Start with hooves

Chapter 503 Lucky Man

A total of 10 little yellow ducks flowed down the river, and many of them floated to the shore.

There are very cost-effective college students along the coast who temporarily serve as security guards to help guard. No one is allowed to salvage until the end of the game to avoid "disrupting the order of the field."

As for after the game, it doesn't matter.

Including shipping costs, the cost of each rubber duck is only about 12 cents, which is not valuable at all. If someone is willing to take it away and collect it, it can help Suri clean up the "garbage".

According to the idea of ​​the staff responsible for planning, many of the recycled ducks will be cleaned. If no businessman is willing to package and acquire them, they will be given as gifts to New Yorkers and YOYO clothing store customers.

In retail, labor costs are a bit high, and it’s easy to lose more than you gain.

After the game starts.

Suri watched it for a while, then took a car to the pier in lower Manhattan, took a speedboat and stayed at the end circled by a floating rope, and then took a few more clips.

Then comes the long wait.


He said to Director Greg:

"Some contestants come from other places. When the time comes, remember to arrange for a photographer to take some pictures of them coming to receive the award. This will help to continue to other cities to hold the Little Yellow Duck Floating Competition."

"I have worked hard for you recently. I will arrange the finances at the end of the year and give you more bonuses. When Netflix Entertainment rings the bell next Monday and my personal painting exhibition opens, this show will be temporarily over."

"The next season of "Suri Show" may start filming in June next year. At that time, it will be time to advertise for movies such as "The Ex" and "Suicide Squad". Maybe we can also go to Alaska to visit the gold mining area I acquired."

Compared with other projects, shooting "Suri Show" was not too tiring.

On the contrary, as the boss, Su Rui has been busy during this period and has been busy with many things.

of course.

It is different from many people who work hard to survive in order to support their families.

Suri's busyness is completely arranged by himself, just to make his life fuller. Compared with others, it is obviously a different matter.

The Christmas and New Year holidays are getting closer.

Suri also wants to take a break and enjoy a few days of leisurely vacation before returning to the "Ex" crew to continue filming. It is expected that filming will not be completed until around mid-February next year.

Director Greg finished expressing his thanks on behalf of the rest of the crew, and then took the opportunity to boast again, saying:

"Actually, shooting reality shows is not what I'm good at. It's very pleasant to work with you, but I also want to shoot some TV series. If there are new projects in the future, I hope you, the director, can consider me."

It's the end of the year.

Apart from filming, Suri occasionally takes time to sort out the shooting arrangements for Daju Film and Netflix Entertainment next year.

As long as there are no problems with the film and television drama projects, there is no need to change the director easily. For example, "The Walking Dead", "The Vampire Diaries", "Two and a Half Men", "The Big Bang Theory" and the like, each carrot and the other have been replaced. Other directors took it.

After this period of cooperation.

Suri feels that Director Greg is very down-to-earth and has a serious personality. Judging from the editing and production of his reality show, he is obviously capable and accurately captured the highlights of the show.

After thinking about it for a while, he then said to Director Greg:

"No problem, I will think about it. In fact, there will be several new dramas next year. I want to know what style you are good at?"

Director Greg had a huge appetite and asked tentatively: "I have read the novel "A Song of Ice and Fire" twice carefully."


Suri choked slightly, waved his hand and told: "Don't think about this show. It is the most critical project next year. You don't have enough experience. There is a new project called "Shameless", which is okay. I leave it to you to give it a try, I have high expectations for it, similar to the Desperate Housewives and House of Cards projects.”

Both "Desperate Housewives" and "House of Cards" became popular in a short period of time after their release.

Especially "House of Cards", because it exposed the operating rules of Washington in a real way, it was promoted to the altar before the first season was aired. Some people even joked that Suri is the most classy man in the United States.

Unlike the rhetoric of the United States, which claims to be a beacon of freedom internationally, when it comes to Washington, freedom of speech is ineffective.

Hollywood has been developing for so many years, but no TV series dares to show the darkness and conspiracies of Washington so directly before the audience.

No matter what the project is, director Greg is overjoyed to have the opportunity to get it.

Just when the director wanted to say something else, a photographer who was also on the speedboat stood up and said excitedly: "Look! There is a little yellow duck floating over!!"

Suri's attention was instantly diverted.

Following the photographer's finger, I stood up and looked into the distance. I saw a bright yellow color appearing on the river, slowly approaching along the current.

In addition to comparing speed, this little yellow duck rafting competition also requires a little luck.

The Hudson River in New York is so wide, but the diameter of the winning circle is only 50 meters.

Even if some little yellow ducks run fast, if they miss the entrance to the winning circle, they will be considered a failure according to the rules of the game. Only by entering the circle can they win the final grand prize.

Considering that a total of 10 rubber ducks were placed in the river this time, according to the results of the pre-rehearsal test, the probability of entering the circle was not too low, and only the top five were selected in the end.

This little yellow duck floating towards us is undoubtedly lucky.

Just when it was about to float away along the current, it was affected by the current again and successfully entered the circle.

This made Suri very happy. She continued to film the reality show, fished out the little yellow duck with a net, and read out the number "078322" on the duck.

Jiang Jiaya was immediately asked to use the computer to search the registration list, and called to inform the other party that he had won the first prize. The prize was a full US$10 bonus, plus a brand new in-stock Roadster electric sports car.

The contestant who won the first prize was a lumberjack living in Montana. His tone sounded like a Central American immigrant. When he got excited, he shouted in Spanish, as if he was telling his companions the good news.

Suri is only responsible for giving out the prizes, and the winner needs to bear the subsequent taxes. The same is true for the winner of "Alone in the Wild".

Of course, there is no need to say this kind of thing on the show.


The second and third winning little yellow ducks also successfully entered the circle drawn by the floating rope. Suri also used someone else's mobile phone to tell the contestants the good news.

Among them, the third-place black man is from Brooklyn, New York. He is a truck driver responsible for delivering newspapers, and he can take time off to collect the prize now.

Using the original Tesla stock car as a prize may seem a bit unkind, but the Roadster electric sports car has been discontinued and may one day appreciate in value and become a collectible in some niche circles.

These winning contestants donated a small registration fee and got a luxury car with a market price of more than 9 US dollars for free. It was too late to be happy, so there was nothing to complain about.

The Endangered Animal Protection Fund under Suri's name is the biggest winner this time. Since it does not need to pay taxes, the final net profit is likely to exceed US$1800 million.

Not only that.

PepsiCo seems to be interested in S·DUCK's little yellow duck cartoon image and wants to print it on the Pepsi bottle.

If the negotiation is really successful, this can bring additional income... (End of this chapter)

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