Start with hooves

Chapter 199 Settlement Plan

Chapter 199 Settlement Plan
Being targeted by some extreme animal protectionists, selling sheep on a large scale is a bit troublesome.

There happened to be some unhappiness with the media group.

A conflict of interests involving hundreds of billions of dollars can easily be fanned up and made a big fuss.

at this juncture.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. There is nothing wrong with keeping a low profile.


While drinking beer near the golf course.

Su Rui roasted the lamb himself, and said with emotion:
"The outside is burnt and the inside is tender. The taste is really fragrant. It seems that I am talented. The ranch business has been in and out, and I finally see the money back. Now I have to raise two or three months more, my own land, my own cattle and sheep. , I can’t make any decision I want, it’s a real headache.”

Jiang Jiaya was busy skewering potato chips when she heard this and said:
"If you go all out, who can really stop you? Since you cherish your feathers, of course you will be restrained. Sometimes you feel that being a bastard who doesn't care about others is actually very comfortable. At least you will be happy, just like your emotional life. Same."

".I didn't provoke you, why did you name and attack me personally?"

Su Rui's voice just fell.

Secretary Amanda quipped:

"Maybe it's because we haven't provoked someone that someone is unhappy. We should have raised sheep from the beginning. We only need to shear each year. They are round and cute."

Jiang Jiaya's eyes widened, and she signaled Secretary Amanda not to talk nonsense with her eyes. She changed the subject and added: "Sheep are very interesting, and their body is like a ball."

Su Rui pretended not to hear the ridicule, shook his head and said:

"Hawaii is too hot, so it should not be suitable for raising sheep. I will look for a suitable breed when I have time. Anyway, raising meat sheep can't make much money all year round, and it's not competitive at all. In fact, it's better to save fodder and space. Come out and raise more Wagyu”

The mutton is not yet cooked, and the big orange is already waiting to be seen.

As for the Audi car company, they had contacted Secretary Amanda many times and negotiated an endorsement contract worth one million euros.

It is estimated that it will wait until January next year to start filming clips of Daju driving, which will be used to promote the new R8 supercar.

Losing his mind, thinking that Daju might become even more popular when the ad was released, Su Rui had a flash of light in his mind, and suddenly thought of another troublesome matter.

He decisively took out his mobile phone and called Ricky Trentz, the CEO of Netflix Entertainment.

Get connected soon.

Trenz was on the other end of the phone and asked, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

After speaking, there was the sound of the wine glass being broken, which startled Su Rui.

Immediately afterwards, Trenz immediately explained:
"Sorry, I was in the jacuzzi, enjoying the bubble bath, and accidentally broke the wine glass."

".It's ok."

Thinking of the appearance of Ricky Trenz, bubble bath, flower petals, and his hairy legs, Suri had images in his head, and quickly diverted his attention, telling:

"The new drama will be released in a few days. The company is being sued, and we can't wait forever. Ask the lawyer to contact the plaintiffs as soon as possible, and say that they can arrange a few roles for their children in the "Walking Dead" TV series. way to give some compensation.”

American legal fees account for more than 6% of the entire US GDP.

This shows how much water is in its GDP, and it can also reflect the prevalence of American lawsuits.

In many cases, the truth is not important, the huge expenses and cumbersome procedures make people exhausted, and in the end they just want to reconcile as soon as possible and get out of trouble.

CEO Trenz thought for a moment, then replied with a smile:

"Good idea, being an actor would be cool, and it would make them famous in school. If those little guys know about it, they should figure out a way to try to convince their families that this is a good opportunity to enter the showbiz, not to mention And get paid."

Su Rui continued to ask: "What kind of reconciliation terms were discussed with them before?"

"[-] dollars, a settlement fee of [-] dollars per person, plus [-] hours of psychological treatment expenses. You know, I don't know what their lawyers said, and they couldn't negotiate in the end. It's clear. I want to use this to influence the release of the show "The Walking Dead"."

With a smile, Trenz added:
"However, because of the massive coverage of The Walking Dead, more people knew it was coming."

Su Rui was busy with the electric car and didn't pay much attention to it. At the moment, while searching for relevant news, he said:
"Parents will care about children's safety. Our target customers are young people, and they don't care if a few little kids are scared to cry. This incident should have no effect on the ratings. But adding a youth mode to the account and increasing security Locks and the like need to be arranged as soon as possible, refer to the measures of some pay TV stations to avoid being found out the reason for the attack."

Trenz explained:

"Since being named by the House of Representatives, we have been making arrangements to avoid new group lawsuits. If there is any accident, it is not a joke. The three children were frightened, and the opposing lawyer has dared to call out a settlement fee of 300 million US dollars. Next time it may be 3000 million."

After saying hello, Su Rui hung up the phone.

Although the plaintiffs may not be able to win if they keep fighting, as long as this lawsuit is not over, many media will have an excuse to stab the bad and pour dirty water on Netflix Entertainment.

Giving people a first impression of "this company sucks" can hurt business more or less.

When it comes to building momentum through news, etc., the American media has rich experience.

Su Rui knew that as long as the conflict of interests still existed, there would be no shortage of similar troubles in the future.

At this moment, I miss short videos very much, and want to use it to smash a bunch of traditional media and create my own voice channel.

Although Facebook is good, he is only the fourth largest shareholder without real power after all, and his influence is slightly weaker.

As for the Twitter company, it is estimated that it was blown away by the wings of a butterfly, and it has not appeared for a long time.

There are a bunch of similar software on the market, and Su Rui doesn't know who can survive to the end, so he can't invest in it.

When a company starts to take the lead, it is estimated that the market value has risen, and it is still difficult for him to gain enough voice.

Fortunately, a streaming business like Netflix Entertainment ultimately depends on content quality to attract paying users. As long as the self-produced dramas launched are attractive enough, even if they are splashed with dirty water, they can still be welcomed by people.

The real strong don't need to complain about the environment, just find a way to change the environment.

Roasted whole lamb is freshly baked.

First, I cut some lamb chops and tasted it. There is no smell at all, and the taste is quite good.

Cut off the sheep stick bone, cut the meat with a knife, and put it on the big orange plate.

Facing Qiu Yang, who Zeng Dingfei himself, the fat cat drools.

Just about to start tasting, there was a black-backed albatross trotting all the way swaggering, chirping non-stop, disturbing the mood.

Daju was so angry that he punched the black-backed albatross far away.

Su Rui knew this lone albatross. It fell out of the bird's nest and almost starved to death. Daju even wanted to roast it.

It's been three months and it's grown a lot
(End of this chapter)

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