Start with hooves

Chapter 555 Gold Mine

Chapter 555 Gold Mine

Far away.

Seeing someone taking something out of his pocket, Suri's bodyguards became a little nervous.

When he saw the other person take out a pack of cigarettes, Su Rui knew he was the "Nine-Five Master" just by the golden color of the packaging box.

There is no need to guess, this skillful act of passing cigarettes is obviously a sign of meeting a compatriot.

There is no development team under him, and the entire excavation and mining work of the Kensington Gold Mine is outsourced to a professional mining company in the mainland. It is certainly not unusual to meet compatriots here.

Compared with hiring a local mining team in the United States, finding people from the mainland is more efficient and labor expenses are more cost-effective.

As soon as Su Rui took the cigarette from the other party, someone else immediately helped light the fire. A middle-aged man who looked like a foreman said in awkward Chinese English:

"Welcome here! Nice to meet you. My name is Zhang Zhiyun. On behalf of my bosses, I would like to express my highest respect to you! The food is ready. Let's go have a meal first?"


Putting aside the incorrect grammar, the strong flavor of Chinglish actually made Su Rui feel very familiar and cordial.

To other foreigners, it might sound awkward, almost like a foreigner speaking Chinese.

He took a puff of cigarette.

The development progress of other gold mines is generally slow and slow. When the gold price is high, more mining is done, and when the gold price is low, less mining is done.

Seeing that he spoke Mandarin so well, the contractor named Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"This is a gold-rich mine. While debugging the equipment last week, about 300 ounces of gold have been mined. When other gold washing machines, earthmoving trucks, and excavators are in place, the efficiency will be several times higher than now."

You only need to pay the mining fee and arrange manpower for supervision and management. The rest is just to lie at home and wait for the mined gold to be delivered to your door.

300 ounces of gold is almost 8 kilograms.

If you set up your own mining team, the mining cost per ounce may be hundreds of dollars higher, and the efficiency is far less than that of the mainland. From a cost-effective perspective, direct outsourcing is undoubtedly more trouble-free.

"Forget about the dinner, we already had it at the airport. The progress you have made since you started the work is very good. I saw that a lot of mining equipment has started to operate. Have you mined gold?"

However, Su Rui is the boss and does not calculate wages based on the number of days worked. Of course, the middle-aged man named Zhang had no objection and replied:

"If we work overtime and wait until all the equipment is in place, we should be able to mine 6 to 7 tons of gold a year. If Alaska is not covered in snow for half of the year, we can dig even faster. Currently, water and electricity cannot keep up. , I will think of ways to apply to the higher authorities for more people and equipment, preferably two or three shifts, and by then it will be possible to produce 10 tons per year."

When Suri signed a contract with a mainland company, it adopted a labor and material contracting model. The cost covers mining, mineral processing, smelting, transportation, raw material consumption, power, salaries and depreciation of fixed assets. The mining cost of each ounce of gold is approximately It's $350.

Suri waved his hand and said in Mandarin:

In the long run, slow development will be more beneficial to shareholders who hold gold mines. Few people will desperately squeeze out all the value of a gold mine in the short term in order to pursue high efficiency.

The contractor in front of him immediately thought of the news that Su Rui was building a gold sculpture and planning to hold a global tour. All he could say about this was that it was simply inhumane.

Suri didn't care much about the details, and then asked:

"According to your plan, how many tons of gold can be mined in a year? I'm waiting for urgent use. It's best to do it a little faster."

If he goes to work, Su Rui will hate working overtime unless the boss is willing to pay enough overtime pay.

Now as Party A, of course, the perspective of looking at the problem is different. Thinking that it only takes three or four years to drain this gold mine, Su Rui is very satisfied with this work efficiency.

Get on the off-road vehicle and go to the ore washing machine to have a look. The huge barrel-shaped machine is making a harsh roar at the moment, constantly separating the gold hidden in the mineral soil. There are two other ore washing machines nearby that are being assembled and debugged, and cranes and forklifts are used.

Unlike the extremely small variety show Gold Digger, this one looks very professional.

In order to make Suri happy, the contractor also asked people to turn off the washing machine and clean the previously filtered gold on site. Unexpectedly, they also found a piece of gold nugget the size of an egg.

It seems that Party B is more experienced. In order to prevent employees from stealing it, cameras are installed everywhere. Security inspections are conducted after get off work every day. They are supervised by multiple people and the gold mined every day is weighed and recorded.

Su Rui felt that if someone wanted to steal, they could always find some loopholes, but if he was afraid of this or that, the entire mining work would not be able to proceed, so he did not comment on this and was only planning to recruit one or two more experienced people. , Supervisors with a good reputation.


After seeing the washing machine and the gold excavated, there is nothing else to do.

After Suri visited his mining area, he then went to the filming site of the "Alaska Gold Rush" variety show to personally check on the harvest of each team, which was considered a free promotion for this niche variety show.

There were no suitable hotels around the mining area, so the group returned to Anchorage in the evening.

When Suri suddenly realized that there seemed to be no need to stay here, he went to the airport to catch a plane and decided to go back to Lanai Island.

During the flight.

At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, admire the night sky.

Secretary Amanda remembered something and turned to look at Suri's chest and said:

"I just saw a piece of news during the day. At Sotheby's Auction House's Hong Kong Spring Auction this year, a Buddha pendant made of similar material to yours sold for 2100 million US dollars. You were specifically mentioned in the news."

Su Rui looked surprised and asked her, "Really? The value has increased again?"

I quickly took out my phone to check and found out that there was indeed such a piece of news. The material was Laokeng glass imperial green jadeite.

He remembered that there was a time when the popularity of high-end jadeite was unabated and the price went up like crazy, but he never expected that it would be so expensive. It was highly suspected of being artificially hyped.

After taking off the pendant shaped like a bottle of essential oil and wiping it with paper, Su Rui continued:

"If I can really find someone who took advantage of me, I would also like to sell it to someone else for $2100 million. I also have a bracelet of the same material in my family's vault. My mother has only worn it a few times."

Secretary Amanda shook her head and said with emotion:

"It's hard to understand why some people like them. Maybe it's another Dutch tulip bubble. I think the next gemstone that has a chance to be successfully hyped should be the Australian opal gemstone. It has charming colors inside, as if it contains a whole universe."

Suri didn't know much about opal gems. He had seen them a few times. Even if they could make money, it was just a small fuss. After hearing this, he didn't take it to heart.

After chatting for a while, he closed his eyes and rested. When he woke up, the plane had landed at Maui Airport in Hawaii...

(End of this chapter)

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