Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 222 219 July Monthly Test and Side Effects

Fujiwara Ai's phone call.


At this time, in his previous life, he would hang up the phone if the boss of his company got annoyed, instead of pretending not to receive the call.

Not to mention a mere idiot Fujiwara.

This guy's individualism, which doesn't take into account other people's schedules, needs to be dealt with.

Asama picked up the book again and read. The only thing that could stop him from wasting his necessary time to care for others was the [Messiah Complex].

The recent current situation warned him that it was easy to get stuck in this kind of thing, and Ai Fujiwara, who came from a dignified family, did not need the help of a supporting character.

"Asama Asama, you actually hung up on me!"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm not like you. I love learning."

"Final exam? Any small thing like that is fine! Asama Asama, tell me the truth, did you drive Ichijo away because of what I said before?"

"Is the air in foreign countries poisonous? I remember that your IQ is still in the range of [Homo sapiens] in Yinghe."

"Hey~~~ Asama Asama is shy~~~"

"If there's nothing urgent, let's stop chatting here. If you have any questions, you can ask them over the weekend. Your book won't be published in the next few days anyway."

"I have some good news for you. According to the plan, if nothing unexpected happens, I can really go back to Japan next week~"

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Exit the chat bar and shut down your phone.

Pochi is still taking a bath, so let her go to bed early later.

Do you want to try staying up all night?

People who are always making progress are never sleepy, because they defeat time and every second is a new life.

Yes, nothing can stop me from wanting to make progress!

Asama's fighting spirit has never been so strong in 16 years.

The [Stay Up Late] skill is indeed a magical skill. After staying up all night, I don’t feel particularly sleepy, and my body doesn’t feel weak or weak.

I wonder if there are any side effects, otherwise I would become a [Sleepless Person]?

For the sake of being conservative, Asama did not do any morning exercise. Instead, she prepared brunch while listening to the review materials. After waking up Pochi, Asama went out.

On July 7, the weather was extremely sunny.

What a great day for the French people to capture the Bastille.

Yesterday I studied the French painter Courbet's famous painting "Desperate Man", and today the knowledge about France inexplicably emerged from the depths of my memory, as if a revolutionary brick was dropped in a pond full of mud.

Incidentally, the memories that surface also include the date when the Bolsheviks led workers and soldiers to capture the Winter Palace - November 11. According to the Russian calendar, this revolution occurred in October, so it was called the October Revolution.

Thinking this way, the people of the Empire and Japan are really useless. They don't even dare to chop off the king's head.

Well, although Charles I was called an enemy of the people, the people who beheaded him were actually the parliamentary bourgeoisie, right?

The teaching materials at Eiwa Academy are different from those in Japan. Although the progress is very fast, in the first semester of world history in the first grade, we have not yet learned about the Discovery of Navigation and the Industrial Revolution.

Asama likes to use small fragments of daily life to repeatedly memorize knowledge points in his head.

Recording history with a timeline is a good way. The reason why Zizhi Tongjian is a classic is that the historical materials are abundant and the text is extremely simple, and it connects the history of 1362 in an extremely delicate and vivid way. Based on established behavioral facts, everything that happened in the past becomes a clue to everything that happens now.

In the words of the teacher, it is full of dialectics.

I have read too much psychology and philosophy in the past two months, and I need to calm down. Refocus your attention on history this month.

In a world where most things go out of style before they expire, who doesn’t love stories that stand the test of time?

Asama put on her headphones and continued reviewing.

He is not the kind of genius who can take first place easily by just sitting around and playing around every day, eating potato chips and drinking Coke.

He is not the kind of all-around genius who can get perfect marks in any subject casually, and can even find out the teacher's mistakes in setting the questions and add 5 points to the perfect score.

He is not the kind of hard-working genius who can surpass everyone as long as he works hard.

In terms of learning, even if he has master-level [speed reading], expert-level [memory], and a [repeat student] with a 20% increase in efficiency, he is still among the mortals.

Today, it’s time to prove yourself again.

These days I have not put down my scroll, preaching scriptures and discussing Taoism, just for today.

Rather than rely on Daimyojin to achieve success, Asama prefers the sense of accomplishment after achieving his goals through his own efforts.

There is no other reason, he is mean, he does not want to give in to his despicable desires, he prefers the joy of having a real sense of progress.

He was reviewing the contents of modern literature, classical literature, world history, and Japanese history at high speed in his head, as if checking his talent and skill tree, checking his crystallization of these subjects.

Knowledge is by no means the "Gleaners" painted by Miller. It is a matter of picking grains day after day, but it is rare to have a full meal.

Knowledge needs to go from points to lines, follow the vines and follow the melons, and affect the whole body; knowledge needs to go from lines to planes, forming a circle of its own, with thousands of points in between.

Asama's macroscopic knowledge crystallization has long been iterated from the point, line, and surface framework. The knowledge he masters is a structure, a self-consistent space formed by surfaces surrounding a point. This point is certainly not Democritus’s atomic worldview or Zou Yan’s five-element worldview. Rather, for example, Sima Qian wrote historical records based on biographies, and used the core theories of the central figures of knowledge as a starting point to extend the collection.

With this skill, it would be easy for him to work as an administrator in any library.

It would be easy for him to learn from those Internet celebrities and write a book on chronological history, art history, geography, and popular science, but there is no guarantee of good sales.

George Orwell once said: "There is only one way to make a lot of money from writing books - marry the publisher's daughter." 】

Writers who don’t understand channels and marketing and don’t have financial backers deserve to die.

Anyway, Asama doesn't intend to make money by writing books. If he really wants to write a book, it may be in a state similar to Sima Qian's history writing.

The time now is 6:55 in the morning.

There were a lot of pedestrians, but not many students. Asama was waiting at the red light at the first intersection of Tongxue Road. Behind her, there was the thump of small leather shoes hitting the ground, and a sound as pleasant as a clear spring in summer.

"Shizui-kun, good morning~"

"Morning, Stillwater."

The two girls appeared from behind Asama, and what was transmitted into his brain at the same time as the voices was the soft touch of the girls' shoulders against his arms.

"Too close, both of you."

Futami had no intention of leaving. The hand without the bag on the outside reached up, pointed at her beautiful ears, and said to Asama,

"Jingshui-kun, if you don't take off your headphones, I can only talk so close to you~~~"

But Majima obediently retreated to the right, keeping a distance of four punches from Asama. She was not very physically strong and was panting slightly, with some sweat on her forehead and temples, and a blush on her pale face.

"Huh - I saw you Jingshui from a distance. It looked like you were reading a book with headphones on, so we decided to catch up first and then say hello to you."

So, are the ears of the great god of light an organ that grows toward the inside of the body and only have the same frequency as her own thoughts?

Asama took off his headphones, nodded, and followed Shimajima to retreat to the right, keeping a distance of two fists from the two girls on the left and right, and casually dropped a topic,

"How do you feel about your review of this monthly test?"

Futami and Majima looked at each other, smiled and took out a stack of paper from their bags and handed it to Asama.

"this is?"

"The [obey you] coupon, Jingshui-kun can use it to make demands on us~"

Futami and Majima smiled and put the [Words and Obedience Ticket] into Asama's hand.

"You've been working too hard during this period, so this is what Yue-chan and I want. Shizui, don't be burdened with using it. It's okay to use this as a massage coupon."

Asama's eyes lit up,

"Is there an expiration date? Is it also valid as a [rejection coupon]?"


Jiandao regretted doing too much on this coupon.

Futami almost snatched the [Yan Tie Gui Cong Guan] back from Asama's hand.

"Thank you both. I will collect these coupons and use them well."

"Jingshui, let me explain in advance that if I win the monthly test bet, I have no right to refuse my request."

Seeing the serious look on the short-haired beauty, Asama also stopped supplying power to the AT stance and smiled,

"I understand. If you can pass my test, then go ahead and give it a try."

Futami had no resistance to Asama's every smile. She felt as if she had myocarditis, her heartbeat was racing, her breathing was difficult, and she even felt faint.

"Jingshui-kun, you are particularly good at laughing~"    "Really?"

"There will be cute little brackets on your face~"

Futami believes that the parentheses on the side of Asama's mouth can capture the hearts of all girls.

Jiandao couldn't help but stare at Asama's face.

The two girls just looked at each other, and their eyes were led forward by Asama.

Can't you just walk properly?

"Do you think someone's nasolabial pattern or puppet pattern could be the title of a book?"


Through the strange answers, the ambiguous atmosphere was successfully transferred.

Sure enough, for them whose favorability is close to the full value, the effect of Charm +1 is significant.

"Ah hello~~~Morning~~~Satsuki~~~Mai-chan~~~And, our male protagonist Manaka-kun~~~"

As usual, Immortal River was at the convenience store at the intersection, holding mineral water, greeting the three people across the street, and calling Asama by the surname of the mortal hero.

For the first time, Asama would rather be called a robot.

In the white streets of Tokyo where the sun shines, the fresh wind blows from Minami Azabu, and the fragrance of the three blooming girls floats, as if the weightless hair ends reach Asama's nose.

Asama understood the meaning of what the poet Rimbaud said today [the first good thing I encountered].

Unfortunately, I am an unfriendly stone, a stone on which roses, sunflowers, daisies, and gypsophila cannot take root and grow.

Habits are scary.

Originally, Asama planned to burn today's love letters and then go directly to the love counseling department to drop off lunches, so he could enter the classroom separately from Futami and the others.

But the three girls chose to wait for him at the stairs and accompanied him to the love counseling department to drop lunch.

Immortal River said teasingly,

"It's becoming more and more popular ~ Falling Apart·Manaka-kun~"

"What did you do with those love letters, Jingshui? Tear them up?"

Jiandao was also curious about the final fate of the envelopes containing the love letters.


"Jingshui-kun, don't you want to read it? What if it's a letter asking for help?"

"I read them all, and there are no distress signals like [He died for his father] and [Beat Ni should be beaten]."

"Don't you plan to keep the appointment? Mr. Robert?"

Asama glanced sideways at the Immortal River,

"Do you think that's possible?"

Asama's ruthless style makes the three female colleagues in the love counseling department particularly satisfied.

The three of them unanimously decided that if they receive love letters in the future, they will also be handed over to Asama to handle.

This proposal was rejected by Asama with the speed of light saying "do your own thing".

The four of them put their lunch boxes in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and Asama took a can of Fanta along with them, and returned to the classroom of Class A, Year 1 together.

Targeted scandals and bad reviews no longer attract the interest of British and boring people.

Yesterday's small film shooting event received a lot of attention, and some people even suggested that the love counseling department open a crowdfunding channel, and everyone worked together to use their money power to promote the film to Cannes.

The public relationship between Shizuzu Asama, Rise Fusugawa, Tsukimi Futami, and Mai Majima was changed to [Eiwa Ninja] and his colleagues.

Therefore, the actions of the small group in the love counseling department no longer have any scruples.

[5A Teacher’s Chinese Restaurant Study Group] Most people greeted the Asama group enthusiastically.

Asama nodded in response to these greetings with equal politeness.

Asama himself didn't expect that without even realizing it, he surpassed Konoe, Gogyin, and Fukasawa, and recruited the Genki Genki idol Fusukawa, becoming the super Genki of Class A of the first year.

The review atmosphere in the class was enthusiastic, and this atmosphere was somewhat different from last month's monthly test.

This time in Class A, there are fewer people praying to God and worshiping Buddha, and there are more guys with confident expressions.

This guy Horikita actually wore a turban, and there was a small piece of printing paper attached to the turban - a black and white photo of Shizumi Asama.

You'd better go cramming!

The proctor for the first round of the monthly physics exam this time was a teacher that most people didn't know.

After he explained to everyone the precautions for the exam very enthusiastically, he handed out the test papers.

As expected, Kuroki's physics questions are still competing with those in the Tokyo University entrance exam.

The hit rate was 97%, with only one question not hitting the mark.

Horikita and Hanyu, who had been trained so carelessly by Asama, both handed in their papers 20 minutes early and stole the show under the surprised gaze of the teacher.

Asama is not that stupid. His biggest enemy is often his own arrogance. Therefore, even though the 35 questions were solved extremely smoothly and the questions that were not answered were easily solved, Asama still spent all the free time checking the test papers.

Not surprisingly, it should be a perfect score.

This overwhelming sense of comfort reminded Asama of the October Revolution he recalled in the morning.

Under the careful organization of the Russian Bolsheviks, the February Revolution claimed to have "won victory without shedding a drop of blood." The October Revolution encountered little resistance when they attacked the Winter Palace.

It was as if he had been blessed by luck.

After Asama finished the physics test, he looked back at Futami Daimyojin. Futami gave him a thumbs up in appreciation, put his thumb on his lips, and kissed him gently.

Asama pretended not to notice, gave Futami a thumbs up, and calmly looked away.

The luck I want to bless during the exam is not luck.

The silky smoothness of butter cut with a hot knife was gone by the second exam.

Hinoki, who is the leader of the first-year mathematics teaching team, must be crazy.

The over-classification rate is greater than 50%, and the hit rate is 65%.

A test paper lying on the table that is only 80 microns high seems to have erected an insurmountable El Capitan for mathematical rock climbing enthusiasts.

Not everyone is Alex Honnold. This test paper is not only full of malice from the question maker, but also creates a nightmare that the question solver cannot face.

However, Asama smiled,

The more steep the mountain, the more powerful the climber is.

It wasn't as outrageous as the paper in my nightmare, but it seemed interesting.

This kind of exam is much more enjoyable than writing practice questions over and over again for the last physics test.

He picked up the pen and quickly plunged into it. The world was focused into a one-foot-square flat space. The immersive state lasted until the bell sounded to remind him to stop writing and hand in papers.

There are 32 questions, 2 questions cannot be answered, and 6 questions are not sure.

That's it, I've tried my best.

The dream of ranking first in the exam has a shelf life worse than the bento in the 711 convenience store.

Why is it so hard to win? Death - crisis awareness, mouth - absorptive ability, month - time management, shell - financial ability, Fan - normal mentality.

Obviously, he failed to judge the crisis well and did not expect Hinoki to be so crazy; he did not absorb enough study to become a mathematician; he failed in time management and spent too much time with girls!

Finally, it is not normal enough.

Why do you think you can get first place once you are recognized by everyone and have acquired a bunch of skills that have nothing to do with learning?

It's because I'm too arrogant.

There is no end to learning. Thank you Hinoki for teaching me a lesson. If I take another lesson like this, I will get tired of studying!

Asama resisted the urge to ask Arima how many points he expected to get on the exam, rubbed his brows, handed in the paper, and walked to the love counseling department without holding back for a moment.

He had no idea that the side effects of [staying up late] would come much faster than he imagined. (End of chapter)

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