"What are you talking about? Qia Qia, how could I be willing to kiss anyone other than you in this world? If you want to save the world by kissing a woman other than you, then let this world be destroyed." Zheng Er When he was thinking about the plot at lightning speed, a wand hit his head, and he was pulled away from Asama, and his arms were hugged tightly.

Futami was immobilized by [Hellless Horseman] Imari and [Prince of Foreign Kingdom] Yuki Fukasawa.

"This is!!!"

"[Little Red Riding Hood] Cha Cha, you are still too young. Do you think only your grandma and the werewolf have eaten my apples?

So, let [Wang-chan]’s favorite person - [Death Witch Akasha] kiss him and lift the curse of the old devil~~~"

The BGM of [Death Witch] sounded, and the Immortal River stopped pulling Asama's tail and smiled,

"Wang Jiang, [The Miracle of Love] will cure your dog's brain. Don't worry, it's all destined -

This is fate. It was already doomed when you and I stood in front of the class placement notice board and met in that spring when the cherry blossoms would fall at a speed of 5 centimeters. "

[Demon King] Shimajima saw that the plot collapsed again, but he did not stop the magic.

Although the second meeting was out, she didn't.

After Fusukawa kissed her, Asama would come and kiss her again.

[Little Red Riding Hood] watched helplessly as [The Witch of Death] turned in front of Asama, struggled and shouted,

"Don't do this kind of thing!!! Wang Jiang, don't be confused, release your power, defeat the witch and the devil king, and end all this."


[Title Advancement - The Solitary Insulator → The Solitary Ultimate Insulator. Obtained characteristics: The attention of the opposite sex is reduced by 100%, and it becomes invalid after looking at each other; the opposite sex with a favorability lower than 200 will reduce the initiative towards the title holder by 200%]

Asama had no attention at all to pay attention to the system prompt that suddenly sounded. He looked at the Immortal River. The witch was already a foot away from him. There was no pride in her eyes. It was an emotion that he knew well. In the girl brewing in his bright eyes.

"F-Sang, if you come any closer I will fall over your shoulder."

"If you throw me over your shoulder, I'll lose everything, so Mr. Robert won't throw me over your shoulder. Don't worry, it's just a borrowed position."

After the communication between the two closed the microphone, Asama took three steps back, clicked 10 fingers with the hand in the dog's paw, opened his feet, held the naturally drooping right wrist with his left hand, and made a gesture to release [Thunder Release Chidori] Position, choose to open the mic and chant the amplified move prayer that generally belongs to the protagonist.

"Stupid people in the world. Regardless of their status, ability, or character, they are all so ugly in front of their own desires.

Then, let me sacrifice my bones, my blood, my spirit and my flesh to the omnipotent Supreme Being.

Please understand my sincerity, my belief, and my hope.

May the Supreme Lord grant a miracle——

Let the devil who is angry to wake up have a good sleep every day and say good night to the devil's castle on time.

The witch who suffered from Alzheimer's disease regained her consciousness and became even smarter than Holo, the wise wolf who also likes apples.

Let Little Red Riding Hood, who popularized the Industrial Revolution, live a long life, save more than 100 witches, and let them shine more brightly than Palu in the cause of the Industrial Revolution.

Let the corrupted souls of the world return to the right path, and let their ignorance, bigotry, arrogance, and rage be wiped out.

Let the secret treasures of all hearts with freedom, equality, integrity, and kindness in this world last forever.

If my life is not enough for this wish, then take the life of the sleepless wolf as well! "

Everyone looked at the big white dog on the stage, which suddenly looked like a deflated balloon. Only a piece of skin was left, and it landed in the center of the stage, illuminated by several beams of light at the same time.

Everyone on the stage looked at each other,

Before the curtain call ended, the curtain was slowly pulled down by someone unknown.

Everyone under the stage was also confused.

Those who wanted to see Asama's final choice or the blood flowing out showed an uncomfortable face of constipation.

People who want to see [Wang-chan] turn into a prince suddenly feel that Master Asama's [Great Transformation Magic] is about the same.

People who want to see Asama make a fool of themselves mused.

Those who want to see Asama reject all girls will be satisfied.

I don’t know who started it. There were cheers and applause. The song “I Reincarnated in a Different World as Little Red Riding Hood Decided to Popularize 996 and Defeat the Demon King through Vicious Economic Competition” was severely overtime, unclear in meaning, and far off topic. It was a huge success and captured 80 people in the auditorium in one go. %flower.

Everyone began to discuss how Asama disappeared from the stage just now.

Some people say that the first-year Class A is really powerful and has the power to cut holes in the auditorium stage floor.

Some people say that Asama-sama's identity as a ninja is real, and this is the Mizukage's signature stealth skill.

Some people say that this is just a small trick that uses the changes in light and dark on the stage and blind spots of vision. David Copperfield's magic is 100 times more complicated than this.

Only people like Chiyo Konoe, Mitsuki Komaba, and Tetsuya Takishima who know the true identity of [Joker] know it.

Invisibility is a skill that this notorious terrorist relies on to make his name in the industry and survive.

"Asama-sama, you are just like a magician."

"Obviously he is playing a puppy, but there is a hint of mystery and charm like a black cat."

"In that case, I feel that Asama-sama's lines just now are a bit like Ren Amamiya's."

Chiyo Konoe listened to the discussion of the people in the [Dragon Heart Society] and searched for [Ren Amamiya].

He is actually a game character produced by a Japanese game company, and he also happens to have the codename [JOKER].

"I have indeed accepted the secret treasure of your heart."

Looking at the character PV, Chiyo Konoe finally understood at this moment that [Joker] has another interesting part in Eikawa.

Heart-stealing clown?

On the other side of the audience, the hacker shrugged.

"Cool - Teacher Da has really spent a lot of money to make the girls happy. Speaking of which, he doesn't take his own safety seriously. If he is exposed, it will be a lot of fun."

Komaba looked at Takishima, but he didn't expect Hyouou to nod and say,

"Teacher Da would rather expose some information than change back to a human according to the script. It seems that he is really obsessed with being a dog. Teacher Da is indeed my soulmate. It's not that we can't fall in love, but it's more cost-effective to be a dog. "

Takishima Tetsuya's ears were immediately twisted by Nijo Rena.

Komaba thought for a while, and it seemed that the third lady of the Nijo family had no idea of ​​Takishima's previous identity.

But the Nijo family must have figured it out a long time ago.

Maybe, [Joker] has already legalized Konoe's family in Japan?

It is better not for the emperor to be impatient and for the eunuch to be impatient.

at the same time,

In the Yinghe Auditorium, all the girls who had a certain affection for Asama Shisui felt a willpower at the same time at the last moment of the stage play——

[Don’t look at him unscrupulously and don’t disturb him too actively. 】

[Asama-sama is a person who can manipulate other people's senses. ]

No wonder Asama-sama, according to rumors, is not only a guest of the heads of the Wushe family, but also the [Fiveshe Emperor Master] who encourages and educates this generation of Wushe children.

This consensus was recognized by more people tonight.

It was already noticed by some big shots,

Although you can use magic tricks to explain it, it is still too stupid.

Obviously, Asama created another dark history for himself.

The ins and outs of the matter are almost completely understood.

This stage play is to evolve into a Shura field between [Demon King] and [Little Red Riding Hood] to highlight the identity of Asama [Wang-chan] as the male protagonist.

But Asama didn't want to reject them in public.

Even though it's just acting, some people no longer regard it as a drama.

Therefore, direct rejection will embarrass them.

In his previous life, Asama also had the painful memory of being instigated by everyone and then quickly being publicly executed.

Only then did he think of other solutions.

Obviously pretending to be the mastermind behind the scenes, he took the crown of [Devil King] and the hat of [Little Red Riding Hood] at the same time.

It would be nice to end with "I'm not interested in your things. I like power, wealth, and technological productivity, but I like myself more."

It's just that the ending is a bit dark and not positive enough.

There is no time for regret.

The guests have arrived at the restaurant.

Think about it, today's appointment is also for Immortal River.

He was so angry at Immortal River who changed the script today.

How can you do this?

What will not interfere with the life I decide to achieve each other.

They are all liars!

Can the protagonist who represents justice also be a liar?

Asama stepped into Minami Aoyama's restaurant, and the writer who would be a platform for [Daigo Bookstore] on the weekend had already arrived.

"Is it you who invited three people to convince me to have this dinner?" (End of Chapter)

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