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Chapter 185 Advertising Poster

Chapter 185 Advertising Poster

I took the time to ask Director Lynch.

I learned that as long as you don't make drastic changes and make the first episode first, it should be out of the air in time for Christmas.

After getting Director Lynch's reply.

Suri immediately called Ricky Trentz, the CEO of Netflix Entertainment, and told him that he needed to promote it as soon as possible.

Don't look at Ricky Trentz as a bit of a jerk, his personality is like many so-called elites, his words are better than his actual ability, but as a CEO, he doesn't need to be pleasing, as long as he can manage the company in an orderly manner.

Talents who really do practical things are not necessarily suitable for executives.

This is like the group of people in Washington, eight out of ten are good at intrigue, but they climb much faster than others.

There are dedicated personnel in charge of specific technologies, as well as legal affairs, finance, publicity and marketing, etc., as the CEO, the most important thing is how to coordinate them well, and at the same time be responsible for taking the blame and blocking guns, so as to prevent employees from directing conflicts to the board of directors .

It has been seen who is really in power at Netflix Entertainment.

When Ricky Trenz talked to him, he was very active, telling him that he had made a publicity plan in advance, and hoped that Su Rui could use his influence to help advertise on social platforms.


The official website of the parent company of Netflix will also put up the pre-heating advertisement of "The Walking Dead" in advance.

After the two discussed it, they both felt that the picture should be gentler, with a little suspense, so as not to dissuade many potential users because it is too scary.

Although there are many audiences who like horror movies, they are only a minority after all.

According to the theme of "The Walking Dead", it is completely possible to move closer to adventure and science fiction. In this way, the road will be widened and the drainage effect will be better.

Netflix's film library has hundreds of millions of active users around the world.

In order to win this resource, Su Rui spent a lot of money in advance. It's fine if he couldn't attract traffic before, but now he can't let go of the opportunity.

He asked Ricky Trentz to say hello to Netflix's parent company, and at least put the advertisement link of "The Walking Dead" in the most prominent place on the official website of the film library for at least two weeks.

Anyway, the business of Netflix’s parent company is now only left to rent out discs and leave advertising space to other companies’ old dramas. In the end, they can only make a little money, which is obviously a bit wasteful

Suri wants some photos of the crew from Daddario.

Wanting to give Director Lynch some motivation to work overtime, he quickly used his Facebook account to post a picture and write——

"This Christmas Eve, the living dead are coming!!! Watch online on Netflix, a new era of ad-free, pause-ready dramas is here, and the director David Lynch and the actors are great. PS : The first three episodes are free, and you can enjoy newcomer discounts with continuous monthly subscriptions."

Typical poster.

If there are other people, please ask Su Rui to post and advertise, and at least you will be charged a million and eight million US dollars.

After checking the spelling of the word, I was still a little worried after sending it out, so I clicked on the picture to have a look.

Behind D'Addario, there are a few vague figures of zombies, which can add some suspense, exciting but not too scary.

Not long after the post was posted, there were a lot of comments, likes and reposts.

There have been sporadic news about the new drama of Netflix Entertainment Company since more than a month ago, and some people went to Virginia Town, Nevada to secretly take photos of the crew.

The realistic makeup of some zombies alone has attracted the attention of countless people who eat melons.

The "Resident Evil" series is not yet over. It is a popular movie that is popular all over the world. No matter how exciting the movie is, it will only last for two or three hours.

TV dramas are different. According to the rhythm of one episode per week, you can follow the drama continuously for four or five months.

"The Walking Dead" has not yet come out, and it has attracted the attention of a large number of "Resident Evil" movie fans in advance. These potential audiences have no confidence in Netflix, but they have confidence in Suri.

Mainly because Su Rui has a cool image in the outside world.

He belongs to the kind of genius who is not only smart, but also easy to succeed no matter what he does.

At least until Su Rui really fails once, this image can be maintained, which is extremely helpful to his career.


Get down to business.

And do some unscrupulous things.

In Daddario's new home, Suri took a mandarin duck bath with her.

In the past few days, Suri has been squeezed by Yuko Hoshino a lot, but fortunately, he didn't perform abnormally at this moment.

Daddario was all smiles, obviously a bit upbeat.

We haven't seen each other for two weeks, and both of us are satisfied.

Just over two hours after posting, CEO Ricky Trentz suddenly called Su Rui and told him in a nervous tone, "We've been sniped!"

"What the hell, did you call the police?"

"No, I mean to snipe us in terms of marketing tactics, CNN headlines released a story half an hour ago, saying that the actors of the "Walking Dead" cast scared several minors in Virginia Town because of their horrible makeup. Students. As a result, they dare not sleep at night and go to see a psychiatrist, and the parents are preparing to initiate a joint lawsuit against us.”

After listening to Ricky Trenz, Suri felt a little headache, squeezed between his eyebrows and said:

"It did scare people at first, but it was soon strictly supervised, and I even said hello. This kind of black material has not been exposed until now, and it must have been waiting for us. You don't need to guess, there should be someone Lawyers to help, push those parents to find a reason to sue us, so that there is a reason to suppress "The Walking Dead."

Ricky Trenz explained:

"CNN Headlines is owned by a Time Warner subsidiary, and it's clear who is interfering. Time Warner's HBO, which has been recruiting people in Silicon Valley for a while now, developing network TV-type software, is trying to slow down the the speed of our development."

Even if the Buddhist family is like Su Rui, he still has the urge to scold his mother at this moment, and said in an unhappy tone:
"It deserves to be merged with AOL, and they lost tens of billions of dollars. You should find a way to contact those parents, even if you pay some reconciliation fees, you'd better suppress the news. But I guess those media giants won't let it go easily. If we succeed, we need to find a powerful lawyer to figure out a way.”

Ricky Trenz went on to say:

"Many Halloween costumes are also scary. I think it is difficult for them to really win. They are just throwing dirty water and trying to slow down our progress and affect our company's image."

"But now there are too many netizens who lack the ability to distinguish. If they are allowed to spread rumors, they will only continue to make progress."

Suri is angry.

The bathrobe was untied suddenly, and Daddario came to him with a smile.

Well, it looks like she hasn't had enough yet.

A large part of the reason why I don't want to be a CEO myself is that I have to face all kinds of bad things all day long. The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and all kinds of evil tricks are hard to guard against.

Su Rui is an old shopkeeper. When he was a child, he relied on his father to help him make money. When he grew up, he relied on the employees of the family office to manage his assets. At this moment, he left the problem to Ricky Trentz to solve it.

Then, he patted the head of the girl in front of him, causing Daddario to stand up, and the two rushed to the bedroom.

The new bed screws may not be tight enough.

Not long after, I always heard creaking and creaking.
(End of this chapter)

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