Chapter 227 Super Level Treatment

"Brother Chuan, I really never thought that we could actually get two offices in this place." Cai Meng said while standing by the window and looking out.

"This is not our office, it is the office of the Pioneer Fund." Xu Chuan said with a smile.

They were in an office building in the capital at this time, which was actually Zhao Kangnian's unit.

Speaking of which, this is Xu Chuan's second time here. The first time was when he came to take over the Pioneer Fund. At that time, Zhao Kangnian personally issued an employment certificate to Xu Chuan.

It is slightly different from the earth.The office building here at Blue Star is large and has some necessary redundant offices to cope with the work needs of the additional organization.

In addition, the units under its jurisdiction that have a large number of people and a large scale also have their own independent office locations, such as film organizations, they do not work here.

Therefore, there is still plenty of office space here.

Strictly speaking, the advance fund is an added non-permanent institution, so it is reasonable to arrange an office or not.

In fact, there was no original plan to arrange any office for this fund.But after the National Day, Xu Chuan suddenly received a notice saying that in order to facilitate management, two offices were planned to be listed for the fund.

The office was arranged a few days ago, but Xu Chuan never had time to come over. Today, he just happened to take advantage of the symposium to come and recognize the door.

Recognizing the door actually means another thing, that is, this is the real office location of the fund.Although Xu Chuan does not need to come here to work like a real non-staff person.

However, in the future, when it comes to more important work such as the use of funds, you will need to come here and sign with a seal to comply with the regulations.

At the same time, it also means that in the future, all project information, official seals, etc. of the fund will be placed in these two offices, and Xu Chuan cannot take them to other places.

Since there is a series of work content such as managing documents, there are naturally staff responsible for these tasks.

Not to mention, seven of the eight departments of the fund are either empty shells or co-managed by other units.However, the people for this comprehensive office responsible for administrative and logistical work have been initially staffed.

Three people, two men and one woman, are currently working in the office next to Xu Chuan and Cai Meng.

Just now, Xu Chuan, as the leader of the fund, had a chat with them.Among them was a slightly older woman named Yu Hong, who was the director of the General Affairs Office.

She and her two younger colleagues were responsible for the specific implementation of this symposium.Of course, Xu Chuan is a non-staff member, and these three are also unstaffed.

Maybe it's a related account, otherwise it wouldn't have come so quickly.But it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with Xu Chuan, they just need to do their jobs well, and the General Office has no actual power anyway.

The one who truly holds the power of the fund must be Xu Chuan.

Here I have to mention that Zhao Zhizhi really does what he says.To say that power is delegated to Xu Chuan is really to delegate power to Xu Chuan.

As I just said, there are eight subordinate departments of the foundation, except for the general office.

There are also seven departments: general manager office, investment decision-making committee, investment project management center, risk control center, supervision and inspection team, financial management center, and personnel (non-staff) office.

Among these seven departments, in addition to risk control and finance, which are co-managed by the Asset Management Office, the supervision and audit team is also co-managed by subordinate departments.

The remaining general manager's office, investment decision-making committee and investment management center, including the personnel (non-staff) office, are all directly managed by Xu Chuan.

What does direct management mean?

That is to say, in addition to being the general manager of the foundation, Xu Chuan also serves as the director of the Investment Committee, the Director of the Investment Management Center, and the Director of the Human Resources Office.

This may seem unnecessary, but it is actually necessary.After all, this is not a private company, and the logic of its operation is completely different.

For example, if Xu Chuan wants to appoint or remove personnel in the future, and the director of the Human Resources Office does not sign, then he will not be appointed or removed.

Now, he can sign it himself.

"Brother Chuan, what do you think it is like to work here?" Cai Meng suddenly said.

"Do you want to work here? If you want to, you can come tomorrow. You are the office director." Xu Chuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Hahahaha, office director." Cai Meng was amused by Xu Chuan's words and couldn't help feeling silly.

What Xu Chuan just said was not a joke to her.Cai Meng is indeed the director of the office and the director of the general manager's office.And it's a real job with a decent salary, 7 a month.

Of course, this salary is not free, it still requires a lot of work.Cai Meng has a salary, and Xu Chuanna naturally also has a salary. His salary in the foundation is [-].

In addition, Zhang Yan is the deputy director of the Investment Management Center and is responsible for specific affairs; the deputy director of the Human Resources Office is the HR Director of Qiuling Jiangshui, who is also responsible for specific personnel affairs.

Of course, the reason why people are put on temporary leave is not because Xu Chuan is enriching himself to benefit his employees.It's because once the fund's projects are operational, they really need people to work.

In the office, Cai Meng laughed for a while and was about to say something more when he heard a knock on the door.

Then the door was pushed open by Yu Hong, director of the General Affairs Office. She smiled and said to Xu Chuan: "Mr. Xu, several directors have come to participate in the symposium. Xiao Wu and Xiao Li are waiting below to receive them."

"Okay, I got it. Thank you for your hard work. I'll be there later." Xu Chuan raised his hand and looked at the time after hearing this. It is now two o'clock in the afternoon, and the time notified for the symposium is 02:30.

It must be mentioned here that Xu Chuan originally planned to hold the meeting in the building of the film institution.But after the arrangements were made in the office here, the location of the symposium was changed directly to here.

Needless to say, after the film was moved here, those directors who received the invitation and had relevant sensitivities were almost stunned.

Originally, the place where the meeting was held was unusual.Now comes another one that is even more unusual.

Of course, some are sensitive and some are insensitive.Even though they are all in the same circle, the gap between people in it is sometimes greater than the gap between people and dogs.

It seems that Xu Chuan can understand the policy, but some artists even despise the law.

"Director Hu, are the specifications a bit too high?" Downstairs, the assistant director who had just passed the inspection with Huan Ze couldn't help but smacked his mouth when he looked at the building in front of him.

"I didn't expect that such a fund could be arranged here. It seems that the relevant leaders have high hopes for the role this fund can play." Huan Ze couldn't help but murmured after hearing the deputy director's words.

"If you have high hopes for the fund, wouldn't that mean you have high hopes for Xu cua... No, you also have high hopes for Teacher Xu?" The deputy director couldn't help but whisper after hearing this.

"What do you think? Moreover, I think the relevant leaders value not only his talent and vision, but also his knowledge and ability of publicity. His overall quality is indeed strong." Huan Ze sighed after hearing this. .

Having said this, Huan Ze realized something again. Xu Chuan's non-staff status can actually be an advantage sometimes.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to enjoy the treatment he is receiving now. This is due to the difference in judgment based on age and seniority under different statuses.

After he finished speaking, he glanced around and found that there were other people coming over. He immediately said again: "Okay, talk less here."

Naturally, the assistant director also saw other people coming, so he closed his mouth and nodded.

"Hey, Anze, you're here too." Before the visitor came closer, a hearty voice came over first.

"You can come, why can't I come." Huan Ze smiled and shook hands with the visitor.

This person is also a director. I went to Hollywood to study with him in 16. His name is Jia Bicheng. The two have a good relationship.

It's just that Jia Bicheng is different from Huan Ze, who came back from Hollywood and wanted to make science fiction.After he came back, he didn't know how he had gone astray.

I jumped headfirst into the movie adaptations and couldn’t list them all.The so-called adaptation is to localize excellent films from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea that have not been released in China.

Not to mention, due to the excellent script of the original film, the two films he made in recent years have achieved good box office results, and he has also successfully joined the ranks of best-selling directors.

This made him even more addicted to adaptation.

Logically speaking, such people should not be invited to Xu Chuan's symposium. After all, it is impossible for him to invest a penny in a director who only knows how to adapt foreign films.

But he still invited, not only Jia Bicheng, but also all film directors under the age of 45 who have works in China for this symposium.

If you are 45 years old in some fields, you may be eliminated because of your age.But among the ranks of film directors, one can actually call him a young director.

In other words, Xu Chuan now wants to take advantage of this opportunity to send a signal to these young directors. This signal represents the direction of the advance fund investment.

If you are interested or have the idea to get money from yourself, then try this aspect.If there are more people trying, there will always be a few people who can try something out.

Letting others come to you will definitely be more efficient and proactive than searching for them one by one yourself.

"Hey, what do you mean, how much money do you plan to get from Xu Chuan?" Jia Bicheng leaned into Huan Ze's ear and whispered.

As soon as these words came out, Huanze couldn't help but be stunned, because Jia Bicheng's words sounded like he regarded Xu Chuan as the "big brother".

So he couldn't help but said: "How much does it cost?"

"You're still pretending to me. Isn't that boy named Xu holding this symposium just to share money? It's taken so long to get the 10 billion, and if you don't spend more, there should be opinions from above." Jia Bicheng whispered with a smile. .

"Why do you think so?" Huan Ze was so surprised when he heard this that he didn't know how to reply.

Jia Bicheng actually thought that Xu Chuan held the symposium to share money. Huan Ze didn't know whether to call him simple or naive.

Didn't this guy even bother to think about who Xu Chuan was when he came to the meeting?
Also, why don’t you take a look at where the meeting is being held today?
But then I thought about it, Jia Bicheng is 42 years old this year, and looking at the 24-year-old Xu Chuan may really feel like looking at a child.

Once this person feels this way, no matter how many achievements Xu Chuan has made or how many things he has done, Jia Bicheng may still feel like he is looking down.

This kind of people are actually quite common in life, as if they can ignore others as they get older.

Thinking of this, Huan Ze couldn't help but said: "Bi Cheng, we are old acquaintances. I advise you to be more serious in today's meeting."

"What do you mean?" Jia Bicheng asked puzzledly.

"This matter is not as simple as you think." Huan Ze started to say, but he closed his mouth before he finished speaking, because Xiao Wu from the Fund General Office came to pick them up.

Naturally, Jia Bicheng saw Xiao Wu, so he also kept his mouth shut.

In this way, the group of people was led into a conference room on the second floor by Xiao Wu.

This conference room is not a round table meeting, but an auditorium style.In other words, the directors participating in the meeting and the person presiding over the meeting sat opposite each other.

Huanze and Jia Bicheng came relatively late.

When they arrived at the conference room, there were already a lot of people inside. Some people brought deputies like Huan Ze, and some people simply came alone. Currently, there are 31 people present.

Most of these people actually knew each other, so before the symposium started, everyone was still chatting with people they knew.

However, Huanze's insistence on filming science fiction in the past two years has become an inside joke.Except for a few people like Jia Bicheng who had a good relationship with him before, everyone else did it in a joking manner even when they came to communicate.

Therefore, Huan Ze dealt with it casually.

After chatting for a few words, the assistant director next to him, who originally planned to keep silent and not say a word, couldn't help but touched him and said: "Director, look at the nameplate of the main person on the stage."

Huan Ze instinctively looked up at this reminder. He couldn't help but feel his heart jump again at this sight.

There were 11 seats in a row on the stage, and nameplates were placed on 11 of the 5 seats.In the middle is a sign called Hongliutao.

Huan Ze didn't know this person, but based on the information at the meeting, he probably knew that he should be the official leader of a certain section.He is also the highest-ranking person in this meeting room.

Therefore, it is understandable that his name tag is placed in the middle.

But the problem is, looking at it from Huan Ze's perspective, Xu Chuan's name brand is placed on the right side of Hong Liutao.Due to the angle, Xu Chuan actually sat on Hong Liutao's left hand side after he sat down later.

If you are familiar with the arrangement of odd-numbered seats in the system, you should know what this means.This means that Xu Chuan is in position 2.

Is it reasonable for Xu Chuan to sit in this position?

In fact, it is not reasonable. If no official person comes to participate today, Xu Chuan can sit in the No. 1 position. After all, he is the person in charge of the fund.

But everyone who came here knows that among the five people who came to attend this meeting, in addition to Hong Liutao, there were also related personnel from the production offices of two film organizations.

As well as relevant personnel from a literary and art institution that is at the same level as the film institution.The level of these people is not much lower than Hongliutao.

Therefore, the reasonable ranking is the No. 5 position where Xu Chuan sits on the far right.But now it is unreasonably placed at the No. 2 position.

What kind of place is this? Xu Chuan definitely didn't arrange the seats randomly.Since it was not arranged by Xu Chuan, it was the official arrangement.

This made Huanze couldn't help but look at each other with the assistant director.

The actions of the two people naturally caught the eyes of Jia Bicheng next to him. He looked at the seat and couldn't help but said: "My dear, is this the wrong place?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Huan Ze whispered after hearing this.

As soon as he finished speaking, several staff members walked in. They went straight to the main table and started adjusting the name tags.

Seeing this movement, Jia Bili immediately said in a low voice: "I said it was wrong. You said that people of our age have to sit down. His young man can sit up there thanks to the foundation, so how can he do it?" ...I am a good boy..."

Before he finished speaking, Jia Bicheng could not continue because he saw two nameplates added in the middle of the main seat.

The middle piece belongs to Zhao Kangnian.

The other piece placed on Zhao Kangnian's left hand side was a man named Xu Zhaoqi.

They don't know Hong Liutao, but do they know Zhao Kangnian and Xu Zhaoqi? Xu Zhaoqi is a team member of the film organization.

As for Xu Chuan's nameplate, it was placed on Zhao Kangnian's right hand side, which is the third position.

Although Xu Chuan's famous position has moved from No. 2 to No. 3, the previous changes in leadership levels have made this position no longer as valuable as it was just now.

The emergence of this change made the directors present who were chatting completely unable to continue chatting.

Some directors who originally had the same idea as Jia Bicheng of coming over to share the money looked at the banner of "Special Symposium of Expert Representatives for the High-Quality Development of China's Film Industry" hanging above the auditorium.

Suddenly, I had a different understanding of this symposium, especially the words "Special Project for Representatives of Industry Experts".

(End of this chapter)

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