Start with hooves

Chapter 558 The short video is here

It’s rare to leave the horse farm.

The purebred Arabian horse named "Loong" seemed to be more excited than Suri. He walked around east and west, wandering around for more than an hour in total before returning to the stable.

Horse trainer Ms. Ruffo said that it is a rare horse. Not only does it run extremely fast, but it also has surprisingly good endurance.

When it comes to how outstanding he is, Suri has no idea. Anyway, after carrying him out for a walk just now, Loong is still energetic and seems to have no pressure.

After asking Ms. Ruffo, she learned that it is best to wait until the horse is 4 years old before trying to participate in some competitions, so as not to ruin the horse's future by robbing the horse.

Considering Ms. Ruffo relies on this horse for a living...

Su Rui was dubious about what she said. After all, if the horse proved to have no future, Ms. Ruffo would lose her job early. Even if it was just to earn an extra year or two of salary, she would not be able to say bad things about the horse.

Whether it was a mule or a horse would have to go for a walk on the track to find out. Suri didn't care anymore and drove the convertible Rolls-Royce Phantom back to the mountaintop villa.

His mother is still there and preparing to make lunch.

In the kitchen of the villa, Su Rui's mother was busy cutting pork belly and asked casually:

"I remember seeing the news at the end of February, saying that you acquired a new company that specializes in online video... What's the name of the company? My memory is getting worse and worse recently."

Su Rui nodded calmly and told:

"What happened? The company's name used to be Vane, but after I acquired it, it was changed to TikTok. What happened?"

His mother continued to ask:

"I just want to ask how much you spent to acquire this company."

"It's not expensive. It's very small. There were only 160 million registered users at the time. I bought it as a package for $250 million."

"...How to use this number?"

"I didn't quote the price, it was the founding team who set the price themselves. They obviously know nothing about our Chinese culture."

Su Rui spread his hands to express his helplessness, took a washed fresh tomato and brought it to his mouth, eating it while saying:

"The scale of this TikTok company is still very small. It can only upload short videos of 6 seconds. I am not in a hurry to promote it for the time being. I will first find someone to re-develop it. While enriching the use of functions, I will create a new push algorithm. Future business The prospect is terrifying."

His mother did not give random instructions and said again:

"Your dad is inspecting a photovoltaic manufacturer in China. When you were out, he called me and talked about it. He said that there is a similar product in China, and it seems to be very popular among young people recently."

Su Rui immediately became interested, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? What's the name of that company?"

"It seemed like it was a quick shot. I was busy washing vegetables at the time, so I didn't hear it clearly."


Come to the study room first.

The study area of ​​Lanai Ridge Manor on the top of the mountain is more than twice the size of the one in Beverly Hills, and the decoration style is full of modernity.

Since I rarely come here, the desktop computer I was equipped with at that time is no longer the latest model, and several pop-up windows pop up one after another.

After searching for relevant news on the Internet, I found out that this company is really called "Kuaipai". It was just launched at the end of last year. It is a mobile application used to create and share GIF pictures.

These messages brought Suri's thoughts back to his past life, and he vaguely remembered a program called "Kuaishou", which seemed to have appeared in this era and became very popular.

It wasn’t until Douyin came out that Kuaishou was pushed to the “second place” position.

One thing to say. Compared with Douyin, which is so famous that even Washington is afraid of it, Su Rui actually prefers Kuaishou. He feels that the former’s algorithm is a bit flawed. No matter how hard he clicks “not interested”, it doesn’t work. It traps users in an information cocoon. .

The problem with the latter is that there are more advertisements, which somewhat affects the user experience.

This year, Su Rui has just started planning to expand into the short video market in advance and seize the new opportunities brought by the popularization of 4G mobile networks. Apart from the fact that the number of smartphone users in the world is still relatively small and the 4G network is not yet popular enough, there is no difficulty in other aspects.

In addition to making money, the popularity of short videos has other values ​​for Suri. For example, through this emerging industry, it can truly have the power to compete with traditional media.

Without saying a word.

Suri immediately decided to fully acquire the "Quick Shot" app. Just after making a call to secretary Amanda who was resting in the guest room, he felt that even his parents were beginning to pay attention to the short video field. This situation was not seen among peers and venture capital companies in Silicon Valley. On the other hand, it is highly likely that it will only become more common.

There was no need to think too much. He realized at that time that he had to speed up and take the lead in seizing market share.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the crude software that had been renamed "TikTok", but its internal functions had not yet been upgraded and adjusted. He thought about bringing the goods himself to promote it, and thought about what interesting content he should shoot.

With only a short video of just six seconds, there is not enough time to simply say hello.

Think about it.

He left the study to find secretary Amanda and came to the swimming pool to prepare for shooting.

When Secretary Amanda finished saying "start", Suri immediately waved her hand, smiled, and spoke faster:

"Hi! I joined TiKTok. Today I am going to launch an Asian Squat Challenge. Can you do it?"

While talking.

Suri just squatted down, looked at the mobile phone in Amanda's secretary's hand, and made a hooking motion with her fingers.

Today's TikTok is so simple that you can't even adjust the color and brightness of the video. He got up and looked at it and thought it was okay, so he immediately clicked to publish.

When Secretary Amanda saw that he had finished his work, he asked in confusion: "What is the Asian squat? Is it difficult?"

"You can try."

After listening to this, Secretary Amanda immediately imitated Suri and squatted down. Her center of gravity was unstable and she fell backwards.

This kind of useless but very strange new discovery made Secretary Amanda feel very magical. She continued to try it without believing it. After squatting down, she said happily: "Ha! It's really not difficult. I have succeeded!"

Su Rui smacked her lips, poured cold water on her and said:

"It's different. You stood on tiptoes and squatted down. The soles of my shoes didn't even leave the ground."


Secretary Amanda tried not to stand on tiptoes, but found that she could never do it and nearly fell down every time she tried.

Seeing that she still refused to give up, Su Rui shook her head and smiled:

"Give it up. When I went shopping in the supermarket when I was a kid, I noticed that many whites and blacks would always kneel down on one knee or one knee to organize the goods under the shelves. Most people should not be able to complete this challenge."

After falling down for the third time, Secretary Amanda finally gave up and said with a smile:

"It's very interesting, and I think everyone who sees this video will choose to try it."

Suri replied:

"It's no use just trying. I hope this can spread widely and attract more new users to this short video company. I will think about some areas that need to be upgraded as soon as possible, such as increasing server capacity, modifying the length of short videos, etc." Adding background music, etc., you ask them to launch version 2.0 of TikTok as soon as possible..." (End of Chapter)

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