Start with hooves

Chapter 458 Video Studio

The decoration and layout of the show site started almost at the same time as the planning of "The Voice" began.

We are busy going to various places in the United States to hold auditions, and the decoration of the indoor shooting venue is in the final stage, which will not affect the progress of the project at all.

in the Netflix Films and TV division.

Everyone knows that Suri values ​​efficiency and quality the most. It would be great if cost savings can be taken into consideration at the same time.

Take the crew of "Prison Break" as an example. The budget was not fully spent until the end of filming.

Most of the filming locations were in abandoned prisons, which attracted many fans of the drama in the middle and later stages. They worked for free and guest-starred as inmates. There were not many places to spend money.

When Su Rui heard the news, she waved her hand happily.

After the filming of "Prison Break 1" was completed, the board used about one-third of the remaining balance to pay bonuses to the entire crew. The producer and director team shared a total of 200 million US dollars, and a photographer was happy the next day. Mentioning a brand new Hummer will make other crew members envious.

No matter how many rules and regulations are formulated, it is far less practical than issuing money directly.

Directors and employees usually don't think about saving money for the company, but under the premise of making a profit, they naturally start to save whatever they can.

It may seem that employee expenses have increased after the additional bonuses are issued, but in fact, over time, it can save the company a lot of money.

Half of the company's shares are owned by Su Rui. If the employees save money, they will save money for him...

The front foot just finished eavesdropping at the audition.

Immediately afterwards, Suri went straight to the filming site of the "Voice of America" ​​variety show.

The entire studio is located in a renovated old warehouse. Not far away are indoor studios for programs such as "The Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men."

This old warehouse located on the outskirts of Los Angeles, as well as a nearby wasteland, has been purchased by Netflix Entertainment with a loan, and other teams are under construction to prepare for the filming of new dramas such as "How I Met Your Mother".

If the ratings are good.

A sitcom like "Two and a Half Men" may take more than ten years to be filmed. During this period, the rent of the filming location is enough to buy an entire old warehouse.

With a one-time investment, you can get long-term benefits, plus the profits from tourist tickets on weekdays, as well as the usual activities, etc. It seems more cost-effective to build the company's own studio in advance.

Putting his hands in his pockets and walking forward, Su Rui looked around and sighed:

"Compared with Universal Studios, it's still a little less interesting. They have a commercial street and an amusement park, but here we even have potholes on the roads."

Secretary Amanda held a bucket of popcorn and said while eating:

"Boss, where do you get the confidence to compare this place with Universal Studios?"

"Since the beginning of the last century, many film crews have settled near Universal Studios. Over the years, countless movies have been shot and countless sets have been built. The ones I know of include "King Kong", "Jaws", and "Jurassic Park" , ‘Harry Potter’ and more.”

"If Netflix Entertainment can last 100 years, it may become a large-scale theme park. Unfortunately, we may not see that day..." He gave her his middle finger.

Su Rui didn't stop, and continued walking forward, and said sarcastically: "It's just a movie theater, how valuable is it? Give me a few more years to develop steadily, and I will build a higher-end movie theater theme park in minutes. ."

Secretary Amanda was noncommittal. After all, this person next to her was Suri, who had always been amazing. She was afraid that the cold water would be poured on too early and he would slap her in the face within a few years.

Except for the studio.

More than 100 meters away from the studios of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men", there is also a reinforced concrete office building under construction. The previous headquarters area was too small, and it was quickly filled with more than a dozen production crews. It is full, plus finance, legal affairs, editing room, warehouse, data room, etc., it is no longer enough.

Like many Chinese, the concept of "renting is worse than buying" is deeply ingrained in Suri's DNA. His IPO is about to be financed. With today's market valuation, he will be able to raise US$30 billion by then. There are many things. You can start preparing in advance.

This warehouse belonged to a logistics and warehousing company in its early years. As Los Angeles shifted from manufacturing to service industry and the transportation and warehousing company went bankrupt, the entire factory area has been depressed for more than 20 years.

The original garage has now been renovated and transformed into a filming studio for "The Voice". A total of 500 seats are arranged on site, with 4 large chairs facing the stage.

The huge display screen behind the stage has been installed in place, and staff are currently debugging it. The grass and flowers on the screen are quite clear at first glance.

Accompanied by a construction manager, Su Ruixian sat on one of the instructor chairs and said after the experience:

"It's a bit hard. One shoot may last a whole day. I'm worried that Avril and the others may have backaches and come to me to settle the score. Please add an extra comfortable cushion. Also, have you carefully tested the function of the swivel chair?" What if the instructor pressed the button during the live broadcast but the chair didn't move, wouldn't the scene be very embarrassing?"

The construction manager of the contracted project patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, we have tested it many times and specially hired an engineering professor from Caltech to be responsible for the design and manufacturing. Even many of the equipment in the space station were built by his team ."

Suri tried to press the red button at hand, and the entire chair slowly turned to face the empty audience area.

Then another gray key was pressed, and the chair was adjusted to face the stage again.

I heard that the Caltech professor had designed many things for the space station. Su Rui suddenly thought of watching one of the protagonists design a toilet for the space station in the original drama "The Big Bang Theory", but then it malfunctioned, causing weightlessness. The poop flew everywhere, and finally had to go to space for repairs.

There is also a Hollywood comedy called "Space Force". In order to save money on the button cover, the general accidentally triggered the fire button, causing the rocket to go up early.

It is indeed a classic, so much so that it is still very interesting to think about it now after so long.

Suri then said to the manager: "Give these two buttons a transparent cover that can be opened. I heard that Britney Spears is more likely to get confused. If she accidentally turns the chair, the contestants will be happy. One incident, I'm afraid that some unlucky guy will be brooding about this incident for the rest of his life."

After hearing this, the manager supervising the construction felt that it made sense.

Anyway, Su Rui is Party A and does not need to pay the bill himself. Of course, the manager has no objection to this.

Compared with the on-site layout, the audio equipment is the most important, and nearly 200 million US dollars were spent on this.

Suri found someone to play the accompaniment and sang a short piece of "The Phoenix" live. All I can say is that the budget was not wasted.

When Suri came off the stage, Secretary Amanda deliberately covered her chest and said, "My heart was almost knocked out by your singing just now. Is this a work-related injury? Please pay my medical expenses quickly..." (End of Chapter)

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