Start with hooves

Chapter 348 More pessimistic market sentiment

In Suri's eyes.

Leighton Meester's appearance is not the type of beauty that makes men subconsciously say "Wow" when they see her, but her acting skills are very good.

It was precisely because of the smart and tsundere played by Leighton Meester that she once left a deep impression on him.


When selecting actors in advance, Suri spent some time and selected her from a group of young actors in the database to form a best friend with the character played by Blake.

Interestingly, one of them has a nickname "S" and the other a nickname "B". They both use the initials of their names, which has nothing to do with swearing.

As the second female lead in "Gossip Girl".

Leighton Meester plays a rich New York daughter this time. She has a willful temper, dislikes poverty and loves wealth. Like many sorority members in school, her family not only owns a department store on Fifth Avenue, but her mother also runs it. A certain fashion brand.

With this family background as a support, her character in the play is enough to rise into the upper class of Manhattan.

In the drama, her net worth is second only to that of the real estate tycoon heir who is the second male lead and runs hotels and apartment buildings, and is richer than the heroine Queen "S".

However, the character played by Blake also has a family background that is not bad.

In addition to having a divorced billionaire father, her mother also has a prominent family background. She owns a charitable trust foundation and belongs to one of the established families in New York.

The backgrounds of these characters were all designed by Suri himself based on vague memories.

The difference is that when he was watching the drama in his previous life, he still felt that there was a Pacific Ocean between him and the celebrities.

And now.

As long as he hooks his fingers, the skirts of many so-called celebrities will fall down, and there is no need to envy the colorful lives of others.

The crew here.

The director is arranging for the heroine and the hero to hurry up and film, and they will be transferred to the yacht later.

Today the crew rented a 49-meter luxury yacht. The rental price is quite expensive, and if it goes overtime, you will have to pay a high additional fee.

It happened that Suri came to New York again, and the producers didn't want this extra expense to affect their future prospects.

The director was busy filming while Suri and Daddario watched.

Suddenly remembering something, he used his mobile phone to search the website of the HBO streaming platform to see what day this potential competitor's new urban-themed drama was scheduled to be broadcast.

This time, I temporarily disrupted the original arrangement and released "Gossip Girl" in advance, just to snipe the new drama launched on the HBO platform.

As a television network under the Time Warner Group, the HBO streaming media platform has a particularly high starting point since its birth and has a solid foundation.

In the past three or four months, it has attracted nearly 400 million paying members based solely on old dramas from Time Warner Group, and the number of monthly active users has exceeded [-] million, making Suri envious.

Compared with this kind of platform project with its own huge film library resources, other online TV projects launched in Silicon Valley appear vulnerable to Netflix Entertainment.

Considering that many people have limited free time, some viewers often only follow one drama at a certain time.

If they choose another platform, it will inevitably have a certain negative impact on Netflix Entertainment's short-term performance.

This negative impact is not too big.

But Suri is worried that HBO's streaming media business will develop too fast, which will cause other companies to have other ideas, and it needs to be curbed in advance to avoid being surrounded.

If HBO invests a lot of money, but is still overwhelmed by Netflix Entertainment, unable to convert the investment into enough users, it will fall into a loss-making situation.Then other potential competitors who are still waiting and watching will most likely choose to give up entering the competition, which will allow Suri to avoid a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he hopes to use this new drama with the same theme to silently tell investors in the market that even if Time Warner Group takes action, it will not be able to curb the upward momentum of Netflix Entertainment, and he will still be the leader in the streaming media field.

There are still many people who feel that Suri and Netflix Entertainment are just lucky.

Because it was the first to launch a new platform, it occupied the vast majority of the market share. When other competitors develop, they will begin to show their original shape and return to a reasonable value.

After all, in terms of film library resources, talent reserves, funds and influence, it is indeed the giants such as Disney and Time Warner Group that have the advantage.

This relatively pessimistic market sentiment has also affected the valuation agency’s pricing of Netflix Entertainment.

Otherwise, based on annual revenue of about US$12 billion, Netflix Entertainment’s valuation should soar to at least US$120 billion.

The price difference that occurs is mainly due to lack of market confidence.

Many venture capital institutions and financial practitioners are doubting whether Netflix Entertainment's self-produced dramas can maintain the current high level as always.

Many screenwriters, writers, singers and directors reached the peak of their lives when they debuted, but it turned out to be just a flash in the pan, and they were quickly forgotten in the end.

It's not difficult to become famous instantly, but the difficult thing is to maintain it for a long time.

Netflix Entertainment, which has just been founded for more than a year, still has a very shallow foundation.
I accidentally discovered that HBO's new drama will premiere this Friday, and the first episode of "Gossip Girl" will be online this Saturday. The timing just happened to coincide with it.

Su Rui whispered at this moment:

"Do you remember HBO's new drama "School of Desire," right? Is there any new news coming out in the industry? How is its quality?"

Daddario thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"It seems that there are only those rumors that have been circulated. I heard that it is like a campus version of "Sex and the City", telling the story of college freshmen. Many TV series on HBO have always liked to touch on the sidelines. Some young people may like this theme very much."

I've heard about this for a long time.

Suri continued:

"In "Gossip Girl", various fashion circles and upper-class content are very attractive to female audiences, but men may not necessarily like it. If it is not just a side project, my people will also write scripts. When the time comes, "Two Men" The crew of "Half Half" looks for more beauties to guest star. If Megan Fox is invited, will you be angry?"

Daddario said cheerfully:
"This is a business matter. There is no need to ask me. If you were angry just for inviting her to film, then Youyou should be angry to death long ago. Your ex-girlfriend Ke'er is her colleague and we see each other often."

"Meghan is too popular now. If she is invited to make a guest appearance, she may not agree. Let the director worry about it. It has nothing to do with me."

Suri didn't dare to think too deeply about the issue of her ex-girlfriend and her current girlfriend becoming colleagues.

Since Hoshino Yuko rarely mentioned it, he just pretended that nothing happened. Anyway, he did not contact Miranda Kerr again. These are issues left over from history.

Because of the stockings thing in the morning, Su Rui knew that she was in the wrong and suggested, "You are more familiar with Manhattan. Can we find a restaurant for lunch?"

"There is a restaurant near the high school where I study. You might like its spicy fried pork chops. I haven't been there in a few years. I don't know if it's still open."

Daddario previously attended a private school in Manhattan.

Because of his outstanding appearance, he got the opportunity to film movies when he was a teenager. Later, he chose to give up his studies and wanted to be a professional actor.

Suri replied with interest:

"Okay, I want to know what you looked like back then. Bring me your old photos next time." (End of Chapter)

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