Start with hooves

Chapter 508 Occultism

The time interval is too long.

Just like imagining new songs and TV series, I can’t remember many details.

The male protagonist of "Holy Grail" named Renn is played by Grant Gustin from the "Flash" TV series. This guy is only 20 years old this year. He was hit by a pie falling from the sky without knowing it, and got it from a group of well-known actors. , stole the male lead role in "Holy Grail".

Until now, many people don't know exactly why.

If Suri hadn't been a well-known playboy and had affairs with many goddess-level beauties since his debut, there might even be rumors that he was attracted to this pretty girl.

And actually.

At first, Suri had a headache over choosing the male protagonist, but later she just decided to go ahead and use a blind draw to select Grant Gustin from a bunch of successful resumes.

Looking at it now, I find that it fits quite well, and is very similar to the character of Wren in the "Holy Grail" script.

On the computer screen, the story continues to advance.

Grant Gustin is a young man born and raised in the mysterious world. He has a younger brother and a younger sister. He is studying in a university and likes mysticism.

When he was resurrected, he found a large pool of blood on the ground, not knowing that he had died once.

Hearing a knock at the door, he hurriedly put away the things on the floor, used a carpet to block the blood stains, and then opened the door to talk to his brother.

Seeing his pale face, the other party thought that Grant Gustin had been studying all night to cope with the final exam, and reminded him that he should pay attention to rest.

When the door closed again, Grant Gustin was frightened for a moment. He hurriedly sat down at his desk and wrote a letter to a mysterious pen pal, saying that he might have made some mistakes during the ritual of praying for good luck. So that being watched by an unknown existence, maybe he did something wrong.

Otherwise, he couldn't explain why there were blood stains on the ground, and even found out his deceased father's pistol.

Hoshino Yuko watched intently.

In her opinion, the suspense at the beginning of "Holy Grail" is simply overwhelming and the effect is explosive.

Whether it was resurrection from the dead, a mysterious world view, or an unknown existence without description, they all aroused all her curiosity, so much so that she forgot to continue talking to Suri.

The story continues.

After Grant Gustin went downstairs, he finished breakfast with his brothers and sisters. When he went out, he met the old landlord and paid the rent for this month.

Then he walked and trotted towards school. On the way, his head hurt and some strange sounds came, but they disappeared quickly the moment he touched the wall with his hand.

The male protagonist looked up and realized that this place turned out to be the church of the "Church of the Goddess of the Night".

A middle-aged man dressed as a gentleman in the church seemed to notice something strange. He looked out thoughtfully and then talked to the priest. He said that people from a nearby village disappeared overnight. The police station We have found them to help solve the problem, and we suspect that someone has held a dark sacrificial ceremony to communicate with some unknown demons.

This plot is a foreshadowing.

The camera turned again, and the male protagonist played by Grant Gustin rushed to class. The teacher happened to come in and began to talk about the latest developments in the conflicts in the principality.

of course.

The country is fictitious, and so is history.

After finally getting through school, Grant Gustin hurried to the "Occult Research Club", changed into a gray robe, and couldn't wait to introduce what happened last night. He only said that he couldn't remember any details, and even took out the gun in the drawer, and then passed out on the ground.

As for the blood stains.

Because the father of a classmate worked in the Church of the Sun God, he was concealed by the protagonist in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It's just a hobby club, no one has been exposed to the real field of mysticism. Some people joked that it might be because they haven't eaten meat for too long, they are malnourished, or they are sleepwalking.

The topic quickly moved to other aspects, such as if so-and-so suddenly went crazy, it was probably because they had offended someone they shouldn't be offended, or maybe a certain divination witch was very effective, and you could ask about the final exam results and seek good luck, etc. .

This is only the first episode, and Suri doesn't want to cram in too many complicated things. It's not until the last few minutes that the plot gets back to the point.

The middle-aged gentleman in a suit and tie who had appeared in the Church of the Goddess of the Night and talked to the priest before climbed through the window and entered Grant Gustin's bedroom in the middle of the night. He waved gently above his head, and the whole room immediately collapsed.

This mysterious middle-aged man entered the male protagonist's bizarre dream in the form of a phantom, guided him to tell the truth in the church confessional, and asked the male protagonist if he had been exposed to some unexplainable things recently. Or come into contact with something strange or something...

The first episode ends abruptly here.

Hoshino Yuko's expression was obviously stunned, and then she said angrily:

"It's gone? Just after entering the most exciting place, it's gone immediately? And why does this scene of entering the dream look familiar?"

"Don't ask, I'm just advertising "Inception". The crew of "Holy Grail" is filming in the small Italian town of Bologna. The progress is a little slow. Everyone is still looking for a feeling, so today we will only air the first episode."

Suri put his arms around her and asked:

"How do you feel? In fact, the second episode has been filmed, and the special effects pictures are being produced. To save costs, I plan to directly acquire a third-party special effects studio through Netflix Entertainment, and I will get a lot of money back from the IPO financing. , more than enough for expansion.”

Hoshino Yuko replied: "Nonsense, if I don't find it interesting, why would I want to continue reading? You are awesome this time. The company will have billions of dollars more on its books. How are you going to spend it?"

Su Rui shook his head and said:

"It's a waste to keep money on the books. We only need a cash reserve of about US$5 million, which is enough. The rest can be used to acquire a game company, produce and publish peripheral game products, and also go into the manufacturing of smartphones and tablets. Test the waters, this is a hot new trend.”

"Nokia and Motorola are no longer good. In addition to Apple's IOS operating system, Android seems to be good. Rather than leaving the market to Korean and Japanese companies, it is better for me to try my luck."

"There are almost 30 billion US dollars of idle funds, which is enough to acquire an existing mobile phone manufacturer, or to develop and assemble a mobile phone and tablet suitable for watching TV series..."

Netflix Entertainment has too many good dramas, and the number of paying users is rising steadily. It does not need to use the money obtained from financing, and it can now support itself.

This has led to a tendency for funds raised through IPOs to be left idle.

During the road show, CEO Terenz has been publicly stating that the money will be mainly used to expand overseas markets, develop peripheral businesses, etc., but Suri has different ideas.

In his opinion, with the current good dramas, overseas markets will naturally be opened up. Spending money on such publicity and promotion projects is tantamount to throwing things into the water and cannot be rushed.

Crossing over into the field of mobile smart terminals has the opportunity to push the potential of Netflix entertainment to a new level. At the same time, it can also ride on the popularity, stimulate the rise of stock prices, and try to diversify development.


Suri doesn't want to personally be responsible for such a disappointing project. Competition in the field of mobile smart terminals is currently too fierce, including giants such as Microsoft and Google, who all want a piece of the pie.

...(End of chapter)

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