Start with hooves

Chapter 196 Fisker

Chapter 196 Fisker
Hawaii, Lanai.

The border collie pet dog Su Rui bought from Hollywood is running happily on the grass.

Bian Mu is full of energy, full of physical strength, and has a lot of activities. Since its birth, this puppy has never been so free, and it was so excited that it barked.

It also leaned in front of Daju, wanting to smell the smell of this cat.

As soon as his head got close, he got a paw from Daju first, and fled in fright.

After finally waiting for Su Rui to come back, Daju was leading the way and asked him for help to take revenge. Last time he was kicked away by a certain ram, the debt has not yet been settled.

In Daju's view, this border collie is just his pet, just like his hamster.

leave for a while.

Lanai is still the same, and the number of tourists on the island has increased a lot. During the weekend, a maximum of 3200 package tickets were sold.

The last time I was blocked by tourists at the pier, this time I learned to be smart.

this afternoon.

Su Rui came back to take a helicopter instead, and made arrangements in advance, planning to live on the yacht during the Christmas and New Year peak seasons, so as not to be disturbed by strangers who don't know how to maintain a sense of boundaries.

Secretary Amanda was standing beside Suri at the moment, walking with him, and reported:

"The Wagyu cattle brought from Australia are still kept in the cattle pen for isolation and epidemic prevention. They are fed some hay, corn, barley and other grains every day. It seems that reducing the amount of exercise will help fatten them up."

Su Rui nodded and replied, "If people don't exercise, they will get fat if they eat too much. The same goes for cows."

Look to the side grass.

Some hay rolls can be seen, scattered on the green grass.

Most of the grass rolls have been taken into the warehouse, and the remaining ones are used as decorations, and the color has become withered and yellow.

The winter on Lanai Island is still warm. The ryegrass that had just been mowed some time ago jumped up again, and there were some scattered white flowers among them, which looked particularly eye-catching under the sunlight.

Still in Silicon Valley this morning, shivering from the cold.

Wearing short sleeves and shorts now, it's so hot that my back is sweaty
Dinner with Elon Musk happened the night before.

When Su Rui asked how he was willing to sell, Musk thought about it for a while, but he was not willing to sell it as a whole, and insisted that he only wanted to get a financing.


At the dinner table that night, the two parties negotiated to inject 35 million US dollars into Tesla, accounting for [-]% of the shares, and reserved some details of the priority financing rights.

The reason why there was an extra day of delay yesterday was that Su Rui could not persuade Elon Musk to persuade him to bring the Tesla brand to the mainland for development.

The other party stubbornly believes that the purchasing power of the mainland is too weak to afford the high car prices, and it will affect the subsidy from Washington.

However, Su Rui himself is very optimistic about the development route starting from the mainland.

So thinking of double insurance, he continued to contact an electric car studio called "Fisker" yesterday, and spent 2000 million US dollars to acquire it.

Fisker Motors, headquartered in Silicon Valley, is considered to be a new force in car manufacturing that is second only to Tesla in reputation.

However, unlike Tesla's pure electric model, Fisker Motors is developing a luxury hybrid supercar. Due to the high cost, it can only target the rich. A 2.0L supercharged range-extending four-cylinder engine.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he mentioned this company during the meal with Musk, Suri wouldn’t even know the existence of this studio. Fisker Automotive was just established last year, and the founder’s strength is mediocre.

Wait until the contract is purchased.

The first thing Su Rui has to do is cut off the hybrid supercar plan and start developing pure electric supercars and pure electric vehicles.

Hybrid supercar, the name is very tasteless.

Since you can spend 10,000+ dollars to buy a supercar, who cares about saving a little money on gas, and few people drive a supercar for long distances, which is more like torture than enjoyment.

Suri once tried driving a Ferrari Enzo from Los Angeles along California Highway [-] to Stanford University.

During the journey of several hours, I took three or four breaks on the way, and at the end I felt that my waist was about to break.

Forcibly inserting a fuel engine into the prototype car, no matter how the technology is compared, it is difficult to surpass Ferrari, Bugatti and the like.

Instead of wasting money on research and development, it is better to stop losses in time and start developing pure electric supercars and mid-to-high-end mass-produced cars to attract some attention and accumulate technical experience for the company.

This is only 2008.

Don't worry for a while, wait until a qualified mass-produced car sample is built, and then try to go to the mainland to try your luck.

Anyway, Facebook's stock price has been rising, and Netflix Entertainment's prospects are particularly good.

Su Rui has a lot of money and is not afraid of burning money, so he took the opportunity to have some fun for himself, so that life would not be boring and boring.

Spending money to acquire the Fisker Automobile Studio as a whole is tantamount to buying only some technical experience and a talented team. Not only does the interior of the current hybrid car need to be changed, he also doesn't like the appearance of this prototype car.

After more than 20 years, the impression is a bit blurred.

When it comes to the appearance of pure electric vehicles, what impresses Su Rui the most is that apart from a batch of "chicken pepper fish head" cars, it seems that only the Porsche Taycan is the most beautiful.

As for the electric supercar, it is necessary to find another expert to design it.

Daju led the way and found the sheep that were grazing.

Su Rui was a little skeptical at first, wondering if he could find the ram that hit the big orange.

What he didn't expect was that the puppy barked twice, and a grumpy ram jumped out immediately, not only chasing the border shepherd, but also staring at Secretary Amanda, trying to ram her.

The bodyguards were a little far away, and they didn't react for a while.

Fortunately, Su Rui kicked subconsciously, kicking the ram staggered and fell to the ground.

Before it could stand up, Su Rui had already held the sheep down with a big laugh, and said in his mouth:

"Sheep have a strong sense of territory, and this guy is like the leader of the flock. He is so fat, it must be delicious when roasted. Give it to old Andy, lest I go crazy and hit a child, and I will be sued lose money."

The bodyguards came in a hurry, and someone untied his tie and used it as a rope to tie up the sheep's legs.

There are hundreds of sheep in this flock, all stretching their necks to watch, seeing the leader being carried away, they are just curious.

On Daju's fat face, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he felt that Su Rui was really the best.

Suri was not at home two days ago.

Daju has already brought the miniature horse and Paddington bear, trying to get back the place.

Unexpectedly, the brown bear cub named Paddington, who seemed to be a few circles bigger in size and a bit bluffing, ran away when he encountered this sheep.

It's okay to run away, but he ran faster than it, Daju was so angry that he could only sneak into the flock of sheep, and was kicked a few times during the process, finally escaped.

Back in the car.

With the ram that finally recognized the situation and began to bleat, I went to the old cowboy Andy, and checked the half-sized cows shipped from Australia.

While driving, the wind blows and the dust is flying. It seems that it has not rained for a while, and the grass can continue to be irrigated again.
(End of this chapter)

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