Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 247 244 Transaction and Compensation and Holding Hands and Goodbye

Konoe pondered over the options, and Asama spent less than a minute before he made up his mind.

Obviously the first two are more in line with the principle of settling down, but Asama still wants to choose the fourth.

Unlike the first meeting, Konoe Takuma was inviting him to join the game.

[Daigo Bookstore] Perhaps Chiyo Konoe’s touchstone was not his from the beginning, but Shizui Asama’s.

If the rapids retreat bravely, the elusive sense of mystery can naturally be maintained.

But many things will eventually see the light of day, just like the future of the Immortal River.

If you want to help her open up the situation, the opportunity to gain dominance is right in front of you.

After making a decision, Asama chuckled and said lazily,

"Mr. Konoe, these options are a bit shabby. In addition, it turns out that the Konoe family is also engaged in human trafficking business?"

Konoe Takuma didn't care about the irony in this.

From the initial information to the recent evaluation report on Asama Shisui, even if it is concluded that he is not a [Joker], Asama Shisui is still an unexpected existence.

Precocious individuals who grow rapidly against the environment are all geniuses.

The detachment and relaxation that Asama Shizui showed when talking to him was by no means ignorant. Therefore, it made him more interested in [Asama Shizui].

"Hahaha, shabby? What you actually want to say is, why don't you choose all 1, 2, 3 and 4?"

"No, no, no, one is enough. I'm not a greedy person, but these material things really don't make people interested."

"Brother Asama, don't underestimate material things. Every material thing contains the operation of spirit. You have to understand that no matter which one you choose, you can gain the trust of the Konoe family."

But the level of trust is definitely different, right?

Asama often judges people through multiple-choice questions, so he doesn't take the initiative to choose.

"Mr. Konoe, which one do you think I should choose?"

Konoe Takuma's laughter came,

"[You should]? Haha, don't worry, I have no desire to control. If I have to say it. Based on what I know about you, I guess you most want to choose the third one, but I believe you will eventually choose the fourth one. .”

"Why do you think I should choose the fourth one?"

"Experience tells me that lustful people will eventually pursue power."


"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. I know very well how noble you are, Brother Asama. Compared to your amazing physical abilities, I value your spiritual energy more, and people with this energy will bow down no matter what. Get involved."

Freud said, "There is no such thing as a joke, all jokes have serious elements." 】

Ichijo Mayuan's prejudice against me [lecherous] must have come from you!

"Mr. Konoe, if I give you the face to prove that you are right and choose the fourth one, will there be any gifts?"

"Haha, since you want to give me face, shouldn't you just accept it as soon as you get it? Anyway, the Ichijo family, Nijo family, and Takaji family all have a good impression of you. If you choose the fourth one, it is equivalent to taking my side. Yes, I want to give you some compensation."

"I have no interest in getting involved in the affairs between big shots like you. This is just a transaction, Mr. Konoe."

"Of course it's a transaction, but a good transaction can always create friendship, and buying and selling can best reveal your character."

"So what's the compensation?"

"The cutest twins in our Konoe family?"

".Don't joke about this, it will lower my opinion of you."

Asama rejected the twins righteously.

"I'm not the kind of parent who ignores their wishes. They have a very good impression of you. Of course, moderation is indeed a virtue. How about this? As long as you are willing to be Chiyo's tutor, I will give you tens of billions a year. How's the salary? If you don't want to come to Konoe's house, you can let Chiyo live at your place."

"Allow me to refuse!!!"

This is not compensation, but a terrible punishment!

Asama looked up the equity ratio of Daigo Bookstore and found that the major shareholder is the investment company under the Konoe family's parent company, with a shareholding ratio of 55%, and the cultural media company under the Konoe family real estate company holds 20%, and then zero. Bits and pieces of personal holdings.

If 30% of the shares are transferred to Asama, then Chiyo Konoe, who represents the parent company of the Konoe family, only represents 25% of the shares, and the right to speak in the future will also drop to second place.

"Then I'll choose the fourth one. I hold 30% of the shares in the Konoe family's Sunsunsunsun company. Does that mean I have the final say from now on?"

"Of course, Brother Asama has the final say. Although you cannot serve as chairman, the board of directors will give you the green light. There will be no worries about the company's debt, but if you want to operate it in the future, you will have to bear the corresponding risks yourself. Let me remind you, the value of selling it directly is higher, and if you are conservative, you can still sell it for 40 billion."

"I like things that are challenging."

"Haha, I have read your proposal. It is very imaginative. I look forward to seeing such a company come back to life in your hands."

Konoe pondered and asked Asama if the Konoe family needed to provide beautiful legal advisors, financial advisors and professional assistants, but Asama refused.

"Haha, back to the issue of compensation, has Brother Asama decided on what he wants?"

Konoe pondered and knocked on the cypress fan in his hand, thinking that if Asama was still not sure, he would propose [letting Asama marry Konoe's family], or [let Asama be his adopted son].

A person who knows how to manage but is more willing to give, filial to his parents, friendly to his classmates, and helping strangers; a person who can ignore conflicts, camps and classes, and get everything he wants in England; a person who is extremely talented but diligent but hides his clumsiness, and can show off his talents at critical moments A person; a person who does not indulge in extraordinary power, but pursues infinite wisdom; a person who spreads knowledge and can spread conscience.

There are too many amazing fires burning on his body, although he is not enough to be called a "perfect man".

But he is one of the best young Japanese people that Konoe has seen in the past 20 years.

[The world belongs to you and to us. But ultimately it belongs to you. 】

He may be able to become a strong bridge connecting the isolated islands to the mainland.

But Asama's answer interrupted Konoe's thoughts.

"Mr. Konoe, as compensation for me. I hope you can support Rise Fusugawa in front of the head of the Fusugawa family."

"Is that just it?"

"Of course, there is also a gracious invitation."

After chatting with Konoe for a while, the old man gave the green light and agreed to two more things.

"Brother Asama, don't refuse. This is an investment. In this environment, apart from land, I am only willing to invest in young people."

"My favorability towards you increases."

"Hahaha, finally, I want to ask you a question, why do you think China has a future?"

"It's not that China has a future, but that the future is in China. Of course, my opinion is not important at all. For me, because I like it and believe it, that's enough."

I don’t know why, but I feel that the old man Konoe on the other side is getting happy.

Konoe Takuma finally said that even if Asama is unwilling to be a tutor, if Konoe Chiyo's changes satisfy him, Asama can still ask for compensation from him. At the same time, if Asama encounters any difficulties, he can also directly come to him for help. solve.

Asama couldn't help feeling that it was too expensive to raise children, and disobedient children were even more money-losing. Some people understood why those families that were teetering on the edge of the middle class were unwilling to have children.

Konoe thinks that what makes him better than Konoe Chiyo is not the starting price he pays in any transaction, but his goodwill, which is much more natural than Konoe.

Asama unzipped the dog leather and put the phone into his pocket.

He said he didn't want to have anything to do with the Wushe family, but in fact he was one step closer.

I can only comfort myself with "offense is the best defense".

Asama looked back at the stage, but to his surprise, Hayato Ryuzaki was right next to him.

Has Batman also mastered the skill of breath blocking?

".Have you heard everything?"

Ryuzaki crossed his arms and sneered,

"Almost, what, [Five Photographic Emperor Master] wants to silence him?"

Asama shrugged.

"No, there is no one in this world that you can talk to."

"Actually, I'm very curious about how Konoe, who is known as the "No. 1 Gentleman of the Five Photographs", could teach someone like Konoe Chiyo. Asama, you may be seeking skin from a tiger."

Asama was a little curious about how Ryuzaki figured out that he and Konoe Takuma were on the phone.

"Thank you for reminding me. But the Mr. Konoe I am talking about is not the head of the Konoe family."

"Okay. Some ideals can only be realized by bold and careful pragmatists. I'm going to the student union, so you can take care of yourself." "I wish you good luck."

Looking at Ryuzaki Hayato's leaving figure, Asama discovered a question. Did he forget to take off his wolf skin?

Four people from the love counseling department were rehearsing a piece in the music practice room.

Because the lead singer of a band burned his throat while eating hot pot, there was a gap of about 20 minutes in the cultural festival performance schedule.

The other bands didn't respond, presumably because they didn't want to get into trouble.

After the rehearsal in the auditorium, Yoshihiko Arima took Mio Wisteria, the student union performance leader who was blocking the door of the auditorium, to find Asama and Fusukawa.

Asama wanted to refuse, but Fusukawa readily agreed.

"To turn the tide before it falls, and to support the building before it collapses. Isn't this exactly what Mr. Robert likes to do~~~"

Asama sighed inwardly as he looked at the energetic girl who continued to bully him, shining with overwhelming brightness.

If after paying various prices for her, the future head of the Immortal Sichuan family turns out to be an evildoer, he will definitely kill his relatives out of justice.

As a result, the 2 songs of [Restraint BAND] became 5 songs.

The rehearsal time suddenly changed from 2 hours to 5 hours.

Jiandao, who was familiar with the lyrics, asked about the second meeting.

"Yuejiang, did you ask for leave from Boss Qin again today?"

Futami blinked at Jiandao,

"No, I had already asked for leave until Friday, so yesterday was considered a temporary make-up shift?"

There is a tacit understanding between them to set aside reasonable time alone for each other.

The progress and information of the two of them were also transparent to each other, in order to speed up the progress and find Asama Shisui's flaws.

Immortal River was checking the drum scores for the three new songs with Asama. The girl held the pencil in her hand and flipped over the staff.

Asama started practicing against the drum music, including one tom, three tom, crash cymbal, and ride cymbal.

A piece of drum music slipped playfully from the music stand to Asama's kick drum. The two people's hands reached down at the same time. Asama took a step slower and covered Fusukawa's hand with his hand.

Asama felt the warmth and smoothness of Fusukawa's hand, and couldn't help but pause. Fusukawa did not pick up the drum music, but instead held Asama's hand with his backhand and said with a smile,

"Robert-kun's hands look exactly like mine."

Asama retracted his hand at the speed of light and said calmly,

"Is there any?"

Fusukawa picked up the drum music and didn't take it seriously. He opened the five fingers of his left hand that had just held Asama towards Asama and said,

"A pair of big hands and a pair of small hands, but the models are different. Robert's hands are just like the gloves of my hands~~~"

Seeing Asama practicing on his own, Fusukawa quietly added in his heart,

"When something cold happens, I will have an irresistible impulse, an impulse that cannot be relieved unless I put my hand into your hand."

Recently, I have become more and more dependent on him.

I want to completely pull him into my world and share all the joys, sorrows and joys with him.

He knew it was wrong and he wouldn't like it, but he couldn't help it.

“It’s really bad”

Two other girls came over,

"Did Shizui-kun play badly just now? Rise-chan."

"As expected, professional people are more sensitive. I didn't hear where Jingshui made a mistake."

"Ahahaha~~~ Please call me the devil's mentor, Immortal River, Mr. Robert, please do it~~~"

"W!", the title song of Checkmate Samurai's new album, "Unstoppable" and "RISE! RISE!" performed at the Mugen Festival, and "He Who Doesn't Exist" and "Memories of Nothingness" were inserted into the Culture Festival movie I have practiced each of these five songs 6-7 times, and the time has come to 11 o'clock.

Pochi came over an hour ago to be an enthusiastic listener.

"Xiao Lishi is so amazing, even a person like Ah Shui can perform on stage with him."

Is the drum skill of lv.2 also called "Lan Yu"? How about you try it instead! ?

"Sister Boqi is really strict~~~"

"You should tell me what's wrong."

Pochi raised his head slightly, pointed his chin with his right index finger and thought,

"Hmm. To be specific, there are as many problems as there are thorns on an eel!"

You are really here to find fault!

Erjian packed up his guitar and said with a smile,

"I also think Shizui-kun needs to improve. For example, wearing a shirtless denim jacket would be better."

"Isn't it called a restraint band? Ah Shui can increase his momentum by tying his right hand with a bandage! It can also prevent the drumstick from slipping off!"

It was rare for Pochi to come out with such a logical statement.

"I think Jingshui can try wearing blue contact lenses and sunglasses."

Solve the case! I found the person who nominated me for COS Gojo Satoru!

Amid the noisy discussion among the girls, Asama closed the lights and door of the music room.

In the music classroom next door, the practice of the wind section has not yet ended.

There were sounds all along the road.

The Yinghe Academy outside the window was brightly lit.

There is a sense of déjà vu in my previous life, when I packed up my schoolbag and walked out of the classroom after reviewing for the senior year of high school, and found that the only person in the school who was not studying was me.

Is this youth?

This is youth.

Youth is a time when hardship and suffering can feel like pleasure.

It was obviously very embarrassing, but it is a memory that makes me smile knowingly when I look back on it when I grow up.

For them, a year here is 1/15, 1/16, or 1/18, but for him, it is 1/50.

Each time flows at a different speed, and the feelings are naturally different.

Several people walked along the street lights, crossed the main square from the Art Building, and walked to the school gate.

Mobile phone vibration.

Yuya Izayoi, who had turned around and had grown more respectful towards him during this period, sent a message saying that he had obtained the item.

Well, let's go meet the great writer tomorrow night.

It shouldn’t take too much time to help [Daigo Bookstore] stand up on the weekend.

Asama turned back and glanced at Fusugawa Rise, and she happened to look this way.

The universe was flowing, between her eyes and his.

Distant and bright stars send signals,

"Robert-kun, how about you go home with me today?"

"Forgive me for refusing."

Paving the way for her, and then blowing up the headwind for her, just to send her through the clouds and up to nine heavens.

After being attacked for two consecutive days, he felt that the AT field might not be able to defend him tonight.

"Go to bed early and see you tomorrow." (End of chapter)

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