When Suri arrived at the hotel by car.

The leading actors were just working on their lines, trying to find a feel for the next filming.

The same goes for other crews. The actors will take time to get their lines right before filming starts every day.

Sometimes I will prepare some small cards for myself in places that cannot be captured by the camera, so as to avoid forgetting what to say during shooting.

Except for the has-been Ms. Sandra Bullock, the other actors are not famous.

So the few of them sat in the cafe in the corner of the hotel lobby, each holding their own script. No one would be bored and take the initiative to disturb these "strangers".

The average shooting budget of each episode of "Breaking Bad" is as high as 750 million US dollars. A total of 12 episodes of the first season's scripts were written. Due to the relatively ample preparation time, the screenwriters have created them all in advance.

It’s different from writing and filming one episode.

The advantage of creating the entire script in advance is that many scenes can be reused, which also reduces unnecessary personnel expenses, helping to reduce production costs.

For example, some supporting characters.

Originally, they appeared many times in the drama and had to hire them to shoot for many days.

If the director knows the direction of the plot in advance, he can let them shoot certain scenes in one go and use them in later editing to avoid having to pay per episode.

A coherent script can also avoid deviations in the plot and the situation of being forced.

The screenwriting team that previously created "Breaking Bad" has been in the half-year-long preparation stage, just like polishing a movie script, repeatedly revising the script of this drama from beginning to end, laying a lot of foreshadowing. , and also adds many wonderful little stories.

With this attitude toward excellence, "Breaking Bad" feels more like a feature-length movie than a small-screen TV series.

Both the producer and the director have repeatedly reminded the importance of this drama.

In fact, even if they don't say it, the leading actors will still go all out. After all, this kind of opportunity that may completely change their lives is rare for many actors to come across once in a lifetime. No one wants to see this show fail. end.

Surrounded by everyone, Suri attracted too much attention.

As soon as he appeared, Aaron Paul, who played the little gangster, spotted Suri, stood up suddenly, smiled and said: "Su... No, boss! Why are you here? We didn't hear anything in advance."

Bryan Cranston, who plays the protagonist Lao Bai, also stood up hastily at this moment.

He was obviously 30 years older than Suri, but he was still very polite. He walked a few steps quickly, stretched out his hands enthusiastically, and said:

"I'm glad to meet you. I never had the chance to thank you in person. I was so surprised when I received this role."

Suri nodded with a smile and replied:

"I decided to come over for a visit at the last minute without notifying anyone in advance. Has the specific start date been set? Just relax. You are the big stars in the future. I am very confident in this show."

Sandra Bullock has a good relationship with Suri's mother. She used to go to his house for gatherings. Every time his mother came home, she would basically always see this friend.

With this relationship, Sandra Bullock is naturally familiar with Suri. She greeted Suri with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, we got the scripts for the first three episodes and everyone has read them carefully. Based on my experience, its subject matter should be very popular. If this level can be maintained from beginning to end, it will definitely be successful. The shooting start date is tomorrow morning." "I'm looking forward to your performance. Mr. Paul, have you started to get into the mood? You are dressed very well. If you stand on the street corner, the patrolling police officer will probably ask you for questioning. "

After hearing this, Aaron Paul smiled and said:
"Yes, I actually found someone to train me for more than a month. Except that I didn't actually sell medicine, it gave me a lot of inspiration in many details."

This guy's appearance is far from handsome. He looked a bit like a gangster in the first place. Now he has dyed his hair brown, has not shaved his beard cleanly, and wears cheap old clothes. His temperament suddenly fits the character image in the script.

Just chatted a few words.

Jiang Jiaya helped reserve a large bed room, and Su Rui didn't bother them any more to review their lines. He went upstairs to clean up for a while before going out to find a place to try the local Mexican food.

As soon as I arrived at the elevator, I happened to meet Barbara Palvin, who had received the news in advance. This girl had specially packed up her hair. She wore a ponytail with a small vest and a pair of shorts, revealing her slender waist.

As soon as she saw Suri, she smiled and said, "Hey, I suddenly received your text message. I thought you were lying to me."


Jiang Jiaya interpreted a lot of key information from her words, and her eyes immediately changed.

She stared at Suri again and again, as if she was looking at some shameless bastard, and she was also curious as to how the two of them got hooked up under her nose.

After carefully looking at Barbara Palvin, Jiang Jiaya suddenly had the illusion that she was getting older.

It feels like that youthful, young, carefree age is already very far away without even realizing it... In fact, it's only been six or seven years.

Although since the New York concert, we have not lost contact for half a year.

But most of the time, Suri treats Barbara as a "sister" and has no unnecessary distractions.

Chatting with Barbara will keep him young and learn some gossip about the entertainment industry or the modeling industry.

On the contrary, this girl often boldly experiments, often sending beautiful photos of Su Rui at work, and sharing many daily interesting things with him.

Suri walked into the elevator and said to Barbara: "They are dubbing lines, why don't you go and participate?"

"...I have relatively few lines. I have to flip through several pages to find one or two lines. I was there before, and I went upstairs to prepare after receiving your text message. Does this outfit look good? It was when they were shooting endorsement posters for CK. Find a designer to help me customize clothes.”

After looking up and down, Suri thought to herself, the white girl is indeed different, almost 170cm tall.

When she is serious, her appearance has a delicate girlish look, and her smile is contagious. In addition, she has more than 500 million Facebook fans and is deeply loved by young people. It is no wonder that major brands are rushing to find her for endorsements and runway shows.

Take the endorsement contract signed with CK as an example. The two-year price is as high as 580 million US dollars. If Suri had not had a good relationship with her, she might not be able to hire her with a salary of 15 US dollars per episode.

Even though Su Rui was well-informed, he couldn't bear it at the moment and only replied:

"You're very beautiful. It's said online that Karl Lagerfeld praised you publicly, and that handsome models expressed their love to you online?"

"That's right. I have nothing to do with the Brazilian male model. I only met him once at Karl Lagerfeld's party. Later I blocked him. As I told you, he sent me messages one after another. A madman who sent dozens of messages.”

After Barbara finished speaking, she added with a smile: "You shouldn't be jealous, right? He is far behind you..." (End of Chapter)

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