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Chapter 214 July 1rd

Chapter 214 July 1rd

The New Year's Eve in the United States is mainly based on Eastern Time.

It was twelve o'clock at midnight New York time, but it was only nine o'clock in the evening in Los Angeles. Everyone toasted to celebrate, and then continued to play their own things.

At the party held by Leonardo, we played until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Suri took Daddario home and was drained to the brim, just before the real New Year's Eve in Los Angeles.

The two came to the roof garden terrace in their pajamas, and the view was more than a star and a half better than that of Leonardo's house.

Standing high above and overlooking downtown Los Angeles, fireworks are being set off in many places.

Although fireworks are beautiful, they only last for a moment.

While admiring the night view, Daddario took a photo with Suri in his arms. After reading it carefully, he said to him: "This photo is beautiful and you are cool too. How about we post it on Facebook?"

Suri exposed her little thoughts and told:
"You're trying to piss someone off right? We're both in our pajamas, an idiot can guess what's going on, better not be too loud. My female fans will be pissed, and your male fans will be too Getting angry and living comfortably are more important than anything else."

Thinking that Yuko Hoshino would arrive soon, D'Addario was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, I was just fed, and I was in a good mood.

She changed the subject and said:

"Okay, unlike online TV dramas, the film industry is almost monopolized by several major film companies. Are you sure you want to risk so much money?"

Interlaced like mountains.

Over the years, many wealthy businessmen have tried to make a living in Hollywood, thinking that they can make a good movie, but they failed in the end.

Suri thought for a while and explained:
"I can't guarantee that I can do it, but the probability of success is slightly higher than others."

"On the one hand, a lot of capital is paying attention to Netflix Entertainment. I can use the future A-round financing as a bargaining chip to attract the help of some allies. On the other hand, if I threaten to pay for new movies on the Internet, theaters and Publishers should not dare to offend me too much."

"Nowadays many people are worried that Internet companies will completely overturn Hollywood's current table, and their losses will be even more painful. Instead of pushing me to a dead end, it is better to try to accept me and compete fairly..."

What Su Rui didn't say was that once he really dared to publicly premiere a large-scale commercial film on the Internet, completely against theaters, distributors, and film and television companies, it is estimated that the entire Hollywood will never have a place for him again.

Now, however, there is still room for reconciliation.

For example, Sony Pictures Entertainment Group, headquartered in Tokyo, owns the two major film companies Columbia and MGM. Tonight, their executives are still throwing olive branches and wanting to discuss cooperation with Su Rui.

But if you dare to show movies online, then the situation will change immediately.

A typical example is a bald-headed director in the Mainland in his previous life, who released the film online for free, thus offending the entire film industry, and it has been difficult to stabilize afterwards.

The annual production value of Hollywood is 400 billion US dollars. Even Su Rui doesn’t have the courage to turn the tables. Most of them will be taught how to be a man every minute.

It's true that you don't dare to lift the table.

But it doesn't prevent him from making others feel that if he really dares to overthrow the table, it has something to do with the interests of the theaters and distributors, and they will smash their own jobs in order to help the film and television company. Avoid being suppressed by others.

In order to open a window, Lu Xun sometimes had to advocate the idea of ​​tearing down the roof, which accurately grasped the weakness of human nature, and had the opportunity to help Su Rui further complete his layout in Hollywood.



It's a holiday and many shops are closed.

On the morning of January 2009, 1, Suri took Daddario to Chinatown. After visiting his family elders, he ate a hot bowl of shredded kidney pork noodles and moistened his mouth with sweet soy milk.

Daddario didn't like kidneys, so he only ordered shredded pork noodles.

She was very curious about why there were so few fat people near Chinatown according to Chinese eating habits, starting with breakfast being so sumptuous.

Suri couldn't answer this question.

The guess is that eating too much fried chicken, hamburgers and pizza, eating too much fat and sugar, and there are also some ethnic issues.

Like many white and black people with barrel waists on the streets of Los Angeles, most of them are engaged in relatively easy jobs, while Chinatown generally relies on physical labor to make money.

I grew up in Chinatown.

Su Rui saw a lot of professors, businessmen, etc., who traveled across the ocean to wash dishes and work as coolies. Few of them could really make a name for themselves. If they were street thugs waiting for demolition, they might have made a fortune long ago.

After all, being able to immigrate in the early years shows some strength. Someone did sell the courtyard house next to the Forbidden City and came to Chinatown in Los Angeles to serve dishes.

The local old Chinese generally don't like to interact with these new immigrants. Good jobs such as driving a rental car or working as a manager will basically choose to internalize them.

The remaining positions are often low-level jobs that white people look down on. Black people are afraid of hard work and work early in the morning to work late. They also have to compete with Southeast Asians, and the wages are getting lower and lower.

Su Rui is very lucky, her family has a little foundation, and she was able to be taken care of by a nanny since she was a child.

He moved out of Chinatown early, and when he looked at the place again, he felt that there had been no change in the past 20 years, but it had become more and more depressed. There were not many people on New Year's Street.

I patted my stomach, took a walk to digest food and strolled around for a while, and only bought Daddario a folding fan with peach blossoms painted on it.

The seller saw that she was a white girl and originally asked for $60.

After seeing Su Rui, he found out that he was a local, so he immediately reduced the price to $20, and asked him for an autograph.

Came to the dentist clinic at grandpa's house again.

Su Rui burped and sat down, and said:
"You are so old, call my grandma, and move to Lanai Island to retire. If you can't be free, I will find you a job. It happens that there is no dentist on my island, so you can help me."

The son, daughter-in-law, and even Suri, the grandson, have moved their family to Lanai Island. I have visited it last time, and Suri's grandfather really likes that place.

The main thing is to look around, everything is owned by my own family, and I feel comfortable looking at it.

His grandfather did not refuse this time, and said with a smile:

"Your dad mentioned last time that at the very least, you have to sell the store and sell the house before you can leave. Young people go to the hospital and use medical insurance to see the dentist. My business here is poor, and I can't do it anymore."

Suri waved his hand and said:
"I'm looking for someone to help you sell it slowly. You see, I'm often not on Lanai Island. My parents have other things to do. A cow costs two to three thousand dollars. What if someone steals my cow? You take my grandma with you. Help me take a look, there are a lot of my empty houses in the town, wherever you live, and my grandma, please persuade me."

"Well, I'll find some time to ask."


(End of this chapter)

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