Start with hooves

Chapter 533 Big Customer

Chapter 533 Big Customer

Large customers like the Hong Kong Monetary Authority are relatively rare in the market.

Hong Kong City’s sovereign wealth fund ranks among the top 10 in the world, so it is so rich that it distributes money to all Hong Kong residents at every turn.

Even if there is no such thing as David Levine's hope for promotion, as long as Suri gets the news, he will still try to contact the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

After all, once it is captured, it will be equivalent to capturing hundreds of thousands of retail investors. At the same time, it will allow Caishen Capital to grow rapidly and gain the attention of more potential investors.

Su Rui has always regarded this financial port as one of the important "one holes" in his "three cunning rabbit holes". If the asset base is placed there, it can be advanced, attacked, retreated and defended, at least there is no need to worry too much about safety issues.

Taking the opportunity to cooperate with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, we can properly close the relationship and facilitate many things in the future.

If we find another gunman then and write a few colorful articles to promote it, the matter of setting up a Caishen Asset Management branch in the mainland will probably go much smoother.

When thinking of this, Suri couldn't help but smile.

Because the name of Caishen Capital definitely suits the taste of people from many countries. Some people don’t believe in Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, Kitchen God, etc., but there are very few people who don’t love Caishen.

Such an investment portfolio covers Silicon Valley giants such as Facebook, Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia, and Amazon. In Suri's eyes, it is equivalent to a super gold mine. If the timeline is extended to four to five years, it is almost guaranteed to make no loss, and the rate of return is also extraordinary. considerable.

From the perspective of prospects, this model seems to be very beneficial to Suri.

When this order is completed, maybe the commercial land at No. 3 New Harbourfront in Central, the king of land next to the Hong Kong City International Financial Center Phase 2, can use the profit dividends to pay the bills, which is equivalent to picking up a valuable piece of land for free.

After all, they are not Suri, so it is normal for them to be worried. As an official asset, sometimes stability is more important than high returns.

Because the other party had no vision, he asked Su Rui to look at the blind man, but he still couldn't get an accurate answer. Then he changed his mind and came up with a cooperation model of "guaranteed capital + profit sharing".

He is indeed confident that he can help his clients manage their assets. If the funds raised in Greater China are large enough, foreigners may be able to make a large sum of money and have a taste of being exploited.

After hanging up the phone with David Levine, Suri asked Amanda, his secretary, to help him find relevant information.

Others may think it's risky, but in Su Rui's eyes, it's like picking up money, with at least a 98% chance of winning.

The team he sent had already contacted the Hong Kong Monetary Authority twice, and the cooperation plan they proposed was quite satisfactory. It was nothing more than investing heavily in the Nasdaq market and creating an investment portfolio product with high potential.

Originally he might only earn a management fee of 1% to 1.5%, but now it may bring him billions of dollars in huge profits.

It means that the accurate answer has been handed over, but the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is worried that the risk will be too high and the principal will be lost.

Then I thought again.

Suri also feels that construction will take a long time, just like the whale resort on Lanai, which has not been completely completed until now.

If there is an opportunity, we can seize it in advance and, like the two projects in Dubai, continue to transfer billions of dollars in assets from the United States.

The funds are borrowed through banks and only need to pay some interest expenses. In the next few years, the increase in land prices in Hong Kong City will most likely be much higher than the loan interest rate.

While being a little cautious, Su Rui first checked the rent of the second phase of the Harbor City International Financial Center and the net profit of the well-known landmark shopping mall Harbor City. You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

Last year, the total retail sales of Harbor City exceeded 200 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the net profit was as high as about 30 billion Hong Kong dollars. Judging from these figures, it seems that the land price is expensive for a reason. At least the real estate yield rate is much better than that in the mainland.

The land itself can be used as a mortgage to obtain land funds, and the bank can help provide 70% to 80% of the funds. The expenses during the development period will be paid year by year and do not need to be paid off in one go.

A project of this scale put no pressure on Su Rui. Considering that he was still thinking about getting more funds from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, he immediately decided to ask first...

That night.

Still in his study room, Suri held an online video conference with several executives from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

After exchanging polite words, someone on the other side told:

"We have already studied the cooperation plan sent by Mr. Su this morning. Although our department is not responsible for land acquisition and listing, I think we should have the opportunity to discuss it in detail. We have already felt your sincerity. . However, are the promises of a 3.5% guaranteed rate of return and the complete exemption of management fees true? Don’t get me wrong, we are just worried about some misunderstandings in communication.”

Suri was wearing a white shirt and a gray tie. He smiled when he heard the words, and he nodded and said:

"Of course, this is a decision I made personally. I just need to continue to negotiate some details. I think this is more like a bet. I bet that I can get a higher rate of return than 3.5%. There is no need for you to worry about my performance. Ability, even if all your principal is lost in the end, I will still pay in full."

As soon as these words came out, several people on the opposite side laughed.

They were a little confused at first, but now they just felt that Su Rui was sharp and young, so they did not follow the routine and were willing to cooperate in this way.

The last time Forbes released its rankings was a few months ago.

During this period, he experienced the listing of Netflix Entertainment, the surge in Tweet's valuation, the rebound of the Nasdaq sector, etc. At least on the surface, Suri's net worth is slightly higher than that of Hong Kong's richest man, Lao Li.

Suri still holds a large number of Penguin stocks on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Several senior executives of the Hong Kong City Monetary Authority are not worried at all that he will not be able to fulfill his contract. They just need to speak clearly.

After discussing for a while around the planned investment, expected rate of return, closure period, etc., the atmosphere was particularly pleasant, and a rough cooperation plan was quickly drawn up.

Compared with the plan submitted by Goldman Sachs' European branch, Suri's plan is not only safe, but also has a much higher expected rate of return. Unless there are other asset management companies that are also willing to waive management fees and promise to provide a guaranteed rate of return, it will basically It has been confirmed that we will cooperate with Caishen Capital next.

Of course.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority cannot make decisions unilaterally. Things like this must continue to be reported to the higher authorities.

When the time comes, having Caishen Capital listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and planning to acquire the new Harbourfront No. 3 commercial site in Central will help Suri gain a lot of leverage.

After the deal is concluded, maybe the plan can be changed, and then we can go to China Investment Corporation and the Mainland Social Security Fund Council to continue to win new orders.

While enjoying the yield on government bonds, it also has the potential for high returns like stock trading. No customer can refuse the temptation of this financial product...

(End of this chapter)

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