Start with hooves

Chapter 426 Gems

Day two back on Lanai.

When Suri finished lunch, he was taking Daju for a walk to eat and check out the Laysan Albatross cubs on the cliff by the sea.

During this period, he unexpectedly discovered that many tourists were queuing up at the pier and boarding the boat to leave.

It was only around 12 o'clock at noon. Logically speaking, tourists could enjoy the whole day and would have to wait until the evening before going back. With a little curiosity, Su Rui asked:
  "What's going on today? Are these people going out to watch whales? I remember the humpback whale migration season ends in April."

Secretary Amanda seemed to have guessed something, and while glaring at a certain albatross cub in front of her, she said:
  "During the meal, I heard some tourists discussing that the Kilauea volcano had a small eruption, and a lot of green olivine was erupted along with the magma. It can be used to make jewelry and is more valuable. These tourists must have heard the news and ran there Become a gem hunter. You can only spend money traveling here, but you can make money by picking up gems."

Su Rui was surprised: "Is green peridot valuable? No wonder they all ran out, it turns out they can really pick up money."

"It's not bad. The best green peridot can be sold for three to four hundred dollars per carat. I heard last year that someone picked up a big gemstone, bought a small farm directly, and made a fortune growing coffee beans."

"That's pretty good. You can buy some and make them into jewelry and give them away."

Secretary Amanda continued:
  "Isn't it more meaningful for you, boss, to pick it up yourself? I believe your girlfriends will be very touched after hearing about it. The best jewelry I have ever received is the paper ring given to me by my neighbor in elementary school. It's a pity that he already likes men now, no wonder the workmanship is so exquisite, I should have discovered it earlier."

"That makes sense. What did you do to him to make the poor little guy completely lose interest in women?"


After checking around in the morning, there was nothing much to do.

The newly purchased calves are too young, and it will take nearly two years to raise them until they are ready for slaughter. During this period, they will spend all their energy taking care of them, and everything will still be the same as before.

Just have some free time in the afternoon.

Suri set off as soon as he said he wanted to, and took a helicopter to Kona Island. First, he asked the driver to circle Kilauea volcano and enjoy the panoramic view of the entire volcano from a high place.

His helicopter cost tens of millions of dollars to buy, and it is not idle now. It is often rented to tourists for transportation and sightseeing.

After finding a place to land and walking to the gem collecting area, Su Rui discovered that there were far more "gem hunters" than expected. Thousands of them were scattered in various areas, rummaging around with tools in hand.

There are also gem merchants who carry large amounts of cash and buy suitable emeralds directly at low prices. Whether they are middlemen or process them themselves, it is very profitable.

In the face of picking up money, even Suri's attraction dropped sharply.

Some tourists and Hawaii residents, upon hearing the news of his arrival, only looked up for a few glances, and then continued to search for gems, expecting good luck to come, picking up large pieces of high-quality gems, and suddenly becoming rich.

Suri was different from this group of people. He wanted to sharpen his knife and chop wood, so he first talked to a gem merchant and asked which area was easier to find gems.

There was a jeweler named "John" who smiled and told:
  "I suggest you stay away from the crater, but don't go too far. This whole circle is a good place."

"Too close to the crater, because the magma temperature is too high, many gems are melted directly, and it is difficult to preserve them intact. Only the emeralds that are washed away with the magma eruption are easy to be picked up by people. Some volcanoes The same goes for sapphires in the area, which are difficult to mine.”

"Some people came earlier, and the person who made the most money from me earned 3700 US dollars..."

It's still unclear what green peridot looks like. Su Rui only knew what to look for after reading through the merchant's harvest today.

Then I searched for relevant information on my mobile phone and found that Hawaiians call them "the tears of the volcano goddess Billie." In addition to being accompanied by volcanic eruptions, there are also olivine meteorites that also contain many olivines. The price is much higher than those next to the volcano, and can be sold at the price of the meteorite.

Calling Secretary Amanda and the bodyguards together, they searched everywhere for traces of emeralds. Some of the magma contained gems no larger than a grain of rice. They had no value and could not be made into jewelry.

After searching for a while, Suri said to Secretary Amanda: "I'm stupid. I should ask more people to help me find it. The more people come, the easier it will be to pick up enough gems. There are only a few of us now, how can we keep up with them?" Thousands of gem hunters compete.”

Secretary Amanda gave the idea and said:
  "You can take photos to show off, and then go directly to buy ready-made gemstones. They won't know much about it anyway. Just take it as it comes to mind, and it will still make them particularly moved."

The reason why she invited Suri to come over was mainly because she wanted to come and have fun. How could she really be stupid and pick up gems just to give them to other women.


More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Rui lowered his head and kept rummaging around, almost blinding his eyes, but he only found three emeralds the size of rice grains.

Occasionally, you can hear people exclaiming in the distance. The soybean-sized gems are enough to make them dance with joy, feeling that they have made a huge fortune.

Others are looking for gems for the purpose of making money, so they are very motivated.

On the other hand, Suri, whose net worth has soared by about 20 billion US dollars in recent days, only had the thought of "not bad, quite happy". As a result, her back ached and she was so hot that she was sweating profusely. She soon seriously considered secretary Amanda. My suggestion is to get it right in one step and go directly to the jewelry store to buy finished emerald jewelry.

The abducted Big Orange was dozing off to the side with its mouth wide open. It hated the smell of volcanic sulfur around it, and also disliked the cooling magma that was too harsh on its feet.

Not long after, I suddenly felt a stomachache and wanted to find a place to relieve myself.

Looking left and right, Daju found a place covered with small pieces of magma, a bit like a natural cat litter box. He just dug it with his front legs a few times and saw a touch of green, shining in the sunlight. Encased in cooling magma.

If it had been any other cat, he might have simply missed it.

Fortunately, Daju was different. He stared at the stone for a moment, then opened his mouth to bite it, raised his head hard, and ran towards where Suri was.

When Su Rui saw this unusual stone, he was stunned. The emerald, which was the size of an egg, looked like two completely different things from the millet grains he had picked up before.

Some passers-by around him rarely see celebrities in daily life, so they were paying attention to his movements.

When Su Rui raised the stone to look at the light, the flash of light instantly attracted the attention of many people. Even though green peridot is called the "poor man's emerald", such a large one is also very valuable. It has obviously reached Collection level.

Many people stopped and gathered around.

Everyone was talking about it, "It's worth at least 10 US dollars!", "It's less, it should be sold for 20 US dollars!", "Oh my god, I've never seen such a big emerald!" and so on.

As for the big orange.

It didn't forget about the business and continued to dig the hole, then turned around and squatted there with a happy expression on its face.

With the number of gem hunters on site, maybe one lucky person will find the "treasure" buried by it... (End of Chapter)

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