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Chapter 346 Angel Wings

Chapter 346 Angel Wings
After Suri left.

The family took turns asking Daddario what stage the relationship between her and Suri had reached.

In order not to let family members interfere too much, we have too high expectations for this relationship.

Daddario only said that they were trying to get along, and they had a slight affection for each other, but it was not a formal kind.

As a federal prosecutor in New York, her father often came into contact with big names in his daily life.

But their family lives in New York and can only be considered middle class after all.

I thought I could only do this in this life, but I didn't expect my daughter to be so successful.

So that night, my wife and I chatted with Daddario for more than 40 minutes before finally letting her go back to rest.

Daddario just felt that he couldn't stay at home anymore, and he had the urge to pack his bags immediately and go to Suri overnight.
Suri's side.

We took a car to the entrance of a hotel called "Knickerbocker" located next to Times Square.

Tonight, Victoria's Secret held an event in this hotel. Suri and Hoshino Yuko exchanged messages and learned that the party was about to end, so they stopped by to pick her up.

While waiting for Hoshino Yuko.

I had nothing to do, so I checked the information of this hotel on my mobile phone and found that there is a beautiful 370-square-meter terrace on the roof, which is often used to hold some parties.

Many related photos can also be found on posts posted by Facebook users.

Standing on the rooftop of the hotel, you can overlook the colorful night view of Times Square, surrounded by high-rise buildings. The scenery is really good.

The reason why I know this.

It's because he is coming to New York for a concert, and it is inevitable that he will need to prepare a party for important guests, and at the same time expand his network of contacts in New York.

The rooftop garden of this hotel has a beautiful environment, but unfortunately it is a bit small and the space seems not sufficient.

Having learned the lesson of being captured alive by her mother and brother just downstairs at Daddario's house, Suri did not get out of the car this time.

Soon I saw Yuko Hoshino walking out of the hotel door and walking to the roadside with other colleagues.

The two-color phantom is too eye-catching.

Seeing the familiar bodyguard standing next to the car, Hoshino Yuko smiled and walked over in high heels.

During this period, some colleagues waved to her and asked loudly: "Youyou, where are you going? The company car is over here~"

Victoria's Secret is holding a party tonight to warm up for the upcoming Victoria's Secret show next month. In order to facilitate travel, two minibuses were rented to transport them.

There were more than 30 supermodels in total, all with long legs and thin waists, which simply dazzled the eyes of the doorman and hotel security guards.

Hoshino Yuko looked back at her colleagues, waved her hands and said with a smile:
"I have other arrangements. You should go back to the dormitory first. Don't worry, I won't miss the interview tomorrow morning. Remember to say hello to the housekeeper for me."

Many models come from abroad or live in other cities in the United States.

In order to allow them to work with peace of mind, Victoria's Secret funded the renting of several luxury townhouses in the Upper East Side as dormitories.

Leaving aside privacy, they are quite comfortable in other aspects. There is a housekeeper who takes care of them on weekdays.

Therefore, a few months ago, Yuko Hoshino chose to buy a house on the beach in Malibu, California, instead of buying a house near the company.

After getting in the car.

Hoshino Yuko rubbed her face, gave up on the silly supermodel persona, and said angrily:
"I'm afraid my angel wings this year will be ruined! A newcomer has roped in a Wall Street private equity firm as a sponsor. I heard that the condition for advertising is to get a pair of wings. This is simply unfair." "."

Suri wanted to remind you.

Her ability to sign as a Victoria's Secret supermodel was also the result of her own behind-the-scenes operations. To say "fair" seems a bit inappropriate.

Finding fault at this time will only lead to resentment.

So he just asked: "How much is the advertising sponsorship fee? If you pay it, you will definitely get wings and be promoted to become a Victoria's Secret Angel?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not asking you to help me. It just so happens that this year's design is particularly ugly. It doesn't matter if I don't have wings, so I won't be laughed at by others."

Hoshino Yuko was very happy to see him. She quickly regained her composure and then said:

"Can you imagine that the underwear is rose red, and the wings, stockings and shoes are also rose red? That is the opening style of this year. When I saw it, I was shocked. I think I will be scolded afterwards."

After picturing the scene in his mind, Su Rui found it particularly eye-catching.

Fortunately, Victoria's Secret didn't invite him to sing again this year. Even if it messed up in the end, it wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Putting his arms around Hoshino Yuko, Suri reminded:

"Anyway, you just need to take this job as a springboard for your career. The ceiling of the modeling industry is probably Gisele Bundchen. Her global popularity is not as good as many second-tier Hollywood actresses."

"And now you only get a contract price of US$100 million. Instead of wasting your time here, you might as well run the YOYO clothing store seriously and become an internet celebrity, which can also gain a lot of attention."

After hearing this, Yuko Hoshino said in a tangled tone:

"Besides, the contract period is not over yet, and I have to at least finish participating in this year's Victoria's Secret show. It's really annoying for a bunch of women to get together and fight over the order of the stage and the style of clothing."

Suri motioned to the bodyguard to drive and said calmly:
"It's up to you. Compared with your colleagues, you have a lot of choices. Whether you want to be an Internet celebrity, an actor, a businessman, etc., I can help you. I feel like Victoria's Secret is a mess. There are many activities, which are helpful to your company, but for you personally, they are a waste of time."

Hoshino Yuko nodded and said:
"Yes, tonight's party, for example, is entirely to please the advertising advertisers. Maybe being a freelance model is more suitable for me. I only attend some events during fashion weeks, so that I can settle in Los Angeles."


Hearing these last words, Su Rui suddenly felt like digging a hole to bury himself.

Fortunately, there is YOYO clothing company to relieve her boredom, and they can arrange some roles when the time comes, and try to persuade her to transform into an actress.

If we get tired of being together all day long.

He very much suspected that within half a year, conflicts would arise frequently and the wonderful chemical reaction between men and women would completely disappear from his mind.

Suri had long since determined that he was really not suitable for a down-to-earth life.

Whenever a woman wants to go further, he has the urge to run away, so he strongly supports Daddario and Yuko Hoshino in purchasing real estate in advance and never discusses the issue of living together.

After all, the smooth life has become a bit boring. If we lose the emotional spice, life will be so boring.

Have the chef prepare a pizza ahead of time.

After returning to the suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, Suri and Yuko Hoshino finished eating pizza and fought until 01:30 in the morning.

Switching to West Coast time, it was only about 10:30 p.m., and Suri was still not sleepy yet.

He asked Hoshino Yuko to rest first, went to the small study alone, turned on the computer and watched the latest episode of "Prison Break"
(End of this chapter)

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