Start with hooves

Chapter 248 Capital is not strong enough

Chapter 248 Capital is not strong enough
Some people are naturally good at acting, while more people can master some skills through learning.

The barriers to entry in the acting industry are not that high, and luck and connections are usually more important than personal ability.

The streets of Hollywood are full of passersby with good acting skills, but there are only a few lucky ones who can get suitable roles. If you want to become a star, you need capital to achieve fame.

Thalia, who met Suri, was obviously one of those very lucky people.

She had never thought about becoming an actress before, but the pie fell from the sky and hit her directly on the head. To say she was completely unmoved would be a lie.

Suri was lying on the hammock.

The light and shadow shone on his body through the branches and leaves of the coconut tree, and he replied calmly:
"There are so many reasons. I just think that your image is more in line with Eastern aesthetics. Maybe it can attract more viewers for my new drama. Don't worry, if you are willing, I will give you time to prepare and find you." Take an acting training class to practice your acting skills."

Thalia was confused.

I feel like I might not be able to do it well, but I want to give it a try and don’t want to miss the opportunity.

Everyone will encounter some opportunities, large and small, more or less in their life.

Whether you can stand out from the crowd depends on whether you can catch it in time and make the right decision.

Thalia's decision to return to Lanai last year was undoubtedly the right decision.

Many of her classmates have graduated more than half a year ago and have yet to find a formal job. They can only make ends meet by doing odd jobs, and occasionally complain about their damn college loans.

The cost of going to college in the United States is too expensive, and people's daily expenses are extremely high. Many middle-class families start helping their children save college funds when they are young.

Talia, whose family conditions are not very good, has worked throughout her college career. She graduated from Stanford University, which sounds relatively prosperous. In fact, she is burdened with a tuition loan of over 13 US dollars, and she also studied an unpopular major.

The reason why her mother, Aunt Karna, works hard and volunteers every time she works overtime is to help her daughter pay off her college loan as soon as possible.

The interest rate of this type of loan is higher than that of a mortgage, and it has become one of the most profitable projects for many banks, continuing to suck blood from students.


Thalia spoke cheerfully and said:
"My current job is quite good, but I feel that if I refuse your proposal, even if I don't regret it in the past few years, I will always regret it in the future. So I agreed, and you have more than 8 million US dollars in your financial account. , there is no need to lie to me, a country girl, if it were any other talent scout, I would definitely choose to refuse."

Su Rui shook his head and smiled:

"It was only worth more than 8 million U.S. dollars at the time, and now it has become 10 billion U.S. dollars. Although the principal of the investment was borrowed from the bank, there is really no need for me to lie to you, otherwise I will be beaten to death by your mother's fist, including mine. The bodyguards will be scared when they meet her.”

Of course, Talia knew her mother's character. No one dared to offend her in Lanai Town. She couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, and explained: "You will find that she is quite warm-hearted after you have been in contact with her for a long time."

"I know."

Suri looked Talia up and down and added:

"I remember that you used to be very fair and tender, so I thought you were suitable to play a vampire. You have tanned a lot recently, almost turning into wheat color, but you look wild and charming. How about playing a female werewolf? Also, If you want to be an actor, you need to pay attention to maintenance, including eating less high-calorie foods, do you understand?"

Of course Thalia understood what he meant, she was a little embarrassed and nodded:

"My mother was also relatively thin when she was young. My genes tend to be on my father's side, but in order to avoid getting fat, I have never dared to eat more since I was a child."

"That's good. It's healthier this way. Actors usually look fat after being on camera. 120 pounds will look like 140 pounds. My Netflix entertainment company has just started and there will be many projects in the future. There is no guarantee that you will become popular, but at least It’s easier than the current job and makes more money.” After listening to Suri’s words.

Thalia smiled and replied:
"I've seen the news, saying that you have a very vicious eye. People like Megan Fox and Miranda Kerr are all popular. The same is true for Daddario and the Japanese model."

"It's always easier for pretty girls to become famous. It can only be said that I have a good sense of aesthetics, and when they fall in love with me, they themselves also gain a lot of attention, which means they have a foundation to stand out."

This is the truth.

Every time Suri falls in love with someone, she always attracts the attention of the media.

Take Megan Fox for example. When she was with Suri as a teenager, she had already appeared in newspapers many times because of her hot figure and outstanding appearance, making people remember her name.

After falling in love with celebrities, there are many lucky people who seize the opportunity to become popular. For this, I can only say that Suri has provided them with a platform. The key is that they have a good foundation.

To Thalia's ears, these words were a bit strange, as if she was hinting at something.

Su Rui also discovered it himself and quickly added:
"Dadario also mentioned that you look like a Russian princess and a Hollywood literary film director. She likes your simple temperament best. When will she make a movie about "Ekaterina", I will Leave a role for you..."

Let’s talk about the recent situation.

Thalia just takes people to go snorkeling and surfing. There is nothing to say about life, almost two points and one line.

In the tourism business, we mainly rely on vacations to make money.

She earns more during the peak season. The next few months are off-season, and she may only get a basic salary every month.

Suri took the initiative to mention that she would help Talia arrange a place to live. The rent in Los Angeles was high, which was already a great help. As for enrolling in classes to learn acting, she left it to her to make her own decision...

When Thalia left.

Suri glanced at her sideways and looked at her back. As expected of swimming in the sea often, she actually developed a peach butt, long legs and a slim waist.

Jiang Jiaya couldn't bear it anymore. She came over to block his view and asked:
"As the old saying goes, good fortune does not go to outsiders, but you actually only want to support her as an actress? I hang out in front of you all day long, why don't you consider me? Are you planning to kill Thalia again? Be careful with her That bear-like mother will slap you to death."

Suri smacked her lips and said:
"To be honest, I have always suspected that she was adopted, otherwise I can only sigh that genes are really magical. When I was a child, I asked you to set up a stall, help shout a few words and you couldn't even open your mouth, and you were filming in front of so many people. When the pressure is even greater, do you think you can do it again?”

begged for him.

Jiang Jiaya said with a smile:

"I was still young at that time, but now my face has thickened. I also want to buy a mansion worth 1000 million US dollars and be chased by paparazzi all day long to take pictures."

When chatting with her, Su Rui was not so polite. He moved his eyes downward and joked:

"Your capital is not strong enough. You can buy a house worth 300 million at most. Just work as my assistant and you will make money in ten years. If you are not convinced, you can leave your job and go to Hollywood on your own. The entertainment industry is too deep. I'm afraid that you can't control it and I can't harm you."

"...Who can't say enough? It mainly depends on who you compare with. It's already pretty good. If you ask me to try it once, maybe it will become popular?"


(End of this chapter)

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