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Chapter 359 A three-legged toad is hard to find

Chapter 359 Three-legged toad is hard to find
People can take shortcuts by relying on appearance and figure, but often ignore some inner things.

This also leads to Suri often feeling that some Hollywood actors look particularly stupid in their daily lives.

Similar situations are more common among child stars.

As a result, many Hollywood child stars who were popular all over the world turned their lives into a mess when they grew up.

Lindsay Lohan, sitting behind Suri tonight, is one of the most classic examples.

Lindsay Lohan became famous in 1998 with the movie "Made in Heaven" and became a popular child star at a young age.

Later, he became addicted to alcohol, drugs, extravagance and waste in life, and he changed boyfriends at every turn, leading to constant scandals.

So much so that I soon couldn't make ends meet, and recently I even started taking some "artistic photos", which caused negative news at every turn.

Unlike Jessica Alba, who came to the Lakers, Lindsay Lohan's goal tonight is Suri.

Not long after the game started, the actress came behind him, reached out and poked Suri on the shoulder, and said with a smile:
"Hey, I'm so excited to meet you. I loved listening to your songs when I was young."

Suri had met this girl before, and in order to avoid unfounded scandals, she deliberately did not say hello to Lindsay Lohan.

At this moment, with a polite smile on his face, he turned around and said, "Thank you, I have also watched your movie."

"If your company is short of actors, maybe you can contact me. Maybe you know that I have encountered some difficulties recently. I heard that Netflix Entertainment has many new projects now?"

After hearing these words from Lindsay Lohan, Suri didn't know what to say.

The difference between online dramas and TV dramas is just that the broadcast channels are different, and the requirements for actors are also very high.

Suri didn't dare to mess around with such an actress who had an unstable personality and could cause trouble at every turn, which might pose a fatal threat to the entire show. She had also become unpopular with the audience.

If one day I knock out too much and faint on the set, the entire project may be implicated.


Su Rui didn't hesitate and just replied: "Sorry, I've been busy with other things recently and don't know much about the progress of the company's projects."

Others outside the circle may care about Lindsay Lohan's fame.

Suri, who is a superstar himself, didn't even bother to communicate with this girl. After smiling to show his helplessness, he asked O'Neal to help explain tonight's game.

He probably didn't take the Warriors seriously.

Before the first quarter ended, Kobe, who had scored 7 points, was taken off the court to rest, probably to prepare for the next game and conserve his energy.

The Warriors' coach decisively seized the opportunity of being underestimated, called a timeout, changed tactics, and used Curry, a newcomer, to speed up the tempo of the entire game again.

In the third quarter, the Warriors actually led the Lakers by 8 points, and the Lakers coach arranged for Kobe to play again.

The superstar seemed to have a bad touch tonight. The beardless Harden stole two balls in succession and failed to score 6 consecutive shots.

The Warriors took the opportunity to successfully close the point difference to 12 points. Even Suri became nervous, hoping to defeat the Lakers tonight.

Although he had not been there in person before, Suri would still take time to stay in front of the TV and watch the live broadcast of his team's games.

After watching a few games, he has discovered that the Warriors' strength seems to be better than expected. Even if they lose, the point difference is basically kept within 10 points, which shows that the difference in strength is not big.

It's just that the Western Conference teams are inherently strong, so they are unable to stand out and are overwhelmed by teams with stronger overall strength, unable to take the lead.

Suri appeared on the big screen several times tonight. Compared with other stars, his aura of super wealth is particularly dazzling.

Jessica Alba, who was sitting across the court, of course saw Suri. When the two looked at each other, the woman smiled sweetly and nodded slightly.If we were to choose the actress with the most relatable smile in Hollywood, Jessica Alba would definitely be No. 1.

It's a pity that she is already the mother of a child, and she was in the news last year because she gave birth to a child.

Suri doesn't have the same idea of ​​being a stepfather to others like Ashton Kutcher, it's just a nod of acquaintance...


With only 4 minutes left in the game, Kobe finally started to exert his strength and tried to turn the tide with two beautiful three-pointers.

However, the Warriors get stronger when things get tough, especially since their contract renewals have not been finalized and several veterans who may be traded out at any time are holding back their energy and continuing to show off their talents today.

His chest felt like a bellows, and sweat dripped down his chin. He began to slow down the pace to delay, and continued to maintain his advantage steadily.

Counting breaks, timeouts, etc., a basketball game lasted just over an hour. When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, even though Kobe threw the ball into the basket, he was still unable to turn the tide.

An achievement like Tracy McGrady's achievement of scoring more than ten points in just 35 seconds is itself a miracle that is difficult to replicate, so it is shocking.

Few people are naturally interested in an activity. Suri has watched several games in succession and has gradually felt the joy in it.

At least I can kill time and have something to do instead of just sitting on the sofa, drinking cocktails and watching dramas...

Lindsay Lohan noticed Suri's alienation and still didn't give up after the game, saying again:

"I have acted in movies before and achieved good results. You may not realize it yet, but if I join your company, I will probably bring in many viewers."

Suri hasn't spoken yet.

Secretary Amanda first used a lazy tone and mocked:
"Stop your arrogance. You are famous for who you were before. Things are very different now. Our company may film a drama for several seasons. Are you sure you can maintain your status? If you want to get a chance, you must compete fairly. Prove that you are really capable.”


not far away.

Jessica Alba, who originally wanted to get close to Suri and take the opportunity to get to know her, looked embarrassed after hearing this and was worried that she would be difficult to get along with.

It's not good to continue saying hello, and it would be rude to leave directly.

Fortunately, Suri came to help and took the initiative to say to Jessica:

"I was a fan of yours for a while and went to the cinema to watch "Dark Angel". I originally wanted to invite you to guest star in a sitcom, but would it be inconvenient for me to exchange contact information with my secretary?"

"...Of course there is no problem. I am preparing to make a comeback recently. The child is growing up and a nanny is responsible for taking care of it."

After Jessica Alba finished speaking, she looked at Lindsay Lohan, who was slightly embarrassed, and said nothing.

Feeling slighted, Lindsay Lohan turned around and left in anger. She really felt that as a big-screen actor, her willingness to act in a network TV series was condescending to lower her worth.

Therefore, after being ignored and ridiculed, he would become even more angry and walk away angrily on high heels.

It is estimated that in her heart, she still has to criticize 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. In the future, even if she begs herself, she will not accept any more roles from Netflix Entertainment.

In fact, three-legged toads are hard to find. There are many actresses in Hollywood who are prettier and more serious than Lindsay Lohan. Suri doesn't care if she offends her at all.

With attention focused on Jessica Alba, Suri tried to ask her if she would like to take on a role in the "Female Women" project...

(End of this chapter)

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