The Heavens: Starting from Sanctuary Check-In

Chapter 446: New General Administration, Galaxy Navigation Conference!

Chapter 446: New General Administration, Galaxy Navigation Conference!

When Misa Hayase appeared on the main fleet flagship and saw Lin En again, her heart was undoubtedly filled with countless question marks.

So this moment.

She threw herself into Lin En's arms and kept shaking his body, hoping to answer her doubts.

However, faced with repeated inquiries from Miss Weisha.

However, Lin En just shook his head with a smile, patted the other party's back gently, and then turned his attention to Lin Mingmei, whose beautiful eyes were full of confusion and curiosity.

"I know you have a lot of questions."

"It doesn't matter. I will give you an answer slowly after this is over."

"But before that, let's let our protagonist appear!"

Lin En knew very well that just taking down this basic fleet did not mean that he had completed his mission.

at best.

He only managed the first interaction method to protect the humans on the earth from a full attack by the skeleton fleet.

As for the second friendship mission.

Then Lin Mingmei, the galactic singer, needs to show off her singing voice to help her conquer those Zenith stars!

Then with the appearance of Lin Mingmei, the song will truly be sung to the entire backbone fleet.

Everything that happened next, thankfully, developed according to Linn's expectations.

First of all!

The General Administration of Earth Integration fully cooperated and announced to the human people that it had concluded a peaceful relationship with the Zentraedi people, and set aside an area to welcome the Zentraedi people who had completed the compression to the earth, and the two sides conducted friendly exchanges and cooperation.

As for Zentraedi's fleet.

After Lin En's integration, they quickly distinguished and screened out the Zenith people who were willing to contact human civilization and hoped to coexist peacefully with humans, and the Zenith people who wanted to continue fighting and did not want to get involved with human affairs. Star Warrior.

As for the former, Lin En handed it over to Bulitai for management according to his promise.

This Zentraedi commander, who was the first to come into contact with Earth's civilization and truly loved human culture, naturally lived up to Lin En's expectations of him. After joining the new Unified General Administration, which had just undergone a complete reorganization, he spared no effort to He devoted all his strength to the integration of the two races.

As for the latter...

After a series of secret operations by Lin En, Lu Baimei succeeded in taking the position, replacing the original commander-in-chief of the main fleet, Portelsha.

From now on, this power will be completely controlled by Lin En.

Really gratifying.

Of course.

During the period of mutual exchange and integration between humans and Zentraedi, various conflicts and contradictions are certainly inevitable.

Especially the 480 million space battleships. Even if less than one-third of the Zentraedi are willing to accept the earth's civilization, it is obviously very unrealistic to place them all on the earth.

Therefore, in order to avoid the intensification of conflicts and to enable the two races to get along more harmoniously.


The Galactic Navigation Plan planned by the former senior officials of the General Administration has officially been put on everyone's table!

"I think that although the immigration plan is inevitable, the technology we currently have is simply not enough to carry out a large-scale maritime plan to move billions of people."

"Even if we have enough Zentraedi warships, they can support us to go to any star field in the galaxy."

"But we simply cannot be self-sufficient."

"Is it possible that we will continue to plunder the resources of other planets like the Zentraedi people did?"


"This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable to me!"

At this meeting to discuss the Galaxy Navigation Plan, Bulitai, as a senior member of the new Unified General Administration, expressed his opinions and suggestions with fierce words.

Of course, his reaction was normal.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that the former Zentraedians were interstellar bandits in the galaxy. In order to maintain supplies for their own fleets, they would start plundering almost every resource planet they found.

It would be fine if it were just an uninhabited planet, but most of the planets with life would also be plundered by them indiscriminately.

Before coming into contact with human civilization, Bulitai took this for granted.

But after awakening his inner emotions, he began to feel deeply guilty for what he had done.

That's why.

After the Galactic Voyage Conference started, he would not allow future immigrant fleets to carry out such barbaric plunder!
Then after hearing what Bulitai said——

"I agree with Commander Bullitai."

"And I also think that before we have a technological breakthrough, we should not rush to launch the space immigration plan!"

"Otherwise, a hasty departure will only lead to more new problems!"

After Continuing with Bullitai, Misa Hayase also expressed her thoughts.

After all, she had experienced several months of space voyage on the Macross, and she had more say in the long-distance immigration voyage than most people present.

but!Just after Miss Weisha finished speaking.

Her father, Admiral Hayase, suddenly shook his head.

"Although what you said is correct, the problem we need to face now is that relying on the current resources of the earth simply cannot provide for all humans and Zentraedi people."

“If we don’t start fighting on the immigration plan as soon as possible, we will not just have conflicts and contradictions waiting for us.”

"No one can guarantee whether a new war will break out one day in the future!"

Admiral Hayase's speech was not scaremongering.

After all, the lives of humans and Zentraedi people are indispensable for the supply of resources. As time goes by and resources decrease, the conflicts between the two races will only increase.

Then as Admiral Hayase said this key issue.

Next, the members throughout the meeting also began to express their opinions and express their own ideas and suggestions.


No matter how much discussion there was, no one could come up with a perfect solution, causing the meeting to fall into an awkward deadlock.

Then at this moment——

"In the final analysis, what we lack right now is the technology for large-scale space navigation."

"Then let me solve this problem!"

"I will take out a sample of a space immigration ship as soon as possible, and then let the technical department conduct reverse research and development, and put it into mass production as soon as possible."

In the end, it was Lin En who came forward to provide the solution.

as he said.

The current contradiction is that even if the earth has space battleships that can conduct long-term voyages, it cannot solve the problem of self-sufficiency.

So in this case, wouldn't he just take out the ecological immigrant ship from the follow-up series of Macross and be done with it?
For example, the Macross-class immigration ship No. 25 can fully realize the circulation of air, water and organic matter within the ship, and can support the longest voyage with minimal supplies.

The point is, this immigration ship can accommodate a population of more than 1000 million people!

As long as we can replicate and build dozens or hundreds of ships, are we still worried about insufficient resources?
And it's worth mentioning.

At this time, Lin En came from a very wealthy position!
It was just a Macross-class immigration ship No. 25. He just took it without blinking an eye!
no way.

Who told him that his current faith value is too much!

After completing the two main interactive tasks, Lin En originally thought that all he had gained was complete authority over the current world and a large amount of faith points.

But he didn't want to.

The system actually gave him a big surprise. It directly used Lin Mingmei as a carrier to reward herself with all the faith points obtained by the galactic singer!
Make sense.

For ordinary singers and stars, no matter how many fans they have, it is difficult for them to get the wholehearted love of each other, and the faith value they can get is naturally very few.

But who are Lin Mingmei’s fans?

Those are all ardent fans who have just awakened their emotions, and they can be said to have placed all their energy on her singing!

In this case, after conquering the entire Zentraedi fleet with one song, she was able to gain a level of faith that even Linn had not expected!
No exaggeration to say.

This time’s income almost reached Lin En’s previous total!

What's even more exaggerated is that this harvest is not a one-time gain. As long as Lin Mingmei continues to sing on stage as the Galaxy Diva, she will be like a perpetual motion machine, continuously providing Lin En with faith points!
In this case, would Lynn still care about a mere immigrant ship?

If he didn't feel it was necessary, setting up an immigration fleet would be more than enough for him!

"Space...immigration ship?"

"Could it be..."

"I see. If that's the case, then there's no problem."

As soon as Lin En spoke, Misa Hayase immediately realized that the space immigration ship the other party was talking about must be another product of the future like VF-25.

After all, she had learned from Lin En earlier that in the future timeline, humans and Zentraedi people would also embark on a galactic voyage.

It is not surprising that large immigration ships will be produced.

So now that there is a solution, everyone is naturally happy, and this meeting is about to come to an end.

But what everyone didn't expect was that.

Just when everyone attending the meeting had reached a consensus and was about to adjourn, Lu Baimei, who was also a member of the General Administration, suddenly raised her hand at this moment.

"Please wait a moment, everyone."

"There is something I think I need to discuss with everyone."


"Speaker Lu Baimei, have you encountered any situation? Do you need our help?"

Lu Baimei's words immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even several senior executives who had already stood up and were about to leave sat back on their chairs at this moment.

Know it after all.

In addition to being one of the members of the new Unified General Administration, Lu Baimei is also the commander-in-chief of the Zentraedi battle fleet deployed outside the solar system!
Now that she opens her mouth, everyone must take her seriously!
(End of this chapter)

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