Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 235 232 Deal with Arima Chapter Free prostitution at Komaba

If you want to see Kaneki Ken, go to the Bronze Tree Abnormal Human Support Club!

I took a look at the voting area, and it turned out to be in the girls section of the school forum. The most liked reply below is:

"Didn't you notice? Asama-sama really looks like Ken Kaneki, the Black Death version!!! It's a pity that Vice-President Arima's cosplayer is Simmel. Otherwise, Vice-President Arima's COS cosplayer, Kisho Arima, would be super awesome. CP feeling~~~"

However, due to the unrecognizability of the black Death God version, Asama was asked to COS the white-haired version.

Asama doesn't have any feelings for the second-tier male in COS.

Regarding pain, Camus, Gus, Agni, these pain men are not something he can touch.

The painful accumulation of constantly experiencing the lost life, the meaning of existence, and the passive mission is not a pavement for future happiness.

Some people say that never believe that suffering is worth it. Suffering is suffering. Suffering will not bring success. Suffering is not worth pursuing. The reason for tempering your will is that suffering cannot be avoided.

Therefore, those male protagonists who successfully opened a harem and reached the peak of their lives due to suffering will always be survivors with a small probability. Their pain has no depth.

Alas. The audience for those charismatic male characters who truly go through suffering and fight against it is much smaller than the protagonists on the popularity rankings.

Today's young people prefer formalistic pain. Pain is just a decoration to make them look handsome.

Ye Gong is only fond of dragons.

A world confused by appearances


Asama shook his head. It was an established fact and there was no need to object.

Kaneki Ken, just Kaneki Ken. Cos Oh Ken Kaneki who washes kelp, you can wear a mask anyway, it doesn’t matter.

It’s also a good way to rationalize your gray hair.

Just use [I like this COS character so much that I decided to dye my hair white forever! ] Let’s explain this reason.

I used it as soon as I saw Boqi. [Although I used to dye my hair to cover my teenage gray hair, my scalp has become allergic to hair dye now, so I won’t dye it in the future. ]

During the summer vacation, I told my parents that [the school had arranged for me to work as a tutor for Chinese students with problems. Since the average person in China has very little white hair, the teacher suggested dyeing my hair white to cope with it, so that I could carry out my work smoothly. If I agree to this, I will receive an additional 100 million yen as a teaching assistant. ]

So lying is very troublesome. If you tell a lie, you have to use countless lies to cover it up.

Rather than trivial matters such as cafes and stage plays, he was more concerned about what caused him to be stuck in the 4th place in his grade four times in a row.

Obviously his total score has been improving, and his rankings outside the top 3 have also been changing.

This kind of coincidence makes it seem like I am really controlling points.

Forget about handing in a blank paper next time?

No, no.

Is ranking more important or your own progress? If you stop moving forward, it will be useless even if you get 100 first places! I almost let myself fall into these useless standards.

Asama in July is already much stronger than Asama in June! There is no need to worry about ranking.

Therefore, we must improve at least 10 places next time!

While Asama was still struggling with the 66, the three girls in the love counseling department had already started a discussion about how to use Asama Shisui's rights after winning the bet.

Although there are only 5 people and 1 dog in the love counseling department, there are at least 5 people in the group.

In the group of three people consisting of Futami, Majima, and Fusukawa, Fusukawa directly expressed his plan - he wanted to ask Asama to go to an art museum with everyone on the weekend.

Based on the principle of not doing to others what you don't want others to do to you, Jiandao proposed that he would not disturb their date with Asama. The implication is that Majima hopes Fusukawa and Futami will not interfere with her date with Asama. This tacit understanding of creating opportunities for each other to be alone is a kind of chivalry.

Futami believes that it is indeed difficult to achieve a substantial breakthrough with Asama on a group date. Let's go on a date with Asama for a day. This kind of suggestion is exactly what she wants! Under fair competition, she believed that she had no opponent. The reason was that in the early hours of this morning, Jing Shuijun only stayed by her side.

As the executive committee member of the cultural festival and the president of the event, Chiyo Konoe took the podium to explain the current preparation progress of various tasks, and even disclosed the financial expenditure details to everyone.

At the same time, she said that the "100 Things You Need to Know About Qualified Deacons' Service" will be tested on all boys this afternoon, and those who fail will have to stay in school for tutoring.

"Why do we still need to take the exam!!!"

The boys led by Horikita screamed in pain.

Although this week is a cultural festival, we still use a large weekly class schedule from Monday to Wednesday.

This means that even if there are no club activities, students have to wait until school is over at about 4 p.m. before they can start preparations for the cultural festival.

World History is a monthly test paper, and Asama, who scored a perfect score, spent an entire class by self-studying the content of World History for the next semester.

The bell just rang. Arima, with dark circles under his eyes, handed Asama a booklet and asked Asama to give him some advice.

The cover title is "Guide to the 196th Toyo Hidewa Cultural Festival".

Asama opened it and took a look. The activities of each class and each club, the performances in the auditorium, the types of stalls in the outdoor stall area, and the corresponding large-scale activities (parades, fireworks, and night festivals) on the two days were all very detailed. Listed, the hand-drawn map has a complete guide function, making it a very professional activity guide.

The book is a bit thick, and each section needs a bookmark for navigation. It can also be used to create a folding map with audio-visual, entertainment, and food as the classification framework; in addition, the VI feature of the book is not outstanding, and the mascot of the cultural festival should be Make more appearances; thirdly, there is insufficient advertising space, and more advertising space can be added in the brochure to generate revenue for the student union.

After roughly discussing these three issues, Asama said again,

"Time is so tight, and the folding pages don't need to be published. You can ask the computer programming department to help you create a small program with a search function. In addition, contact this robot supplier. They probably won't reject you. Ask them to rent 100 robots. Robots, placed in schools to act as mobile navigation stations.”

"Well, about the mini program, I asked the programming department last week. The student union allocated a budget of 50 for them to help make this mini program, but they turned it down. This time, they were also responsible for the school's official cultural festival homepage and ticket reservations. I have to help out, and there are also departmental activities, so I don’t have time to make an activity navigation applet. In addition, the seniors in the programming department also said that it is too late to do this now. It will take 7 days at the fastest for this applet to go online, including filing. "

Asama thought for a while and could only ask Komaba to solve this problem.

"Give me the source file of this booklet, and I will help you solve this problem. Are we going to hold a general meeting of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee today? It's best to reconfirm the time, place, project, and other matters with all classes and clubs. You can have someone keep an eye on it. For the revision of the brochure, arrange for someone to contact the supplier before 8 o'clock today to connect the robot. I believe you and Yuxingyuan already have experience in renting advertising space. Since many expenditure items have been canceled during this cultural festival, make sure the income and expenditure are done well. balance."

Arima, who looked tired, listened to Asama's suggestion and showed an apologetic expression.

"Excuse me, Teacher."

"I have some doubts about the scientific nature of your student union's division of labor. The preparation work for this cultural festival is obviously much less than that for the sports festival, why are you still so busy?"

"Maybe I like this feeling of being busy."

"A good man also needs three helpers."

Arima showed a beautiful smile,

"Aren't you, O-Sensei, Gokyoin, and Takishima helping me? Everyone in the student union is also working hard."

Asama almost understood what was going on. Konoe was in trouble in the student union this time. Among the student union members, her supporters were not as disobedient as Nijo.

Asama pulled Arima to a secluded part of the corridor and said to him seriously,

"Before the Cultural Festival Executive Committee meeting, there will be an internal meeting of the student union."

"That's exactly how it was arranged."

Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, let these people recognize the situation, change their ways, and still be able to do something in the last two days.

"Finally, I have one more unwelcome favor."

Arima Yoshihiko's eyes lit up when he heard that Asama finally asked him for something.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Arima Yoshihiko skipped the next class.

With perfect scores in all subjects, he is qualified to do this.

In addition to biology class, Asama also got full marks in classical literature and physics classes.

In fact, if it were not for the side effects of staying up late, his score should be 777 this time.

Ranking 23rd in grade, a little behind Hayato Ryuzaki and in front of Rise Fusugawa. It doesn't matter. If he doesn't want to advance to 40 places next time, he might as well go home and plant radishes.

The Love Counseling Department has collected all internal advice on the original film between classes.

When the lunch break bell rang, the first thing Asama did was to contact Komaba and ask him to add special effects to "Falling in Love with Him Who Doesn't Exist".

Komaba was confident that he could complete a 30-minute film with special effects similar to the quality of "Avengers Endgame" in one day. Coupled with Asama's detailed requirements list, which is as accurate as a 1-word essay for each special effects scene, we should be able to get twice the result with half the effort this time.

I also told Komaba about Arima.

Komaba was lying on the bed, and his breathless voice came from the receiver of his mobile phone.

"Well~ you can do it. Let's finish your role-playing movie today. Don't worry, that small program will be completed in less than 2 hours tomorrow and is suitable for all mobile phones and large-screen navigation devices. But, why Teacher, will you be so kind to Yoshihiko Arima? Is this the guilt of stealing someone else's sweetheart?"

"Your Miss Banze added me as a friend again, but I ignored her."

".Hahaha, I thought I didn't say anything just now. Oops~ Really, how could I refuse the thing that the teacher asked me to do~! I'm seeing you outside, I'm seeing you outside~ In addition, you don't need to give me tickets for the cultural festival La, I won’t bring Yinglihua to see you!”

I originally wanted to pay Komaba, but Komaba declined.

Has Komaba been too polite lately?

Asama himself felt embarrassed for always causing trouble to Komaba.

Wouldn't it be better if Daming God gave him an IT skill last night?

Asama immediately patted his head.

What are you thinking! So lazy! Are you so eager for success? It’s only a matter of time before you learn and master the skills!

After being exposed to the sun for 5 minutes on the rooftop, I was a little sweaty when I came down.

On the way from teaching building A to the love counseling department, Asama found that his inconspicuous buff was completely out of order.

On both sides were small groups secretly watching themselves and talking about each other.

Both boys and girls.

"Have you seen the latest monthly test list? Master Asama has controlled the points again!"

"The cold expression, cool eyes, and messy hair are such a solid AT position! I finally understand why the great teacher dismisses the beautiful girls around him. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the king of no contact."

"[Yinghe Ninja] is too powerful. I feel like the rumors that he has killed people are true."

"It is said that he is still Dahui's master. Have you watched the video of him leading Dahui to wipe out the Adachi District gangsters?"

"I heard from people in Class A of the first year that he even scolded my sister last week!"

"Did even Miss Konoe succumb to him?"

"What's the point? Lord Takishima said that Lord Asama is his adoptive father. The eldest daughter of the Nijo family is also a generation shorter than him!"

"I heard from the second-year seniors that the student union's policies were vacillating during this period, and someone was secretly controlling the key members of the student union. I think he was the one they were talking about."

Asama: "."

Perhaps the happiest time in life was the little transparent life one and a half months ago.

I'm really tired now.

I put on my headphones and listened to Yan Buke's "Crests and Troughs".

Thanks to advances in technology, this kind of book also has audio. Although listening to Chinese books with audio is extremely inefficient, it is better than nothing.

The reason why I don’t listen to IT technology is because I can’t understand it just by listening.

A few days ago, Asama said that he wanted to read history carefully, so he collected a few Wei and Jin histories that he was interested in on his mobile phone.

In my previous life, I have read "Shishuo Xinyu", "Three Kingdoms" and "Book of Jin". I have also read "History of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties" by Wang Zhongluo, "History of the Two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties" by Lu Simian, and I have also read Xianshu. What about "The Age of Gorgeous Blood" ” “High Grade Poor Scholar” and the like.

The only thing I have read in my life is "History of the Formation of the Sui and Tang Empires" by Michio Tanigawa, a professor at Kyoto University.

I probably devoured all these books in my last life, so I can’t even remember the contents of these books clearly now.

I heard the "Integration of Confucianism and Officials" mentioned in "Crests and Troughs". Simply put, it means that Confucian officials who are accustomed to supervising outlines and strict instructions put aside their stature and began to do practical things at the grassroots level. Academic culture and political initiatives began to integrate. After thinking about it, I can’t help but feel sad that in many countries, academics and politics are distinct and do not complement each other.

I don’t know why, but after hearing this [Confucian official] for a long time, I will think of [Slave]. Maybe it’s because I don’t know Mandarin well enough.

Walking to the love counseling department, I found three girls discussing the production of posters.

The lunch box was still intact on the table.

"Jingshui-kun, do you think it's better to have a close-up of the characters' expressions in the promotional poster, or a big scene with small characters?"

"It's all fine. Can Immortal Sichuan use Coreldraw or Adobe Illustrator to make drawings?"

"No~~~I'm going to prepare hand-painted posters~~~"

"I know a little bit, let me do it, you guys eat first."

Asama first found more than 40 movie posters and selected 3 models for them, and then cut out some materials from the original film.

I opened Adobe Spark on the computer of the love counseling department, entered a detailed description of the style, fed a few pictures, used AI to quickly create a first draft of the poster, then imported it into PS to process the layer file, and finally put it into Adobe Illustrator for modification and adjustment.


[Acquire skills, graphic design lv.1]

Is this okay?

Or it is not impossible to live with Futami Daimyojin day and night for three years and become an omniscient and omnipotent person.

Asama restrained his desire to start Python immediately and let the Great God grant him programming skills. Taking advantage of the formal introduction of design ability, I made quick adjustments to three posters.

But after seeing the finished product, Immortal River still shook his head and insisted on drawing a poster by himself.

"The sense of déjà vu in the poster is still too strong. This movie must be original from the beginning to the end~~~Don't worry~~Robert-kun has given me more inspiration~I originally planned to edit all night today, but now I have free time It’s enough time to draw a poster~~~”

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

"I will print out 2000 copies tomorrow~~~Leave the job of posting and distributing the posters to Mr. Robert~~~"

"Well, let me help."

"Hmm, if Xiaoyue wears a bunny girl costume and distributes posters, I believe they can be distributed in no time."

"No, I asked Arima to insert a 2-second advertisement for our department's movie into the carousel screen of the two large advertisement screens in the school. In addition, there will also be 10 advertisements of ours on the school's navigation robot. Add Forums and social media are enough communication channels for us.”

"As expected of our minister~~~" X3

The door of the love counseling department, which had been deserted for many days, was knocked by a customer again. (End of chapter)

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