Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 615 Emlyn’s revenge

Chapter 615 Emlyn’s revenge

Hobert looked at the entire action from a "real vision" perspective. The moment Chester sat across from Ernes, he activated the sealed artifact that Hobert had given him and captured in the war that just ended.

One of the functions of this sealed object is to temporarily merge the surrounding "mirror world" with the real world. After Chester's "utilization" and "magnification", they can enter the "mirror world" for a few seconds.

The vampire Marquis Nibais Audra, who shared the vision with Ernes, could only see Ernes himself, as if he was watching Ernes looking in the mirror.

Of course he would realize that there must be something wrong with Ernes, but he didn't know exactly what the problem was.

The vampire's response staff will definitely arrive immediately, so Audrey and the others don't have much time.

"Chaos!" In the carriage, Chelsea first plunged Ernes into "chaos"!

At this time, the masked Audrey's pupils turned into a very charming pale gold color. Ernes, who had not reacted at all under the attack of a "lawyer" demigod, immediately fell into Audrey's " Hypnosis”!

"Amplify!" Chester on the side immediately "amplified" the "hypnotic" effect, which caused Ernes to fall into a deep hypnosis.

Audrey hurriedly said: "You will immediately chase Emlyn. Before entering the Harvest Church, throw away all the magical items and belongings on your body. After entering the Harvest Church, the hypnosis will be lifted!"

At this time, Emlyn appeared on the street. Without thinking, Ernes immediately opened the door and got out of the car to chase Emlyn.

Almost at the same time, support from the vampires also arrived. When they saw Emlyn and Ornes chasing after them, they immediately realized something was wrong. They called Orness's name and hurried to catch up.

From the perspective of ordinary people on the street, they only saw a figure passing by, and some thought they were dazzled.

"Chaos!" Chester on the carriage caused a brief "chaos" on the road and immediately left with Audrey.

So many strange things happened on the road. Some pedestrians were walking east but suddenly went west. Some pedestrians were walking forward but suddenly walked towards the shops on the street.

The same was true for the carriage. The driver didn't know when he turned around. Anyway, when he came to his senses, he was already heading in another direction.

Such "chaos" also briefly stopped the vampires.

It was Count Rosalind who led the vampires to support. Of course she knew that this "chaos" was blocking them and also telling them the identity of the attacker.

When they chased him into Rose Flower Street, they realized that Ernes was almost chasing him into Harvest Church. No matter how they shouted, it was useless.

Just before entering the church, Ernes began throwing out all the magical objects and possessions he had on him.

A "passerby" followed behind and caught everything he threw one by one.

Someone has already recognized the "passerby" as a Sequence 5 member of the Balk family.

At the same time that Ernes entered the Harvest Church, members of the Balk family also entered the spirit world.

The whole process went smoothly, and the vampires following behind, not even Rosalind, had a chance to stop it.

They were stunned for a long time on Rose Flower Street, and then Rosalind said: "Go back."

if not? Can I still go to Harvest Church to rob people?

Although it is said that the bishop of the Harvest Church is only Sequence 5, no one knows what will happen the moment they step into the Church of the Mother Earth.

Hobert withdrew his vision, and the action of punishing the vampire Ornes ended in this way. In less than twenty seconds, the entire plan was very successful.

Back in the real world, Hobert came to the living room of the Earl's Mansion. Chelsea, Audrey and other members who participated in the operation returned one after another. Without saying a word, they followed Hobert to a small reception room.

The Sequence 5 who picked up the extraordinary items took out all the trophies, including a ring, a band, a ribbon, a red paper man, and a wallet.

Hobert picked up the ring: "As far as I know, this ring is a pair. As long as you wear this one, the other can feel the presence of this one, so I will return this ring to the vampire, It’s up to you to divide the other spoils.”

Chelsea chose first and took the ribbon.

Audrey made her second choice and took the ring.

The third choice in Sequence 5 for picking up loot was to take the red paper man.

It just distorted the thinking of the horse and the driver, and the Sequence 5 who left chose to take the wallet.

Hobert clapped his hands: "This operation has ended successfully! You can choose to go back immediately, or you can spend two days in Backlund."

Chelsea smiled and said: "We'd better leave, the vampires should recognize us."

Hobert didn't hold back: "Come back to Backlund again if you have the chance."

After sending them into the "Traveler's Gate", Hobert returned to the reception room and asked Audrey: "How do you feel?"

Audrey showed a little excitement at this time. She held the ring and said, "My first trophy!"

"Let me see what abilities it has." Hobert took the ring. Now he didn't need to enter the "Land of Disorder". He could just use his own level and spirituality to roughly feel the abilities of level 2 sealed objects, and he could compare them. Clearly feel the power of level 3 sealed objects.

Hobert held the ring and felt it: "It can enhance spirituality and speed up spiritual recovery."

This ability cannot be said to be very good, but it is not bad either.

Hobert returned the ring to Audrey and asked, "Are you still willing to participate in similar actions?"

Audrey nodded quickly: "Yes!"

"Next time I'm going to kill someone!" Hobert added: "Kill the villains of the Aurora Society!"

Audrey hesitated for a moment before asking: "Myself?"

"Because this is your first time taking action, I will arrange for you to be a helper for others. When you feel confident in yourself, you can take action alone."

"Okay!" Audrey agreed immediately.

Hobert sent Audrey back, and then immediately came to a clothing store opposite the Harvest Church.

It was here when he first traded with the vampires. This time Emlyn repeated his old trick and rented this clothing store for an afternoon. After putting up the "Closed" sign on the door, he closed the door and waited in the clothing store. Hobert.

"This operation was very successful," Hobert said as soon as he appeared.

After seeing Hobert's face, Emlyn was finally 100% sure that Hobert was the "Emperor".

Emlyn took a deep breath: "Yes, very successful."

Then he recalled the scene when Ernes listened to Bishop Utravsky explain the "Bible of Life", and he couldn't help but laugh.

Hobert handed the ring to Emlyn: "Just say that Earl Hobert picked it up on the road and tell the senior leaders of the vampire clan not to lose it again."

Emlyn took the ring: "I...will I be punished by the vampires?"

"No." Hobert said firmly: "They will also reward you, and the rewards they give you may even exceed your imagination!"

Emlyn couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"Because you have a huge effect on the entire vampire race!" Hobert replied: "For example, I want to contact me through you! For example, I want to contact Mr. Fool's power through you!"

Emlyn thought it was right and was completely relieved.

Hobert waved to Emlyn and left. He was still very busy this afternoon.

Returning to the Earl's Mansion, Hobert put on a tuxedo and took a carriage to Lord Bradley's mansion.

Lord Bradley heard about Hobert's visit and hurried out to greet him.

Hobert glanced at his pocket watch and said, "Mr. Bradley, go change into formal clothes. We are going to the Parliament Building today."

Lord Bradley thought that Hobert was taking him to expand his contacts, so he quickly changed his clothes and followed Hobert.

He then spent the afternoon feeling a little dazed, and in the carriage he was told that he would become a member of the House of Commons, the House of Representatives.

At first Bradley thought Hobert was joking, but when they picked up Georgina, the director of MI9, they really went to the Parliament Building, and they really got the MP's medal and entered and exited the Parliament Building. of documents.

Witnessed by the Speaker and several members, a simple oath-taking ceremony was conducted.

After being sent back to the mansion by Hobert, Lord Bradley was still in a daze. The parliamentary status he once dreamed of had been obtained so easily!

A title can be bought with money, but a member of Parliament cannot be bought with money.

The title is now just an honorary title, and parliamentarians are the real decision-makers in this country.

Lord Bradley still doesn't know what he did to satisfy Hobert so much that he gave himself a seat as a member of Parliament.

But he was very sure that his decision to join Earl Hobert before this was a very, very correct choice!


Hobert left Lord Bradley's mansion and returned to his study to wait.

Around six o'clock, Emlyn's prayer to the "creator" finally came: Marquis Nibais of the Vampire Tribe hoped to meet with Hobert.

This also marked that the vampires finally ended their final temptation and began to discuss cooperation with Hobert.

This meeting was still at the Moon Lake Hotel. Hobert met the vampire's general manager in Backlund, Nibais Audra.

He looked a little older, but he was still energetic and handsome.

The tone of this negotiation has actually been discussed before, and this time it is just a matter of confirmation by the top leaders of both parties.

Their cooperation is mainly aimed at the believers of the original moon, and the spoils obtained are divided according to the contributions made by both parties.

Because the trophies of the original moon believers are more useful to the vampires, in return, if the "creator" launches an extraordinary war again, the vampires will send elites to participate in the war and wait for Hobert's dispatch.

The in-depth cooperative relationship with the vampires was basically achieved according to Hobert's plan.

No one on either side mentioned what happened in the afternoon, as if it never happened. The next morning, Hobert woke up and stayed in bed until about eight o'clock. He had to get up, so he reluctantly got up from the bed.

Using the "Traveler's Gate", Hobert came to Longwei Island. At nine o'clock sharp, he presided over the next stage of the work meeting of Longwei Island.

Starting from this weekend, Hobert will implement a series of plans on Longtail Island. The first thing is to launch a campaign against the Mountain God Church.

In fact, after the extraordinary war in the South Colson area ended, Hobert was actively preparing and deploying for it.

The first is Angus's first team, which was officially reorganized into the First Extraordinary Brigade. After all, this team already has more than thirty Extraordinaries, so it would be inappropriate to call it a "team".

At the same time, the Special Operations Department was also reorganized into the "Special Combat Forces", currently consisting of Angus's 1st Brigade, Helen's 2nd Regiment, and Elliot's 3rd Regiment.

These three extraordinary troops were all transferred to Changwei Island. Nearly 90 extraordinary troops were ready to enter the mountains at any time to search and suppress members of the Mountain God Church.

In addition to the three troops, there is also the fourth battalion just formed by the Tony family, and the fifth battalion sent by the "temperance faction".

The "temperance faction" was much happier than the vampires. Soon Sharon gave a reply, and the "temperance faction" formed a special team to serve Hobert.

At the same time, when Hobert needs it, the "Temperance Faction" will also send elites to participate in the extraordinary war organized by him.

The condition is that if the "temperance faction" encounters the attack of the "indulgence faction" angel, they will be protected by the "creator".

These two extraordinary forces are currently being trained by Dunn and Daly at South Colson and are currently the extraordinary forces guarding South Colson.

In addition, the military led by Archibald and Scheer has assembled 2000 soldiers, including an artillery battalion.

After occupying the eastern mountainous area, military control will be carried out there for a period of time.

This is the first thing and the highest priority. After basically completing the combat mission, the second and third things can be done.

The second thing is to carry out land reform on Changwei Island and carry out actions to change customs and use strong methods to change some of the bad habits of local indigenous people!

The third thing is to open the eastern ports.

Now that he has had a "showdown" with Klein, Hobert no longer makes any secrets. He simply renamed the eastern port to Tutuga Port and has been promoting the port throughout the Raging Sea since the past few weeks.

It was also after the war was basically over that the port, which had been under construction for several months, was opened.

In today's meeting, after Hobert made the final deployment, both Angus and Schier began to make final preparations.

The current plan is to officially launch the battle against the eastern mountains this Sunday.

Hobert's personal preparation for this was to design his own honorary name.

Hobert is already a "Frenzy Mage" who can already have his own honorary name and can answer the other party's prayers within a certain area.

This is very practical in extraordinary battles. Hobert can understand the battle situation and provide timely support without entering the "Land of Disorder".

As for what kind of honorary name to design, Hobert thought about it. First of all, he must highlight the favored person of the "founder", and secondly, the two regions of Longtail Island and South Colson must be included in the honorary name. The last is a description of himself.

Hobert thought for a moment, and the first sentence must be: the creator's favored one.

The second sentence is: Lord of Longtail Island and South Colson.

But thinking that the two places are quite far apart, I will try this design for a while. If it doesn't work, I will simply call it the Lord of Longtail Island.

The third sentence begins with a description of one's own abilities and oneself. Because it is sequence 3, such a description must have at least two sentences to successfully point to Hobert.

He thought for a moment, and the third and fourth sentences were respectively: the mage who spreads madness and backstabs order; Hobert Jeffrey, who brings light to Backlund's night.

Hobert took a deep breath and asked Fors to help him try out his new honorific name.

Forsi was a little surprised when he heard this honorary name. He didn't expect that Hobert actually had an honorary name.

Then she helped Hobert try it with some curiosity. Through the newly established "Traveller's Gate", Forsi came to Tutujia Port.

And he found a place where no one was and prayed: “O beloved one of the Creator!

“You are Lord of Longtail Island and South Colson;

“He is a mage who spreads chaos and stabs order in the back;

"It's Hobert Jeffrey who brings light to Backlund's night."

At this time, Hobert, who was on the west coast of Longtail Island, immediately had the image of Forsi praying in his mind, and he could also hear her voice clearly!

So he responded: "You can hear it!"

Then Forsi used "travel" to leave Longtail Island and pray on the surrounding islands.

After leaving Longwei Island, the picture of Forsi praying began to become very blurry, and the sound became smaller.

Some prayed that Hobert could hear them, some prayed not.

After Fors returned, he marked on the chart the locations where Hobert could hear and the locations where he could not hear.

Hobert simply drew a circle on the chart, and then measured it with a ruler. It was about three hundred nautical miles with Longwei Island as the center, almost reaching Blue Mountain Island where Bayam was located.

Then Forsi went to South Colson, and sure enough he couldn't hear the prayers coming from there, but when Hobert also appeared at South Colson, he could hear Forsi's prayers.

I did some tests again and found that the distance at which prayers can be heard is about 500 kilometers away from the Lord's Mansion in South Colson. The same thing happened after Fors left South Colson. The picture became blurry and the sound also changed. Small.

After thinking about it for a while, Hobert probably understood that because he was the real owner of Longtail Island and South Colson, he could have corresponding connections with the spiritual world of these two locations, so the two geographical locations that appeared in his honorary name The location can be linked to Hobert.

It's just that Hobert has to appear in one of the territories in order to answer the prayers in that territory.

This result is acceptable to Hobert. After all, he is still a Sequence 3, and the two territories are too far apart to be connected together.

In the afternoon, Hobert returned to Backlund and tried again. Although Backlund was also in his honorary name, unfortunately, the range of people who could hear prayers in this city was not as wide as in his own territory.

In other words, the two territories of Long Tail Island and South Colson can anchor Hobert, where the scope of prayer has increased, but Backlund cannot, after all, it is not his territory.


Back to around ten o'clock in the morning, Backlund.

Audrey first prayed to Mr. Fool in a low voice, then took the maid Anne and golden-haired Susie, boarded her carriage and headed to the home of furniture merchant Stephen Humpres.

The carriage had just been driving for a while when a pale white light suddenly appeared in front of Audrey's eyes.

In the light pillar, an angel bathed in white light and with twelve pairs of wings on his back slowly descended, surrounded Audrey with his wings bearing occult symbols, and then quickly disappeared.

Audrey's vision quickly returned to normal, and she looked at the personal maid Anne and the big dog Susie from the corner of her eye. They were completely unaware of the scene just now.

Audrey's mouth moved slightly, and her heart became extremely determined.

In less than half an hour, they arrived at their destination. Audrey's psychology teacher, Isilante, took Audrey to the living room on the first floor as usual, while Anne and Susie were brought into the living room to wait. .

But what was different from usual was that Esilante came to the door of the living room and made a rather solemn gesture of invitation.

Audrey entered the living room somewhat uneasily, and Esilante immediately closed the wooden door from the outside.

After entering the door, Audrey saw an old man sitting on the single sofa in the living room. He was wearing a blue-gray formal suit, his hair was all white, and his temperament was gentle and elegant.

Audrey knows him. This is the royal family’s advisor, Hvin Rambis!

Of course, this old gentleman also has another identity: a member of the Jury of the Psychological Alchemy Society!

"Are you surprised?" Hvin Rambis asked with a smile.

Then he stood up and said in a gentlemanly manner: "Nice to meet you, Miss Audrey."

Audrey did not hide her surprise, and then she said with a somewhat complicated emotion: "I don't know what to call you."

Hwen smiled and said: "Just the same as usual."

He pointed to the sofa next to him: "Sit down and talk later."

Audrey paid great attention to controlling her micro-expressions, and took a deep breath before sitting on the sofa, keeping a distance that was neither too far nor too close to the other party.

Hwen picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He smiled kindly and said, "Don't be so restrained. It's not the first time you've met me. I still remember that two years ago, we had a lot of discussions on pragmatism and other philosophical topics at a dance. Discuss deeply.”

Audrey kept a slight smile and said, "I just have difficulty connecting you with the members of the Psychological Alchemy Society Jury."

Hwin smiled and said: "This is not worth paying attention to."

Audrey was about to say something when she felt that her spirit was suddenly in a trance. She seemed to see seven rays of pure light that contained countless knowledge. They permeated the heights and covered everything.

This is the spiritual sky! It is the reflection of the spiritual world in the spiritual world!

Under the spiritual sky, there is a deep and dark sea. There are several islands near the sea, one of which belongs to Audrey herself.

At this time, on Audrey's island, there was an old man with all white hair and wearing a blue-gray formal suit. He was Hvin Rambis.

It's just that this Rambis has a sinister temperament and no smile at all. His eyes turned into golden vertical pupils, and he was staring at Audrey's island, observing below the sea level.

Audrey frowned: Hvin Rambis was not polite at all, he just broke into other people's "homes" without permission!

At this time, Hwen, who was sitting on the sofa, said: "Before our conversation, let's talk about another topic."

He asked: "Have you ever told your boyfriend Hobert about the Psychological Alchemy Society?"

(End of this chapter)

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