Start with hooves

Chapter 319 Remorse

Chapter 319 Remorse
The concert just ended.

Relevant news quickly appeared and quickly spread all over the Internet.

No matter if you click on Facebook, Youtube or other forums or news websites, you will see news about this concert.

throughout the concert.

Counting the songs of the guest singers, a total of 23 songs were sung, which was quite satisfactory.

Five of them are Suri's new songs, which have received quite good responses, with unanimous praise in the comment section.

People can't wait to buy the album, and the number of pre-orders on websites such as Amazon and eBay totals more than 170 million.

The chorus of 35 people made other singers cry with envy, which shows that Suri's songs are very popular.

However, Suri's performance has always been very stable. Basically every song is a masterpiece. It is reasonable that the concert was held so smoothly.

When other singers hold concerts, they need to find ways to please the audience, arrange some fancy activities, and use sensationalism.

Suri, who has always been aloof and has a fortune of billions of dollars, was able to suddenly hold a concert, which has already made fans overjoyed.

It is rare to experience such a grand event in person. Most fans feel that the trip is worthwhile and can't wait to share tonight's event on Facebook.

As for sneaking away immediately after singing and deliberately reducing interaction, it was mainly for safety reasons.

There are 35 people crowded on the small Santa Monica beach. If there is crowding or stampede due to Suri, the consequences will most likely be particularly serious.

Therefore, the organizer had already warned him not to stay, otherwise Su Rui would want to stay and not leave until the arrangements were made...

It is different from others who became famous overnight and have a very "nouveau riche" mentality.

Suri has long been a star, and since this year has become the most popular singer in the United States, with physical and digital album sales reaching the top of the charts one after another.

So after getting up the next morning.

When he saw the overwhelming news, he just thought that the experience last night was great, and the rest was nothing.

After the concert, he took Daddario and Yuko Hoshino to Ashton's private club and drank until after one o'clock.

I originally had some ideas and planned to take advantage of everyone's excitement to experience the feeling of being slept together again.

However, after arriving at Dadario's house, he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

It wasn't until he got up in the morning that he discovered that the three of them were actually sleeping on the same bed, but they were just sleeping.

The opportunity had been missed, much to Suri's regret.

At this moment, he was sighing while enduring the hangover, which made him feel more heartbroken than screwing up the concert.

I vaguely remember that the two girls had already acquiesced to it that night, but unfortunately they didn't live up to the expectations and regretted that they drank less than they drank with Ashton and the others.

At this moment.

Hoshino Yuko was wearing a nightgown, sitting opposite him and asked: "Why did we come here last night? Instead of going to your house?"

Daddario was equally fragmented and curious about this question.

Suri drank milk to nourish her stomach, and after a little thought, she found the answer and said:

"Maybe it was because my parents came back that I decided to come here. When I got up in the morning, I saw my mother calling me and asking me why I didn't go back."

The two girls could certainly guess why he couldn't cheer up, and they tacitly agreed not to discuss this topic.

The situation was a bit awkward, but it was acceptable. It was much better than last time.

The Daddario's nanny helped make omelettes and toast, brought the plates to the table, and placed them in front of them.

Suri has experience dealing with hangovers.In addition, ask the nanny to bring two cans of beer, and drink some Huihun wine to refresh yourself early in the morning, so as not to feel uncomfortable all day long.

Check the news on your phone.

Among the hot searches in entertainment, Suri dominated the list today.

Regardless of the concert itself, the new songs performed publicly last night, the fireworks show, etc., have become the focus of media attention.

In addition, there is fresh news this morning. You can see people sleeping on the beach in Santa Monica, as well as on the roadside.

Some media predict that this concert will bring a total of US$5 million in economic benefits to Los Angeles, including ticket revenue, transportation, accommodation, catering, shopping and other related industries.

There is also a new album "The Night". Fans once again lined up in front of record stores, and several music websites put the digital album in the most conspicuous advertising space.

The income from the concert, plus the income from the new album, is estimated to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in income to Suri. There is no need to worry about the funds to film "Inception".

Just after finishing her meal, Hoshino Yuko went home to rest, and Suri arranged a car to take her there.

Daddario took a leave of absence from the crew and had to rush back to the crew as soon as possible to continue filming.

So Suri had to go home alone and talk to her parents about their current situation.

On the TV screen in the living room.

At this moment, a scene of a CNN reporter holding a microphone and interviewing someone on the beach was being played, reporting a news story about a store being robbed in the early morning.

Jiang Jiaya glanced inadvertently and said in a surprised tone: "Hey, isn't this Manager Oliver? He was robbed?"

"...How unlucky is he?"

Suri turned up the TV volume and saw Manager Oliver wiping away tears and saying:

"I was selling wine here last night, and the business was very good. The queue to buy wine never stopped. There was about 10 US dollars in the bag. Just when we were about to close the stall, a few black people robbed my money. Take my car!"

Last night, more than [-] people chose to stay on the beach and spend the night in the open air because of poor traffic.

The seaside in summer is very warm, even without a quilt.

Manager Oliver had anticipated this in advance and worked specifically with people to purchase a large amount of drinks. The business was so good that it was exaggerated.

This guy dared to set up a stall at night and earned a lot of cash.

With the poor security situation in Los Angeles, it is inevitable that people will be jealous and eventually targeted.

The new album is already on sale and Manager Oliver's finances will soon improve.

Su Rui didn't worry about him. He just smacked his lips and said:

"I want to stay away from him from now on. Oliver is so unlucky that I'm worried that he will pollute my good luck. If one day in the future, I see him living on the street, I won't be surprised at all."

Jiang Jiaya agreed with him very much and told:

"One or two unlucky moments can be said to be accidents. Being like this only proves that he has no brains. Why not find two security guards or send the cash away in advance?"

Su Rui spread his hands and said:
"Maybe it's because knowing me has used up all the good luck in his life. If I have an enemy, I can send Oliver there to destroy the other party's company."

Jiang Jiaya changed the topic and continued:

"At Netflix Entertainment, your concert video has been put online, and we hired someone to edit it overnight, just like the Victoria's Secret Show. The planning department would like your help to promote it on Facebook to prevent the number of viewers from being too small. This caused Citibank to be dissatisfied and affected subsequent advertising revenue."

Su Rui stretched out her hand to make an OK gesture and stood up to watch the video first.

I will probably go to New York in the second half of the year and arrange another super concert. I need to sum up some experience to achieve better results...

(End of this chapter)

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