Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 237 234 The Bewitched Arima and Dragon Heart Society and Police Dog Man

Chiyo Konoe has changed, and her ice-like expression that has never faded during meetings no longer exists.

At this time, she smiled with plenty of room and glanced at all the student union members who were still in front of the conference table.

She distinguished enemies and servants from their expressions and wrote them down one by one. She also warned herself in her heart not to be dominated by emotions. There are no permanent enemies. Turning enemies into servants is the most interesting thing.

Although she left the student union, she maintained her dignity.

Before Yoshihiko Arima threw out those documents, she took a preemptive strike and put forward 10 regrettable problems and suggestions about the current situation of the student union. She said that "she may not be able to do the job because she has a busy family" and "the current student union does not agree with her philosophy." Submit your resignation.

When everyone heard this decision and looked at her in surprise, she handed over another document - donating tens of millions to the student union in her own name to support the student union in making more achievements in motivating students - this amount of money is equivalent to All the money that had been embezzled before was returned.

Student Council President Katsura Kyohei did not make any attempt to retain Chiyo Konoe. He readily accepted her resignation and documents and signed the resignation letter.

Konoe and Arima looked at each other from a distance. Seeing Arima's cold and calm eyes, Konoe's smile widened a little and he said,

"Although it's a bit regretful, it's been a pleasure cooperating with you all. The criticism I just made was just for the wrong person. I hope you can do your job better and better after I leave. I wish you all the best."

"Konoe-sama, we will do our job well and wait for your return!"

Several idiots who had been won over by her during this period stood up and shed tears in a very cooperative manner. The others also stood up and looked at Konoe with attention.

At the end of leaving, Konoe Chiyo glanced at Katsura Kyouhei.

Asama Shisui, it’s your turn to deal with this villain next.

I hope this president can bring you some fun.

Konoe has left, but before she left, her noble manners of donating money to the student unions with whom she disagreed, and the beauty she exuded when she smiled, still remain, shaking the inherent worldview of most student union members.

Miss Konoe, have you changed?

Or is this friendly and open-minded look, as time passes, the true face of the legitimate daughter of the Konoe family?

Arima, who was in charge of presiding over the student council meeting, took a look at the materials he had prepared and the reports prepared by the News Department.

If these things are not put to use, the purpose has been achieved. Is it still necessary to expose the guards?

The answer is self-evident.

Arima took Konoe's corruption materials and signed a semi-public memorandum with Katsura Kyohei, Nijo Rena, and Wisteria Mio. Let's use these things as reserve firepower to snipe the guards again.

The student council discusses summary matters related to the monthly test.

The study group data for the monthly test is still being tallied. Although there are no ranking scholarships or cruises for this monthly test, the student union will still commend the outstanding study groups and conduct interviews with the study groups through several issues of the school magazine. Make all their excellent learning experiences public.

It can be clearly said that Teacher Da’s study group has made the most outstanding progress among the nearly 340 study groups in Yinghe.

Teacher Da single-handedly helped half of the students in Class A achieve a small improvement in their grades.

I am much worse at teaching. I don’t know what kind of learning method the great teacher will share with you, and I am somewhat looking forward to it.

An additional topic added to the meeting is the financial transparency issue mentioned by Mr. Da today.

Arima quickly compiled relevant suggestions and unanimously approved them in the student union.

In the past, the student union's annual financial revenue and expenditure details were only shown to the principal and school directors. In the past, most people didn't care about these things, which led to the emergence of unscrupulous corrupt elements like Chiyo Konoe.

Once the corresponding measures are finalized, problems such as secret operations, fraud, selective disclosure, etc. will be easily solved.

In the future, a cleaner and more transparent Yinghe Student Union will be more confident in promoting fairness and justice.

Yoshihiko Arima was still thinking about Konoe's back as he left the student union meeting room, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart——

In the student union two months ago, Chiyo Konoe had almost all the say, right?

Unexpectedly, Teacher Ou had arranged for Nijo Rena to collect relevant evidence three months ago. Teacher Ou also used himself to bring a new sports festival reciprocity plan to the student union, with a large number of advertising sponsorship and cooperation opportunities. Luring Konoe into making mistakes; after the sports festival, he even guided himself to take the decision-making power away from Konoe Chiyo, weakening her resistance.

Today's scene may have been decided the moment the teacher discovered Konoe's [evil].

Arima couldn't help but laugh when he thought about how he went to see Otoshi a month and a half ago, and Oteacher pretended not to be familiar with Chiyo Konoe.

Fortunately, such a thoughtful person is on the side of justice.

However, Ma Jiyan did not expect that Konoe's vigilance would be so strong, and he would take the lead in this meeting that was bound to be ruined, and retreat bravely.

Was it the confrontation with Reina Nijo in the classroom on Friday that made her aware of Otoshi's plan?

But what did it mean when Fusukawa Rise walked out of the classroom with her that day?

According to the teacher, what is the relationship between Konoe's father and the teacher? Why did O-sensei say those words to Konoe?

Arima has read a lot of history books, but the machinations and conspiracies in them cannot allow him to quickly decipher the complicated fog in front of him.

However, he can tell who is a good person and who is a bad person.

Do not do any evil, but do good deeds.

Since the great teacher is optimistic about himself, the joke-like goal of the Japanese Prime Minister will be put aside for the time being, but if he wants to spend his life on how to do constructive and good things, he is confident that he can do it with Ma Jiyan.

Five minutes later, he will preside over the Yinghe Cultural Festival Executive Committee meeting.

The student union will also make new requirements for financial transparency in each class today. I wonder how Konoe will react.

Just as Arima was looking at the detailed topics of the upcoming meeting, Student Council President Katsura Kyohei walked up to Arima Yoshihiko.

"Arima, come here and tell you something."

Arima put down the documents in his hands and walked into the president's office with Kyouhei Katsura.

I saw the student council president, who had always been calm and calm, showing a different expression than usual.

"Arima, are you familiar with Shizui Asama from your class?"

Seeing Kyouhei Katsura's expression wanting to confirm, Arima nodded,

"We don't know each other very well, but we have a good relationship. He is a very good person."

Gui Gongping was silent for a while after hearing this, and then he laughed as if he had done something embarrassing.

"I used to worry that you were bewitched by Chiyo Konoe, but now I didn't expect that you were bewitched by a more dangerous guy." "Senior Katsura, what do you mean by this?"

"Haven't you noticed that Chiyo Konoe is being used by Shisui Asama?"

Arima always felt that he seemed to have heard this kind of words many times. In front of these people, am I someone who can be easily taken advantage of?

"Maybe I was used, but use doesn't mean danger. I think you have to be realistic when judging a person. If I was really used, the things I did when I was manipulated would be a good thing for more people. .I am not disgusted with this kind of use."

Gui Gongping, who was leaning against the window with his hands on his shoulders, shook his head.

"I only heard about such rumors about him yesterday. It was a bit unbelievable, but when I saw the state of you and Konoe, I realized that the rumors were not unfounded.

Arima, let me ask you, is it easier to deceive you by a maxim that has been circulating for many years, or by what a person says? "

"The motto is dead, and naturally it is easier for people to deceive people."

"So, in fact, dead and fixed things are more worthy of belief, right? So, is it the 200-year-old belief of Yinghe Student Union that deserves your belief, or is it a person whose identity and intentions are a mystery, but who intentionally or unintentionally points fingers in front of you? Who is worthy of your trust?"

Looking at Kyohei Katsura's state, Arima, doesn't the senior think that he himself should be included in what he said?

"What does Senior Gui mean?"

"Rome was not built in a day. If any service platform or organization is not facing a major issue of life and death, maintaining balance is the most important thing. Whether it is rushing to the left or rushing to the right, drastic changes will definitely make people Not knowing what to do, therefore, is bound to cause harm to both people and the organization itself.”

".I understand. But I have no idea of ​​drastic reform of the student union, let alone violate the rules and morals and do things that harm other people because of some people's suggestions."

"You are wrong. People's thoughts change. Don't believe in yourself too much. Arima, you have to know that my support for you before has nothing to do with Konoe's arrangements. I have always regarded you as the true representative of the spirit of Yinghe Student Union. The fire bearer comes to look at it.

That speech you gave on the cruise ship touched me deeply. Max Weber made a similar point: [A lucky person is rarely satisfied with the fact that he has good luck. In addition, he also wants to be sure that he is entitled to his good luck. He wants to be sure that he deserves it. success. Most of all, he wanted to know that he was more deserving of his good fortune than anyone else. He also wanted to make sure that the less fortunate only deserved the misfortunes they experienced. 】

This society has fallen into the "tyranny of merit", which is the soil that breeds refined egoism. In fact, even if we are losers, we have no right to sacrifice them, otherwise the superiority of human society will no longer exist.

In the decision-making on financial transparency just now, I didn't see you preparing any more explanation materials, but you quickly finalized the matter through everyone's trust in you. If you let everyone develop this habit, the harm to the future will be huge.

This shouldn't be your style. This illusion of high efficiency will make you gradually ignore the polling work and lead you to the path of dictatorship that you think is correct.

Therefore, you must, definitely, must keep a distance from things like shadows. Although I don't believe the rumors that students will be manipulated by conspirators, you must also remain independent and clear-headed about your own path. "

Arima Yoshihiko felt strange when he looked at this always amiable senior.

His intuition and eyes told him that Gui Gongping was a good person and the epitome of Yinghe [excellent benevolence].

Why was he able to let Chiyo Konoe formulate a cold strength-based policy and then start to oppose it head-on for more than two months, but he was wary of cooperating with another righteous man from the beginning?

Arima Yoshihiko's doubts quickly shifted from Katsura Kyōhei to Asama Shisui.

Great teacher, maybe there really is something that makes Konoe and Katsura Kyouhei afraid?

"Senior Katsura, I agree with what Konoe said just now, it is not right for the situation but for the person. Today's decision is indeed hasty, but it does not affect the actual justice.

I think these [four things] can guide our future work: Any decision-making involving the vital interests of every Yinghe student must fully listen to their opinions; any decision-making that is beneficial to all Yinghe students, we must We must resolutely implement and maintain; any policies and regulations that harm the interests of every Yinghe student must be resolutely prevented and corrected; any decision-making that follows the rule of the minority obeying the majority, we must fully consider and implement the protection of the basic rights of minorities. "

Gui Gonghei recalled what Arima had just said about the "four things" and laughed.

"As expected, Arima, since you said so, I feel relieved. I trust your judgment. Then, let's come up with the charter to realize these four things and discuss it together as soon as possible."

Arima sighed, he heard these four sentences from the great teacher.

Senior Gui is a good person, and so is the great teacher. Only by better understanding their respective philosophies can we find ways to resolve conflicts in advance.

Compared with removing cancer, this contradiction between exercising and reading and studying is even more difficult.

Katsura Kyohei looked at his slightly tired vice-president, thinking that the regulations just added to Arima's pressure, so he asked,

"In the past six months, I have done so many things actively and passively in the student union. Are you happy, Aruma?"

After hearing this question, Arima frowned.

“You are doing what you like and should do, how can you not be happy?”

"Why don't you smile when you are happy?"

"Serious happiness is also happiness. For example, [Dharma joy]."

Who is Dharma?

The stage play rehearsal venue for Class A in the first year is arranged in the school auditorium.

When the first-year Class A students came back, half of them gathered around Konoe asking about her withdrawal from the student union.

Konoe kept smiling, glanced at Shisui Asama, and expressed her intention to withdraw from the student union.

"The above are the reasons why I quit the student union. If you are willing to be mediocre, then charity and excellence will not be realized. I hope to gather a group of outstanding students who are brave, determined, dare to challenge the status quo, and are willing to dedicate themselves to create this organization. Personal growth, group development, and environmental innovation will all be improved due to our efforts. I would like to call this organization - [Dragon Heart Society]."

They specialize in killing mixed races, right?

Why does it sound like an NGO?

Asama, who had changed into the skin of a big dog, even if he didn't lean in to listen carefully, the words of Chiyo Konoe's speech still reached his ears word by word.

After a round of communication with Arima, it turns out that the person in the student council who is assisting Konoe is probably the student council president Katsura Kyohei.

What a strange guy.

The content of abnormal humans in Yinghe's school seems to be too high.

Forget it, forget about it.

[Dog·Wangjiang] The actor took several selfies of himself to confirm his status.

When he is not wearing props and costumes, he looks a bit like Sadaharu in "Gintama", and when viewed from the front, he looks a bit like the police dog man in "One Punch Man".

I really don’t want to be a dog.

"Jingshui-kun, [Wang-chan]'s clothes suit you very well~~~ They're so cute."

Asama put away his phone.

The master is here. (End of chapter)

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