Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 252 Chapter 249 Yinghe Cultural Festival and the Riddler and the Stage Play

Before the third screening, a few unexpected people showed up.

Your noble son, Takaji Kaname, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, accompanied his younger brothers such as Gekko Koto, Mitsui Yusei and Asama to say hello.

Asama, who was standing listening to the philosophy lecture on his headphones and thinking about setting up a stool to sit on tomorrow, raised his head and asked,

"Aren't you going to see Yuxingyuan?"

"Sheng has already experienced it. We have inquired about your schedule. We will continue to visit tomorrow morning."

"Okay, the movie will start soon, take out your tickets."

The three of them did not continue to be polite and walked into the multimedia classroom after using the experience coupons.

Asama sighed, finally no one used the worship movement.

The three Takaji people are the only three viewers this afternoon who do not belong to Mugen Club.

There were less than 450 moviegoers for the three movies in one afternoon, 99% of whom were from Infinity Club.

Although there are many people in Infinite Club doing second or even third time.

But the combined box office of the three shows was about the same as the two shows in the morning. If Asama had the expected sales target, he would have beaten Dahui to a pulp.

Huh? Why did this violent tendency suddenly arise?

Asama patted his head with an intelligence level of 6 with both hands.

Anyway, Asama is not pursuing data such as attendance rate and average number of people per game. After the cultural festival is over, the film will be put on YouTube, and anyone who wants to watch it can watch it.

As for the issue of expanding the audience range for increasing favorability,

In this world, it is not uncommon for someone to fall in love with an actor because of a movie, so Asama is not very worried that the FBI will come to check the water meter because of this movie.

In short, Asama had already expected the reservation of Mugen Club, so he asked Dahui to come over this afternoon.

Booking out the movie has led to a decrease in the popularity of the movie, which is actually a good thing for Asama.

In the mini program produced by Komaba, the popularity ranking of the movie Love Counseling Club also dropped to 30th place very smoothly.

There was news in the school forum that Infinite Society had reserved the venue today. To be precise, the narrow parking area in front of the school was surrounded by at least 200 ghost-fire motorcycles.

Under this post, Dahui Unlimited Society's organizational scale, cadre elites, and battle records were popularized by good people. This gave Yinghe and those who like to visit forums a real understanding of Dahui's dominance of Tokyo.

The anonymous busybody also posted videos of Asama beating bad guys and champions at the Mugen Festival, and giving speeches while standing on top of the stage.

"Yinghe Mafia aspires to become Tokyo Mafia!" 》

"The loyal dog of Emperor Yinghe's Fifth Regent finally showed his fangs"

"Brainwashing Room 2.0: On the Reasons Why Mind Control and the Unstoppable Expansion of the Infinite Society"

Links to short essays related to street stall readings also appear in this post.

Quick reading activates.

Judging from the writing style and word usage, it seems to be written by the same person. But it's different from the previous guy.

There was more than one mouse, and Asama was mentally prepared for this.

But their hostility is neither obvious nor fatal. Instead, it contributes to the growth of [Shisui Asama]'s personal reputation.

There is definitely a problem, but it is not an urgent or necessary problem. It is better to deal with these people later.

The movie was already halfway through, and Asama continued to browse campus gossip.

Currently, the most popular class project in Yinghe and the number one class project is the Panda Tea Restaurant. There are a large number of cats and dogs in this restaurant who were forced to change their livery to pandas. Asama can’t comment on whether the Monokuma bears in Danganronpa are considered pandas.

By the way, why are you checking in at the Panda Tea Restaurant when Imushikawa is supposed to be working in the outside area?

Continue reading the information.

The second most popular class is the second-year class G, known as the second-year Yan class. The main activity is [Good Friends Manpower Dispatch Club], and the actual content is to rent boyfriends and girlfriends.

It turns out that the members of Infinite Club are renting seniors from Class G in the second year?

Since the demand for renting out boyfriends and girlfriends in Class G of the second year exceeds the demand, there are even cases where people outside the class are asked to wear school uniforms. If they breathe in the classroom of Class G of the second year for more than half an hour, they will be labeled as "Produced by Class G of the Second Year" and serve as rental boyfriends and girlfriends. The phenomenon.

OEMs are everywhere, but looking at the looks of those outside the class who have been exposed, second-year Class G is at least more conscientious than the Chinese bathing crabs.

Although there was a vomiting accident in the VR experience of Class B in the first year, its popularity still remained among the top three in the school.

All thanks to Harry Potter fans!

They were so enthusiastic not only for the Gringotts minecart, the original prop of the movie, but also for playing the role of the high-speed Golden Snitch in the Quidditch game.

I heard that to participate in this project, you have to sign a 14-page disclaimer. This kind of experience without any regard for customer experience is something that even the Harry Potter themed store in Tokyo cannot match.

The documentary video of the "Sleeping Street Camping Club"'s zero-dollar trip to the United States played on the big screen on the left side of the school square has become the most popular project in the club and the tenth most popular project in the school.

The wealthy Japanese people in the United States sponsored their trip. The group of friends from the association ate and drank all the way on the west coast of the United States, and even advertised Musk's Starlink.

And their video content [holding a chain saw and a toy samurai sword, fighting against a dozen American homeless people, and successfully defending the toilet paper in the tent] attracted a wave of traffic.

Sure enough, in terms of combat ability, compared to American homeless people, do they have to be Japanese high school students?

Several cafes that specialize in swimsuit maids, succubi, transvestites, Furui, and aliens are also very popular. Even milk tea shops, divination houses, haunted houses, and character sketch houses sell coffee.

There are too many cafes!

The key is that many people checked in to more than 10 themed coffee shops in half a day. Why are you drinking so much coffee?

Is Yinghe’s toilet under-repaired?

After taking a look, the coffee from Class A is far ahead in terms of quality in the beverage rankings.

[The Imperial Master is vomiting! Let you experience the exquisite coffee that will reach heaven in one second! ] This comment received more than 600 likes.

But the brush [isn’t as magical as I said, but Arima-kun and Gokyoin-kun are really handsome! ]The number of such neutral reviews is increasing.

At the end of the movie, people from Mugen Club came out carrying a few garbage bags and reported to Asama that the cleaning was completed.

Dahui bowed to Qianjian and said goodbye, and other people in the Mugen Club followed suit and lined up in front of Qianjian.

Takashi had to wait for the whole movie to end before he came out. Seeing this scene, he smiled.

"It's become the scenery of Yinghe's academy, Jing, I'm enjoying it a lot."

Who is A Jing?

Asama picked up the phone,

"Do you need me to send you the position of the guard?"

Tingji waved his hand,

"Frankly speaking, if I see her once in this life, I can live a few more years. In other words, you know Chiyo Konoe so well, you are really her teacher."

"No, but if I want to teach her a lesson, her father will just nod and give me a reward."

This sentence was half true and half false, but Asama felt that it was not a bluff for him to say this at this time.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm a little doubtful. My father told me to get close to you."

Why is the head of the Takaji family who has never met him like this? Are all the heads of the Wushe family so idle?

Asama showed a contemptuous smile,

"Making friends or something, is it just a task given to you by adults?"

Kaname Takaji smoothed his bangs on his forehead with his fingers and replied,

"Frankly speaking, not entirely. My personal wishes account for at least 51%. By the way, Jing, do you need my help? Watching your movie, it was unexpectedly deserted."

"Need not."

"Do you like rejecting kindness from friends?"


"Hahaha, Jing, I like the way you speak straightforwardly. For your frankness, I decided to read it again tomorrow."

The young master of the Takaji family showed a smile as bright as the Immortal River Rise.

Asama couldn't help but shudder in his heart, shook his head and said,

"But I don't like it. A frank person will make everyone have a pair of critical, sharp eyes that are good at finding problems with him. If he realizes this, it will be difficult for him not to lie."

Kaname Takashi was once again overwhelmed by Asama's flexible stance.

"[A person who knows too much will find that it is difficult not to lie.] Right? Ah Jing."

Should Takashi also read Wittgenstein's "Culture and Value"?

Asama knocked on the table, shook his head and said,

"I'm not a wise man who can't afford to tell the truth, I'm just a habitual liar."

"My friend, the gentleness of lies is poisonous, but the sharp knife of truth can cut away the cancer of mankind."

Asama shrugged,

"You are right, but I am neither gentle nor capable. Although your attitude towards life of telling the truth is remarkable, I will not use other people's examples as a guide to my own life."

Takashi heard that Asama was also quoting Wittgenstein, and he smiled helplessly.

Every time Asama Shisui speaks, he is in a state of constantly analyzing his own ugliness. This state makes it easy for others to believe him.

Because self-deprecation is the ultimate form of self-confidence.

And confident people are always full of charm.

But if what Asama said about "habitual lying" is also a lie, wouldn't this become a paradox?

Just like [Shisui Asama], an extremely contradictory existence that suddenly appeared.

As far as he knew, no matter Nijo, Konoe, Ichichi or himself, they all took the initiative to find Asama Shisui.

He passively obtained the grandiose title of [Five Photographic Emperor Master].

Who is behind him, adding fuel to the flames? What do they want? What do the family heads want to gain from their cooperation? [Shui Shui Asama] What can he gain by himself? Kaname Takaji, who wanted to be more worthy of the title of [Sage] than Takuma Konoe, fell into deep thought.

Seeing that the conversation between the two had stopped, Kisaragi looked at Asama and asked,

"Asama, do you really know how to hypnotize?"

Koto Kisaragi is also wondering why her jealousy and dissatisfaction with him disappeared after watching "Falling in Love with Him Who Doesn't Exist" filmed by Fusugawa.

The male protagonist in this film is a clown, and Asama Shizuzu's spirit of sacrificing his self-image for the Immortal River is worthy of admiration.

If he were to fight against himself like a moonlight, could he put aside his pride and devote himself wholeheartedly to this despicable role? Of course not.

Although many of the self-sacrifice were calculated in secret, Koto Kisaragi also understood that there must be her reasons why Immortal River would reject Konoe Isamu and choose to share Asama Shisui with other girls.

At least in his view, Asama Shizuzu is a being who will gradually deepen his recognition with the depth of contact.

No wonder Brother Yao, who is so proud in his heart, also favors this man.

Realizing that the three people in front of him had been blessed with buffs that increased their favorability, Asama replied to Kisaragi,

"No, if people with hypnotism can control people's consciousness through movies, I believe that you and I don't have the time to chat like this at the moment. Instead, we will be like Palu in the wild who was captured and brainwashed by black-hearted capitalists and reduced to the bottom of Arasaka Tower. Supplies.”


Asama sorted out the two registration books on the desktop, put the seal issued by the student union into his pocket, said goodbye to the three of them, walked into the multimedia classroom, and started to turn off the equipment.

Koto Kozuki looked at Kaname Takaji and Yusei Mitsui, Mitsui shrugged.

"There's nothing to say. It's too early to recognize my father now."


Takashi Kaname escaped from the vortex of logic, shook his head, smiled, patted Mitsui and Kisaragi on the shoulders, and said,

"Let's go, Guangdou, go see your Riyo."

"It's not mine. Brother, please stop talking nonsense."

"Okay, let's see what Ah Jing's life is like~"


Ruyue Guangdou sent a message to Yuxingyuan on the way,

"Holy, Shizui Asama also sounds like the Riddler when he talks to you?"

Yuxingyuan also quickly replied to Ruyue Guangdou,

"Maybe it's my lack of understanding. Most of the time, he's just a Riddler. Yeah, but he's also a good person."

It was already five o'clock when the three afternoon movie screenings ended. Asama went to the student union to check the revenue of the love counseling movie, and it was almost 5:.

After the activities of each class and club in the afternoon, it is the school's centralized performance in the auditorium at 6 o'clock.

Since the total program duration exceeds 66 hours for 12 classes, it is obviously unrealistic to teach them all together.

The student union arranged the performances of the three grades in three venues: the lecture hall of the laboratory building, the lecture hall of the literature and art building, and the auditorium.

This arrangement replaces the rule that Yinghe used to use [programs are voted on by the whole school and screened by the student union, and the best pass], ensuring that every class has the opportunity to show off their talents.

The distance between the three venues is not too far. If you calculate your time well, you can rush to the new venue to watch the favorite shows of other grades after watching the shows you like in the same grade.

By the way, tomorrow the three major clubs, the Love Counseling Club, the Four Hands Piano Club, and the Modern Art Club, will have a collaborative performance at this time.

As one of the 12 programs performed at the Houye Festival, and led by rising rock star Rise Fusumikawa, [Band] has already made many music fans look forward to it.

More importantly, everyone who knows the existence of Asama Shisui is looking forward to it. Eiwa Ninja/Eiwa Poison Master/Great Sensei/Asama-sama/Five Regent Masters (people who dare to say that foreigners and monkeys have already no longer exists), what kind of musical baptism will it bring to everyone.

Asama himself had no idea that his first high school cultural festival would be so fulfilling.

We still have an appointment at 9pm. Fortunately, Class A's "I'm Reincarnated in a Different World as Little Red Riding Hood, I Decided to Popularize 996 and Defeat the Demon King Through Vicious Economic Competition" was ranked second in the performance section of the auditorium, so let's make a quick decision.

On the sub-stage next to the auditorium stage, Asama, covered in dog skin, watched Futami shine like a red comet on the stage.

More than 600 first-year students and nearly 1500 visitors looked up at this unique opening.

The girl's dance in the forest seems to capture 0.1 heartbeats every 1000 second.

As [Little Red Riding Hood] Futami walked into her grandmother's house, [Werewolf] Ryuzaki showed a ferocious smile on the erected bed.

"Grandma, why are you blushing?"


"But why don't you get up when you are in good spirits? Huh? Why is your face pale again?"

"I'm in good spirits, but I'm anemic. It's said that human blood is the most nourishing!"

"Hey, grandma, why is your voice so rough?"

"Because of breathing sulfur hexafluoride."

"Grandma, why are your teeth so long and pointed?"

"Because I don't have the opportunity to eat soft rice, I can only eat the cakes drawn by others."

"But grandma, aren't you retired?"

"The pension is not enough to fill my teeth, but don't I still have a delicious little granddaughter like you?"

The lines are as messed up as ever.

"The second time I meet my classmates, they are really beautiful."

Qianjian took a look and saw that the person who just spoke was screenwriter Huang Yameng.

He felt that what the emperor should do now was not to admire, but to be grateful.

Because Huang Yameng stuffed too many personal items into the plot, the audience did not particularly support it in terms of jokes.

However, this stage play's flexible and open narrative structure, vivid and vivid characters, modern and Japanese two-dimensional stage costumes, and superb acting skills in the core role also bring a refreshing aesthetic experience to people.

Meeting the witch of death, outsmarting the big bad wolf, grandma is in danger, Little Red Riding Hood discovers clues to delay the plot, a brave man with a bow comes to rescue, Little Red Riding Hood talks to stop the killing, Little Red Riding Hood paints a beautiful blueprint for industrialization for everyone.

The ceiling of the performance in the first act was actually held up by one person from the second scene, and only the remaining people had room to perform.

The dramatic and exaggerated expressions and movements all look playful and cute.

Whenever a handsome guy or a beautiful girl from Class A comes on stage, the audience will respond with a burst of cheers and applause.

Because Er Jian gave them a certain expectation that the handsome boys and beauties in Class A of the first year are good at acting.

The people in the audience finally appreciated the charm of the moon in Class A of the first year.

"It's so beautiful. This is the most beautiful little red riding hood I have ever seen in my life. If Miss Erjian becomes my wife, I will definitely give her all the bank cards, fund accounts, and safe passwords for safekeeping, and I will go home on time every day. I guarantee 200 days of vacation every year, and I will never work overtime during meetings, and you will never ask me out again."

"Compared with whether we are willing to date you in the future, we are more concerned about whether you will survive until that time. Even if you are just dreaming."

"I heard that the teacher is very protective of his shortcomings. In Class A of the first year, Konoe-sama cannot give in to Miss Futami."

"So, if you were daydreaming just now, wake up!"

"Who doesn't know that all the members of the love counseling department are actually the great teacher's love harem?"

"But why didn't Miss Konoe join?"

"The dignity of the palace, right?"

"Look, Master Asama is here!!!"

Infinity Club occupied a small fifth of the auditorium, roaring like a tsunami in the middle of the curtain.

The female voice instead overshadowed the male voice.

A member murmured,

"After watching the movie, my girlfriend broke up with me. But I think it's okay. The teacher's movie is right - if you want to maintain a relationship, you have to lie constantly, but you can't even be honest. People who are not worthy of being called warriors. I don’t want to maintain this kind of relationship for a second, but it doesn’t affect that we are still good friends and have a common idol.”

"My girlfriend encourages me to become an outstanding person like Teacher Da as soon as possible."

"My girlfriend asked me to remember the love words that Teacher Da said. It's troublesome. I haven't endorsed them since I was a child. Besides, I just read them twice and I can't remember them at all."

When the people outside the school who stood aside heard these words, they felt that their world view was shattered.

Why do these tall, handsome, yellow-haired delinquents always say the same things as those who suffer?

Also, why did you take your girlfriend to the cultural festival but not stand with her?

Those who skipped class to attend the Yinghe Cultural Festival looked towards the stage, looking forward to what kind of existence that great teacher would be.

As a result, a large, fluffy, upright dog walked up.

As the scenery changed, [Wang-chan] Shisui Asama stepped onto the stage, putting on contact lenses.

[Little Red Riding Hood] Futami Tsukiumi held Asama's dog paw when she rubbed shoulders with him.

"The most handsome Wang Jiang, come on~"

"Little Red Riding Hood's power, I received it."

Mai Majima, who was already on the stage, was wearing a sexy devil costume, lying on the prop sofa, hugging a pillow, and looking at Asama Shizui.

Her red lips painted with lipstick were slightly opened, revealing her white teeth.

A charming smile that seemed like instant death magic was passed on.

Well, the Demon King's power has also been received.

"Lord Demon King, I heard that the Sleepless Wolf, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, has rebelled."

"It's okay, dear Rubeus, don't I still have you?"


Lines, something feels wrong?

This is not a line in the script! (End of chapter)

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