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Chapter 353 It's Not Too Late

Chapter 353 It's Not Too Late
Suri’s Lanai Island, Facebook, Apple and Netflix entertainment shares are all popular high-quality assets.

Just as he feels that the value of Netflix Entertainment is undervalued, Goldman Sachs is also very optimistic about this company, so much so that in the past six months, it has repeatedly increased its holdings in the stock of Netflix's parent company and publicly raised its target price again and again.

The Penguin Group is also particularly valued by Wall Street.

Its reputation in the United States is second only to Alibaba, and it is one of the leading Chinese concept stocks. It has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for several years. Its performance is open and transparent, and its value is relatively guaranteed.

So even though Suri was unable to provide more collateral, his previous two consecutive heavy positions in Apple had almost drained him dry.

David Levine is still very cheerful.

He decided to take over the business without hesitation and was willing to provide Suri with another low-interest loan.

While tonight's game hasn't started yet.

The senior partner of Goldman Sachs Group turned to Suri and said, "I seem to have thought of a way to help you."


"When you pledged shares of Facebook and Netflix Entertainment in our group before, their value was not as high as it is now. I only need to help you release the pledge and resubmit the application, so that you can continue to complete the previous orders with less collateral. , I will find a way to reduce the handling fee when the time comes.”

David Levine chewed a nicotine quit candy and went on to explain:
"In this way, you have other assets to pledge, plus the money you earn from Apple stocks, it is enough to raise US$12 billion, and there are no problems with the procedures."

"However, I must remind you that if any company liquidates its position or encounters a financial crisis, it may trigger a chain reaction and cause you heavy losses."

"Why don't you lower your requirements appropriately, for example, only acquire 10% of the shares of Penguin Group from the South African Newspaper Group. In this way, your pressure will be much less."

The subprime mortgage crisis just ended last year.

The current global environment is no different than in memory, and Suri is not worried about encountering systemic financial risks again.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with releasing the mortgage and refinancing, so he nodded and said:

"As long as my assets appreciate very quickly, the debt pressure will not be able to catch up with me. Penguin Group has performed very well in the past few years. I am worried that if I don't buy more now, I won't be able to afford it in the future."

Back around 2003.

Suri made a lot of money from singing, and then paid attention to Penguin Group.

His idea at the time was to go to Silicon Valley to earn more money first, and then return to China.

It's a loss of ignorance.

He originally thought that making money on Nasdaq would be faster and it would be easier to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, the share price of Penguin Group shot up like a rocket. It increased hundreds of times in just a few years, but its equity was not diluted much.

By the time Su Rui realized this, it was already too late and he had missed the best opportunity to buy it.


It’s not too late to make plans now.

Around 2003, if you had invested US$3000 million in Penguin Group, even if it had increased 100 times, it would still be worth US$30 billion.

Now, if the US$48 billion is successfully invested, Suri can earn US$50 billion as long as the market value doubles.

He didn't pay much attention to it in his previous life. He only remembered that the future value of Penguin Group seemed to exceed 20000 trillion Hong Kong dollars.

Based on this market value, he has the opportunity to acquire 15% of the shares this time, and the potential future earnings are enough to make him laugh out loud.

In this 2009.

Even the most daring economists cannot predict how the mainland's national fortunes will turn out in the next dozen years.

After being hit by the financial tsunami last year, the "Chinese collapse theory" has become increasingly popular internationally. Many institutions believe that there is already a big bubble in mainland assets.

So in the first two months.

When Suri accidentally discovered that Penguin Group's stock price had increased by more than 50% compared with the lowest point of the stock market crash at the beginning of this year.He immediately guessed that the South African Newspaper Group, as the major shareholder, would probably agree to cash out part of the money.

Therefore, he immediately ordered the person in charge of his family office to actively contact the company.

I didn't have high expectations at first, but there has been no news yet.

Last week, things took a turn for the worse.

It seems to be because their company is trying to cash out, use the money to expand the pay TV industry in Africa, and invest in the development of iron mines in South Africa.

Obviously, this is an attempt to make enough money and reposition some stable assets.

David Levine couldn't guess what he was thinking.

But he knew that Suri was not a casual person, at least when it came to business. He had always had a vicious eye, like an old fox who would never let go of a target he had bitten.

For the sake of his own commission, David Levin stopped trying to persuade him and immediately told him:

"I will communicate with the mainland banks and the South African Press Group. If everything goes well, the contract can be signed within two or three days at the earliest."

"Ah, by the way. The payment time can be delayed for a few days."

"I often deal with Internet companies in the mainland. The procedures for those banks are more complicated. Setting aside a certain amount of time can prevent you from paying liquidated damages."

Like many business managers, David Levine is very sharp-tongued.

After listening to it, Su Rui thought it was okay.

Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Construction Bank all have offices in the United States, making communication very convenient without having to fly to the mainland.

The amount involved this time was relatively large, and he happened to be investing in BYD at that time. Suri asked his father to ask a domestic bank to discuss the pledge loan.

I don't know which part went wrong.

Later, several banks heard the news and sent people one after another to communicate with Su Rui's father.

After mutual consultation, the four major mainland banks quickly agreed on each other's shares and decided to share the large orders equally, which not only ensured that each bank had performance to gain, but also did not have to bear all the risks.

In fact, a bank can easily eat it.

The reason for such a situation is probably because someone came forward to coordinate it, otherwise it would be difficult to be so harmonious.

Sitting on the edge of the basketball court.

The game started quickly, with Curry and Harden, newly signed this year, both starting.

Unlike Harden in Suri's impression, this guy has no beard now and looks hard to describe.

Suri didn't know much about tactics and passing, so he just watched the fun.

The atmosphere among the Warriors fans present was quite good.

The team's performance was poor in the past two years. Although this year's drastic reforms will not necessarily improve the performance, it will still create a greater sense of expectation than before.

Harden was just starting out and was being thrown around by Rockets players on the court. He was obviously not used to it yet.

Curry, who was highly recommended by O'Neal, took decisive action from the beginning, running around the court very fast.

As the boss, Suri can't do much.

At this moment, I discussed with Jiang Jiaya and asked her to find a nearby bar online and order some delicious food to go with the drink.

If you don't eat or drink after playing, it always feels like you played in vain.

If you win, celebrate, if you lose, summarize your experience and lessons. He still knows these rules.
(End of this chapter)

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