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Chapter 334 Premiere

Chapter 334 Premiere
"Death Comes" consists of several short stories, and the post-production process is relatively easy.

In addition, there are very few special effects shots, and the rest can be edited according to the content of the script.

Suri did not watch the samples in advance. Her original words were, "Wait until the premiere to watch. It's best to give me a surprise."

This puts the Chinese-American director James Wan under a lot of pressure, worried that Daju Film Company will screw up because of him when it just started.

After the rough cutting was completed a few days ago, the preliminary production was completed.

Director James Wan also organized an internal test screening within Netflix Film Company with a total of 43 people participating, and more than 30 people gave the film a score of 7 or more.

The remaining few don't like thriller themes very much, and the reason for giving low scores is not that the movie itself is too bad.

Then based on the feedback results, the director will edit again, and then send the sample film for rating, waiting for release.

Suri originally thought that the major film companies would once again try to interfere with it through the Motion Picture Association of America.

For example, if the rating result is raised from R to NC-17, which is "strictly prohibited for viewing by those under 17 years of age," this will lead to a reduction in the number of films scheduled, and the screening time will also be easily placed at night.

Unexpectedly, the final rating result was still rated R, which means "it is recommended that people over 17 years old watch it, or watch it with the supervision of their parents."

In the movie "Death Is Coming", there aren't too many bloody scenes, but it's full of suspense.

The audience can't help but guess, who is the next victim? What is the method of death?
It is said that several parents who participated in the rating did discuss whether to set it as NC-17 to avoid affecting the physical and mental health of teenagers.

However, most reviewers felt that it had no explicit scenes, no profanity, violence or drug use, and that accidents do happen every day, so it can remind viewers to pay attention to safety.

In the end, it was rated R, which is actually quite fair.

Suri's personal connections played an important role during this period, and he gave the green light almost all the way from rating to distribution.

We had previously reconciled with the theaters, so before the editing of "Death Comes" was completed, several theaters helped to warm up the publicity in advance, hung posters in conspicuous places in the theaters, and quickly finalized the release date.

Since it is the first movie invested and produced by Suri, "Death Comes" has been widely discussed. The theaters are not stupid, so how can they push the money-making opportunities to other countries.

Ever since he gave the promise.

The Netflix entertainment platform has promised that it will no longer create a separate online theater chain to release new movies, unless after a movie is produced, no distributor is willing to purchase it for a period of time, and the conflict between the two parties has been resolved.

The top three theater chains in North America have all promised to provide at least 12% of the film schedule. The rest depends on the box office performance of "Death is Coming", and the number of screens will be reduced or increased accordingly.

Since it is a thriller-themed movie, its audience has been limited from the beginning. Suri feels that the amount of films scheduled is so-so.

If we switch to the "Iron Man" series, the number of films scheduled can even exceed 50%. Marvel movies are now synonymous with high box office.

An additional investment was made some time ago, and the total investment in "Death Is Coming" was only about US$2200 million. Cost recovery is not a big problem, and people don't have high expectations for it...


September 9th, Friday night.

According to traditional rules, Daju Film Company planned a premiere ceremony at the Chinese Theater on the Avenue of Stars.

A total of more than 200 invitations were sent out. That night, at the entrance of the theater with a strange shape and full of earthy flavor, many celebrities were welcomed. Reporters swarmed in and the flashlights were on.

As the heroine, Daddario was standing next to Suri with a smile on his face and said:
"Tonight is simply more lively than the premieres of many blockbusters. From the beginning of filming to the release, it has only been less than three months. It is really too fast."

"Many new directors shoot similar themes, and the production cycle is also very short. Not to mention that I have so many resources. This is normal."

Compared with blockbusters that often invest tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, "Death is Coming" is a small production, and Suri didn't put any thought into it from beginning to end.

The sense of accomplishment is generally proportional to the hard work put in, so he has no pressure at the moment, just like an ordinary audience waiting to watch a movie, occasionally saying a few polite words to some important guests.As the heroine, Daddario is far more nervous than Suri. She is afraid that the transformation will fail and the box office will fail tomorrow.

To avoid troubling others.

This time, the big guys from Silicon Valley were not invited, and the guests were mainly from the Hollywood area.

Many new directors and small film company bosses held premiere ceremonies for their works, and the scene was a shabby one.

On the other hand, Suri.

Some starlets obviously didn't receive the invitations, so they came to join in the fun on their own initiative, for fear that they would not be able to enter the new circle he formed and would be excluded.

this time.

Daddario was slightly surprised, patted Suri quietly, and motioned for him to look aside.

I saw Ashton Kutcher, who had just heard the news of divorce for more than a month, accompanied by a very famous singer female companion - Britney Spears.

Suri was surprised and couldn't figure out how the two of them got together.

I thought that I must have been with mature women for a long time, and finally discovered the beauty of finding a sweet girl and a silly girl. The pairing of the two handsome men and beautiful women seemed to be a good match at first glance.

Appearing in public on such an occasion is basically tantamount to an official announcement of a relationship.

The reporters who were helping to figure out the fish and go through the process were as stunned as crazy. They kept flashing their lights and shouted that they wanted to interview Ashton and Britney.

The two of them did not accept interviews and just smiled and waved.

Ashton came to Suri after taking the photo and introduced:

"I don't need to say more about this. After we met in our club last week, it felt like love at first sight."

Britney Spears has a really sweet smile and is deeply loved by young people in Europe and America.

She said to Suri: "Hi, congratulations on your new movie. I also like your songs."

There have been frequent gossips recently, saying that this girl is not in the right mental state and that like many child stars who became famous at a young age, her life is a mess.

Su Rui didn't notice anything unusual. She only remembered that she was monitored by her family in her previous life and even got into a lawsuit.

She wasn't optimistic about their relationship, but Suri didn't show anything and only smiled:
"I also like your song very much. I'm a bit busy tonight. Let's go and sit down first. We'll find a chance to have a drink together next time."

Daddario also said hello to them and quickly went to entertain the other guests.

Hollywood has premieres all year round, and actors cheer for each other. People in the industry have long been accustomed to this kind of life.

The admission process was orderly.

Many movie critics who had received benefits went to work in advance, thinking that even if it was a bad movie tonight, they would not offend Suri too much.

It is best to avoid Daddario as the heroine and put the blame on the humble director Wen Ziren.

Of course, it would be great if you can find the bright spots and give a few compliments when the time comes.

Now everyone in Hollywood knows that Suri has always been very generous with his actions, and to go against him would be to cut off the money.

Since the emergence of movie websites, the position of film critic has been declining, and its influence is getting worse day by day...

(End of this chapter)

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