Start with hooves

Chapter 496 "Predecessor"

Time goes back half a month ago.

As usual, after a small opening ceremony was held in New York, the "Exes" movie project officially started filming.

Naturally, it is impossible to be careless or cut corners in a movie starring Suri himself. This time it was shot by legendary Hollywood director James Burrows.

Director James Burrows is not well-known in the film industry, but he has served as the director of the classic American TV series "Will & Grace" and the first, second and third seasons of "Friends". In the field of urban-themed comedies, He is extremely talented, has worked with many Hollywood film companies and television stations, and has a long resume.

Suri hoped to work with the legendary director and try to create a wonderful chemical reaction, so he paid a fee of up to 350 million US dollars to successfully invite the -year-old industry tycoon out.

Director James Burrows also joked that his income from filming this movie was worth his salary for the past five years.

Except for a handful of top directors, such as Spielberg, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino, and Michael Bay, the average salary of Hollywood directors is generally between 50 and 120 million US dollars, and it is difficult to get box office dividends.

Compared with stars, the income of big-screen directors is not very high, let alone small-screen directors like James Burrows. His glorious era has actually passed.

So Suri specifically invited him this time, and director James Burrows was very moved. After all, as an insider, he has been "bullied" by Netflix Entertainment's self-produced dramas in the past two years, and he has successively launched two new TV series. So much so that Party A has begun to wonder whether he is useless because of his Alzheimer's disease.

Unexpectedly, television stations such as NBC and CBS, which they have cooperated with for many years, began to let James Burrows recuperate at home for more than half a year. However, Suri felt that his skills were still young and directly invited him to be a major producer with an investment of up to 6000 million US dollars. commercial movies.

Having known Suri's temper beforehand, director James Burrows knew that he was in the company, and he was almost indistinguishable. Like many geniuses, his mind was full of wonderful inspirations.

Therefore, as soon as the filming of "The Ex" started, the legendary TV drama director was prepared in advance to negotiate with Suruiduo on everything.

According to the plan.

About one-tenth of the film's content needs to be shot before Christmas arrives. It's just around the corner from the holiday season, and the atmosphere on the street fits the time in the script, which saves a lot of money on the set.

After two weeks of filming, the crew's progress was much smoother than expected.

Director James Burrows originally felt that Suri's role as the protagonist might affect the filming plan, causing her performance to be inadequate in some aspects, or relying on her status to act like a big name.

Unexpectedly, Suri not only has a better temper than rumored, but is also very obedient to the details of the performance, and her acting skills are far beyond everyone's expectations.

This is a tailor-made character image. If you can't even play a playboy well, then wouldn't Suri's rich emotional experience in the past few years be accumulated in vain...

As a leading actor in a movie for the first time, Suri was always worried that there was something wrong.

Just two weeks after filming started, he summoned a group of crew members to review the newly rough-edited clips one by one, and adopted an anonymous scoring system in accordance with the old rules.

Anyway, it is a project of Daju Film Company, and up to now, this film company only has one shareholder, Su Rui. If there is a problem with the rhythm of the film or his performance, even if all the materials that have been shot are burned, in his eyes No big deal there.

Howard Hughes, the legendary rich man of the time, burned film when he was filming the movie "Hell's Angels".

We strive for excellence during production so that it won’t be too ugly at the box office.

Suri has no obsessive-compulsive disorder and has never thought that no matter what he does, he must succeed. However, he would rather some of his investment projects fail than win the "Golden Raspberry Award" that spoofs the Oscars and capsize in the gutter. , became a laughing stock among the people.

At this moment.

In the short-term rented rest area of ​​the studio, hundreds of people were sitting in front of the projection screen, holding a small card and pen in their hands, all staring at the screen in front of them. After the producer briefly introduced the rules, he asked these people to ignore the soundtrack, subtitles and other details, and simply evaluate the performance, plot, and interestingness.

Although I work on the crew of "The Ex", many people don't understand the content of the movie. Making a movie and watching a movie are completely different things.

It was a rare opportunity to review a movie starring the famous Suri himself. The people at the scene were very excited and eagerly awaiting it.

The lights were turned off, someone finished adjusting the projector, and the rough cut of the movie started playing directly. The total length was only about nineteen minutes, and the rest of the movie hadn't been filmed yet.

Sitting in the front row were Suri, Jiang Jiaya, second male lead Tom Hiddleston, director James Burrows and others, all looking straight ahead.

There is no title sequence.

At the beginning of the movie, the second male character played by Tom Hiddleston wakes up in a police cell. A police detective knocks on the railing and tells him that his friend has come to bail him out.

The person who bailed him out was the male protagonist played by Suri. The two of them were joking while walking. The conversation was probably about the two of them going to the bar last night and facing the provocation of a drunkard. After the fight, Suri ran away first.

Driving down the streets of New York, Tom Hiddleston asked him what he was doing during the conversation.

Su Rui smiled happily and said:

"You ruined my happiness last night, and it can only add some fun to a boring drive."

"What fun?"

"Look, the current speed of twenty yards is roughly equivalent to A. If it reaches forty yards, it will feel like B. If you continue to go faster, by the time it reaches sixty yards, it will be almost the same as C..."

Tom Hiddleston was confused and asked: "What A, B, C?"

Su Rui calmly replied: "Cover up."

Tom Hiddleston spoke up: "You're really crazy."


Tom Hiddleston also imitated Suri and opened the car window, then stretched out his hand and smiled from ear to ear...

Of course Suri would not let go of such a classic scene.

As the beginning of the movie, the effect is simply amazing. The character's personality and relaxed atmosphere were immediately created. Many crew members on the scene had smiles on their lips and couldn't wait to drive out and try it out to see if it was true.

Followed by.

Suri took Tom Hiddleston to change clothes and attend the wedding of her ex-girlfriend. Tom Hiddleston also attended because he knew her.

In order to be released on bail, they missed the oath-taking part. After arriving, they sat down to eat directly, and then they saw "ex-boyfriend" written on the guest seating chart.

Tom Hiddleston joked with Suri and slipped to another table to eat. The second female lead, played by Amy Rossum, happened to be sitting next to him.

This Miss Amy Rossum played the eldest daughter in the TV series "Shameless" in her previous life. She left a deep impression on Suri. She happened to meet her during the interview, so she gave her this opportunity... (End of chapter)

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