Start with hooves

Chapter 237 Hit a girl

Chapter 237 Hit a girl

"I beg you!!!"

"Please take 10 minutes to read my script!!"

"Those film companies are full of incompetent people! I spent three years polishing the script, and I will definitely satisfy you!!"

"Please help! I was ready to give up my dream of becoming a director, but I am still not reconciled. This is my last chance!"

on the ski slopes.

Suri's bodyguard stopped him.

A braided man in his 30s or [-]s was kowtowing to him and shouting, then buried his head in the snow.

I didn't sleep well last night. I was still a little sleepy, but I woke up immediately after being frightened by him.

Start by taking the cable car up the mountain.

This artistic director with glasses and pigtails harassed him all the way, saying in English with poor pronunciation that he had written a script and was currently lacking investment, and wanted his help to take a look at it.

Suri didn't know where this guy came from. He was troubled by jet lag and had no interest in wasting time with him.

Originally, if I refused, I would refuse, and it would be nice to break up.

However, the braided man didn't know what kind of stimulation he had. He knelt down and yelled the previous words.

The pronunciation is not standard enough, but Suri and the bodyguards can probably understand it.

If it were someone else chatting and communicating with them in Japanese, he would have been regarded as a gangster with evil intentions and pinned to the ground.

Su Rui's friend has watched many films.

Usually when a customer complains, the female clerk is forced to come to the door and kneel down to apologize, but she is brutally treated like that.

I know that the local people take the matter of kneeling far less seriously than the Chinese do.

When asking for help from others, always kowtow first. The lower your head, the more sincere you are. In fact, you are purely considering your own interests, which is similar to bowing and apologizing. It has a strong utilitarian nature.

I was too lazy to take care of it.

However, tourists from around came to watch, which has attracted the attention of many people.

Because he was wearing a ski mask, no one had recognized Suri yet. He was worried that on this snowy mountain, if the braided man in front of him couldn't think about it for a while, he would be implicated in it in the end.

So Suri sighed and said:

"Leave your script and contact information. I promise to take the time to read it, but that's it. If you like the script, I will send someone to contact you, OK?"

"OK! OK!"

The braided man stood up immediately, took out the script and business card from his briefcase, bowed and handed it to Jiang Jiaya, saying he was extremely grateful and would wait for news.
Too lazy to talk more, let’s ski first.

Suri slowly slid down the mountain on a ski trail suitable for beginners, almost hitting someone on the way.

Jiang Jiaya was more inexperienced than him and had no experience in skiing, so she fell several times in a row.

Feeling that there are too many children here, it is not fun at all. After untying the sled, Su Rui asked:
"I'm a little bit confused. We just came here yesterday, why were we pestered by the guy just now? It's most likely a resident or clerk of the hotel. The news has been leaked. I hope it doesn't attract other people. It will be very annoying. .”

Jiang Jiaya shook her head and said:

"I think the young directors before were very interesting. I can't remember the last time I worked hard for my dreams. They were obviously older than us, but they seemed very motivated."

They say they don’t remember, but actually they know.

When she first entered high school, she took the initiative to pursue Suri, but later her sincerity failed, and she was sad and lonely for a long time.

Now look back and see.

It seems good not to be together, otherwise I would be cuckolded by this playboy like him all day long, and I would be on tenterhooks from morning to night, and would cry to death if I wasn't angry to death.

Suri didn't know what she was thinking, so she just followed the topic and said: "Hollywood has 100 to 0.3 officially registered scripts every year, and in the end, more than [-] will be produced, accounting for less than [-]%. Many of them are big There are millions of scripts written by directors and big companies that will never be made into TV dramas."

"It's never that easy to succeed. What's really lacking in the market is not good stories, but the opportunity to shoot them. There are billions of people around the world, and everyone has a dream. This thing is actually not that important. It’s better to live a good life down-to-earth than to pursue an unrealistic dream.”

"Although there are people who finally realize their dreams through hard work, the probability is too few. Just like there are 10,000+ registered actors in Hollywood, how many can succeed?"


Jiang Jiaya said in an unhappy tone:

"I think that every dream should be respected, and you can't start talking sarcastic just because you have realized your dream."

Seeing that something was wrong with her tone, Su Rui turned around and asked, "What are you so excited about? Could it be that you have fallen in love with the man with braids just now? If you want it, I happen to have his business card."

"Bah, he's so ugly and his mentality is very unstable. I don't dare to be with such a person. He looks like the kind of person who beats people up when he's drunk."

Jiang Jiaya graduated from Princeton University, majoring in psychology, and is relatively accurate in judging people.

Suri also felt that the braided man was a bit strange. If he had talked properly from the beginning, instead of being like a chicken blood, maybe he would have finished reading the script.

Having a dream is good, but having the ability is two different things. There is no guarantee that you will succeed just because you like it.

The script is in Japanese.

Suri couldn't understand it at all, and was going to ask Hoshino Yuko to translate it for him when he returned to the hotel.

She went to shoot another commercial this morning, and a few minutes ago she sent a text message to complain, saying that wearing a short skirt in the ice and snow almost made her nose bleed out.

Continue to take the cable car up the mountain to experience the intermediate ski slopes.

After all, I have traveled to a ski resort in the Alps. The beginner ski trails there are longer and steeper than the intermediate ski trails here.

There were bodyguards who were good at skiing following me, and the clothes on my body were still so thick that a few falls would not be a big problem.

After going uphill.

Su Ruire warmed up, put on his skis and jumped off, feeling the wind whistling in his ears.


Just as he turned the corner, a girl with bloated clothes next to him also twisted around and shouted "Ahhhhh!"

If you switch to someone with better skills, you can easily avoid it, but Suri is not good at it.

After the two collided, he saw that the girl was about to fall, so he hugged her and rolled twice on the snow before stopping.

The bodyguard immediately followed and shouted: "Boss! Are you okay?!"

Suri felt a little dizzy, waved her hand and replied, "I'm fine, it's so exciting."

Suddenly thought of the woman beside him.

He was helped by the bodyguard to stand up and asked: "OK?"

I saw the girl lying on the snow. She stretched out her hand to open her mask and took a few deep breaths. She stood up with difficulty, bowed first, and said something.

Because I bowed too hard, I accidentally lost my balance and screamed again and slipped.

Suri looked at this face with strange eyes.

After all, Japan has a population of hundreds of millions, and apart from some famous teachers, he knows only a few celebrities.

The person in front of me is one of them. In her previous life, she acted in the very popular lawyer comedy "The Law". Her name is Aragaki Yui. Because she is so popular, she is called "wife" by countless people.

When she found Suri surrounded by three strong men, Yui Aragaki thought she had met some big boss on the road and was about to stand up and apologize again.

I saw Su Rui lifting her mask, smiling and reaching out to give her a hand.
(End of this chapter)

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