Start with hooves

Chapter 561 Zoo

With the Endangered Animals Charity and Protection Foundation under Suri's name, a lot of money was invested in batches.

The construction of the animal breeding base located on Lanai Island is progressing very quickly and some initial results have been achieved.

In addition to the two giraffes donated by fans, several parks have been specially built to raise endangered thumb monkeys, pygmy hippos, shoebill storks, fennec foxes, black-footed ferrets, sand cats, and Spix parrots. etc.

These are endangered protected animals that are relatively easy to raise, such as Javan rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinoceros, and gharial crocodiles, and they can only be protected on-site with funds.

Many impoverished countries have done very little to protect endangered animals.

Kakapos, northern hairy-nosed wombats, tree kangaroos, porpoises, American bison, and black-footed ferrets in California, as well as domestic giant pandas, golden monkeys, and finless porpoises, have all been well protected.

Even the South China tigers that were declared extinct were actually extinct in the wild. After being brought into captivity, their numbers have increased, and people can still see them in zoos.

Therefore, Suri does not plan to spend money on these animals. He thinks that adding icing on the cake is not as good as giving timely assistance, and plans to spend the budget where it is most needed.

With his personal ability, it is destined to be impossible to cover everything. Most of the animals he paid attention to in the first batch are relatively representative, and he just tried his best.

Compared with the direct results, Suri's personal promotion of the protection of endangered animals has actually had a slightly greater indirect impact.

The phrase "No buying, no killing" has been widely publicized by the United Nations. At the same time, Tweet, Netflix Entertainment, Facebook, Dongjing Mall and other platforms have also helped place some public service advertisements.

At least one-third of the world's population has deepened their concern for endangered animals because of his actions, and has successfully attracted a group of relevant organizations to carry out actions around his foundation.

This kind act not only allows Suri to establish a good personal image, but also brings him some benefits in terms of profits.

When S electric cars start mass production, he will have the opportunity to use the slogan of "protecting the earth's ecology and achieving sustainable development" to let some people take the lead in accepting electric cars.

Rather than hating the rich blindly, people hate some people who are unkind and mercenary for the sake of wealth.

Spending more money in charity can also create a shield for Suri to block many troubles that can be avoided in advance.

During a visit to the conservation base.

Suri discovered that the giraffe calves that were delivered a few months ago have changed drastically. When standing in front of them, you need to look up to see their faces.

In the forest next door, there are two pairs of pygmy hippopotamus calves.

At first, Suri thought this chubby little guy was very cute, until he saw a little hippopotamus starting to make feces, which quickly polluted the clear water in the pond and turned it into a cesspit.

He immediately recalled that he had seen a documentary about the hippopotamuses soaking in manure tanks to survive the scorching heat during the dry season. He could imagine the strong smell that reached the sky through the screen.

Next to the park where pygmy hippos are raised, three strange-looking shoebills can be seen staring at the artificial shallow pond, busy catching fish in it.

I caught several times in a row but failed to catch any prey.

Suri was quite speechless, and suddenly felt that the reason why shoebill storks have become endangered animals, with only a few thousand left in the world, may be their fault. Judging from their appearance, they seem to have a bad brain. He glanced at a middle-aged woman following him and asked:

"Ms. Lipman, are you sure these shoebill storks can eat enough? They probably grew up in the zoo and never learned how to hunt?"

Ms. Leroy Lipman is 40 years old this year.

She was born in Hamburg, Germany, and grew up in Manchester, England. She once worked for the World Society for the Protection of Animals. She was hired by a headhunting company at the beginning of this year to manage this endangered animal conservation base. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this base being a zoo. .

After listening to Suri’s question, Ms. Lipman replied:

"I have also been worried about this problem. I also sent people to count the number of live fish released every day. Although their hunting efficiency is not high, the small fish have no place to run in the pond and will always be eaten in the end. It has been almost a month since they were shipped. , these shoebill storks are very healthy, indicating that their bellies are full.”

"Next to it is an area where thumb monkeys are raised. You need to be patient to find these little guys. There is a dwarf marmoset that is often bullied and we keep it alone. Although they are on the verge of extinction in the wild, they are cute because of their cute appearance. They are reproduced on a large scale by merchants, and the price on the market is as high as thousands of dollars.”

After hearing this, Su Rui laughed and said:

"Once it is proven that there is a market for them, they should not become extinct. They are similar to South American chinchillas. Asians like to call them chinchillas. They were once hunted to the brink of extinction. Now they are sold in pet stores for only two to three hundred US dollars. Globally, There seem to be hundreds of thousands of them.”

"The reproduction rate of South American chinchillas is much faster than that of pygmy marmosets, but as you said, they are luckier than many animals in being able to live in human society."

The Lanai Conservation Foundation has just begun to be used.

When we get on the right track in the future, we should look for more rare and endangered animals and try to help expand their population through artificial captivity.

Compared with other zoos, it only breeds some endangered protected species, which is more attractive to many tourists.

Unfortunately, the number of tourists on Lanai is limited. It is difficult to say whether a virtuous cycle can be achieved by making some money from tickets. There is a high probability that Suri will need to spend money to make up for the shortfall.

In order to protect these small animals, the Indian mongoose, an exotic species living on Lanai Island, has recently suffered a disaster. The cowboys on the ranch have set traps and hunted them down. If you catch one, you can get a reward of US$100.

The birds on the island will also benefit from it, and their numbers will probably gradually recover.

After visiting the zoo, Suri then came to a new residential area by the sea.

The land has just been leveled, and there are initial plans to build 30 luxury villas, plus two hotel-style apartment buildings, and a new commercial community.

It was originally just wasteland, and the development work had no impact on the scenery of Lanai.

Not far from the residential and commercial areas, there is a nursing home that is in the renovation stage. It has recently started advertising to the outside world. If you want to live in the nursing home that he invested in, even if you don't hire a caregiver, you will need to spend at least tens of thousands of dollars per month.

The rich have ways to support their elderly, and the poor have ways to be poor.

If he rents an old house in Lanai Town, the monthly rent is only about 1000 US dollars, but in terms of living environment and leisure and entertainment facilities, it is obviously incomparable to the ultra-luxury nursing home he invested in, which is suitable for wealthy elderly people around the world. Take the time to come and enjoy your vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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