Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 243 Chapter 240 The finished film and the theater chat and one by one

After the monthly test is over, there is basically no content that needs to be continued this semester.

Yinghe, who was already very free in class, experienced a wave of skipping classes on the penultimate day of the cultural festival.

Especially in the afternoon, it was Class A of the first year of Mathematics and Physics.

They had long been fed up with the hellish life of seeing Hinoki and Kuroki twice a day on Tuesday.

Hinoki's math class and Kuroki's physics class are both famous devil classrooms throughout the school.

Asama and the three girls also skipped two classes together.

Sitting in front of the computer in the love counseling department, the department's cultural festival work "Falling in Love with Him Who Doesn't Exist" was playing.

Komaba only sent the film at two o'clock in the afternoon, which was already half a day late from the agreed time.

This film, which took more than half an hour to download, was of such high quality that everyone in the love counseling department was amazed and excited.

Every frame of special effects has the flavor of burning money. More importantly, the combination of these special effects and real-life characters is very natural.

Paradise, haunted house, Ferris wheel, beach, forest. The scenes that appeared in the movie have been restored extremely realistically. Even some of the actors who were filming in front of a green screen had the illusion that they might be filming on location.

The opening of the film is a 30-second special effects animation using the Yinghe College building and the Yinghe school emblem. At first glance, it looks like a fusion of Disney and Fox movie titles.

Including the ending, the total film is 66 minutes and 06 seconds.

There is no need to add any more superfluous information.

If people who have some common sense about movies learn that this is a film that was produced in just 10 days, their expressions will definitely be one of disbelief and amazement.

Through the combined efforts of people who have been paying attention to the film for a long time, Asama’s believers who converted inexplicably, and Komaba’s free hype service, this one-minute promotional video spread like a virus in school forums and even social networks Come on.

"It's probably the young masters and ladies of Yinghe who spent a lot of money to hire a professional team to take the photos, right?"

"Forget it, the Japanese industry is finished a long time ago. Even if you give Toho 10 billion, you can't make this kind of film! The worst is a professional Hollywood team."

"Didn't you see that the team is all Japanese? Is the general supervisor Rise Fusugawa the same Rise Fusugawa? Riserise! They can't be the same person, right?"

"The actresses are all so beautiful. I think I saw Hamabe Minami?"

"This is actually just a cultural festival production of the Eiwa Film Club? The film club presidents of other high schools in Japan should have committed seppuku."

"Keep your eyes peeled, movie production is Yinghe's love counseling department."

The posts in the Yinghe forum have a clearer stance.

"Lord Asama, the eternal God!"

"The Five Photographers are great, no need to say more!"

"No way, it's only been less than 10 days, hasn't it? Ying and Ninja have already started filming this movie, right?"

"Reply to the 3rd floor and still call Yinghe Ninja? How outrageous!!!"

"Reply to the third floor, you are dead."

"Reply to the 4th floor, calm down. After all, the Great Teacher is a person who can manipulate people's senses of him. Whatever you call him, it is most likely the Great Teacher himself."

"After watching the promotional video 6 times, I suddenly felt that O-Sensei is the real touchstone of beauty. Fusugawa, Futami, and Shimajima around him are really not only beautiful, but also very attractive!"

"Uuuuuuuuuu, my Ichijo-sama!"

"Are they all crazy fans who don't read the content? This is the best movie promotion I've seen in the past 20 years! If 20% of the content of the finished film has this quality, I will watch it 10 times during this cultural festival!"

"If I'm not lying, the person speaking above is Kuonji-senpai, the former member of the film club who has been repeating four years of grade! I believe in Kuonji-senpai's vision."

"To be honest, Mr. O's warm acting scares me."

Asama put down her phone and rubbed her brows.

Komaba posted a promotional video post using the official account of the Love Counseling Department Eiwa Gakuin forum, and the number of replies has reached 700.

The multimedia classroom reserved by Fusigawa seemed a bit small.

All the movie works that were shown at the Yinghe Culture Festival at the same time as the love counseling department's "Falling in Love with Him Who Doesn't Exist" were declared dead in advance.

This dimensionality reduction attack is like adding an academic oil painting to a kindergarten children's painting exhibition.

No, it was probably on the track for the remote control four-wheel drive competition, when a large truck suddenly broke into and crushed all the toy cars.

Watch the entire film at 1.5x speed. The comedy process and the tragic ending are obvious from the beginning. However, each alone scene makes people feel romantic, and people can't help but guess whether they have been sincerely moved. .

Futami, who was standing behind Asama, saw that in the list of production credits, a large number of names suddenly appeared in the [Special Effects Animation Synthesis] column - after more than a dozen English abbreviations of AK, JC, XM, and TG, one just The half-displayed Japanese name stands out - [马xx阿树].

Of course Futami knew that this was her destined eldest son [Mitsuki Komaba], and she couldn't help but sigh,

"There are many special effects producers. Shizui-kun, Komaba-kun is too powerful."

Indeed, compared to the previous rows of lists that were either [Riyo Fusugawa] or [Shizuzu Asama], this list has more of a character list that a high-quality movie should have. Highlighting a sea of ​​people is not the kind of density that the people involved simply don’t want to see.

"Only the powerful Mr. Robert can use his power~"

Fusukawa saw the list and thought of what he had said to Asama: "If you want to do something, you must do it with all your strength and gather all the power you can muster." He felt a little ashamed.

This is Robert-kun. She has paid attention to Yoshihiko Yoshihiko, Hayato Ryuzaki, and Masaki Yanagye, as well as Tetsuya Takishima, Hei Daiki, and Mitsuki Komaba, whom she has never paid attention to before. These outstanding people cannot bear it. Live around him and be willing to contribute to him.

She, Futami, and Shimajima didn't know at first that Komaba Mitsuki, a former client of the Love Counseling Department who dropped out of school some time ago, had such skills in addition to helping to build the Love Counseling Department's database.

When Asama said that they could ask Komaba to do the special effects, they thought it was just a one-person job, but they didn't expect Asama to pull together a team and achieve this.

Fortunately, this movie, which gathered a lot of manpower and material resources, not only satisfies selfish desires, but also has the power of healing in its connotation, and the income from the movie will also be used for public welfare.

Of course, all of this depends on him.

Fusugawa Rise looked at the mature and repressed, lonely and altruistic Asama Shisui, and looked at his serious profile. The emotion that she had known for a long time clicked on the door of her heart again.

The reason why she dared to agree on an eternal bond with him was because she had long known that every one of her countless fantasies about the future was related to him. If it doesn't matter, she will definitely change herself and become related.

Shimajima noticed the looks in Futami and Fusugawa's eyes, and secretly sighed at Asama's talent and charm.

As long as she stands with him, let alone making a movie, she won't be surprised even if he and her say they want to govern the entire Tokyo together.

The house loan that once weighed her down now seems very small. She is confident that she can pay off all the money before she is 26 years old.

Because she was lucky enough to be by his side.

He has power and allows others to feel and gain power too.

For this movie [only Asama Shizuzu could make it, only Asama Shizuzu wanted to make it], she wrote the script and appeared as one of the heroines. Can she be considered a contribution? Although I have been encouraging myself, it would be nice if I could be more useful.

Asama looked at Majima who had not yet spoken and asked,

"Where's Mai? What do you think?"

"The special effects? Frankly speaking, they are on par with those big movies produced by the top and most professional movie special effects companies."

Jiandao is very perceptive.

After all, this guy Komaba sent a voice message on LINE this morning. He smiled and told Asama that he had temporarily invited a dozen excellent movie special effects artists to join the production the day before yesterday. Since they were all international friends, it took some time to communicate. Finished films will be sent at 2pm at the latest.

Komaba shouldn't have invited these international friends with the phrase "you don't want to either", right?

After discussing online and offline promotion matters such as movie posters and school advertising spaces, several people discussed putting the movie on YouTube after the cultural festival and donating all profits to the charity scholarship pool of Yinghe College. It is equivalent to a disguised propaganda of the public welfare tone that Yoshihiko Arima gave this time [the 196th Toyo Hidewa Cultural Festival].

Since all the multimedia classrooms have been fully booked by clubs and the demand for movie-viewing seats is clearly in short supply, the Love Counseling Department has set its sights on the next day's evening festival.

Asama and Arima discussed that the After Night Festival could consider temporarily opening a night open-air movie screening location. No fees will be collected from the love consultation part, and all the income from the movie viewing will be put into the general welfare fund of the student union's cultural festival.

Asama, who can think of solutions to any problem at the speed of light, unknowingly deepens the girls' fascination and dependence on him.

From Asama, they once again sensed his unprecedented enthusiasm for [altruism].

Whether it's Futami who treats Asama as a 24-sided dice, Majima who treats Asama as a book that can never be turned over, or Immortal River who treats Asama as a mature mirror, the three of them still can't see clearly. [Asama Still Water] looks like.

However, they see themselves more clearly.

I can clearly see the self who loves him more and is willing to suppress and abandon [my wish] for [his wish]. The stage play rehearsal lasted until 8pm.

Tomorrow is the official rehearsal.

Today's rehearsal added props, music, special effects and lighting.

Konoe asked people from the drama club to provide guidance, but in fact, the people from the drama club were not as professional as Fusigawa.

They obviously watched the movie promotion video of the love counseling department, and they respect Fusukawa's opinions on many issues.

Huang Yameng didn't deliberately look for trouble today, and everything went much smoother than yesterday.

Without the pressure of the deacon exam, the boys all enjoyed the stage play this time.

"The so-called performance is to turn the lines into what is in your heart, and to turn yourself into the character you are playing."

"Oh!" x 6

Horikita, who only has no more than ten lines, shares his acting experience with other costars.

By the way, Yukino, you're either playing a tree or a castle wall. You don't have any lines at all. Why are you teasing me? Don't you mean that you're already familiar with playing background panels?

It must be said that Horikita has amazing acting talents. It only took him one day to go from feeling that anyone he picked would be better than him to acting as well as a drama club actor. This guy is so good at acting, maybe the recognized role of "Idiot Horikita City" is also his. Acting, after all, Yinghe likes to hide his strength much more than those who show off his beauty.

Hanyu also cleared his throat, took out a copy of "An Actor's Self-cultivation" and said,

"No acting skill is achieved overnight. It must be observed and practiced day and night. Acting requires experience, not imagination.

Do you know the Empire State Building in New York? It takes more than an hour to walk down the fire stairs from above, and it only takes 1 points and 8 seconds to jump from the roof. Don't try to take shortcuts. You won't be able to hold on if you take shortcuts.

Have you watched the trailer for "Falling in Love with Him Who Doesn't Exist" posted on the forum? Do you know why Asama-sama’s acting is so good? Because he is not acting! "

"Oh!!!" x 6

If Horikita can't control his mouth and always talks nonsense, then Hanyu shouldn't have a mouth, otherwise all the listeners may be his targets.

Arima, who acted as a porter, was overtaken by Ryuzaki, who was also carrying props.

"Arima Yoshihiko, wait a moment."

Arima was a little surprised to see Ryuzaki, who had never taken the initiative to greet him, approach him.

"What's wrong, Ryuzaki-kun?"

"Are you going back to the student union later?"


"let me help you."

Arima paused when he heard these unexpected words.

The Ryuzaki Hayato he knew was a top student who was naturally hostile to him.

This was not uncommon during his student career. He had had many experiences of being jealous, hated, and even framed by top students.

But Ryuzaki is undoubtedly an upright person.

Kyouhei Katsura once showed him the letter Hayato Ryuzaki wrote to the student council president when he first entered school.

Every word in the letter is filled with enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, half a month later, Ryuzaki rejected the invitation from the student union.

It is indeed a pity that people who highly resonate with [Excellence] and [Benevolence] cannot share the same journey.

Compared to being greeted by Ryuzaki, Arima was even more surprised by this sudden kindness at this moment.

"Thank you. But..."

"Without a but, what's the point of being pretentious? If you want to thank, just thank your adoptive father, Asama Shisui."


"This is the deal between me and him. Don't let me catch you pretending to be self-serving."

Teacher Da was indeed so predictable that he actually knew that he had planned to work overtime at school until early morning today.

After all, it is not appropriate to take a large amount of information home and do it.

"Ryuuzaki, please rest assured that the work of the student union will become more and more transparent. As long as you don't mind it, you are welcome to supervise it at any time."

Ryuzaki wanted to chuckle, but thinking of Asama's high praise for Arima Yoshihiko, he swallowed the mocking words again.

After putting the props away, the two chatted for a while about the work they would be doing later. Ryuzaki suddenly asked,

"Arima Yoshihiko, Asama Shizuzu, what do you think of this person?"

Arima Yoshihiko looked at Ryuzaki's expression, which was a little strange. Ryuzaki seemed to want to hear him say bad things about the great teacher, and also wanted to hear him say good things about the great teacher.

".The most ideal fellow traveler. Unfortunately, the great teacher has his own way to walk."

"Fellow travelers? No, you are different."

"Why is it different?"

Ryuzaki and Arima headed straight north from the auditorium, where many lights in the student union building were still on.

"Do you know the difference between [individualism] and [egoism]?"

"It sounds similar to me. People who always start from their own personal standpoint are mostly refined egoists."

"Haha, I knew you would answer like this. Let me tell you, Arima, individualism and egoism are completely different things!

Individualistic people do not want to be gregarious. In addition to protecting their own independent personality and ideas, when they see other people's independence and rights being unreasonably violated by other people and collectives, these individualistic people will fight for the individualism of others. Indignant, he reached out to help.

Egoism, on the other hand, seems to be very gregarious, and because of his gregariousness, he is even more popular. You will find that he can always mingle with others and seek his own interests with the help of collective strength. When you find a person who deprives the weak of their rights and realizes their own values ​​and desires under the banner of a collective, there is no doubt that that person is the most despicable and dangerous.

Do you know the answer now? "

Arima nodded,

"You want to say, Asama Shisui, the great teacher is a complete [individualist], right?"

Ryuzaki nodded,

"I also want to say that I used to think that you were a complete [egoist]. You must have been soft on the bonuses in the past few months."


"Konoe Chiyo won't say it anymore. She is the dregs of the dregs in Gosei's family. From a consequentialist perspective, Katsura Kyohei is neither stupid nor bad. But Asama supports you, which makes me want to see clearly whether there is a student union. It’s possible to become the former student union.”

".I have no intention of evaluating your evaluation of others. However, Ryuzaki-san, I admit that a person who maintains an organization and recognizes a community is no more noble than a person who chooses to withdraw from the group. Only the dignity of each individual is guaranteed. This The collective has dignity.

This is one of the reasons why I am willing to listen to more opinions from great teachers. "

The first place in Class A of the first year and the second place in Class A of the first year looked at each other.

"I didn't expect you to have such an expression." X2

Two people who didn't like to laugh suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Go faster! How stupid are people who waste time on the road?"

"Save your strength, Ryuzaki-san. I'm worried that after you finish all this work, you won't even have the strength to walk."

It is not impossible to savor the warriors who are accustomed to being alone, and to fight side by side once or twice.

[Death Witch] There is a band thing going on in Immortal River, and [Little Red Riding Hood] Futami is going to support Pochi.

After rehearsing their parts, they took leave and left.

At that time, Konoe and Emperor glanced at Asama and unexpectedly agreed to their early departure.

After all, their performance just now was impeccable.

At 8:05, Asama and Mai Majima packed their things and walked out of the school together.

"Jingshui, can you accompany me for a walk today?"


Suddenly I understood other reasons why the other two people left early.

Come one by one, right? (End of chapter)

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