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Chapter 296 Another female lead

Chapter 296 Another female lead

A Ponzi scheme is simple to operate.

It is nothing more than using high yields as bait to continuously attract more investors to spend money.

Financial management products themselves have no income as support. Instead, they use investors' money to pay customers' income, constantly demolishing one thing to make up for the other, creating the illusion of ultra-high returns.

The rate of return seems high on the surface, and it often attracts more and more customers, and the total amount of funds grows rapidly like a snowball.

By the time the thunderstorm started, the scale was basically terrifying.

For example, Bernard Madoff, the former chairman of the board of directors of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, was caught last year.

Before the Ponzi scheme was exposed, he had always been one of the most popular "investment experts" on Wall Street. The total scale of his scams exceeded US$600 billion, and he was once as famous as the stock god Buffett.

In total, more than 4000 victims were deceived, including HSBC, Spanish financial giant Santander, BNP Paribas, UBS, etc.

Even these professional financial institutions can fall into the pit, not to mention Manager Oliver, who has no brains. This guy heard his friends mention the high rate of return, so he rushed to it and wasted 200 million US dollars. .

As one of Suri's earliest partners, Manager Oliver still holds a small stake in the bluegrass company to this day.

With the two albums "Phoenix" and "Natural", he received a total of about 310 million U.S. dollars in dividends in six months, and he also had to pay income tax.

This somersault was a serious fall.

Sure enough, there is no wealth luck. Money comes and goes even faster.

The next two days.

As many pieces of information were revealed, a reporter described the details of what happened on the news.

The scammer named Jim White did once work at the Federal Reserve, but he was just an ordinary financial analyst.

He originally planned to engage in the fund business honestly, but he did not expect that last year he suddenly encountered a financial tsunami caused by the subprime mortgage crisis, which caused his fund company to face bankruptcy. So he took the risk and started a Ponzi scheme, attracting more than 300 people in Los Angeles. investors, with a starting investment amount of US$50.

If nothing else happens, this scam can go on for a long time, and no investigators paid attention to him in advance.

However, that Jim White couldn't control the zipper and found a third- and fourth-tier starlet who looked like a big-headed and brainless star as his girlfriend. Last week, he was resented for cheating on her. That sexy woman from San Diego directly moved his little star. Safe, go report this guy for financial crimes.

As the safe was opened, there were all kinds of forged documents inside. The prosecutors laughed happily. They had never encountered a Shunfeng Bureau with such complete evidence.

He opened up his face directly and captured Jim White in one fell swoop. Because he was worried that this guy would run away, the bail was set at 2000 million US dollars.

Faced with this number, Su Rui wondered if it was some judge who had been deceived during the period, and was determined to put him in an iron cage first...

The sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window was gloomy, and it started to rain lightly.

This was exactly the weather director David Lynch wanted, so someone called Daddario and asked her to return to the set for filming later.

Daddario wasn't very tired at first, so he didn't care. At this moment, he was eating seafood porridge face to face with Suri. She curiously asked:
"I saw pictures on Facebook. Yuko Hoshino went to Europe again and got an advertising endorsement from Tiffany & Co.?" Suri was extremely calm about this and continued to browse the news on her mobile phone. She explained: "It seems that she was just shooting some graphic posters. , I haven’t encountered a suitable opportunity recently, so it’s difficult for you to make a fortune.”

Daddario shook his head and smiled:

"It doesn't matter. Now some brands will take the initiative to contact me, but I think the brand influence is not enough, so I didn't accept those endorsements."

The lack of influence is only second, and more importantly, the money is not provided.

She currently only has one famous work, "The Walking Dead", and it is still an online TV series that has just begun to develop. It is still a little difficult to attract the attention of luxury brands like Suri and win an endorsement contract worth millions of dollars every year.

Suri drank the porridge with a spoon and said to her:

"Don't worry about this for now. Once you accumulate some fame, advertisers will naturally find you."

Thinking of how Hoshino Yuko has become famous in the fashion circle now. Not only has she created her own YOYO brand, which is still popular, but even the generous jewelry brand Tiffany has paid attention to her.

Daddario took a deep breath and felt that he could not be compared. He raised his head and asked tentatively:
"You said before that you wanted me to act in "Inception". Is the planning process of this movie going smoothly?"

Suri nodded and then replied:
"I have no problem here. The funds can be available at any time. It mainly depends on when director Christopher Nolan can make preparations. When the movie starts shooting, the heroine will definitely be in the right position. I will let Nolan direct it. Make arrangements in advance to avoid running into the second season of The Walking Dead."

"Just asking. If you invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a large-scale production, you must be fully prepared."

After listening to Daddario's words, Suri smacked his lips:

"Director Nolan mentioned to me that this movie involves too many special effects and a lot of expensive shooting locations. I'm afraid the budget of 1500 million US dollars is not enough. "Death" is relatively cheap, [-] A budget of [-] US dollars is more than enough, how about you shoot it first?”

"This movie also makes me the heroine?"

"Not only the heroine, but also the protagonist of the entire movie is no problem. I am more optimistic about this small-budget movie. It is very likely to become a dark horse at the box office."

After burping, Suri took a sip of milk and then told:
"But the total budget is only that much, and I may not be able to give you a high salary. Is 150 million US dollars okay? Anyway, I have to find someone to star, so I might as well give you this opportunity. You should also have the resources that other female stars have. You are too close to me and it will be difficult to find opportunities with other film companies."

"This is your company. I'm happy to help even if you don't get paid. Why don't you spend the budget on the production of the movie. As long as it succeeds and makes me more famous, I can always find a way to make money in the future. I can't take advantage of it. Your bargain."


Suri smiled and said:
"With your current fame, US$150 million is too little. About US$300 million or US$400 million is about the same. How can you consider taking advantage of me? Don't worry, the production cost of this movie is not very high in the first place. Apple, Face Book prices have gone up like crazy, and I don’t lack the money to make movies.”

Since investing in Apple, the more than 1 million shares have helped Suri earn about $3 million.

Regardless of new mobile phones, laptops, or all-in-one computers, sales are quite good. Just in time for 3G mobile networks to start to gain momentum, related concept stocks often rise more or less.

The same goes for Facebook. It has helped Suri earn more than 6 million US dollars this year, and the market is particularly good...

(End of this chapter)

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