Tokyo Wingman King

Chapter 142 139 Yinghe Sports Festival and Homecoming 23 Things

Chapter 142 139. Yinghe Sports Festival and Homecoming

The sunset in Tokyo at this moment seems to have moved the Flame Mountain in Journey to the West to the sky.

The cracks between the dense clouds reflect the red light.

[Every time I see the splendid sunset and the rolling clouds like fire, I feel that the nonsense about "a better future" is overshadowed. 】

The words of tough guy Yukio Mishima are very appropriate at this time.

Asama likes to make plans, but at the same time he also tries his best not to get stuck in the plans.

[Understanding what you are doing at this moment] is more important than [what you should do tomorrow]. [Present tense] is far more touching than [future tense].

Whether it is Dahui Heping or Yamashita Rei, the goals, plans, and methods have been told to them, but does the real meaning mean that things must be done?
Human happiness does not need to be quantified and explained by a sense of purpose.

The more you care about the results, the easier it is to enter nothingness.

Mozi once used a fable to give a powerful response to nihilism: "A house on the street was on fire. A neighbor was going to get water to put out the fire, and a neighbor was going to use a torch to fan the fire. But before they got to the house, the house had already The burn is gone. Who is better?"

Of course it is the people who are putting out the fire, and those who want to stoke the fire are wrong and those who have stood by and done nothing are wrong.

Running towards a goal that ultimately has no results, good motivation and the process of not regretting are the keys to redeem yourself.

In fact, Asama was not sure whether Yamashita Rei could succeed. He just extinguished the sparks in advance and pointed her to another path.

But the second trap awaits her—hard work.

Yamashita Rei’s dream pursuit process cannot be achieved through hard work.

Kafka once said a chicken soup, "If you try hard to get something, in fact, as long as you stay calm and seek truth from facts, you can easily and unknowingly achieve your goal." 】

The scope of application of this sentence is actually extremely limited.

Some people have studied piano all their lives, but they can't get on the stage and can only be piano teachers; some people have been doing math problems for 30 years, but they haven't solved half of the conjectures, and finally went to the Wall Street exchange to make money.

Some people may think that the latter has succeeded, but in fact, the above two types of people are both failed dream chasers with insufficient talents.

The 10000-hour theory proposed by writer Gladwell in "Outliers" can only hone skills, not talents.It was only luck that the monkey spent enough time at the typewriter to type out "The Complete Works of Shakespeare".

Human cognition and the world that can be seen are limited, just like two-dimensional people cannot understand the behavior of three-dimensional people.

10000 hours of hard work, in addition to tempering, is more about self-discovery.

A human life is only thirty-six thousand days, how many 10000 hours can be wasted?
I edited the text message and sent it to Dahui.

"Tell your girlfriend that you should follow the 3O principles - POP, HOT, TOP - and integrate all hot topics into her T-stage show. You can match the clothes yourself and bring in hot elements. You are responsible for finding the photographer. I really don’t know him, so let Takishima help you.”

"Can't you do it, O-sensei? Takishima said that you are his photography instructor."

"It's just the enlightenment teacher, my level is far behind him. Besides, I don't have time."

"Sorry. I understand."

Asama put away his cell phone and walked downhill onto the road, passing Azabu-Juban Station. He watched the brake lights flashing from time to time at the end of the road, silently merging into Tokyo's evening rush hour.

Despite the crowds, most people are silent and lonely.

Even the most passionate and steadfast love, in the final analysis, is nothing more than a fleeting reality, and only loneliness is eternal.

Walking to the door of a hotel, the phone suddenly rang.

It's Komaba's phone number.


"Teacher Da, you won't NTR Dahui's girlfriend, will you?"


"Don't hang up!!! Let's get down to business. Teacher, do you still need to reveal the dirty information about Da Tian? I just found out a lot of interesting things."

"Send it over and take a look."

Asama browsed this field on his mobile phone. The victims there were even junior high school students.
Or maybe he was so used to being in a "sterile room" that Asama felt like he was going to get eye cancer when he saw all this ordinary filth.

"From light to serious, hammer him step by step. It's best to give him room to quibble and lie. Komaba, if possible, check these people and their accounts."

Asama sent Komaba the message he had just seen and written down.

"Well, these people are not in Yamashita-san's recent searches or contact records. Wait a moment."

Asama stood in the shadow of the street corner, quietly waiting for a reply.

"Oh - 2 male models, 2 designers, and 1 producer, the target is very clear. As expected of a great teacher, he took out what Yamashita-san only kept in his heart~"

Komaba, why are your speeches becoming more and more like that guy from Takishima?

"If there is any black material, let it be exposed. In addition, you can check all the withdrawal records of Rei Yamashita on X (Twitter) today. There are probably 4-5 more."


"Komaba, how about 200 million for the corresponding expenses for investigating Rei Yamashita, Seiichiro Yasaka, and Ayano Yanami?"

[Single person investigation] Komaba's charges are not expensive. The reason he paid 200 million for Shimajima was because the information was vague, the time was tight, and the task was heavy. Moreover, Komaba did not earn the 200 million alone.

But this time, capitalist Asama really wants to compensate model worker Komaba.

Komaba had already said that he would not take orders at the end of June, but Asama kept adding [this is the last order] to him.

Some time ago, Komaba gave him a small goal, but recently, Komaba not only helped him build the database of the love counseling department, but also made a large database of Yinghe Academy students. This week, he surveyed more than a dozen people, and he will do more later. Survey 10 people.

It really doesn't make sense if you don't show some sincerity.

"Haha - Teacher Da is seeing you. For such an interesting thing, come to me if you can. Haha, Dahui is also my brother, so you can help me for free. In addition, Teacher Da also gave me some inspiration to do some entertainment. You can earn some money by collecting dirty information."

Well, you said no.

“Do you have any reporters you’re familiar with?”

"I just got on the line with Zhou Wenchun."

Asama felt relieved.

Asama, who was both physically and mentally exhausted, didn't bother to buy any groceries. He opened the door to the apartment like a social beast who had just returned home after two days of hard work all night.

"I am back."

"Welcome back, Ah Shuishui~~I'm going to starve to death."

Pochi, who had already put on his pajamas, rushed to the entrance with small steps.

Asama took off his shoes, rubbed his hands with disinfectant gel, and turned around and said,

"If you're hungry, just make your own food."

"Eating with Ah Shui will make the food delicious~"

Porky's hug was interrupted by a knock on the dog's head.

Asama put away her schoolbag, walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and checked the ingredients.

There are still a lot of green peppers and radishes that my mother sent from Ito.

Although radishes can be stored for a long time, the taste will be better if they are fresh.

"Pochi, let me teach you how to make radish dishes today."

"Okay~~~[The [-]nd Little Ah Shui's Cooking Class] - Finally, I'm going to make glowing dishes too!"

"Then let's go."

Asama wants to say that in fact, nowadays, everyone can make luminous dishes, as long as they use the right seafood.

Today’s dishes are beef and radish soup (A5 Wagyu beef that is not finished), fried fish fillet with yuzu vinegar and radish paste (black tuna that is not finished), and fried radish skin with black sesame oil.

Cut all the rest and take it to the balcony. Taking advantage of the good sunshine these days, dry it and make pickled radish.You don’t need to dry it in the sun to make gindah root. Use salt to pickle and dehydrate the radish cut into semicircular slices. Then put the turmeric powder, pepper and star anise and other spices into a spice bag, and soak it in water with salt, sugar, mirin, and white vinegar. Boil it to make a sauce, then put the dehydrated radish and juice into a container, soak it overnight and you can eat it.

They are all simple dishes.

Asama guided the production process, seasoning ratio, and heating time, while monitoring Pochi to prevent her from putting strange things in.

Perhaps sensing the suspicious gaze, Pochi showed an unconvinced expression.

"Haven't you ever heard that Shibie Sanri was impressed? The kitchen won't explode! Uncle Pochi is no longer what he used to be."

"Okay Poppy."

"You are asking Shibie to admit the wrong person for three days!"

Because the teaching requirements are very strict, Asama is still very tired even if she doesn't cook.

After dinner, Pochi went to wash the dishes obediently, while Asama took a quick shower, leaned on the sofa and yawned.

Dimly, I felt like someone was poking me in the face.

After coming back to his senses, Qianjian smelled a hint of sweet smell.

The smell is very familiar, it has the smell of shower gel and shampoo, as well as the smell of cooking fireworks, but what is more prominent is a sultry sweet smell.

It's like freshly baked milk toast, with a floral aroma like snow lotus from the northern region.

Asama's consciousness became clear again, he opened his eyes, and looked at the face close to Pochi.

"Have you poked enough?"

Pochi laughed before he could speak.
"Poke for what? Ah Shui, are you sleepy?"


Pochi seemed to be used to lying. He didn't care about the look in Asama's eyes like a dead dog and continued,
"Ah Shui looks really tired. Do you need a massage? You need to recover well. There will be a game tomorrow~"

Asama's gaze paused on the blonde girl's face for a moment, then nodded.

"Then please."

The two came to the bed, Asama buried his face on the quilt and lay on his stomach, Pochkyu rode on Asama and beat Asama's waist with a fascia gun.

"Ah Shui~ Do you want to praise me today~"

"Well, he has become an excellent Bobby that I didn't know he was."

"People are serious!"

"Yes, Porky had a great day, from chores to socializing."

"Hehe~ If you praise me like this, you have become an outstanding Ah Shui that I don't know~~~"

"Pochi, why do you want to go out for a walk today?"

Pochi moved the fascia gun to Asama's shoulders and said,

"When I think of Ah Shui having no one to cheer for me, I feel very pitiful~~~ If Ah Shui plays sports every day, I can go out every day~~~"

"How do you feel today, compared to staying at home alone?"

"I used to wait for Ah Shui at home, and then I waited. Now I go out to look for Ah Shui, and then I find him. It feels good."

"I see that you want the contact information of Fusigawa and Futami, right? Meeting some new friends is also an opportunity to start over in life. They are not bad people, and you can communicate with them without any worries."

"It feels like they all care about Ah Shui."

"Social interaction does not equal gossip, Comrade Pochi."

"Hmph, you're a stinky Ah Shui who's living and drinking outside."

The strength in Boqi's hand suddenly increased.

Asama took a deep breath, escaped from Pochi's clutches, and looked at her with cold eyes,
"It's quite fun today. Miss Pochi said, 'Without me, Ah Shui would have died a long time ago' three times."

It was not easy to hide the whispers from a distance of less than 1 meter from Asama who was specially eavesdropping.

"It's so quiet, can you hear it?"

"So, even though I performed well today and earned 3000 yen in accounting, my behavior was not correct and I deducted 3000 yen."

"Eh——Is this okay? I'll get the contract. There's no such clause in the contract!"

The collar of his clothes was slightly open, revealing milky white skin. Pochi jumped out of bed excitedly and ran to the desk.

Hum, in front of capitalists, hormones are vulnerable.

Because he had taken a shower and had little energy, Asama chose to watch Judo videos from social media on the TV with Pochi before going to bed. This could be considered a kind of cognitive exercise.

It would be better if Pochi wouldn't get so close.

"Tsukiumi, Dad has thought about it. Dad has decided to fully support you and Asama."

After meeting Asama again, Futami Yuichi once again confirmed that Asama is a good guy.

"Thank you dad."

Seeing his father's approval, Ermi returned a warm smile.

But at this moment, there was only a touch of joy in her heart.After being in contact with Asama for a long time, Futami gradually acquired the temperament of neither being happy with things nor sad with oneself.

Erjian clearly understands what she is chasing, and she also knows that the only one who really plays a decisive role in this issue is herself.

So she doesn't care about other people's opinions. Even if her father objects, she will not change her mind.

If you really come into contact with Shizui-kun, no one will like it, right?

Even Dad knows that Shizui-kun is not interested in falling in love
Like the huge iceberg separated from the ice shelf on the east coast of Antarctica, like a lone eagle soaring in the sky, but more often than not, Futami's intuition told her that Asama was like a very vigilant cat.

Just like a cat that has been hurt by someone, it is difficult to be loved again.

Is it because Shizui-kun, who has never been in love, has read too many books that he has become attracted to the protagonists in those love tragedies?
Water cannot be caught with hands.

The tighter you squeeze, the less you have.

However, seeing the second sight of the Moon Sea, is it really enough to just grab a handful of water and be satisfied?
No, she wants to have it all,
Mortals can only soak in the sea.

Unless, it becomes something greater than the sea, such as a planet.

But what if this water is a sea of ​​stars?

The cousin Pochi I met today is completely different from Shizui-kun.

It's as sunny as Rise, but a little softer, like a spring reflecting the morning sun.

I really envy cousin Boqi, who can go to Jingshui's house for dinner from time to time.

It would be nice if I were my sister.

You can make an excuse to watch a horror movie, then get into his quilt, and then...
Futami Tsukiumi sat on the sofa, blushing slightly, hugging the pillow tightly, and fell into sweet thoughts.

Futami Yuichi shook his head. Although his daughter was unparalleled and beautiful in the world, he could only smile bitterly when he thought about how incompetent Asama was.

He only tasted sour love in his youth and failed.He doesn't know how to chase boys, so how can he prevent his daughter from suffering?
Unemployed middle-aged men may be more sentimental than girls.

On Thursday, February 6, the weather was fine.

The Asama family entered judo class early in the morning.

Pochi, who was floating in the air, opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Am I still dreaming?"

 thanks for your support.Updated every day
(End of this chapter)

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