Start with hooves

Chapter 278 Strange Coffee

Chapter 278 Strange Coffee
Being a star.

Although being targeted by a stalker is a hot topic, it's not something anyone really wants to happen to.

You don't know when you are being watched from a corner. In addition to having no privacy, it occasionally brings many risks.

Now that the guy with an abnormal brain has been found out, of course we can't let it go.

The mental state of stalkers is generally abnormal, and there is no way to understand them with normal people's thinking. God knows what stupid things they will do once they get into trouble.

In order to help Dadario get out of trouble.

Suri asked her bodyguard to go and talk to this habitual stalker.

It's not that he directly teaches the other party a lesson. The purpose is just to make the lunatic quit before the difficulties are encountered. In addition, he also needs to find a judge to issue a restraining order.

The restraining order itself is useless, but next time this guy stalks Daddario, he can ask the police for help and send him to jail for violating the restraining order.

The bodyguards follow Su Rui to enjoy the good life and have a good time. They usually have more money and less trouble.

It was rare to receive a job and be able to take the opportunity to show my value, so I went out happily.

According to Suri's wishes.

This is considered as courtesy first and then fighting. There is no need to compete with a lunatic. It is best to let the guy retreat when he sees difficulties.

If this stalker is unrepentant and insists on going against them, then he will be happy to find a way to send this guy to a mental hospital at his own expense.

As one of the richest people in Los Angeles, Suri has many ways to make the other party change his mind and start a new life.

noon that day.

After the two bodyguards came back, they reported that they had talked to each other, but they didn't know if it was of any use. What they said seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Suri felt that it was not safe, so he simply asked the bodyguard to arrange for several people to take turns following the stalker. On the one hand, he could monitor the stalker's movements, and on the other hand, he could put pressure on the stalker and make him feel like he was being followed.

The price is nothing more than a small amount of money, not even a small amount of money, so there is no need to take it to heart...

This weekend morning.

The housekeeper helped bring a pile of letters, including invitations from unknown charities, self-recommendation letters from founders of Silicon Valley start-up companies, and various promotional advertisements.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that there is an invitation letter, and the mailing address is from Buckingham Palace, London, England.

It contained a handwritten letter inviting him to Buckingham Palace to attend the Queen's birthday celebrations, which was on April 4st.

Su Rui felt a little strange. After reading the invitation, she wondered: "She is so old, does she also like my songs?"

The old butler from England was even more excited than him, explaining:
"There will be performances at birthday celebrations, and famous singers often perform live. This is a huge honor."

"But the letter didn't mention that I should go on stage. It's troublesome to think about such formal activities. If you have time, you can go there."

Suri put the invitation aside casually.

If you like to attend these official events, with his status and influence, there will be something to do all year round.

Some time ago, the Washington government also invited him to go to the mainland for inspection and exchange as a business representative, but Su Rui also rejected it.

International trade frictions are becoming more and more intense. The United States now wants to suppress the other side of the ocean, but at the same time is reluctant to give up the huge market in the mainland and is trying every means to make money there.

As a representative of an American businessman, he went to help others harvest his compatriots. Suri could not do such a thing as giving birth to a son without a penis, so he was too lazy to wade into troubled waters.

After learning about this matter.

Daddario was also very excited and reminded:

"If you want to attend this celebration then, be sure to ask me to be your female companion. I can ask for leave from the crew and finish filming my scenes in advance. When I graduated from high school, I traveled to London. I was standing outside Buckingham Palace. I thought about how wonderful it would be if I were a princess and lived in a palace since childhood." Jiang Jiaya also nodded and added:

"This is probably every woman's dream when she was a child. In addition to being a princess, she also has to marry a prince."

Suri waved his hand and said:
"We haven't decided yet whether we want to go or not. Don't be too busy daydreaming. There are many rules and worries in the royal family. When Princess Diana got married, she probably thought she would be very happy. Fairy tales are just fairy tales after all. "

After saying this, another memory suddenly popped up.

Suri decisively took out her phone and wrote the title of the song "Once Upon a Time" in the memo.

With billions of dollars in wealth, he considers himself to be richer than a prince and does not have so many constraints in his daily life.

For example, if you spend millions of dollars to buy a supercar, you would be scolded if you were a member of the royal family. But here in Suri, there is no problem and you will only be envied.

After being dead for so many years in the early morning, without the constraints of aristocracy and blood, Su Rui never felt that he was inferior to others, and of course there was no need to envy others.


The weirdo following Daddario is named Jero.

His behavior is quite normal at ordinary times, but he is quite withdrawn and not good at interacting with others, so he is able to keep his job as a cashier in a movie theater.

Suri sent someone to warn him in the morning, but he regarded it as evidence that he might threaten Dadario. He imagined that he was the villain who stole his goddess, so Jero packed up his things and went out again, and came to Beverly Hills to stay.

Jero couldn't control himself and wanted to follow Daddario, but he didn't realize that there was a car following him.

As soon as Jero found some strength, he was reported as a thief by the little tail behind him. The affluent area had good security, and soon a police car came to take him away for a record investigation.

After struggling until late at night, he was finally released.

Jie Luo was surprised to find that his old car parked on the roadside had disappeared. He thought it was towed away for illegal parking, but he happened to have no money on him, so he could only walk home in despair.

When I got home, I unexpectedly found that the door was opened and there were obvious signs that it had been turned over.

This frightened Jero, and he became paranoid, worried that someone would install a monitor or listening device, and he would search everywhere in the middle of the night.

Because he made a lot of noise, his neighbor next door came over and scolded him.

When he took the subway to work the next day, Jero noticed that someone was staring at him from time to time. He was already depressed due to insomnia, but now he was even more frightened. He changed several carriages in succession, trying to get rid of these people.

When he came to the cinema, he was told by the manager that someone had complained that he secretly photographed a couple in the cinema, and the video evidence on his computer was also taken out, and he was fired immediately.

Even though his mental state was abnormal, Jero guessed who was tormenting him and became suspicious on the way home.

When I arrived at the door of my house, I took out my keys and prepared to open the door, but I found that the entire door was gone. Everything in the house was still there, but the computer screen lit up.

Everything in the computer was deleted and restored to its factory state. The English letters "STOP" were written on the wallpaper.

Jero has some mental problems, but at this moment he feels that Suri is even crazier than himself.

While he was pacing back and forth anxiously, he found someone standing on the rooftop opposite, waving to him, which frightened him and quickly closed the curtains.

The worker who replaced the door would smile at him, and the electrician who helped him change the fuse would stare at him without blinking. Waiting until the night, the circuit breaker tripped again and the power went out, and the phone rang in the middle of the night.

Even ordinary people can't stand these tricks, let alone Jero, who is not normal at all. He only feels that he is facing the malice of the entire world.

Within two days, the stalker almost collapsed. He packed up his things and ran away overnight, and got on the bus back to his hometown.

On the way out of Los Angeles.

The stalker also said that rich people are really perverted. Unexpectedly, Suri seemed normal, but secretly he was a lunatic.

It's a pity that I have no power and cannot protect myself, so I can't continue to save Daddario...

(End of this chapter)

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